#include "wx/dynlib.h"
#include <cairo.h>
-class wxCairoLibrary
+extern "C"
- // return the pointer to the global instance of this class or NULL if we
- // failed to load/initialize it
- static wxCairoLibrary *Get();
- // for internal use only
- static void CleanUp();
- // the single wxCairoLibrary instance or NULL
- static wxCairoLibrary *ms_lib;
- wxCairoLibrary();
- ~wxCairoLibrary();
- bool IsOk();
- bool InitializeMethods();
- wxDynamicLibrary m_libCairo;
- wxDynamicLibrary m_libPangoCairo;
- // true if we successfully loaded the libraries and can use them
- //
- // note that this field must have this name as it's used by wxDL_XXX macros
- bool m_ok;
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_arc,
- (cairo_t *cr, double xc, double yc, double radius, double angle1, double angle2), (cr, xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_arc_negative,
- (cairo_t *cr, double xc, double yc, double radius, double angle1, double angle2), (cr, xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_clip,
- (cairo_t *cr), (cr) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_close_path,
- (cairo_t *cr), (cr) )
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( cairo_t*, cairo_create,
- (cairo_surface_t *target), (target), NULL)
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_curve_to,
- (cairo_t *cr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3), (cr, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_destroy,
- (cairo_t *cr), (cr) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_fill,
- (cairo_t *cr), (cr) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_fill_preserve,
- (cairo_t *cr), (cr) )
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( cairo_surface_t*, cairo_get_target,
- (cairo_t *cr), (cr), NULL)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( cairo_surface_t*, cairo_image_surface_create_for_data,
- (unsigned char *data, cairo_format_t format, int width, int height, int stride), (data, format, width, height, stride), NULL)
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_line_to,
- (cairo_t *cr, double x, double y), (cr, x, y) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_move_to,
- (cairo_t *cr, double x, double y), (cr, x, y) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_new_path,
- (cairo_t *cr), (cr) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_paint,
- (cairo_t *cr), (cr) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba,
- (cairo_pattern_t *pattern, double offset, double red, double green, double blue, double alpha), (pattern, offset, red, green, blue, alpha) )
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( cairo_pattern_t*, cairo_pattern_create_for_surface,
- (cairo_surface_t *surface), (surface), NULL)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( cairo_pattern_t*, cairo_pattern_create_linear,
- (double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1), (x0, y0, x1, y1), NULL)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( cairo_pattern_t*, cairo_pattern_create_radial,
- (double cx0, double cy0, double radius0, double cx1, double cy1, double radius1), (cx0, cy0, radius0, cx1, cy1, radius1), NULL)
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_pattern_destroy,
- (cairo_pattern_t *pattern), (pattern) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_pattern_set_extend,
- (cairo_pattern_t *pattern, cairo_extend_t extend), (pattern, extend) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_pattern_set_filter,
- (cairo_pattern_t *pattern, cairo_filter_t filter), (pattern, filter) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_rectangle,
- (cairo_t *cr, double x, double y, double width, double height), (cr, x, y, width, height) )
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( cairo_t*, cairo_reference,
- (cairo_t *cr), (cr), NULL )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_reset_clip,
- (cairo_t *cr), (cr) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_restore,
- (cairo_t *cr), (cr) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_rotate,
- (cairo_t *cr, double angle), (cr, angle) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_save,
- (cairo_t *cr), (cr) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_scale,
- (cairo_t *cr, double sx, double sy), (cr, sx, sy) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_set_dash,
- (cairo_t *cr, const double *dashes, int num_dashes, double offset), (cr, dashes, num_dashes, offset) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_set_fill_rule,
- (cairo_t *cr, cairo_fill_rule_t fill_rule), (cr, fill_rule) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_set_line_cap,
- (cairo_t *cr, cairo_line_cap_t line_cap), (cr, line_cap) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_set_line_join,
- (cairo_t *cr, cairo_line_join_t line_join), (cr, line_join) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_set_line_width,
- (cairo_t *cr, double width), (cr, width) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_set_operator,
- (cairo_t *cr, cairo_operator_t op), (cr, op) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_set_source,
- (cairo_t *cr, cairo_pattern_t *source), (cr, source) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_set_source_rgba,
- (cairo_t *cr, double red, double green, double blue, double alpha), (cr, red, green, blue, alpha) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_stroke,
- (cairo_t *cr), (cr) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_stroke_preserve,
- (cairo_t *cr), (cr) )
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( cairo_surface_t*, cairo_surface_create_similar,
- (cairo_surface_t *other, cairo_content_t content, int width, int height), (other, content, width, height), NULL)
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_surface_destroy,
- (cairo_surface_t *surface), (surface) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_translate,
- (cairo_t *cr, double tx, double ty), (cr, tx, ty) )
+bool wxCairoInit();
+void wxCairoCleanUp();
-#if wxUSE_PANGO
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( pango_cairo_update_layout,
- (cairo_t *cr, PangoLayout *layout), (cr, layout) )
- wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( pango_cairo_show_layout,
- (cairo_t *cr, PangoLayout *layout), (cr, layout) )
- wxDECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxCairoLibrary);
#endif // wxUSE_CAIRO
#pragma hdrstop
+// keep cairo.h from defining dllimport as we're defining the symbols inside
+// the wx dll in order to load them dynamically.
