CURDATE=`date -I`
cd ${WORKDIR}/wxWidgets && cvs -z3 update -P -d
- (
- cd ${WORKDIR}/wxGTK && cvs -z3 update -P
- )
cd ..
- rm -f ${WORKDIR}/archives/wx-cvs-$1*
- cd ${WORKDIR}/
- ##tar --exclude=*.ds* -jcf ./archives/test.tar.bz2 ./wxGTK
- tar --exclude=*.ds* -jcf ./archives/wx-cvs-$1-${CURDATE}.tar.bz2 ./$2
do_package tar autoconf autoconf_inc.m4
- do_package zip borland makefile.bcc config.bcc
+ do_package zip gnu makefile.unx
+ do_package tar gnu makefile.unx
do_package zip mingw makefile.gcc config.gcc
do_package zip dmars makefile.dmc config.dmc makefile.dms config.dms
do_package zip watcom makefile.wat config.wat
copy_files ()
##delete old files and then copy new ones, add a symlink
-## CVS
-find ${FTPDIR}/CVS_HEAD/files -type f -name wx-cvs\* -mtime +6 | xargs rm -rf
-cp ${WORKDIR}/archives/wx-cvs-* ${FTPDIR}/CVS_HEAD/files
-for f in `find ${FTPDIR}/CVS_HEAD/files -type f -name wx-cvs\* -mmin -601` ; do
- ln -s $f `echo $f | sed -e "s/-${CURDATE}//" | sed -e "s|/files||" `
-## make sure updated at is really last
-sleep 10
-echo cvs checkout done at `date -u` > ${FTPDIR}/CVS_HEAD/updated_at.txt
## Makefiles
find ${FTPDIR}/CVS_Makefiles/files -type f -name wx-mk\* -mtime +3 | xargs rm -rf
cp ${WORKDIR}/archives/wx-mk-* ${FTPDIR}/CVS_Makefiles/files
-rm ${FTPDIR}/CVS_Makefiles/wx* ${FTPDIR}/CVS_Makefiles/MD5SUM
+rm -f ${FTPDIR}/CVS_Makefiles/wx* ${FTPDIR}/CVS_Makefiles/MD5SUM
##there must be an easier way of doing these links...
for f in `find ${FTPDIR}/CVS_Makefiles/files -type f -name wx-mk\* -mmin -601` ; do
ln -s $f `echo $f | sed -e "s/-${CURDATE}//" | sed -e "s|/files||" `
sleep 10
echo CVS Makefiles generated from bakefiles last updated at `date -u` > ${FTPDIR}/CVS_Makefiles/updated_at.txt
+## Setup.exe
+find ${FTPDIR}/CVS_HEAD/v1/files -type f -name wx\* -mtime +3 | xargs rm -rf
+cp ${WORKDIR}/archives/win/*.exe ${FTPDIR}/CVS_HEAD/v1/files
+rm -f ${FTPDIR}/CVS_HEAD/v1/*.exe ${FTPDIR}/CVS_Makefiles/MD5SUM
+##there must be an easier way of doing these links...
+for f in `find ${FTPDIR}/CVS_HEAD/v1/files -type f -name wx\*.exe -mmin -601` ; do
+ ln -s $f `echo $f | sed -e "s/-${CURDATE}//" | sed -e "s|/files||" `
+md5sum ${FTPDIR}/CVS_HEAD/v1/wx* > ${FTPDIR}/CVS_Makefiles/MD5SUM
+sleep 10
+echo CVS HEAD last updated at `date -u` > ${FTPDIR}/CVS_HEAD/v1/updated_at.txt
## Docs...
-find ${FTPDIR}/CVS_Docs/files -type f -name wxWidgets-Do\* -mtime +3 | xargs rm -rf
-cp ${WORKDIR}/archives/wxWidgets-Docs-* ${FTPDIR}/CVS_Docs/files
+find ${FTPDIR}/CVS_Docs/files -type f -name wx\* -mtime +3 | xargs rm -rf
+cp ${WORKDIR}/archives/wx-doc* ${FTPDIR}/CVS_Docs/files
+cp ${WORKDIR}/archives/win/wxW* ${FTPDIR}/CVS_Docs/files
-rm ${FTPDIR}/CVS_Docs/wx* ${FTPDIR}/CVS_Docs/MD5SUM
+rm -f ${FTPDIR}/CVS_Docs/wx* ${FTPDIR}/CVS_Docs/MD5SUM
##there must be an easier way of doing these links...
