Making them consecutive groups source files that are repeated next to each other in the project file like Xcode does, instead of creating a complete new random identifier which resulted in creating a distance between the source files after they were sorted.
for s in dict:
# s[0] is the original ID, s[1] is the name
newId = toUuid(s[1])
- num = 0
# Some names can appear twice or even more (depending on number of
# targets), make them unique
while newId in idDict.values() :
- num = num + 1
- newId = toUuid(s[1] + str(num))
+ # [2:-1] to skip prepended 0x and trailing L
+ newId = hex(int(newId, 16) + 1)[2:-1].upper()
assert(not s[0] in idDict)
idDict[s[0]] = newId