// Created: 19991127.mj10777
// Copyright: (c) Mark Johnson
// Licence: wxWindows license
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
//-- 1)
- m_Label1 = new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("User name:"));
+ m_Label1 = new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("User ID:"));
layout = new wxLayoutConstraints;
layout->left.SameAs(m_OK, wxLeft);
layout->top.SameAs(m_OK, wxBottom, 10);
// Connect to datasource
- DlgUser p_Dlg(pDoc->p_MainFrame, "Username and Password", wxPoint(100, 100), wxSize(340, 170));
+ DlgUser p_Dlg(pDoc->p_MainFrame, "Username and Password");
p_Dlg.s_DSN = ODBCSource;
p_Dlg.s_User = UserName;
p_Dlg.s_Password = Password;
+ p_Dlg.Fit();
+ bool OK = FALSE;
if (p_Dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
(pDoc->p_DSN+i_Which)->Usr = p_Dlg.s_User;
(pDoc->p_DSN+i_Which)->Pas = p_Dlg.s_Password;
UserName = p_Dlg.s_User;
Password = p_Dlg.s_Password;
+ OK = TRUE;
- //---------------------------
- strcpy(ConnectInf.Dsn, ODBCSource); // ODBC data source name (created with ODBC Administrator under Win95/NT)
- strcpy(ConnectInf.Uid, UserName); // database username - must already exist in the data source
- strcpy(ConnectInf.AuthStr, Password); // password database username
- db_BrowserDB = GetDbConnection(&ConnectInf);
- // wxLogMessage(">>>%s<<<>>>%s<<<",UserName.c_str(),Password.c_str());
- if (db_BrowserDB == NULL)
+ if (OK)
- strcpy(ConnectInf.Dsn, "");
- strcpy(ConnectInf.Uid, "");
- strcpy(ConnectInf.AuthStr, "");
+ //---------------------------
+ strcpy(ConnectInf.Dsn, ODBCSource); // ODBC data source name (created with ODBC Administrator under Win95/NT)
+ strcpy(ConnectInf.Uid, UserName); // database username - must already exist in the data source
+ strcpy(ConnectInf.AuthStr, Password); // password database username
+ db_BrowserDB = GetDbConnection(&ConnectInf);
+ // wxLogMessage(">>>%s<<<>>>%s<<<",UserName.c_str(),Password.c_str());
+ if (db_BrowserDB == NULL)
+ {
+ strcpy(ConnectInf.Dsn, "");
+ strcpy(ConnectInf.Uid, "");
+ strcpy(ConnectInf.AuthStr, "");
+ if (!Quite)
+ {
+ wxLogMessage(_("\n-E-> BrowserDB::OnConnectDataSource() DB CONNECTION ERROR : Unable to connect to the data source.\n\nCheck the name of your data source to verify it has been correctly entered/spelled.\n\nWith some databases, the user name and password must\nbe created with full rights to the table prior to making a connection\n(using tools provided by the database manufacturer)"));
+ wxLogMessage(_("-I-> BrowserDB::OnStartDB(%s) : End "),ODBCSource.c_str());
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!Quite)
- wxLogMessage(_("\n-E-> BrowserDB::OnConnectDataSource() DB CONNECTION ERROR : Unable to connect to the data source.\n\nCheck the name of your data source to verify it has been correctly entered/spelled.\n\nWith some databases, the user name and password must\nbe created with full rights to the table prior to making a connection\n(using tools provided by the database manufacturer)"));
+ Temp1 = db_BrowserDB->GetDatabaseName();
+ Temp2 = db_BrowserDB->GetDataSource();
+ wxLogMessage(_("-I-> BrowserDB::OnGetDataSourceODBC() - DatabaseName(%s) ; DataSource(%s)"),Temp1.c_str(),Temp2.c_str());
wxLogMessage(_("-I-> BrowserDB::OnStartDB(%s) : End "),ODBCSource.c_str());