-for f in `find ${FTPDIR}/CVS_Docs/files -type f -name wxWidgets-Do\* -mmin -601` ; do
+for f in `find ${FTPDIR}/CVS_Docs/files -type f -name wx\* -mmin -601` ; do
ln -s $f `echo $f | sed -e "s/-${CURDATE}//" | sed -e "s|/files||" `
md5sum ${FTPDIR}/CVS_Docs/wx* > ${FTPDIR}/CVS_Docs/MD5SUM
##parameters : subdir_of_tex index.tex dir_under_wxWidgets
-rm ${WORKDIR}/archives/html/$1/*
+# need this first time only
+if [ ! -e ${WORKDIR}/archives/html/$1 ] ; then
+ mkdir ${WORKDIR}/archives/html/$1
+rm -f ${WORKDIR}/archives/html/$1/*
/usr/local/bin/tex2rtf ${WORKDIR}/wxWidgets/$3/docs/latex/$1/$2 ${WORKDIR}/archives/html/$1/$1 -twice -html -macros ${WORKDIR}/wxWidgets/docs/latex/wx/tex2rtf_css.ini
cp ${WORKDIR}/wxWidgets/$3/docs/latex/$1/*.gif ${WORKDIR}/archives/html/$1
cp ${WORKDIR}/wxWidgets/$3/docs/latex/$1/*.css ${WORKDIR}/archives/html/$1
do_util_texrtf ()
##parameters : subdir_of_tex index.tex
-rm ${WORKDIR}/archives/html/$1/*
+# need this first time only
+if [ ! -e ${WORKDIR}/archives/html/$1 ] ; then
+ mkdir ${WORKDIR}/archives/html/$1
+rm -f ${WORKDIR}/archives/html/$1/*
/usr/local/bin/tex2rtf ${WORKDIR}/wxWidgets/utils/$1/docs/$2 ${WORKDIR}/archives/html/$1/$1 -twice -html -macros ${WORKDIR}/wxWidgets/docs/latex/wx/tex2rtf_css.ini
cp ${WORKDIR}/wxWidgets/utils/$1/docs/*.gif ${WORKDIR}/archives/html/$1
cp ${WORKDIR}/wxWidgets/utils/$1/docs/*.css ${WORKDIR}/archives/html/$1
do_docs ()
##remove files, then regenerate
-rm ${WORKDIR}/archives/wxWidgets-Docs*
+rm ${WORKDIR}/archives/wx-do*
+rm ${WORKDIR}/archives/win/wx*
rm ${WORKDIR}/archives/htb/*.*
######### dir index.tex rootdir
do_util_texrtf tex2rtf tex2rtf.tex
cd ${WORKDIR}/archives/
-tar zcvf ${WORKDIR}/archives/wxWidgets-Docs-HTML-${CURDATE}.tar.gz html/wx/*.html html/wx/*.gif html/wx/*.css
-# TODO: include the extra HTML docs into the above archive.
-# TODO: we need to add the version number to the doc archives
-# tar zcvf ${WORKDIR}/archives/wxWidgets-Docs-Extra-HTML-${CURDATE}.tar.gz `find . -name 'wx' -prune -o -name '*.html' -print`
+tar zcvf ${WORKDIR}/archives/wx-docs-html-${CURDATE}.tar.gz html/wx/*.html html/wx/*.gif html/wx/*.css
+tar zcvf ${WORKDIR}/archives/wx-docs-extra-html-${CURDATE}.tar.gz `find . -name 'wx' -prune -o -name '*.html' -print`
-tar zcvf ${WORKDIR}/archives/wxWidgets-Docs-HTB-${CURDATE}.tar.gz htb/*.htb
-# tar zcvf ${WORKDIR}/archives/wxWidgets-Docs-Extra-HTB-${CURDATE}.tar.gz --exclude wx.htb htb/*.htb
+tar zcvf ${WORKDIR}/archives/wx-docs-htb-${CURDATE}.tar.gz htb/wx.htb
+tar zcvf ${WORKDIR}/archives/wx-docs-extra-htb-${CURDATE}.tar.gz --exclude wx.htb htb/*.htb
+zip -q -9 ${WORKDIR}/archives/wx-docs-htb-${CURDATE}.zip htb/wx.htb
##remove .con files
rm ${WORKDIR}/*.con
add_win_files ()
-### starts with
-for f in `find ${WORKDIR}/archives/win/ -name wx\*.zip ` ; do
- mv $f ${WORKDIR}/archives/`basename $f | tr -d ".zip"`-${CURDATE}.zip
+### starts with wx***.zip
+for f in `find ${WINSRCDIR}/ -name wx\*.zip ` ; do
+ cp $f ${WORKDIR}/archives/win/`basename $f | sed -e "s/.zip//"`-${CURDATE}.zip
-rm ${WORKDIR}/archives/*.exe
-for f in `find ${WORKDIR}/archives/win/ -name wx\*.exe ` ; do
- mv $f ${WORKDIR}/archives/`basename $f | tr -d ".exe"`-${CURDATE}.exe
+for f in `find ${WINSRCDIR}/ -name wx\*.exe ` ; do
+ cp $f ${WORKDIR}/archives/win/`basename $f | sed -e "s/.exe//"`-${CURDATE}.exe
-package_cvs All wxWidgets
-package_cvs Gtk wxGTK