-// DrawHintRect() draws a drop hint rectangle. First calls DoDrop() to
-// determine the exact position the pane would be at were if dropped. If
-// the pame would indeed become docked at the specified drop point,
-// DrawHintRect() then calls ShowHint() to indicate this drop rectangle.
-// "pane_window" is the window pointer of the pane being dragged, pt is
-// the mouse position, in client coordinates
-void wxAuiManager::DrawHintRect(wxWindow* pane_window,
- const wxPoint& pt,
- const wxPoint& offset)
+// CalculateHintRect() calculates the drop hint rectangle. The method
+// first calls DoDrop() to determine the exact position the pane would
+// be at were if dropped. If the pane would indeed become docked at the
+// specified drop point, the the rectangle hint will be returned in
+// screen coordinates. Otherwise, an empty rectangle is returned.
+// |pane_window| is the window pointer of the pane being dragged, |pt| is
+// the mouse position, in client coordinates. |offset| describes the offset
+// that the mouse is from the upper-left corner of the item being dragged
+wxRect wxAuiManager::CalculateHintRect(wxWindow* pane_window,
+ const wxPoint& pt,
+ const wxPoint& offset)
wxRect rect;
if (!hint.IsOk())
- return;
+ return rect;
CopyDocksAndPanes(docks, panes, m_docks, m_panes);
// find out where the new pane would be
if (!DoDrop(docks, panes, hint, pt, offset))
- HideHint();
- return;
+ return rect;
if (rect.IsEmpty())
- HideHint();
- return;
+ return rect;
// actually show the hint rectangle on the screen
m_frame->ClientToScreen(&rect.x, &rect.y);
- ShowHint(rect);
+ return rect;
+// DrawHintRect() calculates the hint rectangle by calling
+// CalculateHintRect(). If there is a rectangle, it shows it
+// by calling ShowHint(), otherwise it hides any hint
+// rectangle currently shown
+void wxAuiManager::DrawHintRect(wxWindow* pane_window,
+ const wxPoint& pt,
+ const wxPoint& offset)
+ wxRect rect = CalculateHintRect(pane_window, pt, offset);
+ if (rect.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ HideHint();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ShowHint(rect);
+ }
void wxAuiManager::OnFloatingPaneMoveStart(wxWindow* wnd)