Source: "scripts\pycrust"; DestDir: "{code:GetPythonDir}\Scripts"; Components: core
Source: "scripts\pywrap"; DestDir: "{code:GetPythonDir}\Scripts"; Components: core
Source: "scripts\xrced"; DestDir: "{code:GetPythonDir}\Scripts"; Components: core
-Source: "%(WXDIR)s\lib\vc_dll\wxrc.exe"; DestDir: "{code:GetPythonDir}\Scripts"; Components: core
+Source: "%(WXDIR)s\lib\vc_dll\wxrc.exe"; DestDir: "{code:GetPythonDir}\Scripts"; Components: core
Source: "samples\doodle\*.py"; DestDir: "{app}\wx\samples\doodle"; Components: samples
Source: "samples\doodle\*.txt"; DestDir: "{app}\wx\samples\doodle"; Components: samples
+Source: "samples\doodle\*.bat"; DestDir: "{app}\wx\samples\doodle"; Components: samples
Source: "samples\doodle\sample.ddl"; DestDir: "{app}\wx\samples\doodle"; Components: samples
Source: "samples\doodle\superdoodle.iss"; DestDir: "{app}\wx\samples\doodle"; Components: samples
this command to build the .exe and collect the
other needed files:
- python py2exe -w
+ python py2exe
- superdoodle.iss An InnoSetup script to build a self-installer of
- the superdoodle standalone executable. You can
- get InnoSetup from
- You may have to edit this file to make it work
- for your environment and python installation.
+ superdoodle.iss NOTE: This .iss file needs updating!
+ An InnoSetup script to build a self-installer of
+ the superdoodle standalone executable created
+ with py2exe. You can get InnoSetup from
+ You may have to edit
+ this file to make it work for your environment
+ and python installation.
+ cxfreeze.bat An example of creating an executable with the
+ cx_Freeze utility, downloadable from
+ installer.bat An example of creating an executable with Gordon
+ McMillan's Installer utility.
--- /dev/null
+rem This script is an example of how to use cx_Freeze on a wxPython
+rem app to produce an executable.
+set CXDIR=c:\tools\cx_Freeze-2.2
+rem set CXBASE=ConsoleBase.exe
+set CXBASE=Win32GUIBase.exe
+mkdir cxdist
+%CXDIR%\FreezePython.exe --base-binary %CXDIR%\%CXBASE% --install-dir cxdist
+rem NOTE: Only the python DLL is copied to cxdist, you'll still need
+rem to copy the wxWidgets DLLs and any others that are needed...
--- /dev/null
+rem This script is an example of how to use the McMillan Installer
+rem on a wxPython app to produce an executable.
+set INSTDIR=c:\tools\Installer
+python %INSTDIR%\ --onedir --noconsole
+python %INSTDIR%\ superdoodle.spec
import py2exe
setup( name = "superdoodle",
- #console = ["", ""]
- windows = ["", ""]
+ #console = [""]
+ windows = [""] #, ""]