+#define cairo_public
#include "wx/cairo.h"
+#include "wx/dynlib.h"
+#ifdef __WXMAC__
+#include "wx/osx/private.h"
+#include <cairo-quartz.h>
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include "wx/module.h"
#include "wx/log.h"
+#define wxCAIRO_METHOD_TYPE(name) \
+ wxCairo##name##_t
+#define wxCAIRO_STATIC_METHOD_DEFINE(rettype, name, args, argnames, defret) \
+ static wxCAIRO_METHOD_TYPE(name) name;
+#define wxCAIRO_STATIC_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE(name, args, argnames) \
+ wxCAIRO_STATIC_METHOD_DEFINE(void, name, args, argnames, NULL)
+ m( cairo_append_path, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, const cairo_path_t *path), (cr, path) ) \
+ m( cairo_arc, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, double xc, double yc, double radius, double angle1, double angle2), (cr, xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2) ) \
+ m( cairo_arc_negative, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, double xc, double yc, double radius, double angle1, double angle2), (cr, xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2) ) \
+ m( cairo_clip, \
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr) ) \
+ m( cairo_close_path, \
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr) ) \
+ m( cairo_curve_to, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3), (cr, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) ) \
+ m( cairo_destroy, \
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr) ) \
+ m( cairo_fill, \
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr) ) \
+ m( cairo_fill_preserve, \
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr) ) \
+ m( cairo_font_extents, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, cairo_font_extents_t *extents), (cr, extents) ) \
+ m( cairo_font_face_destroy, \
+ (cairo_font_face_t *font_face), (font_face) ) \
+ m( cairo_get_current_point, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, double *x, double *y), (cr, x, y) ) \
+ m( cairo_get_matrix, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, cairo_matrix_t *matrix), (cr, matrix) ) \
+ m( cairo_line_to, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, double x, double y), (cr, x, y) ) \
+ m( cairo_matrix_init, \
+ (cairo_matrix_t *matrix, double xx, double yx, double xy, double yy, double x0, double y0), (matrix, xx, yx, xy, yy, x0, y0) ) \
+ m( cairo_matrix_multiply, \
+ (cairo_matrix_t *result, const cairo_matrix_t *a, const cairo_matrix_t *b), (result, a, b) ) \
+ m( cairo_matrix_rotate, \
+ (cairo_matrix_t *matrix, double radians), (matrix, radians) ) \
+ m( cairo_matrix_scale, \
+ (cairo_matrix_t *matrix, double sx, double sy), (matrix, sx, sy) ) \
+ m( cairo_matrix_transform_distance, \
+ (const cairo_matrix_t *matrix, double *dx, double *dy), (matrix, dx, dy) ) \
+ m( cairo_matrix_transform_point, \
+ (const cairo_matrix_t *matrix, double *x, double *y), (matrix, x, y) ) \
+ m( cairo_matrix_translate, \
+ (cairo_matrix_t *matrix, double tx, double ty), (matrix, tx, ty) ) \
+ m( cairo_move_to, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, double x, double y), (cr, x, y) ) \
+ m( cairo_new_path, \
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr) ) \
+ m( cairo_paint, \
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr) ) \
+ m( cairo_paint_with_alpha, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, double alpha), (cr, alpha) ) \
+ m( cairo_path_destroy, \
+ (cairo_path_t *path), (path) ) \
+ m( cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba, \
