- Returns the size of the file in a human-readable form.
- If the size could not be retrieved the @c failmsg string
- is returned. In case of success, the returned string is
- a floating-point number with @c precision decimal digits
- followed by the size unit (B, kB, MB, GB, TB: respectively
- bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes).
- */
- wxString GetHumanReadableSize(const wxString& failmsg = "Not available",
- int precision = 1) const;
- /**
- Returns the size of the given number of bytes in a human-readable form.
- If @a bytes is ::wxInvalidSize or zero, then @a nullsize is returned.
- In case of success, the returned string is a floating-point number with
- @a precision decimal digits followed by the size unit (B, kB, MB, GB,
- TB: respectively bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes).
- */
- static wxString GetHumanReadableSize(const wxULongLong& bytes,
- const wxString& nullsize = "Not available",
- int precision = 1);
+ Returns the representation of the file size in a human-readable form.
+ In the first version, the size of this file is used. In the second one,
+ the specified size @a bytes is used.
+ If the file size could not be retrieved or @a bytes is ::wxInvalidSize
+ or zero, the @c failmsg string is returned.
+ Otherwise the returned string is a floating-point number with @c
+ precision decimal digits followed by the abbreviation of the unit used.
+ By default the traditional, although incorrect, convention of using SI
+ units for multiples of 1024 is used, i.e. returned string will use
+ suffixes of B, KB, MB, GB, TB for bytes, kilobytes, megabytes,
+ gigabytes and terabytes respectively. With the IEC convention the names
+ of the units are changed to B, KiB, MiB, GiB and TiB fofr bytes,
+ kibibytes, mebibyes, gibibytes and tebibytes. Finally, with SI
+ convention the same B, KB, MB, GB and TB suffixes are used but in their
+ correct SI meaning, i.e. as multiples of 1000 and not 1024.
+ Support for the different size conventions is new in wxWidgets 2.9.1,
+ in previous versions only the traditional convention was implemented.
+ */
+ wxString
+ GetHumanReadableSize(const wxString& failmsg = _("Not available"),
+ int precision = 1,
+ wxSizeConvention conv = wxSIZE_CONV_TRADIONAL) const;
+ static wxString
+ GetHumanReadableSize(const wxULongLong& bytes,
+ const wxString& nullsize = _("Not available"),
+ int precision = 1,
+ wxSizeConvention conv = wxSIZE_CONV_REAL_SI);
+ //@}