node tool
type normal
icon 0
-var bitmap of text
-var bitmap2 of text
+var bitmap of imagefile
+var bitmap2 of imagefile
var toggle of bool
var pos of coord
var tooltip of text
node wxBitmapButton
var style of flags wxBU_AUTODRAW,wxBU_LEFT,wxBU_RIGHT,wxBU_TOP,wxBU_BOTTOM
var default of bool
-var bitmap of text
-var selected of text
-var focus of text
-var disabled of text
+var bitmap of imagefile
+var selected of imagefile
+var focus of imagefile
+var disabled of imagefile
derived from control
var checkable of bool
var checked of bool
var enabled of bool
+var bitmap of imagefile
derived from menu_item
node wxStaticBitmap
-var bitmap of text
+var bitmap of imagefile
derived from control
\ No newline at end of file