+ (cairo_pattern_t *pattern, double offset, double red, double green, double blue, double alpha), (pattern, offset, red, green, blue, alpha) ) \
+ m( cairo_pattern_destroy, \
+ (cairo_pattern_t *pattern), (pattern) ) \
+ m( cairo_pattern_set_extend, \
+ (cairo_pattern_t *pattern, cairo_extend_t extend), (pattern, extend) ) \
+ m( cairo_pattern_set_filter, \
+ (cairo_pattern_t *pattern, cairo_filter_t filter), (pattern, filter) ) \
+ m( cairo_pop_group_to_source, \
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr) ) \
+ m( cairo_push_group, \
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr) ) \
+ m( cairo_rectangle, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, double x, double y, double width, double height), (cr, x, y, width, height) ) \
+ m( cairo_reset_clip, \
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr) ) \
+ m( cairo_restore, \
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr) ) \
+ m( cairo_rotate, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, double angle), (cr, angle) ) \
+ m( cairo_save, \
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr) ) \
+ m( cairo_scale, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, double sx, double sy), (cr, sx, sy) ) \
+ m( cairo_select_font_face, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, const char *family, cairo_font_slant_t slant, cairo_font_weight_t weight), (cr, family, slant, weight) ) \
+ m( cairo_set_antialias, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, cairo_antialias_t antialias), (cr, antialias) ) \
+ m( cairo_set_dash, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, const double *dashes, int num_dashes, double offset), (cr, dashes, num_dashes, offset) ) \
+ m( cairo_set_fill_rule, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, cairo_fill_rule_t fill_rule), (cr, fill_rule) ) \
+ m( cairo_set_font_face, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, cairo_font_face_t *font_face), (cr, font_face) ) \
+ m( cairo_set_font_size, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, double size), (cr, size) ) \
+ m( cairo_set_line_cap, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, cairo_line_cap_t line_cap), (cr, line_cap) ) \
+ m( cairo_set_line_join, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, cairo_line_join_t line_join), (cr, line_join) ) \
+ m( cairo_set_line_width, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, double width), (cr, width) ) \
+ m( cairo_set_matrix, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, const cairo_matrix_t *matrix), (cr, matrix) ) \
+ m( cairo_set_operator, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, cairo_operator_t op), (cr, op) ) \
+ m( cairo_set_source, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, cairo_pattern_t *source), (cr, source) ) \
+ m( cairo_set_source_rgba, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, double red, double green, double blue, double alpha), (cr, red, green, blue, alpha) ) \
+ m( cairo_show_text, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, const char *utf8), (cr, utf8) ) \
+ m( cairo_stroke, \
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr) ) \
+ m( cairo_stroke_extents, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, double *x1, double *y1, double *x2, double *y2), (cr, x1, y1, x2, y2) ) \
+ m( cairo_stroke_preserve, \
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr) ) \
+ m( cairo_surface_destroy, \
+ (cairo_surface_t *surface), (surface) ) \
