tStr = colDefs[i].ColName;
// If joining tables, the base table column names must be qualified to avoid ambiguity
tStr = colDefs[i].ColName;
// If joining tables, the base table column names must be qualified to avoid ambiguity
- if ((appendFromClause || pDb->Dbms() == dbmsACCESS) && !tStr.Find(wxT('.')))
+ if ((appendFromClause || pDb->Dbms() == dbmsACCESS) && tStr.Find(wxT('.')) == wxNOT_FOUND)
pSqlStmt += pDb->SQLTableName(queryTableName.c_str());
pSqlStmt += wxT(".");
pSqlStmt += pDb->SQLTableName(queryTableName.c_str());
pSqlStmt += wxT(".");
// Concatenate where phrase for the column
wxString tStr = colDefs[colNo].ColName;
// Concatenate where phrase for the column
wxString tStr = colDefs[colNo].ColName;
- if (qualTableName.Length() && !tStr.Find(wxT('.')))
+ if (qualTableName.Length() && tStr.Find(wxT('.')) == wxNOT_FOUND)
pWhereClause += pDb->SQLTableName(qualTableName);
pWhereClause += wxT(".");
pWhereClause += pDb->SQLTableName(qualTableName);
pWhereClause += wxT(".");