These are the classes relevant to sizer-based layout:
@li wxSizer: Abstract base class
+@li wxBoxSizer: A sizer for laying out windows in a row or column
@li wxGridSizer: A sizer for laying out windows in a grid with all fields
having the same size
@li wxFlexGridSizer: A sizer for laying out windows in a flexible grid
@li wxGridBagSizer: Another grid sizer that lets you specify the cell an item
is in, and items can span rows and/or columns.
-@li wxBoxSizer: A sizer for laying out windows in a row or column
@li wxStaticBoxSizer: Same as wxBoxSizer, but with a surrounding static box
@li wxWrapSizer: A sizer which wraps its child controls as size permits
@li wxDataViewCtrl: A control to display tabular or tree like data
@li wxDataViewTreeCtrl: A specialized wxDataViewCtrl with a wxTreeCtrl-like API
@li wxEditableListBox: A listbox with editable items.
+@li wxFileCtrl: A control for selecting a file. Useful for custom file dialogs.
@li wxGauge: A control to represent a varying quantity, such as time remaining
@li wxGenericDirCtrl: A control for displaying a directory tree
@li wxGrid: A control to display spread-sheet like data in tabular form
@li wxRadioBox: A group of radio buttons
@li wxRadioButton: A round button to be used with others in a mutually
exclusive way
+@li wxRearrangeCtrl: A control allowing the user to rearrange a list of items.
@li wxRichTextCtrl: Generic rich text editing control
@li wxSimpleHtmlListBox: A listbox showing HTML content
@li wxStaticBox: A static, or group box for visually grouping related controls
@li wxDirDialog: Directory selector dialog
@li wxFileDialog: File selector dialog
@li wxFindReplaceDialog: Text search/replace dialog
-@li wxMultiChoiceDialog: Dialog to get one or more selections from a list
-@li wxSingleChoiceDialog: Dialog to get a single selection from a list and
- return the string
-@li wxTextEntryDialog: Dialog to get a single line of text from the user
-@li wxPasswordEntryDialog: Dialog to get a password from the user
@li wxFontDialog: Font chooser dialog
+@li wxMessageDialog: Simple message box dialog
+@li wxMultiChoiceDialog: Dialog to get one or more selections from a list
@li wxPageSetupDialog: Standard page setup dialog
+@li wxPasswordEntryDialog: Dialog to get a password from the user
@li wxPrintDialog: Standard print dialog
@li wxProgressDialog: Progress indication dialog
-@li wxMessageDialog: Simple message box dialog
-@li wxSymbolPickerDialog: Symbol selector dialog
+@li wxRearrangeDialog: Dialog allowing the user to rearrange a list of items.
@li wxRichTextFormattingDialog: A dialog for formatting the content of a
+@li wxSingleChoiceDialog: Dialog to get a single selection from a list and
+ return the string
+@li wxSymbolPickerDialog: Symbol selector dialog
+@li wxTextEntryDialog: Dialog to get a single line of text from the user
@li wxWizard: A wizard dialog.