// Name: regextest.cpp
-// Purpose: Application to test regular expression (wxRegEx)
+// Purpose: Test regex libs and some gui components
// Author: Ryan Norton
// Modified by:
// RCS-ID: $Id$
-// MyDialog
+// MyFrame
-class MyDialog : public wxFrame
+class MyFrame : public wxFrame
- CompID
+ CompID,
+ MatchID
- MyDialog() : wxFrame( NULL, -1, _("regextest - wxRegEx Testing App"),
+ void AddMenuItem(wxMenu* pMenu, int nID = wxID_SEPARATOR, const wxChar* szTitle = _(""),
+ const wxChar* szToolTip = _(""))
+ {
+ wxMenuItem* pItem;
+ if (nID == wxID_SEPARATOR)
+ pItem = new wxMenuItem (NULL, wxID_SEPARATOR, szTitle, szToolTip, wxITEM_SEPARATOR);
+ else
+ pItem = new wxMenuItem (NULL, nID, szTitle, szToolTip, wxITEM_CHECK);
+ pItem->SetBackgroundColour(wxColour(115, 113, 115));
+ pItem->SetTextColour(*wxBLACK);
+ pMenu->Append(pItem);
+ }
+#if defined( __WXMSW__ ) || defined( __WXMAC__ )
+ void OnContextMenu(wxContextMenuEvent& event)
+ { PopupMenu(OptionsMenu, ScreenToClient(event.GetPosition())); }
+ void OnRightUp(wxMouseEvent& event)
+ { PopupMenu(OptionsMenu, event.GetPosition()); }
+ MyFrame() : wxFrame( NULL, -1, _("regextest - wxRegEx Testing App"),
wxPoint(20,20), wxSize(300,400), wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE | wxTAB_TRAVERSAL )
//Set the background to something light gray-ish
// Create the menus (Exit & About)
- #if wxUSE_MENUS
+#if wxUSE_MENUS
wxMenu *FileMenu = new wxMenu;
OptionsMenu = new wxMenu;
wxMenu *HelpMenu = new wxMenu;
- FileMenu->Append(wxID_EXIT, _T("&Exit"), _("Quit this program"));
- OptionsMenu->AppendCheckItem(ExtendedID, _T("wxRE_EXTENDED"), _("Extended Regular Expressions?"));
- OptionsMenu->AppendCheckItem(ICaseID, _T("wxRE_ICASE"), _("Enable case-insensitive matching?"));
- OptionsMenu->AppendCheckItem(NewLineID, _T("wxRE_NEWLINE"), _("Treat \n as special?"));
- OptionsMenu->AppendSeparator();
- OptionsMenu->AppendCheckItem(NotBolID, _T("wxRE_NOTBOL"), _("Use functionality of ^ character?"));
- OptionsMenu->AppendCheckItem(NotEolID, _T("wxRE_NOTEOL"), _("Use functionality of $ character?"));
- OptionsMenu->AppendSeparator();
- OptionsMenu->AppendSeparator();
- OptionsMenu->AppendCheckItem(CompID, _T("Test Compile"), _("Added Compiling to Match Time?"));
- OptionsMenu->Check(ExtendedID, true);
+ AddMenuItem(FileMenu, wxID_EXIT, _("&Exit"), _("Quit this program"));
- HelpMenu->Append(wxID_ABOUT, _T("&About...\tF1"), _("Show about dialog"));
+ AddMenuItem(OptionsMenu, ExtendedID, _T("wxRE_EXTENDED"), _("Extended Regular Expressions?"));
+ AddMenuItem(OptionsMenu, ICaseID, _T("wxRE_ICASE"), _("Enable case-insensitive matching?"));
+ AddMenuItem(OptionsMenu, NewLineID, _T("wxRE_NEWLINE"), _("Treat \n as special?"));
+ AddMenuItem(OptionsMenu);
+ AddMenuItem(OptionsMenu, NotBolID, _T("wxRE_NOTBOL"), _("Use functionality of ^ character?"));
+ AddMenuItem(OptionsMenu, NotEolID, _T("wxRE_NOTEOL"), _("Use functionality of $ character?"));
+ AddMenuItem(OptionsMenu);
+ AddMenuItem(OptionsMenu);
+ AddMenuItem(OptionsMenu, CompID, _("Test Compile"), _("Added Compiling to Match Time?"));
+ AddMenuItem(OptionsMenu, MatchID, _("Test Match"), _("Added Matching to Match Time?"));
+ AddMenuItem(HelpMenu, wxID_ABOUT, _T("&About...\tF1"), _("Show about dialog"));
+ OptionsMenu->Check(ExtendedID, true);
+ OptionsMenu->Check(MatchID, true);
wxMenuBar *MenuBar = new wxMenuBar();
MenuBar->Append(FileMenu, _T("&File"));
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
Regex.Compile(szPattern, nCompileFlags);
- Regex.Matches(szSearch, nMatchFlags);
- else
+ if (OptionsMenu->IsChecked(MatchID))
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
Re.Comp(szPattern, nCompileFlags2);
- Re.Exec(szSearch, nMatchFlags2);
- else
+ if (OptionsMenu->IsChecked(MatchID))
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ //Supposively GRETA doesn't compile, but
+ //it's clear that it slows performance greatly
+ //when creating a rpattern object,
+ //so one can only surmize that it performs
+ //some kind of optimizations in the constructor
Greta = rpattern(stdszPattern,EXTENDED,MODE_MIXED);
- Greta.match(stdszSearch, r);
- else
+ if (OptionsMenu->IsChecked(MatchID))
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
dwStartTime4 = clock();
if (OptionsMenu->IsChecked(CompID))
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
pPcre = pcre_compile(szPattern, nCompileFlags4, &szError, &nErrOff, 0);
- pcre_exec(pPcre, 0, szSearch, szSearch.Length(), 0, 0, m, msize);
- else
+ if (OptionsMenu->IsChecked(MatchID))
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
-BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyDialog, wxFrame)
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyFrame, wxFrame)
-EVT_MENU(wxID_EXIT, MyDialog::OnQuit)
-EVT_MENU(wxID_ABOUT, MyDialog::OnAbout)
+ //menu
+ EVT_MENU(wxID_EXIT, MyFrame::OnQuit)
+ EVT_MENU(wxID_ABOUT, MyFrame::OnAbout)
-EVT_TEXT_ENTER(MyDialog::PatternTextID, MyDialog::OnMatch)
-EVT_TEXT_ENTER(MyDialog::SearchTextID, MyDialog::OnMatch)
+ //text
+ EVT_TEXT_ENTER(MyFrame::PatternTextID, MyFrame::OnMatch)
+ EVT_TEXT_ENTER(MyFrame::SearchTextID, MyFrame::OnMatch)
-EVT_BUTTON(MyDialog::OkButtonID, MyDialog::OnMatch)
+ //button
+ EVT_BUTTON(MyFrame::OkButtonID, MyFrame::OnMatch)
+#if defined( __WXMSW__ ) || defined( __WXMAC__ )
+ EVT_CONTEXT_MENU(MyFrame::OnContextMenu)
+ EVT_RIGHT_UP(MyFrame::OnRightUp)
bool OnInit()
- MyDialog* dialog = new MyDialog();
+ MyFrame* dialog = new MyFrame();
return true;