#include "wx/apptrait.h"
#include "wx/dynload.h"
#include "wx/apptrait.h"
#include "wx/dynload.h"
-#include "wx/confbase.h" // for wxExpandEnvVars()
+#include "wx/confbase.h"
-// VZ: there is some code using NetXXX() functions to get the full user name:
-// I don't think it's a good idea because they don't work under Win95 and
-// seem to return the same as wxGetUserId() under NT. If you really want
-// to use them, just #define USE_NET_API
-#undef USE_NET_API
-#ifdef USE_NET_API
- #include <lm.h>
-#endif // USE_NET_API
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// constants
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// In the WIN.INI file
-static const wxChar WX_SECTION[] = wxT("wxWindows");
-static const wxChar eUSERNAME[] = wxT("UserName");
+#include <MemoryMgr.h>
+#include <DLServer.h>
+#include <SoundMgr.h>
// ============================================================================
// implementation
// ============================================================================
// implementation
// Get user ID e.g. jacs
bool wxGetUserId(wxChar *buf, int maxSize)
// Get user ID e.g. jacs
bool wxGetUserId(wxChar *buf, int maxSize)
+ return wxGetUserName(buf, maxSize);
// Get user name e.g. Julian Smart
bool wxGetUserName(wxChar *buf, int maxSize)
// Get user name e.g. Julian Smart
bool wxGetUserName(wxChar *buf, int maxSize)
+ *buf = wxT('\0');
+ // buffer allocation
+ MemHandle handle = MemHandleNew(maxSize-1);
+ if( handle == NULL )
+ return false;
+ // lock the buffer
+ char *id = (char *)MemHandleLock(handle);
+ if( id == NULL )
+ return false;
+ // get user's name
+ if( DlkGetSyncInfo(NULL, NULL, NULL, id, NULL, NULL) != errNone )
+ {
+ MemPtrUnlock(id);
+ return false;
+ }
+ wxStrncpy (buf, wxConvertMB2WX(id), maxSize - 1);
+ // free the buffer
+ MemPtrUnlock(id);
+ return true;
const wxChar* wxGetHomeDir(wxString *pstr)
const wxChar* wxGetHomeDir(wxString *pstr)
// Get free memory in bytes, or -1 if cannot determine amount (e.g. on UNIX)
long wxGetFreeMemory()
// Get free memory in bytes, or -1 if cannot determine amount (e.g. on UNIX)
long wxGetFreeMemory()
+ uint32_t freeTotal = 0;
+ uint32_t freeHeap;
+ uint32_t freeChunk;
+ // executed twice: for the dynamic heap, and for the non-secure RAM storage heap
+ for ( uint16_t i=0; i<MemNumRAMHeaps(); i++)
+ {
+ status_t err = MemHeapFreeBytes(i, &freeHeap, &freeChunk);
+ if( err != errNone )
+ return -1;
+ freeTotal+=freeHeap;
+ }
+ return freeTotal;
unsigned long wxGetProcessId()
unsigned long wxGetProcessId()
// Emit a beeeeeep
void wxBell()
// Emit a beeeeeep
void wxBell()
+ SndPlaySystemSound(sndWarning);
wxString wxGetOsDescription()
wxString wxGetOsDescription()