--- /dev/null
+Index: Lib/typemaps/exception.swg
+RCS file: /cvsroot/swig/SWIG/Lib/typemaps/exception.swg,v
+retrieving revision 1.8
+diff -u -4 -r1.8 exception.swg
+--- Lib/typemaps/exception.swg 7 Mar 2006 00:14:10 -0000 1.8
++++ Lib/typemaps/exception.swg 10 Mar 2006 00:39:14 -0000
+@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
+ /* macros for error manipulation */
+ #define %nullref_fmt() "invalid null reference "
+ #define %varfail_fmt(_type,_name) "in variable '"`_name`"' of type '"`_type`"'"
+-#define %argfail_fmt(_type,_name,_argn) "in method '" `_name` "', argument " `_argn`" of type '" `_type`"'"
++#define %argfail_fmt(_type,_name,_argn) "in method '" `_name` "', expected argument " `_argn`" of type '" `_type`"'"
+ #define %outfail_fmt(_type) "in output value of type '"_type"'"
+ #define %argnullref_fmt(_type,_name,_argn) %nullref_fmt() %argfail_fmt(_type, _name, _argn)
+ #define %varnullref_fmt(_type,_name) %nullref_fmt() %varfail_fmt(_type, _name)
+ #define %outnullref_fmt(_type) %nullref_fmt() %outfail_fmt(_type)
+Index: Source/Modules/python.cxx
+RCS file: /cvsroot/swig/SWIG/Source/Modules/python.cxx,v
+retrieving revision 1.202
+diff -u -4 -r1.202 python.cxx
+--- Source/Modules/python.cxx 7 Mar 2006 22:02:54 -0000 1.202
++++ Source/Modules/python.cxx 10 Mar 2006 00:39:14 -0000
+@@ -39,9 +39,8 @@
+ static File *f_directors_h = 0;
+ static File *f_init = 0;
+ static File *f_shadow_py = 0;
+ static String *f_shadow = 0;
+-static String *f_shadow_imports = 0;
+ static String *f_shadow_stubs = 0;
+ static String *methods;
+ static String *class_name;
+@@ -669,9 +668,8 @@
+ }
+ Delete(filen); filen = NULL;
+ f_shadow = NewString("");
+- f_shadow_imports = NewString("");
+ f_shadow_stubs = NewString("");
+ Swig_register_filebyname("shadow",f_shadow);
+ Swig_register_filebyname("python",f_shadow);
+@@ -817,12 +815,8 @@
+ Printf(f_wrappers,"}\n");
+ Printf(f_wrappers,"#endif\n");
+ if (shadow) {
+- /*
+- Printf(f_shadow_imports,"\nimport %s\n", module);
+- Printv(f_shadow_py, f_shadow_imports, "\n",NIL);
+- */
+ Printv(f_shadow_py, f_shadow, "\n",NIL);
+ Printv(f_shadow_py, f_shadow_stubs, "\n",NIL);
+ Close(f_shadow_py);
+@@ -882,14 +876,11 @@
+ }
+ // finally, output the name of the imported module
+ if (shadowimport) {
+- if (!options || (!Getattr(options, "noshadow") && !Getattr(options, "noproxy"))) {
+- Printf(import, "_%s\n", modname);
+- if (!Strstr(f_shadow_imports, import)) {
+- Printf(f_shadow, "import %s\n", modname);
+- Printv(f_shadow_imports, import, NULL);
+- }
++ if (!options || (!Getattr(options, "noshadow") && !Getattr(options, "noproxy"))) {
++ Printf(import, "%s\n", modname);
++ Printf(f_shadow, "%s", import);
+ }
+ }
+ Delete(import);
+@@ -1154,10 +1145,15 @@
+ // Do the param type too?
+ if (showTypes) {
+ type = SwigType_base(type);
+- lookup = Swig_symbol_clookup(type, 0);
+- if (lookup) type = Getattr(lookup, "sym:name");
++ SwigType* qt = SwigType_typedef_resolve_all(type);
++ if (SwigType_isenum(qt))
++ type = NewString("int");
++ else {
++ lookup = Swig_symbol_clookup(type, 0);
++ if (lookup) type = Getattr(lookup, "sym:name");
++ }
+ Printf(doc, "%s ", type);
+ }
+ if (name) {
Added the wx.HVScrolledWindow class.
+wxGTK: wx.ListBox and wx.CheckListBox are now using native GTK2
+Added wx.ListBox.HitTest() from patch 1446207
+Bumped up to SWIG 1.3.29. This provides some more runtime performance
+boosts, gets rid of the dreaded Ptr classes, and some other nice new
+* Mar-2006
Change the wx.ListCtrl InsertStringItem wrapper to use the form that
takes an imageIndex, and set the default to -1. This ensures that on
Added wx.OutputStream.LastWrite.
+wxGTK: EVT_SET_CURSOR is now sent.
+wxGTK: Fix RequestMore for idle events.
+wxGTK: Implement user dashes for PS and GNOME printing.
+wxGTK: Correct update region code. Don't always invalidate the whole
+window upon resize. Reenable support for thewx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE
+flag. Also disable refreshing custom controls when focusing in and out.
+wx.lib.pubsub: Publisher is now able to parse a dotted notation string
+into a topic tuple. For example: subscribing to "timer.clock.seconds"
+is the same as subscribing to ("timer", "clock", "seconds").
+Applied patch #1441370: lib.plot - allow passing in wx.Colour()
+Added wx.CommandEvent.GetClientData.
+Updated wxStyledTextCtrl to use version 1.67 of Scintilla.
+NOTE: The STC_LEX_ASP and STC_LEX_PHP lexers have been deprecated,
+you should use STC_LEX_HTML instead.
+wxSTC: Implemented Fix for SF Bug #1436503. Delay the start of the
+DnD operation in case the user just intended to click, not drag.