# Some MSW build settings
-FINAL = 1 # Mirrors use of same flag in wx makefiles,
+FINAL = 0 # Mirrors use of same flag in wx makefiles,
# (0 or 1 only) should probably find a way to
# autodetect this...
-HYBRID = 0 # If set and not debug or FINAL, then build a
+HYBRID = 1 # If set and not debug or FINAL, then build a
# hybrid extension that can be used by the
# non-debug version of python, but contains
# debugging symbols for wxWindows and wxPython.
if not FINAL or HYBRID:
defines.append( ('__WXDEBUG__', None) )
- libdirs = [opj(WXDIR, 'lib'), 'build\\ilib']
+ libdirs = [ opj(WXDIR, 'lib') ]
wxdll = 'wxmsw' + WXDLLVER + libFlag()
- libs = [wxdll]
+ libs = [ wxdll ]
if bcpp_compiling:
- libs = ['wx'+WXBCPPLIBVER]
+ libs = [ 'wx'+WXBCPPLIBVER ]
libs = libs + ['kernel32', 'user32', 'gdi32', 'comdlg32',
'winspool', 'winmm', 'shell32', 'oldnames', 'comctl32',
'advapi32', 'wsock32']
- cflags = [
+ cflags = [ '/Gy',
# '/GX-' # workaround for internal compiler error in MSVC on some machines
lflags = None
- if bcpp_compiling: # overwrite it
+ if bcpp_compiling: # BCC flags
cflags = ['-5', '-VF', ### To support MSVC spurious semicolons in the class scope
### else, all semicolons at the end of all DECLARE_...CALLBACK... macros must be eliminated
'-Hc', '-H=' + opj(WXDIR, '\src\msw\wx32.csm'),
'@' + opj(WXDIR, '\src\msw\wxwin32.cfg')
+ if not FINAL:
+ cflags = cflags + ['/Od', '/v', '/y']
+ lflags = lflags + ['/v', ]
+ else: # MSVC flags
+ if FINAL:
+ pass #cflags = cflags + ['/O1']
+ elif HYBRID :
+ pass #cflags = cflags + ['/Ox']
+ else:
+ pass # cflags = cflags + ['/Od', '/Z7']
+ # lflags = ['/DEBUG', ]
- if not FINAL and HYBRID and not bcpp_compiling:
- cflags = cflags + ['/Od', '/Z7']
- lflags = ['/DEBUG', ]
- elif bcpp_compiling and not FINAL:
- cflags = cflags + ['/Od', '/v', '/y']
- lflags = lflags + ['/v', ]
elif os.name == 'posix' and sys.platform[:6] == "darwin":