+ m( cairo_text_extents, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, const char *utf8, cairo_text_extents_t *extents), (cr, utf8, extents) ) \
+ m( cairo_transform, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, const cairo_matrix_t *matrix), (cr, matrix) ) \
+ m( cairo_translate, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, double tx, double ty), (cr, tx, ty) ) \
+#ifdef __WXMAC__
+ m( cairo_font_face_t*, cairo_quartz_font_face_create_for_cgfont, \
+ (CGFontRef font), (font), NULL ) \
+ m( cairo_surface_t*, cairo_quartz_surface_create_for_cg_context, \
+ (CGContextRef cgContext, unsigned int width, unsigned int height), (cgContext, width, height), NULL )
+#elif defined(__WXMSW__)
+ m( cairo_surface_t*, cairo_win32_surface_create, \
+ (HDC hdc), (hdc), NULL ) \
+ m( cairo_surface_t*, cairo_win32_printing_surface_create, \
+ (HDC hdc), (hdc), NULL )
+#define wxFOR_ALL_CAIRO_METHODS(m) \
+ m( cairo_path_t*, cairo_copy_path, \
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr), NULL ) \
+ m( cairo_t*, cairo_create, \
+ (cairo_surface_t *target), (target), NULL) \
+ m( cairo_surface_t*, cairo_get_target, \
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr), NULL) \
+ m( cairo_surface_t*, cairo_image_surface_create, \
+ (cairo_format_t format, int width, int height), (format, width, height), NULL ) \
+ m( cairo_surface_t*, cairo_image_surface_create_for_data, \
+ (unsigned char *data, cairo_format_t format, int width, int height, int stride), (data, format, width, height, stride), NULL) \
+ m( cairo_bool_t, cairo_in_fill, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, double x, double y), (cr, x, y), false ) \
+ m( cairo_status_t, cairo_matrix_invert, \
+ (cairo_matrix_t *matrix), (matrix), NULL) \
+ m( cairo_pattern_t*, cairo_pattern_create_for_surface, \
+ (cairo_surface_t *surface), (surface), NULL) \
+ m( cairo_pattern_t*, cairo_pattern_create_linear, \
+ (double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1), (x0, y0, x1, y1), NULL) \
+ m( cairo_pattern_t*, cairo_pattern_create_radial, \
+ (double cx0, double cy0, double radius0, double cx1, double cy1, double radius1), (cx0, cy0, radius0, cx1, cy1, radius1), NULL) \
+ m( cairo_status_t, cairo_pattern_status, \
+ (cairo_pattern_t *pattern), (pattern), 4) \
+ m( cairo_t*, cairo_reference, \
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr), NULL ) \
+ m( cairo_surface_t*, cairo_surface_create_similar, \
+ (cairo_surface_t *other, cairo_content_t content, int width, int height), (other, content, width, height), NULL) \
+#if wxUSE_PANGO
+ m( pango_cairo_update_layout, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, PangoLayout *layout), (cr, layout) ) \
+ m( pango_cairo_show_layout, \
+ (cairo_t *cr, PangoLayout *layout), (cr, layout) )
-wxCairoLibrary *wxCairoLibrary::ms_lib = NULL;
+#define wxCAIRO_DECLARE_TYPE(rettype, name, args, argnames, defret) \
+ typedef rettype (*wxCAIRO_METHOD_TYPE(name)) args ; \
+#define wxCAIRO_DECLARE_VOIDTYPE(name, args, argnames) \
+ wxCAIRO_DECLARE_TYPE(void, name, args, argnames, NULL)
+class wxCairo
+ static bool Initialize();
+ // for internal use only
+ static void CleanUp();
+ // the single wxCairo instance or NULL
+ static wxCairo *ms_lib;
+ wxCairo();
+ ~wxCairo();
+ bool IsOk();
+ wxDynamicLibrary m_libCairo;
+ wxDynamicLibrary m_libPangoCairo;
+ // true if we successfully loaded the libraries and can use them
+ //
+ // note that this field must have this name as it's used by wxDL_XXX macros
+ bool m_ok;
+#if wxUSE_PANGO // untested, uncomment to test compilation.
