-\func{void}{SetFonts}{\param{wxString }{normal\_face}, \param{int }{normal\_italic\_mode}, \param{wxString }{fixed\_face}, \param{int }{fixed\_italic\_mode}, \param{const int }{*sizes}}
+\func{void}{SetFonts}{\param{wxString }{normal\_face}, \param{wxString }{fixed\_face}, \param{const int }{*sizes}}
This function sets font sizes and faces.
platform-specific face name. Examples are "helvetica" under Unix or
"Times New Roman" under Windows.}
-\docparam{normal\_italic\_mode}{This is either wxSLANT or wxITALIC.
-It determines how
-italic (<I>..</I>) text is handled. See wxFont documentation for
-details. For example you should use wxSLANT in conjuction with
-"helvetica" face or wxITALIC with "times" face.}
\docparam{fixed\_face}{The same thing for fixed face ( <TT>..</TT> )}
-\docparam{fixed\_italic\_mode}{The same thing for fixed face.}
\docparam{sizes}{This is an array of 7 items of {\it int} type.
The values represent size of font with HTML size from -2 to +4
( <FONT SIZE=-2> to <FONT SIZE=+4> )}
Under wxGTK:
- SetFonts("", wxSLANT, "", wxSLANT, {10, 12, 14, 16, 19, 24, 32});
+ SetFonts("", "", {10, 12, 14, 16, 19, 24, 32});
Under Windows:
- SetFonts("", wxSLANT, "", wxSLANT, {7, 8, 10, 12, 16, 22, 30});
+ SetFonts("", "", {7, 8, 10, 12, 16, 22, 30});
Athough it seems different the fact is that the fonts are of approximately
-\func{void}{SetFonts}{\param{wxString }{normal\_face}, \param{int }{normal\_italic\_mode}, \param{wxString }{fixed\_face}, \param{int }{fixed\_italic\_mode}, \param{const int }{*sizes}}
+\func{void}{SetFonts}{\param{wxString }{normal\_face}, \param{wxString }{fixed\_face}, \param{const int }{*sizes}}
Sets fonts. This method is identical to \helpref{wxHtmlWindow::SetFonts}{wxhtmlwindowsetfonts}
wxArrayString *m_NormalFonts, *m_FixedFonts;
int m_FontSize; // 0,1,2 = small,medium,big
wxString m_NormalFace, m_FixedFace;
- int m_NormalItalic, m_FixedItalic;
void Init(wxHtmlHelpData* data = NULL);
WX_DECLARE_EXPORTED_OBJARRAY(HtmlHistoryItem, HtmlHistoryArray);
class WXDLLEXPORT wxHtmlWindow : public wxScrolledWindow
// after(!) calling SetRelatedFrame, this sets statusbar slot where messages
// will be displayed. Default is -1 = no messages.
- void SetFonts(wxString normal_face, int normal_italic_mode, wxString fixed_face, int fixed_italic_mode, const int *sizes);
+ void SetFonts(wxString normal_face, wxString fixed_face, const int *sizes);
// sets fonts to be used when displaying HTML page.
- // *_italic_mode can be either wxSLANT or wxITALIC
virtual void OnSetTitle(const wxString& title);
// Sets the title of the window
wxWindow *GetWindow() {return m_Window;}
// returns associated wxWindow
- void SetFonts(wxString normal_face, int normal_italic_mode, wxString fixed_face, int fixed_italic_mode, const int *sizes);
+ void SetFonts(wxString normal_face, wxString fixed_face, const int *sizes);
// sets fonts to be used when displaying HTML page.
- // *_italic_mode can be either wxSLANT or wxITALIC
virtual wxList* GetTempData();
// all of them are used, so many items in table are usually NULL.
int m_FontsSizes[7];
wxString m_FontFaceFixed, m_FontFaceNormal;
- int m_ItalicModeFixed, m_ItalicModeNormal;
// html font sizes and faces of fixed and proportional fonts
m_NormalFonts = m_FixedFonts = NULL;
m_FontSize = 1;
m_NormalFace = m_FixedFace = wxEmptyString;
- m_NormalItalic = m_FixedItalic = wxSLANT;
// Create: builds the GUI components.
