key containing it if it didn't have any subkeys (i.e. would delete the
sibling values)
2. wxRegKey::GetFirstValue() starts with first value, not the second one
3. typo in wxStaticText::DoSetSize() which prevented width.AsIs() from
working fixed
4. adjustment for the parent client area offset not done for the top level
windows (dialogs and frames) any more
// query existence of a key/value
// return true if value exists
// query existence of a key/value
// return true if value exists
- bool HasValue(const wxChar *szKey) const;
+ bool HasValue(const wxChar *szKey) const;
// return true if given subkey exists
// return true if given subkey exists
- bool HasSubKey(const wxChar *szKey) const;
+ bool HasSubKey(const wxChar *szKey) const;
// return true if any subkeys exist
// return true if any subkeys exist
- bool HasSubkeys() const;
+ bool HasSubkeys() const;
+ // return true if any values exist
+ bool HasValues() const;
+ // return true if the key is empty (nothing under this key)
+ bool IsEmpty() const { return !HasSubkeys() && !HasValues(); }
// enumerate values and subkeys
bool GetFirstValue(wxString& strValueName, long& lIndex);
// enumerate values and subkeys
bool GetFirstValue(wxString& strValueName, long& lIndex);
if ( !m_keyLocal.DeleteValue(path.Name()) )
return FALSE;
if ( !m_keyLocal.DeleteValue(path.Name()) )
return FALSE;
- if ( !m_keyLocal.HasSubkeys() ) {
+ if ( m_keyLocal.IsEmpty() ) {
wxString strKey = GetPath().AfterLast(wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR);
SetPath(".."); // changes m_keyLocal
return m_keyLocal.DeleteKey(strKey);
wxString strKey = GetPath().AfterLast(wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR);
SetPath(".."); // changes m_keyLocal
return m_keyLocal.DeleteKey(strKey);
+// returns TRUE if this key has any values
+bool wxRegKey::HasValues() const
+ // suppress possible messages from GetFirstValue()
+ wxLogNull nolog;
+ // just call GetFirstValue with dummy parameters
+ wxString str;
+ long l;
+ return CONST_CAST GetFirstValue(str, l);
// returns TRUE if this key has any subkeys
bool wxRegKey::HasSubkeys() const
// returns TRUE if this key has any subkeys
bool wxRegKey::HasSubkeys() const
wxChar szValueName[1024]; // @@ use RegQueryInfoKey...
DWORD dwValueLen = WXSIZEOF(szValueName);
wxChar szValueName[1024]; // @@ use RegQueryInfoKey...
DWORD dwValueLen = WXSIZEOF(szValueName);
- lIndex++;
- m_dwLastError = RegEnumValue((HKEY) m_hKey, lIndex,
+ m_dwLastError = RegEnumValue((HKEY) m_hKey, lIndex++,
szValueName, &dwValueLen,
NULL, // [out] type
szValueName, &dwValueLen,
NULL, // [out] type
for ( const char *pc = text; ; pc++ ) {
if ( *pc == '\n' || *pc == '\0' ) {
GetTextExtent(curLine, &widthLine, &heightLine);
for ( const char *pc = text; ; pc++ ) {
if ( *pc == '\n' || *pc == '\0' ) {
GetTextExtent(curLine, &widthLine, &heightLine);
- if ( width > widthTextMax )
+ if ( widthLine > widthTextMax )
widthTextMax = widthLine;
heightTextTotal += heightLine;
widthTextMax = widthLine;
heightTextTotal += heightLine;
void wxWindow::DoGetPosition(int *x, int *y) const
HWND hWnd = GetHwnd();
void wxWindow::DoGetPosition(int *x, int *y) const
HWND hWnd = GetHwnd();
- HWND hParentWnd = 0;
- if ( GetParent() )
- hParentWnd = (HWND) GetParent()->GetHWND();
RECT rect;
GetWindowRect(hWnd, &rect);
RECT rect;
GetWindowRect(hWnd, &rect);
- // Since we now have the absolute screen coords, if there's a parent we
- // must subtract its top left corner
POINT point;
point.x = rect.left;
point.y =;
POINT point;
point.x = rect.left;
point.y =;
- if ( hParentWnd )
- {
- ::ScreenToClient(hParentWnd, &point);
- }
- // We may be faking the client origin. So a window that's really at (0,
- // 30) may appear (to wxWin apps) to be at (0, 0).
- if ( GetParent() )
+ // we do the adjustments with respect to the parent only for the "real"
+ // children, not for the dialogs/frames
+ if ( !IsTopLevel() )
- wxPoint pt(GetParent()->GetClientAreaOrigin());
- point.x -= pt.x;
- point.y -= pt.y;
+ HWND hParentWnd = 0;
+ wxWindow *parent = GetParent();
+ if ( parent )
+ hParentWnd = GetWinHwnd(parent);
+ // Since we now have the absolute screen coords, if there's a parent we
+ // must subtract its top left corner
+ if ( hParentWnd )
+ {
+ ::ScreenToClient(hParentWnd, &point);
+ }
+ // We may be faking the client origin. So a window that's really at (0,
+ // 30) may appear (to wxWin apps) to be at (0, 0).
+ if ( parent )
+ {
+ wxPoint pt(parent->GetClientAreaOrigin());
+ point.x -= pt.x;
+ point.y -= pt.y;
+ }
// a toolbar that it manages itself).
void wxWindow::AdjustForParentClientOrigin(int& x, int& y, int sizeFlags)
// a toolbar that it manages itself).
void wxWindow::AdjustForParentClientOrigin(int& x, int& y, int sizeFlags)
- if ( ((sizeFlags & wxSIZE_NO_ADJUSTMENTS) == 0) && GetParent() )
+ // don't do it for the dialogs/frames - they float independently of their
+ // parent
+ if ( !IsTopLevel() )
- wxPoint pt(GetParent()->GetClientAreaOrigin());
- x += pt.x; y += pt.y;
+ wxWindow *parent = GetParent();
+ if ( !(sizeFlags & wxSIZE_NO_ADJUSTMENTS) && parent )
+ {
+ wxPoint pt(parent->GetClientAreaOrigin());
+ x += pt.x; y += pt.y;
+ }