+#define wxINIT_CAIRO_VOIDFUNC(name, params, args) \
+ wxCAIRO_METHOD_TYPE(name) wxCairo::name = NULL;
+#define wxINIT_CAIRO_FUNC(rettype, name, params, args, defret) \
+ wxCAIRO_METHOD_TYPE(name) wxCairo::name = NULL;
+wxCairo *wxCairo::ms_lib = NULL;
// wxCairoLibrary
wxLogNull log;
- m_libCairo.Load("libcairo.so.2");
+#ifdef __WXMSW__
+ wxString cairoDllStr("libcairo-2.dll");
+ wxString cairoDllStr("libcairo.so.2");
+ m_libCairo.Load(cairoDllStr);
m_ok = m_libCairo.IsLoaded();
if ( !m_ok )
- m_ok = InitializeMethods();
+#define wxDO_LOAD_FUNC(name, nameStr) \
+ name = (wxCAIRO_METHOD_TYPE(name))m_libCairo.RawGetSymbol(nameStr); \
+ if ( !name ) \
+ return;
+#define wxLOAD_CAIRO_VOIDFUNC(name, params, args) \
+ wxDO_LOAD_FUNC(name, wxSTRINGIZE_T(name))
+#define wxLOAD_CAIRO_FUNC(rettype, name, params, args, defret) \
+ wxDO_LOAD_FUNC(name, wxSTRINGIZE_T(name))
+ m_ok = true;
-/* static */ wxCairoLibrary* wxCairoLibrary::Get()
+/* static */ bool wxCairo::Initialize()
if ( !ms_lib )
- ms_lib = new wxCairoLibrary();
+ ms_lib = new wxCairo();
if ( !ms_lib->IsOk() )
delete ms_lib;
- return ms_lib;
+ return ms_lib != NULL;
-/* static */ void wxCairoLibrary::CleanUp()
+/* static */ void wxCairo::CleanUp()
if (ms_lib)
-bool wxCairoLibrary::IsOk()
+bool wxCairo::IsOk()
return m_ok;
-bool wxCairoLibrary::InitializeMethods()
+// ============================================================================
+// implementation of the functions themselves
+// ============================================================================
+extern "C"
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_arc);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_arc_negative);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_clip);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_close_path);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_create);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_curve_to);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_destroy);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_fill);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_fill_preserve);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_get_target);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_image_surface_create_for_data);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_line_to);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_move_to);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_new_path);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_paint);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_pattern_create_for_surface);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_pattern_create_linear);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_pattern_create_radial);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_pattern_destroy);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_pattern_set_extend);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_pattern_set_filter);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_rectangle);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_reset_clip);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_restore);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_rotate);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_save);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_scale);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_set_dash);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_set_fill_rule);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_set_line_cap);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_set_line_join);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_set_line_width);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_set_operator);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_set_source);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_set_source_rgba);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_stroke);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_stroke_preserve);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_surface_create_similar);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_surface_destroy);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libCairo, cairo_translate);
-#if wxUSE_PANGO
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libPangoCairo, pango_cairo_update_layout);
- wxDL_METHOD_LOAD(m_libPangoCairo, pango_cairo_show_layout);
+bool wxCairoInit()
+ return wxCairo::Initialize();
- return true;
+void wxCairoCleanUp()
+ wxCairo::CleanUp();
+#define wxIMPL_CAIRO_FUNC(rettype, name, params, args, defret) \
+ rettype name params \
+ { \
+ wxASSERT_MSG(wxCairo::Initialize(), "Cairo not initialized"); \
+ return wxCairo::name args; \
+ }
+#define wxIMPL_CAIRO_VOIDFUNC(name, params, args) \
+ wxIMPL_CAIRO_FUNC(void, name, params, args, NULL)
+// we currently link directly to Cairo on GTK since it is usually available there,
+// so don't use our cairo_xyz wrapper functions until the decision is made to
+// always load Cairo dynamically there.
+#ifndef __WXGTK__
+} // extern "C"
// wxCairoModule
virtual void OnExit();
bool wxCairoModule::OnInit()
void wxCairoModule::OnExit()
- wxCairoLibrary::CleanUp();
+ wxCairo::CleanUp();
IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxCairoModule, wxModule)
+// keep cairo.h from defining dllimport as we're defining the symbols inside
+// the wx dll in order to load them dynamically.
+#define cairo_public
#include "wx/cairo.h"
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
// Create a surface object and copy the bitmap pixel data to it. if the
// image has alpha (or a mask represented as alpha) then we'll use a
// different format and iterator than if it doesn't...
- if (bmpSource.HasAlpha() || bmpSource.GetMask())
+ if (bmpSource.HasAlpha() || (bmpSource.GetMask()
+#ifdef __WXMSW__
+ // this check is needed under wxMSW, but adding this condition to wxGTK
+ // causes an assert when getting alpha pixel data, not sure about Mac.
