# Set to 0 if not using GLCanvas (only affects DLL build)
-# Set to 0 if you are using MSVC 5
+# Set to 1 if you are using MSVC 5
# These are absolute paths, so that the compiler
$(link) @<<
- $(DUMMYOBJ) $(OBJECTS) $(MSLU_LIBS) $(guilibsdll) shell32.lib comctl32.lib ctl3d32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib rpcrt4.lib odbc32.lib advapi32.lib winmm.lib $(GL_LIBS) $(WXDIR)\lib\png$(LIBEXT).lib $(WXDIR)\lib\zlib$(LIBEXT).lib $(WXDIR)\lib\jpeg$(LIBEXT).lib $(WXDIR)\lib\tiff$(LIBEXT).lib $(WXDIR)\lib\regex$(LIBEXT).lib $(DELAY_LOAD)
+ $(DUMMYOBJ) $(OBJECTS) $(MSLU_LIBS) $(guilibsdll) shell32.lib comctl32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib rpcrt4.lib odbc32.lib advapi32.lib winmm.lib $(GL_LIBS) $(WXDIR)\lib\png$(LIBEXT).lib $(WXDIR)\lib\zlib$(LIBEXT).lib $(WXDIR)\lib\jpeg$(LIBEXT).lib $(WXDIR)\lib\tiff$(LIBEXT).lib $(WXDIR)\lib\regex$(LIBEXT).lib $(DELAY_LOAD)
$project{"WXMSWHEADERS"} .= $file . " "
- $project{"WXVERSION"} = "233";
+ $project{"WXVERSION"} = "250";
# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="wxBase" - Package Owner=<4>
# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00
$project{"WXHTMLHEADERS"} .= $file . " "
- $project{"WXVERSION"} = "233";
+ $project{"WXVERSION"} = "250";
# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="wxWindows" - Package Owner=<4>
# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00
# Set to 0 if not using GLCanvas (only affects DLL build)
-# Set to 0 if you are using MSVC 5
+# Set to 1 if you are using MSVC 5
# These are absolute paths, so that the compiler