+ // Add the last line - it's the current pos -> last para pos
+ // Substract -1 because the last position is always the end-paragraph position.
+ if (lastCompletedEndPos <= GetRange().GetEnd()-1)
+ {
+ currentPosition.x = (lineCount == 0 ? startPositionFirstLine : startPositionSubsequentLines);
+ wxRichTextLine* line = AllocateLine(lineCount);
+ wxRichTextRange actualRange(lastCompletedEndPos+1, GetRange().GetEnd()-1);
+ // Set relative range so we won't have to change line ranges when paragraphs are moved
+ line->SetRange(wxRichTextRange(actualRange.GetStart() - GetRange().GetStart(), actualRange.GetEnd() - GetRange().GetStart()));
+ line->SetPosition(currentPosition);
+ if (lineHeight == 0 && buffer)
+ {
+ wxFont font(buffer->GetFontTable().FindFont(attr));
+ wxCheckSetFont(dc, font);
+ lineHeight = dc.GetCharHeight();
+ }
+ if (maxDescent == 0)
+ {
+ int w, h;
+ dc.GetTextExtent(wxT("X"), & w, &h, & maxDescent);
+ }
+ line->SetSize(wxSize(currentWidth, lineHeight));
+ line->SetDescent(maxDescent);
+ currentPosition.y += lineHeight;
+ currentPosition.y += lineSpacing;
+ lineCount ++;
+ }