--- /dev/null
+@echo off
+Rem Make a WISE Installer distribution list, where each file is represented by
+Rem a section like this:
+Rem item: Install File
+Rem Source=d:\wx2\thefile.txt
+Rem Destination=%MAINDIR%\thefile.txt
+Rem Flags=0000000000000010
+Rem end
+Rem Generate a list of all files in the distribution.
+dir /BS >& %TEMP\files1.tmp
+Rem Now we iterate through the list of files, writing out the middle section of
+Rem the file.
+Rem We have to remove the first part of the path,
+Rem by truncating the start by the size of the current directory.
+set sz=%@EVAL[%@LEN[%_CWD]+1]
+set len=%@LINES[%TEMP\files1.tmp]
+erase /Y %TEMP\files2.tmp
+do i = 0 to %len by 1
+ set line=%@LINE[%TEMP\files1.tmp,%i]
+ Rem Skip directories.
+ if isdir %line enddo
+ set sz2=%@LEN[%line]
+ set n=%@EVAL[%sz2-%sz]
+ set line2=%@SUBSTR[%line,%sz,%n]
+ Rem Echo the file section
+ echo item: Install File >> %TEMP\files2.tmp
+ echo Source=%line >> %TEMP\files2.tmp
+ echo Destination=%%MAINDIR%%\%line2 >> %TEMP\files2.tmp
+ echo Flags=0000000000000010 >> %TEMP\files2.tmp
+ echo end >> %TEMP\files2.tmp
+Rem Concatenate the 3 sections
+cat %WXWIN\distrib\msw\wisetop.txt %TEMP\files2.tmp %WXWIN\distrib\msw\wisebott.txt > %WXWIN\distrib\msw\wxwin2.wse
+erase /Y %TEMP\files1.tmp
+rem erase /Y %TEMP\files2.tmp
+goto end