- return FALSE;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (!Quite)
- {
- Temp1 = db_BrowserDB->GetDatabaseName();
- Temp2 = db_BrowserDB->GetDataSource();
- wxLogMessage(_("-I-> BrowserDB::OnGetDataSourceODBC() - DatabaseName(%s) ; DataSource(%s)"),Temp1.c_str(),Temp2.c_str());
- wxLogMessage(_("-I-> BrowserDB::OnStartDB(%s) : End "),ODBCSource.c_str());
- }
- return TRUE;
+ return TRUE;
+ } else return FALSE;
bool BrowserDB::OnCloseDB(int Quite)
// Created: 19991127.mj10777
// Copyright: (c) Mark Johnson
// Licence: wxWindows license
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
//-- Zu tun in browsedb.h
// Created: 19991127
// Copyright: (c) Mark Johnson
// Licence: wxWindows license
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
//-- all #ifdefs that the whole Project needs. ------------------------------
// Created: 19991127
// Copyright: (c) Mark Johnson
// Licence: wxWindows license
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Define a new application type
// Author: Mark Johnson
// Modified by: 19990929.mj10777 a reuseable DBGrid
// Created: 19990929
-// RCS-ID:
// Copyright: (c)
// Licence: wxWindows license
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
//-- all #ifdefs that the whole Project needs. ------------------------------
// Author: Mark Johnson
// Modified by: 20000126.mj10777
// Created:
-// RCS-ID:
// Copyright: (c) Mark Johnson
// Licence: wxWindows license
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
class mjDoc;
// Author: Mark Johnson
// Modified by:
// Created: 19991129
-// RCS-ID:
+/// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) Mark Johnson, Berlin Germany, mj10777@gmx.net
// Licence: wxWindows license
// Created: 19991129
// Copyright: (c) Mark Johnson
// Licence: wxWindows license
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
class mjDoc; // Declared in Doc.h file
// Created: 19991105
// Copyright: (c) Mark Johnson
// Licence: wxWindows license
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
//-- all #ifdefs that the whole Project needs. ------------------------------
#include "dlguser.h"
-DlgUser::DlgUser(wxWindow *parent, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, const long WXUNUSED(style) ) :
- wxDialog(parent, ID_DIALOG_DSN, title, pos, size, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wxDIALOG_MODAL)
+DlgUser::DlgUser(wxWindow *parent, const wxString& title) :
+ wxDialog(parent, ID_DIALOG_DSN, title)
- wxButton *but1 = new wxButton(this, wxID_OK, "OK", wxPoint(55,110), wxSize(80, 30));
- wxButton *but2 = new wxButton(this, wxID_CANCEL, "Cancel", wxPoint(210,110), wxSize(80, 30));
- (void)new wxStaticText(this, -1,_("User ID"), wxPoint(20, 40), wxSize(50, 20),wxALIGN_LEFT);
- (void)new wxStaticText(this, -1,_("Password"), wxPoint(20, 80), wxSize(50, 20),wxALIGN_LEFT);
+ wxLayoutConstraints* layout;
+ SetAutoLayout(TRUE);
+// m_Dsn = new wxStaticText(this, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTRE);
+// layout = new wxLayoutConstraints;
+// layout->centreX.SameAs(this, wxCentreX);
+// layout->top.SameAs(this, wxTop,10);
+// layout->height.AsIs();
+// layout->width.AsIs();
+// m_Dsn->SetConstraints(layout);
+ m_Label1 = new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("User ID:"));
