// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// decide whether we should create a DIB or a DDB for the given parameters
-static bool wxShouldCreateDIB(int w, int h, int d, WXHDC hdc)
-#if wxUSE_WXDIB
- // here is the logic:
- //
- // (a) if hdc is specified, the caller explicitly wants DDB
- // (b) otherwise, create a DIB if depth >= 24 (we don't support 16bpp or
- // less DIBs anyhow)
- // (c) finally, create DIBs under Win9x even if the depth hasn't been
- // explicitly specified but the current display depth is 24 or more
- // and the image is "big", i.e. > 16Mb which is the theoretical limit
- // for DDBs under Win9x
- //
- // consequences (all of which seem to make sense):
- //
- // (i) by default, DDBs are created (depth == -1 usually)
- // (ii) DIBs can be created by explicitly specifying the depth
- // (iii) using a DC always forces creating a DDB
- return !hdc &&
- (d >= 24 ||
- (d == -1 &&
- wxDIB::GetLineSize(w, wxDisplayDepth())*h > 16*1024*1024));
- return FALSE;
+// NB: we always use DIBs under Windows CE as this is much simpler (even if
+// also less efficient...) and we obviously can't use them if there is no
+// DIB support compiled in at all
+#ifdef __WXWINCE__
+ static inline bool wxShouldCreateDIB(int, int, int, WXHDC) { return true; }
+ #define ALWAYS_USE_DIB
+#elif !wxUSE_WXDIB
+ // no sense in defining wxShouldCreateDIB() as we can't compile code
+ // executed if it is true, so we have to use #if's anyhow
+ #define NEVER_USE_DIB
+#else // wxUSE_WXDIB && !__WXWINCE__
+ static inline bool wxShouldCreateDIB(int w, int h, int d, WXHDC hdc)
+ {
+ // here is the logic:
+ //
+ // (a) if hdc is specified, the caller explicitly wants DDB
+ // (b) otherwise, create a DIB if depth >= 24 (we don't support 16bpp
+ // or less DIBs anyhow)
+ // (c) finally, create DIBs under Win9x even if the depth hasn't been
+ // explicitly specified but the current display depth is 24 or
+ // more and the image is "big", i.e. > 16Mb which is the
+ // theoretical limit for DDBs under Win9x
+ //
+ // consequences (all of which seem to make sense):
+ //
+ // (i) by default, DDBs are created (depth == -1 usually)
+ // (ii) DIBs can be created by explicitly specifying the depth
+ // (iii) using a DC always forces creating a DDB
+ return !hdc &&
+ (d >= 24 ||
+ (d == -1 &&
+ wxDIB::GetLineSize(w, wxDisplayDepth())*h > 16*1024*1024));
+ }
+#endif // different DIB usage scenarious
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxBitmapRefData
return CopyFromIconOrCursor(icon);
-#if wxUSE_WXDIB
+#ifndef NEVER_USE_DIB
bool wxBitmap::CopyFromDIB(const wxDIB& dib)
wxCHECK_MSG( dib.IsOk(), FALSE, _T("invalid DIB in CopyFromDIB") );
HBITMAP hbitmap = dib.CreateDDB();
if ( !hbitmap )
return FALSE;
+#else // ALWAYS_USE_DIB
+ HBITMAP hbitmap = ((wxDIB &)dib).Detach(); // const_cast
return TRUE;
+#endif // NEVER_USE_DIB
GetBitmapData()->m_width = w;
GetBitmapData()->m_height = h;
- HBITMAP hbmp;
-#if wxUSE_WXDIB
+#ifndef NEVER_USE_DIB
if ( wxShouldCreateDIB(w, h, d, hdc) )
if ( d == -1 )
GetBitmapData()->m_depth = d;
else // create a DDB
+#endif // NEVER_USE_DIB
#ifndef __WXMICROWIN__
if ( d > 0 )
+ GetBitmapData()->m_depth = d;
- else
+ else // d == 0, create bitmap compatible with the screen
#endif // !__WXMICROWIN__
ScreenHDC dc;
GetBitmapData()->m_depth = wxDisplayDepth();
+#endif // !ALWAYS_USE_DIB
// wxImage to/from conversions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if wxUSE_WXDIB
bool wxBitmap::CreateFromImage(const wxImage& image, int depth)
return CreateFromImage(image, depth, 0);
return CreateFromImage(image, -1, dc.GetHDC());
-bool wxBitmap::CreateFromImage(const wxImage& image, int depth, WXHDC hdc )
+bool wxBitmap::CreateFromImage(const wxImage& image, int depth, WXHDC hdc)
-#if wxUSE_WXDIB
wxCHECK_MSG( image.Ok(), FALSE, wxT("invalid image") );
// next either store DIB as is or create a DDB from it
- HBITMAP hbitmap;
// are we going to use DIB?