if (m_Config)
ReadCustomization(m_Config, m_ConfigRoot);
- wxFrame::Create(parent, id, _("Help"), wxPoint(m_Cfg.x, m_Cfg.y), wxSize(m_Cfg.w, m_Cfg.h));
+ wxFrame::Create(parent, id, _("Help"), wxPoint(m_Cfg.x, m_Cfg.y), wxSize(m_Cfg.w, m_Cfg.h), wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, "wxHtmlHelp");
GetPosition(&m_Cfg.x, &m_Cfg.y);
m_FixedFace = cfg -> Read("hcFixedFace", m_FixedFace);
m_NormalFace = cfg -> Read("hcNormalFace", m_NormalFace);
m_FontSize = cfg -> Read("hcFontSize", m_FontSize);
- m_NormalItalic = cfg -> Read("hcNormalItalic", m_NormalItalic);
- m_FixedItalic = cfg -> Read("hcFixedItalic", m_FixedItalic);
int i;
cfg -> Write("hcFixedFace", m_FixedFace);
cfg -> Write("hcNormalFace", m_NormalFace);
cfg -> Write("hcFontSize", (long)m_FontSize);
- cfg -> Write("hcNormalItalic", (long)m_NormalItalic);
- cfg -> Write("hcFixedItalic", (long)m_FixedItalic);
if (m_Bookmarks) {
int i;
-static void SetFontsToHtmlWin(wxHtmlWindow *win, wxString scalf, int scalit, wxString fixf, int fixit, int size)
+static void SetFontsToHtmlWin(wxHtmlWindow *win, wxString scalf, wxString fixf, int size)
static int f_sizes[3][7] =
{14, 16, 18, 24, 32, 38, 45}
- win -> SetFonts(scalf, scalit, fixf, fixit, f_sizes[size]);
+ win -> SetFonts(scalf, fixf, f_sizes[size]);
wxComboBox *NormalFont, *FixedFont;
- wxRadioButton *SFI_i, *SFI_s, *FFI_i, *FFI_s;
wxRadioBox *RadioBox;
wxHtmlWindow *TestWin;
wxHtmlHelpFrameOptionsDialog(wxWindow *parent) : wxDialog(parent, -1, wxString(_("Help Browser Options")))
wxString choices[3] = {_("small"), _("medium"), _("large")};
- wxString choices2[2] = {_("italic"), _("slant")};
- wxBoxSizer *topsizer, *sizer, *sizer2, *sizer3;
+ wxBoxSizer *topsizer, *sizer, *sizer2;
topsizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
1, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 10);
- sizer3 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
- sizer3 -> Add(SFI_i = new wxRadioButton(this, -1, _("use italic"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxRB_GROUP),
- 1, wxEXPAND, 0);
- sizer3 -> Add(SFI_s = new wxRadioButton(this, -1, _("use slant"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0),
- 1, wxEXPAND, 0);
- sizer2 -> Add(sizer3, 0, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 10);
sizer -> Add(sizer2, 0, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxTOP, 10);
sizer2 = new wxStaticBoxSizer( new wxStaticBox(this, -1, _("Fixed font:")), wxVERTICAL);
1, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 10);
- sizer3 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
- sizer3 -> Add(FFI_i = new wxRadioButton(this, -1, _("use italic"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxRB_GROUP),
- 1, wxEXPAND, 0);
- sizer3 -> Add(FFI_s = new wxRadioButton(this, -1, _("use slant"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0),
- 1, wxEXPAND, 0);
- sizer2 -> Add(sizer3, 0, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 10);
sizer -> Add(sizer2, 0, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxTOP, 10);
topsizer -> Add(sizer);
wxBusyCursor bcur;
- NormalFont -> GetStringSelection(), SFI_i -> GetValue() ? wxITALIC : wxSLANT,
- FixedFont -> GetStringSelection(), FFI_i -> GetValue() ? wxITALIC : wxSLANT,
+ NormalFont -> GetStringSelection(),
+ FixedFont -> GetStringSelection(),
RadioBox -> GetSelection());
TestWin -> SetPage(_("<html><body>"
"Normal face<br>(and <u>underlined</u>. <i>Italic face.</i> "
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxHtmlHelpFrameOptionsDialog, wxDialog)
EVT_COMBOBOX(-1, wxHtmlHelpFrameOptionsDialog::OnUpdate)
EVT_RADIOBOX(-1, wxHtmlHelpFrameOptionsDialog::OnUpdate)
- EVT_RADIOBUTTON(-1, wxHtmlHelpFrameOptionsDialog::OnUpdate)