+ && bmpSource.GetDepth() == 32
+ ))
m_surface = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data(
m_buffer, CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, bw, bh, bw*4);
wxCairoContext::wxCairoContext( wxGraphicsRenderer* renderer, const wxPrinterDC& dc )
: wxGraphicsContext(renderer)
+#ifdef __WXMSW__
+ // wxMSW contexts always use MM_ANISOTROPIC, which messes up
+ // text rendering when printing using Cairo. Switch it to MM_TEXT
+ // map mode to avoid this problem.
+ HDC hdc = (HDC)dc.GetHDC();
+ ::SetMapMode(hdc, MM_TEXT);
+ m_mswSurface = cairo_win32_printing_surface_create(hdc);
+ Init( cairo_create(m_mswSurface) );
#ifdef __WXGTK20__
const wxDCImpl *impl = dc.GetImpl();
Init( (cairo_t*) impl->GetCairoContext() );
wxSize sz = dc.GetSize();
m_width = sz.x;
m_height = sz.y;
double sx,sy;
dc.GetUserScale( &sx, &sy );
+// TODO: Determine if these fixes are needed on other platforms too.
+// On MSW, without this the printer context will not respect wxDC SetMapMode calls.
+// For example, using dc.SetMapMode(wxMM_POINTS) can let us share printer and screen
+// drawing code
+#ifdef __WXMSW__
+ double lsx,lsy;
+ dc.GetLogicalScale( &lsx, &lsy );
+ sx *= lsx;
+ sy *= lsy;
cairo_scale( m_context, sx, sy );
org = dc.GetLogicalOrigin();
cairo_translate( m_context, -org.x, -org.y );
wxCairoContext::wxCairoContext( wxGraphicsRenderer* renderer, const wxWindowDC& dc )
m_enableOffset = true;
+#ifdef __WXMSW__
+ m_mswSurface = cairo_win32_surface_create((HDC)dc.GetHDC());
+ Init( cairo_create(m_mswSurface) );
#ifdef __WXGTK20__
wxGTKDCImpl *impldc = (wxGTKDCImpl*) dc.GetImpl();
Init( gdk_cairo_create( impldc->GetGDKWindow() ) );
m_height = height;
m_enableOffset = true;
+#ifdef __WXMSW__
+ m_mswSurface = cairo_win32_surface_create((HDC)dc.GetHDC());
+ Init( cairo_create(m_mswSurface) );
#ifdef __WXGTK20__
wxGTKDCImpl *impldc = (wxGTKDCImpl*) dc.GetImpl();
// create a subimage from a native image representation
virtual wxGraphicsBitmap CreateSubBitmap( const wxGraphicsBitmap &bitmap, wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble w, wxDouble h );
+protected :
+ bool EnsureIsLoaded();
+ void Load();
+ void Unload();
+ friend class wxCairoModule;
private :
+ int m_loaded;
} ;
extern wxGraphicsRenderer* gCairoRenderer;
wxGraphicsRenderer* gCairoRenderer = &gs_cairoGraphicsRenderer;
+bool wxCairoRenderer::EnsureIsLoaded()
+#ifndef __WXGTK__
+ Load();
+ return wxCairoInit();
+ return true;
+void wxCairoRenderer::Load()
+ wxCairoInit();
+void wxCairoRenderer::Unload()
+ wxCairoCleanUp();
+// call EnsureIsLoaded() and return returnOnFail value if it fails
+#define ENSURE_LOADED_OR_RETURN(returnOnFail) \
+ if ( !EnsureIsLoaded() ) \
+ return (returnOnFail)
wxGraphicsContext * wxCairoRenderer::CreateContext( const wxWindowDC& dc)
return new wxCairoContext(this,dc);
wxGraphicsContext * wxCairoRenderer::CreateContext( const wxMemoryDC& dc)
return new wxCairoContext(this,dc);
