\twocolitem{\_\_SUNCC\_\_}{Sun CC, see also \helpref{wxCHECK\_SUNCC\_VERSION}{wxchecksunccversion}}
\twocolitem{\_\_SYMANTECC\_\_}{Symantec C++}
\twocolitem{\_\_VISAGECPP\_\_}{IBM Visual Age (OS/2)}
-\twocolitem{\_\_VISUALC\_\_}{Microsoft Visual C++. The value of this macro
-corresponds to the compiler version: $1020$ for $4.2$ (the first supported
+\twocolitem{\_\_VISUALC\_\_}{Microsoft Visual C++, see also
+\helpref{wxCHECK\_VISUALC\_VERSION}{wxcheckvisualcversion}. The value of this
+macro corresponds to the compiler version: $1020$ for $4.2$ (the first supported
version), $1100$ for $5.0$, $1200$ for $6.0$ and so on. For convenience, the
symbols \_\_VISUALCn\_\_ are also defined for each major compiler version from
5 to 9, i.e. you can use tests such \texttt{#ifdef \_\_VISUALC7\_\_} to test
\texttt{wxSUBRELEASE\_NUMBER} is at least \arg{subrel}.
+Returns $1$ if the compiler being used to compile the code is Visual C++
+compiler version \arg{major} or greater. Otherwise, and also if
+the compiler is not Visual C++ at all, returns $0$.
\func{bool}{wxCHECK\_W32API\_VERSION}{\param{}{major, minor, release}}
#define wxNEEDS_CHARPP
+ This macro can be used to test the Visual C++ version.
+#ifndef __VISUALC__
+# define wxVISUALC_VERSION(major) 0
+# define wxCHECK_VISUALC_VERSION(major) 0
+# define wxVISUALC_VERSION(major) ( (6 + major) * 100 )
+# define wxCHECK_VISUALC_VERSION(major) ( __VISUALC__ >= wxVISUALC_VERSION(major) )
This macro can be used to check that the version of mingw32 compiler is
at least maj.min