refData->m_isDIB = TRUE;
refData->m_depth = dib.GetDepth();
else // we need to convert DIB to DDB
hbitmap = dib.CreateDDB((HDC)hdc);
refData->m_depth = depth == -1 ? wxDisplayDepth() : depth;
+#endif // !ALWAYS_USE_DIB
// validate this object
return TRUE;
- // FIXME: wxWinCE doesn't support wxDIB yet
- return FALSE;
wxImage wxBitmap::ConvertToImage() const
- // FIXME: this is untested code for WinCE, and
- // the mask is not yet handled.
- // For tips, see:
- // http://www.codeproject.com/bitmap/dibsection.asp?print=true
-#ifdef __WXWINCE__
- // the colour used as transparent one in wxImage and the one it is replaced
- // with when it really occurs in the bitmap
- static const int MASK_RED = 1;
- static const int MASK_GREEN = 2;
- static const int MASK_BLUE = 3;
- static const int MASK_BLUE_REPLACEMENT = 2;
+ wxDIB dib(*this);
wxImage image;
- wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), wxNullImage, wxT("invalid bitmap") );
- // create an wxImage object
- int width = GetWidth();
- int height = GetHeight();
- image.Create( width, height );
- unsigned char *data = image.GetData();
- if( !data )
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("could not allocate data for image") );
- return wxNullImage;
- }
- // calc the number of bytes per scanline and padding in the DIB
- int bytePerLine = width*3;
- int sizeDWORD = sizeof( DWORD );
- int lineBoundary = bytePerLine % sizeDWORD;
- int padding = 0;
- if( lineBoundary > 0 )
- {
- padding = sizeDWORD - lineBoundary;
- bytePerLine += padding;
- }
- // create a DIB header
- int headersize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- BITMAPINFO *lpDIBh = (BITMAPINFO *) malloc( headersize );
- if( !lpDIBh )
+ if ( dib.IsOk() )
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("could not allocate data for DIB header") );
- free( data );
- return wxNullImage;
- }
- // Fill in the DIB header
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biSize = headersize;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biWidth = width;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biHeight = -height;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = bytePerLine * height;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
- // These seem not really needed for our purpose here.