if (!m_FixedFace.IsEmpty()) dlg.FixedFont -> SetStringSelection(m_FixedFace);
else dlg.FixedFont -> SetSelection(0);
dlg.RadioBox -> SetSelection(m_FontSize);
- dlg.SFI_i -> SetValue(m_NormalItalic == wxITALIC);
- dlg.SFI_s -> SetValue(m_NormalItalic == wxSLANT);
- dlg.FFI_i -> SetValue(m_FixedItalic == wxITALIC);
- dlg.FFI_s -> SetValue(m_FixedItalic == wxSLANT);
if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) {
m_NormalFace = dlg.NormalFont -> GetStringSelection();
m_FixedFace = dlg.FixedFont -> GetStringSelection();
m_FontSize = dlg.RadioBox -> GetSelection();
- m_NormalItalic = dlg.SFI_i -> GetValue() ? wxITALIC : wxSLANT;
- m_FixedItalic = dlg.FFI_i -> GetValue() ? wxITALIC : wxSLANT;
- SetFontsToHtmlWin(m_HtmlWin, m_NormalFace, m_NormalItalic, m_FixedFace, m_FixedItalic, m_FontSize);
+ SetFontsToHtmlWin(m_HtmlWin, m_NormalFace, m_FixedFace, m_FontSize);
-void wxHtmlWindow::SetFonts(wxString normal_face, int normal_italic_mode, wxString fixed_face, int fixed_italic_mode, const int *sizes)
+void wxHtmlWindow::SetFonts(wxString normal_face, wxString fixed_face, const int *sizes)
wxString op = m_OpenedPage;
- m_Parser -> SetFonts(normal_face, normal_italic_mode, fixed_face, fixed_italic_mode, sizes);
+ m_Parser -> SetFonts(normal_face, fixed_face, sizes);
SetPage(wxT("<html><body></body></html>")); // fonts changed => contents invalid
if (!op.IsEmpty()) LoadPage(op);
wxString tmp;
int p_fontsizes[7];
wxString p_fff, p_ffn;
- int p_imf, p_imn;
if (path != wxEmptyString) {
oldpath = cfg -> GetPath();
m_Borders = cfg -> Read("wxHtmlWindow/Borders", m_Borders);
p_fff = cfg -> Read("wxHtmlWindow/FontFaceFixed", m_Parser -> m_FontFaceFixed);
p_ffn = cfg -> Read("wxHtmlWindow/FontFaceNormal", m_Parser -> m_FontFaceNormal);
- p_imf = cfg -> Read("wxHtmlWindow/ItalicModeFixed", m_Parser -> m_ItalicModeFixed);
- p_imn = cfg -> Read("wxHtmlWindow/ItalicModeNormal", m_Parser -> m_ItalicModeNormal);
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
tmp.Printf(wxT("wxHtmlWindow/FontsSize%i"), i);
p_fontsizes[i] = cfg -> Read(tmp, m_Parser -> m_FontsSizes[i]);
- SetFonts(p_ffn, p_imn, p_fff, p_imf, p_fontsizes);
+ SetFonts(p_ffn, p_fff, p_fontsizes);
if (path != wxEmptyString)
cfg -> SetPath(oldpath);
cfg -> Write("wxHtmlWindow/Borders", (long) m_Borders);
cfg -> Write("wxHtmlWindow/FontFaceFixed", m_Parser -> m_FontFaceFixed);
cfg -> Write("wxHtmlWindow/FontFaceNormal", m_Parser -> m_FontFaceNormal);
- cfg -> Write("wxHtmlWindow/ItalicModeFixed", (long) m_Parser -> m_ItalicModeFixed);
- cfg -> Write("wxHtmlWindow/ItalicModeNormal", (long) m_Parser -> m_ItalicModeNormal);
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
tmp.Printf(wxT("wxHtmlWindow/FontsSize%i"), i);
cfg -> Write(tmp, (long) m_Parser -> m_FontsSizes[i]);
static int default_sizes[7] = {10, 12, 14, 16, 19, 24, 32};
- SetFonts("", wxSLANT, "", wxSLANT, default_sizes);
+ SetFonts("", "", default_sizes);
// fill in wxHtmlParser's tables:
-void wxHtmlWinParser::SetFonts(wxString normal_face, int normal_italic_mode, wxString fixed_face, int fixed_italic_mode, const int *sizes)
+void wxHtmlWinParser::SetFonts(wxString normal_face, wxString fixed_face, const int *sizes)
int i, j, k, l, m;
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) m_FontsSizes[i] = sizes[i];
m_FontFaceFixed = fixed_face;
m_FontFaceNormal = normal_face;
- m_ItalicModeFixed = fixed_italic_mode;
- m_ItalicModeNormal = normal_italic_mode;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
new wxFont(
m_FontsSizes[fs] * m_PixelScale,
ff ? wxMODERN : wxSWISS,
- fi ? (ff ? m_ItalicModeFixed : m_ItalicModeNormal) : wxNORMAL,
+ fi ? wxITALIC : wxNORMAL,
fb ? wxBOLD : wxNORMAL,
fu ? TRUE : FALSE, ff ? m_FontFaceFixed : m_FontFaceNormal);