--- /dev/null
+# File: makedocs.vc
+# Author: Julian Smart
+# Created: 1997
+# Updated:
+# Copyright: (c) 1997, Julian Smart
+DOCDIR = $(WXDIR)\docs
+# Making documents
+docs: allhlp allhtml allpdfrtf allhtb allhtmlhelp htmlhelp
+alldocs: docs
+hlp: wxhlp
+wxhlp: $(DOCDIR)/winhelp/wx.hlp
+rtf: $(DOCDIR)/winhelp/wx.rtf
+pdfrtf: $(DOCDIR)/pdf/wx.rtf
+html: wxhtml
+htb: $(DOCDIR)\htb\wx.htb
+wxhtml: $(DOCDIR)\html\wx\wx_contents.html
+htmlhelp: $(DOCDIR)\htmlhelp\wx.chm
+#ps: wxps
+#wxps: $(WXDIR)\docs\ps\wx.ps
+allhlp: wxhlp
+# cd $(WXDIR)\utils\dialoged\src
+# nmake -f makefile.vc hlp
+ cd $(WXDIR)\utils\tex2rtf\docs
+ nmake -f makefile.vc hlp
+ cd $(WXDIR)\contrib\src\fl
+ -nmake -f makefile.vc hlp
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+ cd $(WXDIR)\contrib\src\ogl
+ -nmake -f makefile.vc hlp
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+ cd $(WXDIR)\contrib\src\svg
+ -nmake -f makefile.vc hlp
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+ cd $(WXDIR)\contrib\src\gizmos
+ -nmake -f makefile.vc hlp
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+ cd $(WXDIR)\contrib\src\mmedia
+ -nmake -f makefile.vc hlp
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+allpdfrtf: pdfrtf
+allhtb: htb
+allhtml: wxhtml
+# cd $(WXDIR)\utils\dialoged\src
+# nmake -f makefile.vc html
+ cd $(WXDIR)\utils\tex2rtf\docs
+ nmake -f makefile.vc html
+ cd $(WXDIR)\contrib\src\fl
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+ cd $(WXDIR)\contrib\src\ogl
+ nmake -f makefile.vc html
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+ cd $(WXDIR)\contrib\src\svg
+ nmake -f makefile.vc html
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+ cd $(WXDIR)\contrib\src\gizmos
+ nmake -f makefile.vc html
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+ cd $(WXDIR)\contrib\src\mmedia
+ nmake -f makefile.vc html
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+allhtmlhelp: htmlhelp
+# cd $(WXDIR)\utils\dialoged\src
+# nmake -f makefile.vc htmlhelp
+ cd $(WXDIR)\utils\tex2rtf\docs
+ -nmake -f makefile.vc htmlhelp
+ cd $(WXDIR)\contrib\src\fl
+ -nmake -f makefile.vc htmlhelp
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+ cd $(WXDIR)\contrib\src\ogl
+ -nmake -f makefile.vc htmlhelp
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+ cd $(WXDIR)\contrib\src\svg
+ -nmake -f makefile.vc htmlhelp
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+ cd $(WXDIR)\contrib\src\gizmos
+ -nmake -f makefile.vc htmlhelp
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+ cd $(WXDIR)\contrib\src\mmedia
+ -nmake -f makefile.vc htmlhelp
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+$(DOCDIR)/winhelp/wx.hlp: $(DOCDIR)/latex/wx/wx.rtf $(DOCDIR)/latex/wx/wx.hpj
+ cd $(DOCDIR)/latex/wx
+ -mkdir $(DOCDIR)\winhelp
+ -erase wx.ph
+ hcw /c /e wx
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\winhelp\wx.hlp
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\winhelp\wx.cnt
+ move wx.hlp $(DOCDIR)\winhelp\wx.hlp
+ move wx.cnt $(DOCDIR)\winhelp\wx.cnt
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+$(DOCDIR)/latex/wx/wx.rtf: $(DOCDIR)/latex/wx/classes.tex $(DOCDIR)/latex/wx/body.tex $(DOCDIR)/latex/wx/topics.tex $(DOCDIR)/latex/wx/manual.tex
+ cd $(DOCDIR)\latex\wx
+ -start $(WAITFLAG) tex2rtf $(DOCDIR)/latex/wx/manual.tex $(DOCDIR)/latex/wx/wx.rtf -twice -winhelp
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+$(DOCDIR)/pdf/wx.rtf: $(DOCDIR)/latex/wx/classes.tex $(DOCDIR)/latex/wx/body.tex $(DOCDIR)/latex/wx/topics.tex $(DOCDIR)/latex/wx/manual.tex
+ cd $(DOCDIR)\latex\wx
+ -mkdir $(DOCDIR)\pdf
+ -copy *.wmf $(DOCDIR)\pdf
+ -copy *.bmp $(DOCDIR)\pdf
+ -start $(WAITFLAG) tex2rtf $(DOCDIR)/latex/wx/manual.tex $(DOCDIR)/pdf/wx.rtf -twice -rtf
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+# This target does two sets of HTML: one using a style sheet, for
+# the purposes of the CHM file, and one without.
