// Licence: wxWindows license
+//wxWindows regular expression library
+#define wxUSE_WXREGEX
+//RN (Ryan Norton's) regular expression library
+//#define wxUSE_RNWXRE
+//Greta, Microsoft Research's templated library
+//Install - Get it from .net powertools, put the directory in this directory
+//#define wxUSE_GRETA
+//PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) [sourceforge.net/projects/pcre]
+//Install - Get the GnuWin32 version and put the files in this directory
+//#define wxUSE_PCRE
#include "wx/wx.h"
+#include "wx/file.h"
+#ifdef wxUSE_WXREGEX
// This is the required header for wxRegEx
-#include <wx/regex.h>
+# include <wx/regex.h>
+#ifdef wxUSE_RNWXRE
+# include "re.h"
+#ifdef wxUSE_GRETA
+# ifdef _MSC_VER
+# pragma warning(disable:4018)
+# pragma warning(disable:4100)
+# pragma warning(disable:4146)
+# pragma warning(disable:4244)
+# pragma warning(disable:4663)
+ extern "C" {
+ int __cdecl _resetstkoflw(void) {return 0;}
+ }
+# endif //_MSC_VER
+# include "greta/regexpr2.h"
+ using namespace regex;
+#endif //wxUSE_GRETA
+#ifdef wxUSE_PCRE
+# include "pcre.h"
+# ifdef _MSC_VER
+# pragma comment(lib, "libpcre.a")
+# endif
+// One of the best sources for regex info is IEEE document/standard 1003.2
+// From the open group.
+// A current link - (http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007904975/basedefs/xbd_chap09.html).
// MyDialog
- NotEolID
+ NotEolID,
+ CompID
MyDialog() : wxFrame( NULL, -1, _("regextest - wxRegEx Testing App"),
- wxPoint(20,20), wxSize(300,300) )
+ wxPoint(20,20), wxSize(300,400) )
//Set the background to something light gray-ish
OptionsMenu->AppendCheckItem(NotBolID, _T("wxRE_NOTBOL"), _("Use functionality of ^ character?"));
OptionsMenu->AppendCheckItem(NotEolID, _T("wxRE_NOTEOL"), _("Use functionality of $ character?"));
+ OptionsMenu->AppendSeparator();
+ OptionsMenu->AppendSeparator();
+ OptionsMenu->AppendCheckItem(CompID, _T("Test Compile"), _("Added Compiling to Match Time?"));
OptionsMenu->Check(ExtendedID, true);
HelpMenu->Append(wxID_ABOUT, _T("&About...\tF1"), _("Show about dialog"));
// StaticText
PatternHeader.Create(this, -1, _("Regular Expression:"), wxPoint(5, 10));
SearchHeader.Create(this, -1, _("String to Search:"), wxPoint(5, 55));
- ResultText.Create(this, -1, _(""), wxPoint(5, 150));
+ IterHeader.Create(this, -1, _("Iterations (Match Time):"), wxPoint(100, 100));
+ ResultText.Create(this, -1, _(""), wxPoint(5, 150), wxSize(100,200), wxST_NO_AUTORESIZE);
+ ResultText2.Create(this, -1, _(""), wxPoint(115, 150), wxSize(100,200), wxST_NO_AUTORESIZE);
// Button
OkButton.Create(this, OkButtonID, _("OK"), wxPoint(20, 120));
+ NumIters.Create(this, -1, _("15000"), wxPoint(100, 120));
void OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(evt))
+ wxChar* szBuffer;
+ wxFile f;
+ f.Open(_("README.txt"), wxFile::read);
+ szBuffer = new wxChar[f.Length() + 1];
+ f.Read(szBuffer, f.Length());
+ f.Close();
- _("%s%s%s"),
- _("Regular Expression Test Application\n"),
- _("(c) 2003 Ryan Norton <wxprojects@comcast.net>\n"),
+ _("%s%s%s%s"),
+ _("-----------Regular Expression Test Application-----------\n"),
+ szBuffer,
+ _("\n\n\n(c) 2003 Ryan Norton <wxprojects@comcast.net>\n"),
+ delete szBuffer;
void OnMatch(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(evt))
wxString szPattern = PatternText.GetValue();
wxString szSearch = SearchText.GetValue();
- wxString szResult = _("Result:\n"); //Will be displayed in ResultText
+ wxString szResult, szResult2, szResult3, szResult4; //Will be displayed in ResultText
