subnodes, and _TopicTreeRoot would be a generic _Tree with named
nodes, and Publisher would store listeners in each node and a topic
tuple would be converted to a path in the tree. This would lead to a
-much cleaner separation of concerns. But time is over, tim to move on.
+much cleaner separation of concerns. But time is over, time to move on.
def _tupleize(items):
"""Convert items to tuple if not already one,
so items must be a list, tuple or non-sequence"""
- if isinstance(items, type([])):
+ if isinstance(items, list):
raise TypeError, 'Not allowed to tuple-ize a list'
- elif not isinstance(items, type(())):
+ elif isinstance(items, (str, unicode)) and items.find('.') != -1:
+ items = tuple(items.split('.'))
+ elif not isinstance(items, tuple):
items = (items,)
return items
with only one argument. In every case, the parameter 'a' will contain
the message.
- - topic: a single word or tuple of words (though word could probably
- be any kind of object, not just a string, but this has not been
- tested). A tuple denotes a hierarchy of topics from most general
- to least. For example, a listener of this topic::
+ - topic: a single word, a tuple of words, or a string containing a
+ set of words separated by dots, for example: ''.
+ A tuple or a dotted notation string denotes a hierarchy of
+ topics from most general to least. For example, a listener of
+ this topic::
listener will be subscribed for all topics (that listener will
receive a Message for any topic for which a message is generated).
- This method may be
- called multiple times for one listener, registering it with
- many topics. It can also be invoked many times for a
- particular topic, each time with a different listener.
- See the class doc for requirements on listener and topic.
+ This method may be called multiple times for one listener,
+ registering it with many topics. It can also be invoked many
+ times for a particular topic, each time with a different
+ listener. See the class doc for requirements on listener and
+ topic.
:note: Calling
this method for the same listener, with two topics in the same
# make sure every topics are in tuple form
- if isinstance(topics, type([])):
+ if isinstance(topics, list):
topicList = [_tupleize(x) for x in topics]
topicList = [_tupleize(topics)]