--- /dev/null
+CURDATE=`date -I`
+ (
+ cd /home/bake/bkl-cronjob/wxWidgets && cvs -z3 update -P -d
+ )
+ BAKEFILE_GEN="python -O /home/bake/bkl-cronjob/bakefile/bin/bakefile_gen"
+ (cd /home/bake/bkl-cronjob/wxWidgets/build/bakefiles && nice $BAKEFILE_GEN)
+ archtype=$1
+ format=$2
+ shift ; shift
+ rm -f /home/bake/bkl-cronjob/archives/wx-mk-${format}-*
+ cd /home/bake/bkl-cronjob/wxWidgets
+ files=""
+ for i in $* ; do
+ files="$files `find -name "$i"`"
+ done
+ if test $archtype = tar ; then
+ tar czf ../archives/wx-mk-${format}-${CURDATE}.tar.gz $files
+ elif test $archtype = zip ; then
+ zip -q -9 ../archives/wx-mk-${format}-${CURDATE}.zip $files
+ fi
+ cd ..
+ rm -f /home/bake/bkl-cronjob/archives/wx-cvs-*
+ cd /home/bake/bkl-cronjob/
+ tar jcf ./archives/wx-cvs-${CURDATE}.tar.bz2 ./wxWidgets
+ do_package tar autoconf Makefile.in autoconf_inc.m4
+ do_package zip borland makefile.bcc config.bcc
+ do_package zip mingw makefile.gcc config.gcc
+ do_package zip dmars makefile.dmc config.dmc
+ do_package zip watcom makefile.wat config.wat
+ do_package zip msvc makefile.vc config.vc
+ do_package zip msvc6prj '*.dsp' '*.dsw'
+ do_package zip evcprj '*.vcp' '*.vcw'
+copy_files ()
+##delete old files and then copy new ones, add a symlink
+## CVS
+find /home/ftp/pub/CVS_HEAD/files -type f -name wx-cvs\*.tar.bz2 -mtime +6 | xargs rm -rf
+cp /home/bake/bkl-cronjob/archives/wx-cvs-* /home/ftp/pub/CVS_HEAD/files
+rm /home/ftp/pub/CVS_HEAD/wx-cvs.tar.bz2
+ln -s /home/ftp/pub/CVS_HEAD/files/wx-cvs-${CURDATE}.tar.bz2 /home/ftp/pub/CVS_HEAD/wx-cvs.tar.bz2
+echo cvs checkout done at `date` > /home/ftp/pub/CVS_HEAD/updated_at.txt
+## Makefiles
+find /home/ftp/pub/CVS_Makefiles/files -type f -name wx-mk\* -mtime +3 | xargs rm -rf
+cp /home/bake/bkl-cronjob/archives/wx-mk-* /home/ftp/pub/CVS_Makefiles/files
+rm /home/ftp/pub/CVS_Makefiles/wx*
+##there musrt be an easier way of doing these links...
+for f in `find /home/ftp/pub/CVS_Makefiles/files -type f -name wx-mk\* -mmin -601` ; do
+ ln -s $f `echo $f | sed -e "s/-${CURDATE}//" | sed -e "s|/files||" `
+# echo $f
+# echo $f | sed -e "s/-${CURDATE}//" | sed -e "s|/files||"
+echo CVS Makefiles generated from bakefiles last updated at `date` > /home/ftp/pub/CVS_Makefiles/updated_at.txt