+ wxString szStatus, szStatus2, szStatus3, szStatus4;
- int nCompileFlags = 0;
- int nMatchFlags = 0;
+ int nCompileFlags = 0, nCompileFlags2 = 0, nCompileFlags3 = 0, nCompileFlags4 = 0;
+ int nMatchFlags = 0, nMatchFlags2 = 0, nMatchFlags3 = 0, nMatchFlags4 = 0;
if (!(OptionsMenu->IsChecked(ExtendedID)))
+ {
+#ifdef wxUSE_WXREGEX
nCompileFlags |= wxRE_BASIC;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef wxUSE_RNWXRE
+ nCompileFlags2 |= wxRe::wxRE_EXTENDED;
+ // nCompileFlags3 |= EXTENDED;
+ }
if (OptionsMenu->IsChecked(ICaseID))
+ {
+#ifdef wxUSE_WXREGEX
nCompileFlags |= wxRE_ICASE;
+#ifdef wxUSE_RNWXRE
+ nCompileFlags2 |= wxRe::wxRE_ICASE;
+#ifdef wxUSE_GRETA
+ nCompileFlags3 |= NOCASE;
+ }
if (OptionsMenu->IsChecked(NewLineID))
+ {
+#ifdef wxUSE_WXREGEX
nCompileFlags |= wxRE_NEWLINE;
+#ifdef wxUSE_RNWXRE
+ nCompileFlags2 |= wxRe::wxRE_NEWLINE;
+#ifdef wxUSE_GRETA
+ nCompileFlags3 |= MULTILINE;
+ }
if (OptionsMenu->IsChecked(NotBolID))
+ {
+#ifdef wxUSE_WXREGEX
nMatchFlags |= wxRE_NOTBOL;
+#ifdef wxUSE_RNWXRE
+ nMatchFlags2 |= wxRe::wxRE_NOTBOL;
+ }
if (OptionsMenu->IsChecked(NotEolID))
+ {
+#ifdef wxUSE_WXREGEX
nMatchFlags |= wxRE_NOTEOL;
+#ifdef wxUSE_RNWXRE
+ nMatchFlags2 |= wxRe::wxRE_NOTEOL;
+ }
//Our regular expression object
- wxRegEx Regex;
- //We're going to go ahead and time the match
- //for fun (clock() is a c library routine that
- //returns the current time since a certian point
- //in milliseconds
- time_t dwStartTime = clock();
+ //Success! Here we'll display some
+ //information to the user
+ size_t dwStartIndex = 0, dwEndIndex = 0,
+ dwStartIndex2= 0, dwEndIndex2= 0,
+ dwStartIndex3= 0, dwEndIndex3= 0,
+ dwStartIndex4= 0, dwEndIndex4= 0;
+ time_t dwStartTime = 0, dwEndTime = 0,
+ dwStartTime2= 0, dwEndTime2= 0,
+ dwStartTime3= 0, dwEndTime3= 0,
+ dwStartTime4= 0, dwEndTime4= 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ long n;
+ if (!NumIters.GetValue().ToLong(&n))
+ n = 0;
+#ifdef wxUSE_WXREGEX
+ wxRegEx Regex;
//Regular Expressions must be compiled before
//you can search a string with them, or
//at least most implementations do.
//something that's easier to parse, due
//to the syntax of regular expressions
if (!Regex.Compile(szPattern, nCompileFlags))
- szResult += _("\nCompile Failed!\n");
+ szStatus += _("\nCompile Failed!\n");
//Here's where we actually search our string
if (!Regex.Matches(szSearch, nMatchFlags))
- szResult += _("\nExecution/Matching Failed!\n");
+ szStatus += _("\nExecution/Matching Failed!\n");
- //Success! Here we'll display some
- //information to the user
- size_t dwStartIndex, dwEndIndex;
Regex.GetMatch(&dwStartIndex, &dwEndIndex);
- szResult += wxString::Format(
- _("Start Index:%i\nMatch Length:%i\nString Matched:%s\n"),
- dwStartIndex, dwEndIndex,
- szSearch.Mid(dwStartIndex, dwEndIndex)
- );
+ szStatus = _("Success");
+ //We're going to go ahead and time the match
+ //for fun (clock() is a c library routine that
+ //returns the current time since a certian point
+ //in milliseconds
+ dwStartTime = clock();
+ if (OptionsMenu->IsChecked(CompID))
+ {
+ for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ {
+ Regex.Compile(szPattern, nCompileFlags);
+ Regex.Matches(szSearch, nMatchFlags);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ {
+ Regex.Matches(szSearch, nMatchFlags);
+ }
+ }
+ //This line gets the difference in time between now
+ //and when we first initialized dwStartTime.
+ dwEndTime = clock() - dwStartTime;
- //This line gets the difference in time between now
- //and when we first initialized dwStartTime.