wxGraphicsContext * wxCairoRenderer::CreateContext( const wxPrinterDC& dc)
#ifdef __WXGTK20__
const wxDCImpl *impl = dc.GetImpl();
cairo_t* context = (cairo_t*) impl->GetCairoContext();
return new wxCairoContext(this,dc);
- return NULL;
+ return new wxCairoContext(this,dc);
#ifdef __WXMSW__
-wxGraphicsContext * wxCairoRenderer::CreateContext( const wxEnhMetaFileDC& dc)
+wxGraphicsContext * wxCairoRenderer::CreateContext( const wxEnhMetaFileDC& WXUNUSED(dc) )
return NULL;
wxGraphicsContext * wxCairoRenderer::CreateContextFromNativeContext( void * context )
#ifdef __WXMSW__
return new wxCairoContext(this,(HDC)context);
wxGraphicsContext * wxCairoRenderer::CreateContextFromNativeWindow( void * window )
#ifdef __WXGTK__
return new wxCairoContext(this,(GdkDrawable*)window);
+ wxUnusedVar(window);
return NULL;
wxGraphicsContext * wxCairoRenderer::CreateMeasuringContext()
#ifdef __WXGTK__
return CreateContextFromNativeWindow(gdk_get_default_root_window());
wxGraphicsContext * wxCairoRenderer::CreateContext( wxWindow* window )
return new wxCairoContext(this, window );
wxGraphicsPath wxCairoRenderer::CreatePath()
+ ENSURE_LOADED_OR_RETURN(wxNullGraphicsPath);
wxGraphicsPath path;
path.SetRefData( new wxCairoPathData(this) );
return path;
wxDouble tx, wxDouble ty)
+ ENSURE_LOADED_OR_RETURN(wxNullGraphicsMatrix);
wxGraphicsMatrix m;
wxCairoMatrixData* data = new wxCairoMatrixData( this );
data->Set( a,b,c,d,tx,ty ) ;
wxGraphicsPen wxCairoRenderer::CreatePen(const wxPen& pen)
if ( !pen.IsOk() || pen.GetStyle() == wxPENSTYLE_TRANSPARENT )
return wxNullGraphicsPen;
wxGraphicsBrush wxCairoRenderer::CreateBrush(const wxBrush& brush )
+ ENSURE_LOADED_OR_RETURN(wxNullGraphicsBrush);
if ( !brush.IsOk() || brush.GetStyle() == wxBRUSHSTYLE_TRANSPARENT )
return wxNullGraphicsBrush;
wxDouble x2, wxDouble y2,
const wxGraphicsGradientStops& stops)
+ ENSURE_LOADED_OR_RETURN(wxNullGraphicsBrush);
wxGraphicsBrush p;
wxCairoBrushData* d = new wxCairoBrushData( this );
d->CreateLinearGradientBrush(x1, y1, x2, y2, stops);
wxDouble xc, wxDouble yc, wxDouble r,
const wxGraphicsGradientStops& stops)
+ ENSURE_LOADED_OR_RETURN(wxNullGraphicsBrush);
wxGraphicsBrush p;
wxCairoBrushData* d = new wxCairoBrushData( this );
d->CreateRadialGradientBrush(xo, yo, xc, yc, r, stops);
// sets the font
wxGraphicsFont wxCairoRenderer::CreateFont( const wxFont &font , const wxColour &col )
+ ENSURE_LOADED_OR_RETURN(wxNullGraphicsFont);
if ( font.IsOk() )
wxGraphicsFont p;
wxGraphicsBitmap wxCairoRenderer::CreateBitmap( const wxBitmap& bmp )
+ ENSURE_LOADED_OR_RETURN(wxNullGraphicsBitmap);
if ( bmp.IsOk() )
wxGraphicsBitmap p;
wxGraphicsBitmap wxCairoRenderer::CreateBitmapFromNativeBitmap( void* bitmap )
+ ENSURE_LOADED_OR_RETURN(wxNullGraphicsBitmap);
if ( bitmap != NULL )
wxGraphicsBitmap p;
wxDouble WXUNUSED(w),
wxDouble WXUNUSED(h))
+ ENSURE_LOADED_OR_RETURN(wxNullGraphicsBitmap);
wxFAIL_MSG("wxCairoRenderer::CreateSubBitmap is not implemented.");
return wxNullGraphicsBitmap;