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
- // memory for DIB data is allocated by CreateDIBSection
- void *lpBits = NULL;
- // copy data from the device-dependent bitmap to the DIB
- HDC hdc = ::GetDC(NULL);
- HBITMAP hBitmapSection = ::CreateDIBSection( hdc, lpDIBh, DIB_RGB_COLORS, & lpBits, NULL, 0 );
- if (!hBitmapSection)
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("could not create a DIB section") );
- return wxNullImage;
- }
- // Copy the image from the DDB to the DIBSection
- // Need to copy the supplied bitmap onto the newly created DIBsection
- HDC hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
- HDC hCopyDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
- if (! hMemDC || ! hCopyDC)
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("unable to create compatible DCs") );
- return wxNullImage;
- }
-#if 0
- if (m_hPal)
- {
- SelectPalette(hMemDC, m_hPal, FALSE); RealizePalette(hMemDC);
- SelectPalette(hCopyDC, m_hPal, FALSE); RealizePalette(hCopyDC);
- }
- HBITMAP hOldMemBitmap = (HBITMAP) SelectObject(hMemDC, hBitmap);
- HBITMAP hOldCopyBitmap = (HBITMAP) SelectObject(hCopyDC, hBitmapSection);
- BitBlt(hCopyDC, 0, 0, GetWidth(), GetHeight(), hMemDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
- SelectObject(hMemDC, hOldMemBitmap);
- SelectObject(hCopyDC, hOldCopyBitmap);
- DeleteDC(hMemDC);
- DeleteDC(hCopyDC);
-#if 0
- if (m_hPal)
- {
- HGDIOBJ hObj = ::GetStockObject(DEFAULT_PALETTE);
- SelectObject(hMemDC, hObj);
- SelectObject(hCopyDC, hObj);
- }
- ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);
- // copy DIB data into the wxImage object
- int i, j;
- unsigned char *ptdata = data;
- unsigned char *ptbits = (unsigned char*) lpBits;
- for( i=0; i<height; i++ )
- {
- for( j=0; j<width; j++ )
- {
- *(ptdata++) = *(ptbits+2);
- *(ptdata++) = *(ptbits+1);
- *(ptdata++) = *(ptbits );
- ptbits += 3;
- }
- ptbits += padding;
- }
- // TODO
-#if 0
- // similarly, set data according to the possible mask bitmap
- if( GetMask() && GetMask()->GetMaskBitmap() )
- {
- hbitmap = (HBITMAP) GetMask()->GetMaskBitmap();
- // memory DC created, color set, data copied, and memory DC deleted
- HDC memdc = ::CreateCompatibleDC( hdc );
- ::SetTextColor( memdc, RGB( 0, 0, 0 ) );
- ::SetBkColor( memdc, RGB( 255, 255, 255 ) );
- ::GetDIBits( memdc, hbitmap, 0, height, lpBits, lpDIBh, DIB_RGB_COLORS );
- ::DeleteDC( memdc );
- ptdata = data;
- ptbits = lpBits;
- for( i=0; i<height; i++ )
- {
- for( j=0; j<width; j++ )
- {
- // is this pixel transparent?
- if ( *ptbits != 0 )
- {
- if ( (ptdata[0] == MASK_RED) &&
- (ptdata[1] == MASK_GREEN) &&
- (ptdata[2] == MASK_BLUE) )
- {
- // we have to fudge the colour a bit to prevent this
- // pixel from appearing transparent
- }
- ptdata += 3;
- }
- else // masked pixel
- {
- *(ptdata++) = MASK_RED;
- *(ptdata++) = MASK_GREEN;
- *(ptdata++) = MASK_BLUE;
- }
- ptbits += 3;
- }
- ptbits += padding;
- }
- image.SetMaskColour( MASK_RED, MASK_GREEN, MASK_BLUE );
- image.SetMask( TRUE );
- }
- else
- {
- image.SetMask( FALSE );
- }
- // free allocated resources
- ::ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);
- free(lpDIBh);
- // Delete the DIB section
- ::DeleteObject(hBitmapSection);
- return image;
- // the colour used as transparent one in wxImage and the one it is replaced
- // with when it really occurs in the bitmap
- static const int MASK_RED = 1;
- static const int MASK_GREEN = 2;
- static const int MASK_BLUE = 3;
- static const int MASK_BLUE_REPLACEMENT = 2;
- wxImage image;
- wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), wxNullImage, wxT("invalid bitmap") );
- // create an wxImage object
- int width = GetWidth();
- int height = GetHeight();
- image.Create( width, height );
- unsigned char *data = image.GetData();
- if( !data )
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("could not allocate data for image") );
- return wxNullImage;
- }
- // calc the number of bytes per scanline and padding in the DIB
- int bytePerLine = width*3;
- int sizeDWORD = sizeof( DWORD );
- int lineBoundary = bytePerLine % sizeDWORD;
- int padding = 0;
- if( lineBoundary > 0 )
- {
- padding = sizeDWORD - lineBoundary;
- bytePerLine += padding;
- }
- // create a DIB header
- int headersize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- BITMAPINFO *lpDIBh = (BITMAPINFO *) malloc( headersize );
- if( !lpDIBh )
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("could not allocate data for DIB header") );
- free( data );
- return wxNullImage;
- }
- // Fill in the DIB header
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biSize = headersize;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biWidth = width;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biHeight = -height;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = bytePerLine * height;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
- // These seem not really needed for our purpose here.