- time_t dwEndTime = clock() - dwStartTime;
- szResult += wxString::Format(_("Match Time:%u Milliseconds"), dwEndTime);
+ szResult = wxString::Format(
+ _("--wxRegEx--\nIndex:[%i]-[%i]\nString:%s\nMatch Time:%ums\nStatus:%s"),
+ dwStartIndex, dwEndIndex+dwStartIndex,
+ szSearch.Mid(dwStartIndex, dwEndIndex),
+ dwEndTime,
+ szStatus
+ );
+#endif //wxUSE_WXREGEX
- ResultText.SetLabel(szResult);
+#ifdef wxUSE_RNWXRE
+ wxRe Re;
+ wxRe::wxReError e;
+ if ((e = Re.Comp(szPattern, nCompileFlags2)) != wxRe::wxRE_OK)
+ szStatus2 = wxString::Format(_("\nCompile Failed!\n%s\n"), wxRe::ErrorToString(e));
+ else
+ {
+ //Here's where we actually search our string
+ if ((e = Re.Exec(szSearch, nMatchFlags2)) != wxRe::wxRE_OK)
+ szStatus2 = wxString::Format(_("\nExecution/Matching Failed!\n%s\n"), wxRe::ErrorToString(e));
+ else
+ {
+ dwStartIndex2 = Re.GetMatch(0).first;
+ dwEndIndex2 = Re.GetMatch(0).second;
+ szStatus2 = _("Success");
+ dwStartTime2 = clock();
+ if (OptionsMenu->IsChecked(CompID))
+ {
+ for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ {
+ Re.Comp(szPattern, nCompileFlags2);
+ Re.Exec(szSearch, nMatchFlags2);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ {
+ Re.Exec(szSearch, nMatchFlags2);
+ }
+ }
+ dwEndTime2 = clock() - dwStartTime2;
+ }
+ }
+ szResult2 = wxString::Format(
+ _("--wxRe--\nIndex:[%i]-[%i]\nString:%s\nMatch Time:%ums\nStatus:%s"),
+ dwStartIndex2, dwEndIndex2+dwStartIndex2,
+ szSearch.Mid(dwStartIndex2, dwEndIndex2),
+ dwEndTime2,
+ szStatus2
+ );
+#endif //wxUSE_RNWXRE
+#ifdef wxUSE_GRETA
+ std::string stdszPattern(szPattern);
+ rpattern Greta (stdszPattern,GLOBAL,MODE_MIXED);
+ match_results r;
+ std::string stdszSearch(szSearch);
+ //Here's where we actually search our string
+ if (!Greta.match(stdszSearch, r).matched)
+ szStatus3 += _("\nExecution/Matching Failed!\n");
+ else
+ {
+ szStatus3 = _("Success");
+ dwStartTime3 = clock();
+ if (OptionsMenu->IsChecked(CompID))
+ {
+ for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ {
+ Greta = rpattern(stdszPattern,GLOBAL,MODE_MIXED);
+ Greta.match(stdszSearch, r);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ {
+ Greta.match(stdszSearch, r);
+ }
+ }
+ dwEndTime3 = clock() - dwStartTime3;
+ }
+ szResult3 = wxString::Format(
+ _("--Greta--\nIndex:[%i]-[%i]\nString:%s\nMatch Time:%ums\nStatus:%s"),
+ r.rstart(), r.rlength() + r.rstart(),
+ szSearch.Mid(r.rstart(), r.rlength()),
+ dwEndTime3,
+ szStatus3);
+#endif //wxUSE_GRETA
+#ifdef wxUSE_PCRE
+ pcre* pPcre;
+ const wxChar* szError;
+ int nErrOff;
+ if ((pPcre = pcre_compile(szPattern, nCompileFlags4, &szError, &nErrOff, 0)) == NULL)
+ szStatus4 = wxString::Format(_("\nCompile Failed!\nError:%s\nOffset:%i\n"), szError, nErrOff);
+ else
+ {
+ size_t msize;
+ pcre_fullinfo(pPcre, 0, PCRE_INFO_CAPTURECOUNT, &msize);
+ msize = 3*(msize+1);
+ int *m = new int[msize];
+ //Here's where we actually search our string
+ if (!pcre_exec(pPcre, 0, szSearch, szSearch.Length(), 0, 0, m, msize))
+ szStatus4 = wxString::Format(_("\nExecution/Matching Failed!\n"));
+ else
+ {
+ dwStartIndex4 = m[0];
+ dwEndIndex4 = m[1] - m[0];
+ szStatus4 = _("Success");
+ dwStartTime4 = clock();
+ if (OptionsMenu->IsChecked(CompID))
+ {
+ for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ {
+ pPcre = pcre_compile(szPattern, nCompileFlags4, &szError, &nErrOff, 0);
+ pcre_exec(pPcre, 0, szSearch, szSearch.Length(), 0, 0, m, msize);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ {
+ pcre_exec(pPcre, 0, szSearch, szSearch.Length(), 0, 0, m, msize);
+ }
+ }
+ dwEndTime4 = clock() - dwStartTime4;
+ }
+ }
+ szResult4 = wxString::Format(
+ _("--PCRE--\nIndex:[%i]-[%i]\nString:%s\nMatch Time:%ums\nStatus:%s"),
+ dwStartIndex4, dwEndIndex4+dwStartIndex4,
+ szSearch.Mid(dwStartIndex4, dwEndIndex4),
+ dwEndTime4,
+ szStatus4
+ );
+#endif //wxUSE_PCRE
+ ResultText.SetLabel(szResult + _("\n\n") + szResult2);
+ ResultText2.SetLabel(szResult3 + _("\n\n") + szResult4);
void OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(evt))
- wxTextCtrl PatternText, SearchText;
- wxStaticText PatternHeader, SearchHeader, ResultText;
+ wxTextCtrl PatternText, SearchText, NumIters;
+ wxStaticText PatternHeader, SearchHeader, IterHeader, ResultText, ResultText2;
wxButton OkButton;
wxMenu *OptionsMenu;