+$(DOCDIR)\html\wx\wx_contents.html: $(DOCDIR)\latex\wx\classes.tex $(DOCDIR)\latex\wx\body.tex $(DOCDIR)/latex/wx/topics.tex $(DOCDIR)\latex\wx\manual.tex
+ cd $(DOCDIR)\latex\wx
+ -mkdir $(DOCDIR)\html\wx
+ copy *.gif $(DOCDIR)\html\wx
+ -start $(WAITFLAG) tex2rtf $(DOCDIR)\latex\wx\manual.tex $(DOCDIR)\html\wx\wx.htm -twice -html
+ -mkdir $(DOCDIR)\mshtml
+ -mkdir $(DOCDIR)\mshtml\wx
+ copy *.gif $(DOCDIR)\mshtml\wx
+ -start $(WAITFLAG) tex2rtf $(DOCDIR)\latex\wx\manual.tex $(DOCDIR)\mshtml\wx\wx.htm -twice -html -macros $(DOCDIR)\latex\wx\tex2rtf_css.ini
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\html\wx\*.con
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\html\wx\*.ref
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\latex\wx\*.con
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\latex\wx\*.ref
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+$(DOCDIR)\htmlhelp\wx.chm : $(DOCDIR)\html\wx\wx_contents.html $(DOCDIR)\mshtml\wx\wx_contents.html $(DOCDIR)\mshtml\wx\wx.hhp
+ cd $(DOCDIR)\mshtml\wx
+ copy $(DOCDIR)\latex\wx\wx.css .
+ -hhc wx.hhp
+ -mkdir ..\..\htmlhelp
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\htmlhelp\wx.chm
+ move wx.chm ..\..\htmlhelp
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+#$(WXDIR)\docs\latex\wx\manual.dvi: $(DOCDIR)/latex/wx/body.tex $(DOCDIR)/latex/wx/manual.tex
+# cd $(WXDIR)\docs\latex\wx
+# -latex manual
+# -latex manual
+# -makeindx manual
+# -bibtex manual
+# -latex manual
+# -latex manual
+# cd $(THISDIR)
+#$(WXDIR)\docs\ps\wx.ps: $(WXDIR)\docs\latex\wx\manual.dvi
+# cd $(WXDIR)\docs\latex\wx
+# -dvips32 -o wx.ps manual
+# move wx.ps $(WXDIR)\docs\ps\wx.ps
+# cd $(THISDIR)
+#$(WXDIR)\docs\latex\wx\referenc.dvi: $(DOCDIR)/latex/wx/classes.tex $(DOCDIR)/latex/wx/topics.tex $(DOCDIR)/latex/wx/referenc.tex
+# cd $(WXDIR)\docs\latex\wx
+# -latex referenc
+# -latex referenc
+# -makeindx referenc
+# -bibtex referenc
+# -latex referenc
+# -latex referenc
+# cd $(THISDIR)
+#$(WXDIR)\docs\ps\referenc.ps: $(WXDIR)\docs\latex\wx\referenc.dvi
+# cd $(WXDIR)\docs\latex\wx
+# -dvips32 -o referenc.ps referenc
+# move referenc.ps $(WXDIR)\docs\ps\referenc.ps
+# cd $(THISDIR)
+# An htb file is a zip file containing the .htm, .gif, .hhp, .hhc and .hhk
+# files, renamed to htb.