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
- lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
- // memory for DIB data
- unsigned char *lpBits;
- lpBits = (unsigned char *) malloc( lpDIBh->bmiHeader.biSizeImage );
- if( !lpBits )
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("could not allocate data for DIB") );
- free( data );
- free( lpDIBh );
- return wxNullImage;
- }
- // copy data from the device-dependent bitmap to the DIB
- HDC hdc = ::GetDC(NULL);
- HBITMAP hbitmap;
- hbitmap = (HBITMAP) GetHBITMAP();
- ::GetDIBits( hdc, hbitmap, 0, height, lpBits, lpDIBh, DIB_RGB_COLORS );
- // copy DIB data into the wxImage object
- int i, j;
- unsigned char *ptdata = data;
- unsigned char *ptbits = lpBits;
- for( i=0; i<height; i++ )
- {
- for( j=0; j<width; j++ )
- {
- *(ptdata++) = *(ptbits+2);
- *(ptdata++) = *(ptbits+1);
- *(ptdata++) = *(ptbits );
- ptbits += 3;
- }
- ptbits += padding;
- }
- // similarly, set data according to the possible mask bitmap
- if( GetMask() && GetMask()->GetMaskBitmap() )
- {
- hbitmap = (HBITMAP) GetMask()->GetMaskBitmap();
- // memory DC created, color set, data copied, and memory DC deleted
- HDC memdc = ::CreateCompatibleDC( hdc );
- ::SetTextColor( memdc, RGB( 0, 0, 0 ) );
- ::SetBkColor( memdc, RGB( 255, 255, 255 ) );
- ::GetDIBits( memdc, hbitmap, 0, height, lpBits, lpDIBh, DIB_RGB_COLORS );
- ::DeleteDC( memdc );
- ptdata = data;
- ptbits = lpBits;
- for( i=0; i<height; i++ )
+ image = dib.ConvertToImage();
+ if ( image.Ok() )
- for( j=0; j<width; j++ )
- {
- // is this pixel transparent?
- if ( *ptbits != 0 )
- {
- if ( (ptdata[0] == MASK_RED) &&
- (ptdata[1] == MASK_GREEN) &&
- (ptdata[2] == MASK_BLUE) )
- {
- // we have to fudge the colour a bit to prevent this
- // pixel from appearing transparent
- }
- ptdata += 3;
- }
- else // masked pixel
- {
- *(ptdata++) = MASK_RED;
- *(ptdata++) = MASK_GREEN;
- *(ptdata++) = MASK_BLUE;
- }
- ptbits += 3;
- }
- ptbits += padding;
+ // TODO: set mask
- image.SetMaskColour( MASK_RED, MASK_GREEN, MASK_BLUE );
- image.SetMask( TRUE );
- else
- {
- image.SetMask( FALSE );
- }
- // free allocated resources
- ::ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);
- free(lpDIBh);
- free(lpBits);
return image;
+#endif // wxUSE_WXDIB
#endif // wxUSE_IMAGE
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
return handler->LoadFile(this, filename, type, -1, -1);
- else
+ else // no bitmap handler found
wxImage image;
if ( image.LoadFile( filename, type ) && image.Ok() )
return handler->SaveFile(this, filename, type, palette);
- else
+ else // no bitmap handler found
// FIXME what about palette? shouldn't we use it?