+ layout = new wxLayoutConstraints;
+ layout->left.SameAs(this, wxLeft, 10);
+ layout->top.SameAs(this, wxTop, 10);
+ layout->height.AsIs();
+ layout->width.Absolute(75);
+ m_Label1->SetConstraints(layout);
+ m_UserName = new wxTextCtrl(this, -1, "");
+ layout = new wxLayoutConstraints;
+ layout->left.SameAs(m_Label1, wxRight, 10);
+// layout->top.SameAs(m_Label1, wxTop);
+ layout->centreY.SameAs(m_Label1,wxCentreY);
+ layout->width.Absolute(200);
+ layout->height.AsIs();
+ m_UserName->SetConstraints(layout);
+ m_Label2 = new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("Password:"));
+ layout = new wxLayoutConstraints;
+ layout->left.SameAs(m_Label1, wxLeft);
+ layout->top.SameAs(m_Label1, wxBottom, 10);
+ layout->height.AsIs();
+ layout->width.SameAs(m_Label1, wxWidth);
+ m_Label2->SetConstraints(layout);
+ m_Password = new wxTextCtrl(this, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_PASSWORD);
+ layout = new wxLayoutConstraints;
+ layout->left.SameAs(m_UserName, wxLeft);
+ layout->width.SameAs(m_UserName, wxWidth);
+ // layout->top.SameAs(m_Label2, wxTop);
+ layout->centreY.SameAs(m_Label2,wxCentreY);
+ layout->height.AsIs();
+ m_Password->SetConstraints(layout);
+ m_OK = new wxButton(this, wxID_OK, _("Ok"));
+ layout = new wxLayoutConstraints;
+ layout->left.SameAs(this, wxLeft, 10);
+ layout->top.SameAs(m_Label2, wxBottom,10);
+ layout->height.AsIs();
+ layout->width.Absolute(75);
+ m_OK->SetConstraints(layout);
+ m_Cancel = new wxButton(this, wxID_CANCEL, _("Cancel"));
+ layout = new wxLayoutConstraints;
+ layout->left.SameAs(m_OK, wxRight, 10);
+ layout->top.SameAs(m_OK, wxTop);
+ layout->height.AsIs();
+ layout->width.SameAs(m_OK, wxWidth);
+ m_Cancel->SetConstraints(layout);
+ m_OK->SetDefault();
+ m_UserName->SetFocus();
+ s_User = "";
+ s_Password = "";
+ Layout();
+// wxButton *but1 = new wxButton(this, wxID_OK, "OK", wxPoint(55,110), wxSize(80, 30));
+// wxButton *but2 = new wxButton(this, wxID_CANCEL, "Cancel", wxPoint(210,110), wxSize(80, 30));
+// (void)new wxStaticText(this, -1,_("User ID"), wxPoint(20, 40), wxSize(50, 20),wxALIGN_LEFT);
+// (void)new wxStaticText(this, -1,_("Password"), wxPoint(20, 80), wxSize(50, 20),wxALIGN_LEFT);
// but1->SetFocus();
- but1->SetDefault();
-void DlgUser::OnInit()
- wxString Temp; Temp.Printf(_(">>> %s <<< "),s_DSN.c_str());
- (void)new wxStaticText(this, -1, Temp, wxPoint(10, 10), wxSize(300, 20),wxALIGN_CENTRE );
- tc_User = new wxTextCtrl(this, ID_USER, s_User, wxPoint(75, 35), wxSize(200, 25), 0, wxDefaultValidator);
- tc_Password = new wxTextCtrl(this, ID_PASSWORD, s_Password, wxPoint(75, 75), wxSize(200, 25),wxTE_PASSWORD, wxDefaultValidator);
- tc_User->SetFocus();
+// m_OK->SetDefault();
+ void DlgUser::OnInit()
+ {
+ wxString Temp; Temp.Printf(_(">>> %s <<< "),s_DSN.c_str());
+ SetTitle(Temp);
+ m_UserName->SetLabel(s_User);
+ m_Password->SetLabel(s_Password);
+ // (void)new wxStaticText(this, -1, Temp, wxPoint(10, 10), wxSize(300, 20),wxALIGN_CENTRE );
+// tc_User = new wxTextCtrl(this, ID_USER, s_User, wxPoint(75, 35), wxSize(200, 25), 0, wxDefaultValidator);
+// tc_Password = new wxTextCtrl(this, ID_PASSWORD, s_Password, wxPoint(75, 75), wxSize(200, 25),wxTE_PASSWORD, wxDefaultValidator);
+// tc_User->SetFocus();
+ }
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(DlgUser, wxDialog)