+# This can then be used with e.g. helpview.
+# Optionally, a cached version of the .hhp file can be generated with hhp2cached.
+$(DOCDIR)\htb\wx.htb: $(DOCDIR)\html\wx\wx_contents.html
+ cd $(WXDIR)\docs\html\wx
+ -erase wx.zip wx.htb
+ zip wx.zip *.html *.gif *.hhp *.hhc *.hhk
+ -mkdir $(DOCDIR)\htb
+ move wx.zip $(DOCDIR)\htb\wx.htb
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+# In order to force document reprocessing
+ -touch $(WXDIR)\docs\latex\wx\manual.tex
+updatedocs: touchmanual alldocs
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\winhelp\*.hlp
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\winhelp\*.cnt
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\html\wx\*.html
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\mshtml\wx\*.html
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\mshtml\wx\*.gif
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\mshtml\wx\wx.*
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\pdf\wx.rtf
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\latex\wx\wx.rtf
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\latex\wx\WX.PH
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\htmlhelp\wx.chm
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\htb\wx.htb
+# Only clean the online help, not PDF RTF
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\winhelp\wx.hlp
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\winhelp\wx.cnt
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\html\wx\*.html
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\latex\wx\wx.rtf
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\latex\wx\WX.PH
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\latex\wx\wx.hpj
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\htmlhelp\wx.chm
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\mshtml\wx\*.html
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\htb\wx.htb
+# Start Word, running the GeneratePDF macro. MakeManual.dot should be in the
+# Office StartUp folder, and PDFMaker should be installed.
+#updatepdf: # touchmanual pdfrtf
+# start $(WAITFLAG) "\progra~1\micros~3\office\winword.exe c:\wx\wxWidgets\docs\pdf\wx.rtf /mGeneratePDF"
+# Tex2RTF
+tex2rtfhtml: $(DOCDIR)\html\tex2rtf\t2rtf.htm
+tex2rtfhtmlhelp: $(DOCDIR)\htmlhelp\tex2rtf.chm
+tex2rtfhtb: $(DOCDIR)\htb\tex2rtf.htb
+tex2rtfhlp: $(DOCDIR)\winhelp\tex2rtf.hlp
+tex2rtfpdfrtf: $(DOCDIR)\pdf\tex2rtf.rtf
+tex2rtfps: $(WXDIR)\docs\ps\tex2rtf.ps
+$(DOCDIR)\winhelp\tex2rtf.hlp: $(TEX2RTFDOCDIR)\tex2rtf.rtf $(TEX2RTFDOCDIR)\tex2rtf.hpj
+ -erase tex2rtf.ph
+ hcw /c /e tex2rtf
+ copy tex2rtf.hlp $(DOCDIR)\winhelp\tex2rtf.hlp
+ copy tex2rtf.cnt $(DOCDIR)\winhelp\tex2rtf.cnt
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+$(TEX2RTFDOCDIR)\tex2rtf.rtf: $(DOCSOURCES)