wxImage image = ConvertToImage();
#include <stdlib.h>
#if !defined(__MWERKS__) && !defined(__SALFORDC__)
-#include <memory.h>
+ #include <memory.h>
#ifdef __GNUWIN32_OLD__
#include "wx/image.h"
#include "wx/msw/dib.h"
+#ifdef __WXWINCE__
+ #include <shellapi.h> // for SHLoadDIBitmap()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// private functions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// calculate the number of palette entries needed for the bitmap with this
// number of bits per pixel
-static inline WORD wxGetNumOfBitmapColors(WORD bitsPerPixel)
+static inline WORD GetNumberOfColours(WORD bitsPerPixel)
// only 1, 4 and 8bpp bitmaps use palettes (well, they could be used with
// 24bpp ones too but we don't support this as I think it's quite uncommon)
bool wxDIB::Create(int width, int height, int depth)
- // we don't handle the palette yet
- wxASSERT_MSG( depth == 24 || depth == 32,
- _T("unsupported image depth in wxDIB::Create()") );
+ // we don't support formats using palettes right now so we only create
+ // either 24bpp (RGB) or 32bpp (RGBA) bitmaps
+ wxASSERT_MSG( depth, _T("invalid image depth in wxDIB::Create()") );
+ if ( depth < 24 )
+ depth = 24;
- static const int infosize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
+ // allocate memory for bitmap structures
+ static const int sizeHeader = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- BITMAPINFO *info = (BITMAPINFO *)malloc(infosize);
+ BITMAPINFO *info = (BITMAPINFO *)malloc(sizeHeader);
wxCHECK_MSG( info, false, _T("malloc(BITMAPINFO) failed") );
- memset(info, 0, infosize);
+ memset(info, 0, sizeHeader);
- info->bmiHeader.biSize = infosize;
+ info->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeHeader;
info->bmiHeader.biWidth = width;
// we use positive height here which corresponds to a DIB with normal, i.e.
const int w = bmp.GetWidth();
const int h = bmp.GetHeight();
int d = bmp.GetDepth();
- if ( d == -1 )
+ if ( d <= 0 )
d = wxDisplayDepth();
- if ( !Create(w, h, d) )
+ if ( !Create(w, h, d) || !CopyFromDDB(hbmp) )
return false;
+ }
- if ( !GetDIBSection(m_handle, &ds) )
- {
- // we've just created a new DIB section, why should this fail?
- wxFAIL_MSG( _T("GetObject(DIBSECTION) unexpectedly failed") );
+ return true;
- return false;
- }
+// Windows CE doesn't have GetDIBits() so use an alternative implementation
+// for it
+// in fact I'm not sure if GetDIBits() is really much better than using
+// BitBlt() like this -- it should be faster but I didn't do any tests, if
+// anybody has time to do them and by chance finds that GetDIBits() is not
+// much faster than BitBlt(), we could always use the Win CE version here
+#ifdef __WXWINCE__
- if ( !::GetDIBits
- (
- ScreenHDC(), // the DC to use
- hbmp, // the source DDB
- 0, // first scan line
- h, // number of lines to copy
- ds.dsBm.bmBits, // pointer to the buffer
- (BITMAPINFO *)&ds.dsBmih, // bitmap header
- ) )
- {
- wxLogLastError(wxT("GetDIBits()"));
+bool wxDIB::CopyFromDDB(HBITMAP hbmp)
+ MemoryHDC hdcSrc;
+ if ( !hdcSrc )
+ return false;
- return 0;
- }
+ SelectInHDC selectSrc(hdcSrc, hbmp);
+ if ( !selectSrc )
+ return false;
+ MemoryHDC hdcDst;
+ if ( !hdcDst )
+ return false;
+ SelectInHDC selectDst(hdcDst, m_handle);
+ if ( !selectDst )
+ return false;
+ if ( !::BitBlt(
+ hdcDst,
+ 0, 0, m_width, m_height,
+ hdcSrc,
+ 0, 0,
+ ) )
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(_T("BitBlt(DDB -> DIB)"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+#else // !__WXWINCE__