EVT_BUTTON(wxID_OK, DlgUser::OnOk)
EVT_BUTTON(wxID_CANCEL, DlgUser::OnCancel)
- void DlgUser::OnOk(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
+void DlgUser::OnOk(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
- canceled = FALSE;
- s_User = tc_User->GetValue();
- s_Password = tc_Password->GetValue();
+ //canceled = FALSE;
+ s_User = m_UserName->GetValue();
+ s_Password = m_Password->GetValue();
-void DlgUser::OnCancel(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
- canceled = TRUE;
- EndModal(wxID_CANCEL);
+//void DlgUser::OnCancel(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
+// {
+// canceled = TRUE;
+// EndModal(wxID_CANCEL);
+// }
// Created: 19991105
// Copyright: (c) Mark Johnson
// Licence: wxWindows license
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
// DlgUser
class DlgUser: public wxDialog
- bool canceled;
+// bool canceled;
wxString s_DSN, s_User, s_Password;
- wxTextCtrl *tc_User, *tc_Password;
+// wxTextCtrl *tc_User, *tc_Password;
+ wxStaticText *m_Label1, *m_Label2;
+ wxTextCtrl *m_UserName, *m_Password;
+ wxButton *m_OK, *m_Cancel;
- DlgUser(wxWindow *parent, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size,const long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE);
+ DlgUser(wxWindow *parent, const wxString& title);
void OnInit();
void OnOk(wxCommandEvent& event);
- void OnCancel(wxCommandEvent& event);
+// void OnCancel(wxCommandEvent& event);
// Created: 19990808
// Copyright: (c) Mark Johnson
// Licence: wxWindows license
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
//-- all #ifdefs that the whole Project needs. ------------------------------
// Created: 19990808
// Copyright: (c) Mark Johnson
// Licence: wxWindows license
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
//-- Some Global Vars ------------------------------------------------------
// Author: Mark Johnson
// Modified by: 19990806.mj10777
// Created: 19991010
-// RCS-ID:
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) Mark Johnson, Berlin Germany, mj10777@gmx.net
// Licence: wxWindows license
// wxMessageBox(SaveDSN);
int i, rc=0;
- DlgUser p_Dlg(this, "Username and Password", wxPoint(100, 100), wxSize(340, 170));
+ DlgUser p_Dlg(this, "Username and Password");
for (i=0;i<pDoc->i_DSN;i++)
p_Dlg.s_User = (pDoc->p_DSN+i)->Usr;
p_Dlg.s_Password = (pDoc->p_DSN+i)->Pas;
+ p_Dlg.Fit();
// Temp0.Printf("i(%d) ; s_DSN(%s) ; s_User(%s) ; s_Password(%s)",i,p_Dlg.s_DSN,p_Dlg.s_User,p_Dlg.s_Password);
// wxMessageBox(Temp0);
+ bool OK = FALSE;
if (p_Dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
(pDoc->p_DSN+i)->Usr = p_Dlg.s_User;
(pDoc->p_DSN+i)->Pas = p_Dlg.s_Password;
(pDoc->db_Br+i)->UserName = (pDoc->p_DSN+i)->Usr;
(pDoc->db_Br+i)->Password = (pDoc->p_DSN+i)->Pas;
+ OK = TRUE;
+ if (!OK) return;
- goto Weiter; // We have what we want, leave
+ break; // We have what we want, leave
- Weiter:
// Author: Mark Johnson
// Modified by: 19990806.mj10777
// Created: 19991010
-// RCS-ID:
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) Mark Johnson, Berlin Germany, mj10777@gmx.net
// Licence: wxWindows license
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
//-- all #includes that the whole Project needs. ----------------------------