+ -start /w tex2rtf $(TEX2RTFDOCDIR)\tex2rtf.tex $(TEX2RTFDOCDIR)\tex2rtf.rtf -twice -winhelp
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+$(DOCDIR)\pdf\tex2rtf.rtf: $(DOCSOURCES)
+ -copy *.wmf $(DOCDIR)\pdf
+ -copy *.bmp $(DOCDIR)\pdf
+ -start /w tex2rtf $(TEX2RTFDOCDIR)\tex2rtf.tex $(DOCDIR)\pdf\tex2rtf.rtf -twice -rtf
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+$(DOCDIR)\html\tex2rtf\t2rtf.htm: $(DOCSOURCES)
+ -mkdir $(DOCDIR)\html\tex2rtf
+ -copy *.gif $(DOCDIR)\html\tex2rtf
+ -start /w tex2rtf $(TEX2RTFDOCDIR)\tex2rtf.tex $(DOCDIR)\html\tex2rtf\t2rtf.htm -twice -html
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\html\tex2rtf\*.con
+ -erase $(DOCDIR)\html\tex2rtf\*.ref
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+$(DOCDIR)\htmlhelp\tex2rtf.chm : $(DOCDIR)\html\tex2rtf\t2rtf.htm $(DOCDIR)\html\tex2rtf\t2rtf.hhp
+ cd $(DOCDIR)\html\tex2rtf
+ -hhc t2rtf.hhp
+ move t2rtf.chm $(DOCDIR)\htmlhelp\tex2rtf.chm
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+# An htb file is a zip file containing the .htm, .gif, .hhp, .hhc and .hhk
+# files, renamed to htb.
+# This can then be used with e.g. helpview.
+# Optionally, a cached version of the .hhp file can be generated with hhp2cached.
+$(DOCDIR)\htb\tex2rtf.htb: $(DOCDIR)\html\tex2rtf\t2rtf.htm
+ cd $(DOCDIR)\html\tex2rtf
+ -erase tex2rtf.zip tex2rtf.htb
+ zip tex2rtf.zip *.htm *.gif *.hhp *.hhc *.hhk
+ -mkdir $(DOCDIR)\htb
+ move tex2rtf.zip $(DOCDIR)\htb\tex2rtf.htb
+ cd $(THISDIR)
+#$(TEX2RTFDOCDIR)\tex2rtf.dvi: $(DOCSOURCES)
+# -latex tex2rtf
+# -latex tex2rtf
+# -makeindx tex2rtf
+# -bibtex tex2rtf
+# -latex tex2rtf
+# -latex tex2rtf
+# cd $(THISDIR)
+#$(WXDIR)\docs\ps\tex2rtf.ps: $(TEX2RTFDOCDIR)\tex2rtf.dvi
+# -dvips32 -o tex2rtf.ps tex2rtf
+# copy tex2rtf.ps $(WXDIR)\docs\ps\tex2rtf.ps
+# cd $(THISDIR)
--- /dev/null
+rem This builds the docs in %WXWIN% in a number of formats
+rem and a clean inno setup in a second tree
+rem it uses a number of tools nmake, gnuwin32 zip, ghostscript, MS word, cvsNT
+rem cvs is in the path already from CVSNT install
+rem writes a log file in c:\
+set WXWIN=c:\wx\wxWidgets
+set PATH=%PATH%;C:\wx\wxWidg~1.3\utils\tex2rtf\src\vc_based;C:\wx\GnuWin32\bin;c:\progra~1\htmlhe~1;C:\PROGRA~1\INNOSE~1
+set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.51\lib;C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.51\bin
+echo %PATH% >> c:\temp.log
+rem update wxwidgets (holds docs) and inno (cvs wxMSW module only)
+cd %WXWIN%
+cvs up -P -d
+cd \wx\inno\wxWidgets
+cvs up -P
+echo CVS update > c:\temp.log
+rem add nmake to the path and build the docs
+call \vc6
+echo %PATH% >> c:\temp.log
+SET >> c:\temp.log
+cd %WXWIN%\build\script
+nmake -f makedocs.vc cleandocs
+nmake -f makedocs.vc alldocs
+del c:\daily\in\*.p*
+echo starting word >> c:\temp.log