+bool wxDIB::CopyFromDDB(HBITMAP hbmp)
+ if ( !GetDIBSection(m_handle, &ds) )
+ {
+ // we're sure that our handle is a DIB section, so this should work
+ wxFAIL_MSG( _T("GetObject(DIBSECTION) unexpectedly failed") );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( !::GetDIBits
+ (
+ ScreenHDC(), // the DC to use
+ hbmp, // the source DDB
+ 0, // first scan line
+ m_height, // number of lines to copy
+ ds.dsBm.bmBits, // pointer to the buffer
+ (BITMAPINFO *)&ds.dsBmih, // bitmap header
+ ) )
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(wxT("GetDIBits()"));
+ return false;
return true;
+#endif // __WXWINCE__/!__WXWINCE__
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Loading/saving the DIBs
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool wxDIB::Load(const wxString& filename)
+#ifdef __WXWINCE__
+ m_handle = SHLoadDIBitmap(filename);
+#else // !__WXWINCE__
m_handle = (HBITMAP)::LoadImage
0, 0, // don't specify the size
+#endif // __WXWINCE__
if ( !m_handle )
+ wxLogLastError(_T("Loading DIB from file"));
return false;
// DDB <-> DIB conversions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef __WXWINCE__
HBITMAP wxDIB::CreateDDB(HDC hdc) const
wxCHECK_MSG( m_handle, 0, _T("wxDIB::CreateDDB(): invalid object") );
numColors = pbmih->biClrUsed;
if ( !numColors )
- numColors = wxGetNumOfBitmapColors(pbmih->biBitCount);
+ numColors = GetNumberOfColours(pbmih->biBitCount);
bi.biBitCount = bm.bmBitsPixel;
// memory we need for BITMAPINFO only
- DWORD dwLen = bi.biSize + wxGetNumOfBitmapColors(bm.bmBitsPixel) * sizeof(RGBQUAD);
+ DWORD dwLen = bi.biSize + GetNumberOfColours(bm.bmBitsPixel) * sizeof(RGBQUAD);
// get either just the image size or the image bits
if ( !::GetDIBits
return hDIB;
+#endif // __WXWINCE__
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// palette support
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( !biClrUsed )
// biClrUsed field might not be set
- biClrUsed = wxGetNumOfBitmapColors(ds.dsBmih.biBitCount);
+ biClrUsed = GetNumberOfColours(ds.dsBmih.biBitCount);
if ( !biClrUsed )
return true;
+wxImage wxDIB::ConvertToImage() const
+ wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), wxNullImage,
+ wxT("can't convert invalid DIB to wxImage") );
+ // create the wxImage object
+ const int w = GetWidth();
+ const int h = GetHeight();
+ wxImage image(w, h, false /* don't bother clearing memory */);
+ if ( !image.Ok() )
+ {
+ wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("could not allocate data for image") );
+ return wxNullImage;
+ }
+ const int bpp = GetDepth();
+ if ( bpp == 32 )
+ {
+ image.SetAlpha();
+ }
+ // this is the same loop as in Create() just above but with copy direction
+ // reversed
+ const int dstBytesPerLine = w * 3;
+ const int srcBytesPerLine = GetLineSize(w, bpp);
+ unsigned char *dst = image.GetData() + ((h - 1) * dstBytesPerLine);
+ unsigned char *alpha = image.HasAlpha() ? image.GetAlpha() + (h - 1)*w
+ : NULL;
+ const unsigned char *srcLineStart = (unsigned char *)GetData();
+ for ( int y = 0; y < h; y++ )
+ {
+ // copy one DIB line
+ const unsigned char *src = srcLineStart;
+ for ( int x = 0; x < w; x++ )
+ {
+ dst[2] = *src++;
+ dst[1] = *src++;
+ dst[0] = *src++;
+ dst += 3;
+ if ( alpha )
+ *alpha++ = *src++;
+ }
+ // pass to the previous line in the image
+ dst -= 2*dstBytesPerLine;
+ if ( alpha )
+ alpha -= 2*w;
+ // and to the next one in the DIB
+ srcLineStart += srcBytesPerLine;
+ }
+ return image;
#endif // wxUSE_IMAGE
- // wxUSE_WXDIB
+#endif // wxUSE_WXDIB