+start /WAIT winword /mwx_ps
+echo cvs doc up part 2 >> c:\temp.log
+rem use ghostscript ps2pdf - add extra path first
+rem set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.51\lib;C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.51\bin
+rem set PATH=%PATH%;C:\wx\GnuWin32\bin;C:\PROGRA~1\INNOSE~1
+cd \daily\in
+call ps2pdf wx.ps >> c:\temp.log
+call ps2pdf fl.ps >> c:\temp.log
+call ps2pdf gizmos.ps >> c:\temp.log
+call ps2pdf mmedia.ps >> c:\temp.log
+call ps2pdf ogl.ps >> c:\temp.log
+call ps2pdf svg.ps >> c:\temp.log
+call ps2pdf tex2rtf.ps >> c:\temp.log
+cd %WXWIN%\build\script
+iscc wxwidgets.iss >> c:\temp.log
+echo Zipping
+cd %WXWIN%
+del \daily\*.zip
+zip \daily\wx-docs-chm.ZIP docs\htmlhelp\wx.chm
+zip \daily\wx-docs-pdf.ZIP C:\daily\in\wx.pdf
+zip \daily\wx-docs-hlp.ZIP docs\winhelp\wx.hlp docs\winhelp\wx.cnt
+zip \daily\wx-docs-extra-hlp.ZIP utils/tex2rtf/docs/*.HLP utils/tex2rtf/docs/*.cnt docs/winhelp/*.hlp docs/winhelp/*.cnt -x docs/winhelp/wx.hlp docs/winhelp/wx.*
+zip \daily\wx-docs-extra-chm.ZIP utils/tex2rtf/docs/*.chm docs/htmlhelp/*.chm
+cd \daily\in
+zip \daily\wx-docs-extra-pdf.ZIP *.pdf -x wx.pdf
+echo setting S
+rem echo yes > net use s: /delete
+net use s: \\biolpc22\bake
+copy \daily\*.ZIP s:\bkl-cronjob\archives\win
+copy \daily\*.exe s:\bkl-cronjob\archives\win\*.EXE
--- /dev/null
+' This is saved as word macros; opens a pdf and writes out a ps file using
+' laserjet ps driver
+' Note that the input and output directories are hard coded and the output dir must exist
+Sub wx_ps()
+ do_ps "C:\wx\wxWidgets\docs\pdf\", "wx"
+ do_ps "C:\wx\wxWidgets\contrib\docs\latex\svg", "svg"
+ do_ps "C:\wx\wxWidgets\contrib\docs\latex\ogl", "ogl"
+ do_ps "C:\wx\wxWidgets\contrib\docs\latex\mmedia", "mmedia"
+ do_ps "C:\wx\wxWidgets\contrib\docs\latex\gizmos", "gizmos"
+ do_ps "C:\wx\wxWidgets\contrib\docs\latex\fl", "fl"
+ do_ps "C:\wx\wxWidgets\utils\tex2rtf\docs", "tex2rtf"
+ bye_bye
+End Sub
+Sub do_ps(mydir, myfile)
+' wx_ps Macro
+' Macro recorded 04/05/2005 by cje2
+ ChangeFileOpenDirectory mydir
+ Documents.Open FileName:=myfile & ".rtf", ConfirmConversions:=False, ReadOnly:= _
+ False, AddToRecentFiles:=False, PasswordDocument:="", PasswordTemplate:= _
+ "", Revert:=False, WritePasswordDocument:="", WritePasswordTemplate:="", _
+ Format:=wdOpenFormatAuto
+ ActivePrinter = "\\biolpc22\laserjet"
+ Application.PrintOut FileName:="", Range:=wdPrintAllDocument, Item:= _
+ wdPrintDocumentContent, Copies:=1, Pages:="", PageType:=wdPrintAllPages, _
+ Collate:=True, Background:=False, PrintToFile:=True, PrintZoomColumn:=0, _
+ PrintZoomRow:=0, PrintZoomPaperWidth:=0, PrintZoomPaperHeight:=0, _
+ OutputFileName:="C:\daily\in\" & myfile & ".ps", Append:=False
+ ActiveDocument.Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
+End Sub