wxTextCtrl *mtext = new wxTextCtrl(panel, -1,
- _T("This frame is laid out using\n"
- "constraints, but the preferred\n"
- "layout mechanism now are sizers."),
+ _T("This frame is laid out using\nconstraints, but the preferred\nlayout mechanism now are sizers."),
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// some simple macros to help make the sample code below more clear
-#define TEXTCTRL(text) new wxTextCtrl(p, -1, wxT(text))
-#define MLTEXTCTRL(text) new wxTextCtrl(p, -1, wxT(text), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_MULTILINE)
+#define TEXTCTRL(text) new wxTextCtrl(p, -1, _T(text))
+#define MLTEXTCTRL(text) new wxTextCtrl(p, -1, _T(text), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_MULTILINE)
#define POS(r, c) wxGBPosition(r,c)
#define SPAN(r, c) wxGBSpan(r,c)
-wxChar* gbsDescription =wxT("\
-The wxGridBagSizer is similar to the wxFlexGridSizer except the \
-items are explicitly posisioned in a virtual 'cell' in the \n\
-layout grid, and column or row spanning is allowed. For example, \
-this static text is positioned at (0,0) and it spans 9 columns.");
+wxChar* gbsDescription =_T("\
+The wxGridBagSizer is similar to the wxFlexGridSizer except the items are explicitly positioned\n\
+in a virtual cell of the layout grid, and column or row spanning is allowed. For example, this\n\
+static text is positioned at (0,0) and it spans 7 columns.");
// Some IDs
m_gbs->Add( new wxStaticText(p, -1, gbsDescription),
- POS(0,0), SPAN(1, 9),
- wxALIGN_CENTER | wxALL, 5);
+ POS(0,0), SPAN(1, 7),
+ wxALIGN_CENTER | wxALL, 5);
m_gbs->Add( TEXTCTRL("pos(1,0)"), POS(1,0) );
m_gbs->Add( TEXTCTRL("pos(1,1)"), POS(1,1) );
m_gbs->Add( TEXTCTRL("pos(5,4)"), POS(5,4), wxDefaultSpan, wxEXPAND );
m_gbs->Add( TEXTCTRL("pos(6,5)"), POS(6,5), wxDefaultSpan, wxEXPAND );
m_gbs->Add( TEXTCTRL("pos(7,6)"), POS(7,6) );
- m_gbs->Add( TEXTCTRL("pos(8,7)"), POS(8,7) );
- m_gbs->Add( TEXTCTRL("pos(9,8)"), POS(9,8) );
//m_gbs->Add( TEXTCTRL("bad position"), POS(4,3) ); // Test for assert
//m_gbs->Add( TEXTCTRL("bad position"), POS(5,3) ); // Test for assert
- m_moveBtn1 = new wxButton(p, GBS_MOVE_BTN1, wxT("Move this to (3,6)"));
- m_moveBtn2 = new wxButton(p, GBS_MOVE_BTN2, wxT("Move this to (3,6)"));
+ m_moveBtn1 = new wxButton(p, GBS_MOVE_BTN1, _T("Move this to (3,6)"));
+ m_moveBtn2 = new wxButton(p, GBS_MOVE_BTN2, _T("Move this to (3,6)"));
m_gbs->Add( m_moveBtn1, POS(10,2) );
m_gbs->Add( m_moveBtn2, POS(10,3) );
- m_hideBtn = new wxButton(p, GBS_HIDE_BTN, wxT("Hide this item -->"));
+ m_hideBtn = new wxButton(p, GBS_HIDE_BTN, _T("Hide this item -->"));
m_gbs->Add(m_hideBtn, POS(12, 3));
- m_hideTxt = new wxTextCtrl(p, -1, wxT("pos(12,4), size(250, -1)"),
+ m_hideTxt = new wxTextCtrl(p, -1, _T("pos(12,4), size(250, -1)"),
wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(250,-1));
m_gbs->Add( m_hideTxt, POS(12,4) );
- m_showBtn = new wxButton(p, GBS_SHOW_BTN, wxT("<-- Show it again"));
+ m_showBtn = new wxButton(p, GBS_SHOW_BTN, _T("<-- Show it again"));
m_gbs->Add(m_showBtn, POS(12, 5));
if (curPos == wxGBPosition(3,6))
m_gbs->SetItemPosition(btn, m_lastPos);
- btn->SetLabel(wxT("Move this to (3,6)"));
+ btn->SetLabel(_T("Move this to (3,6)"));
- else if ( m_gbs->SetItemPosition(btn, wxGBPosition(3,6)) )
+ else
- m_lastPos = curPos;
- btn->SetLabel(wxT("Move it back"));
+ if ( m_gbs->CheckForIntersection(wxGBPosition(3,6), wxGBSpan(1,1)) )
+ wxMessageBox(
+_T("wxGridBagSizer will not allow items to be in the same cell as\n\
+another item, so this operation will fail. You will also get an assert\n\
+when compiled in debug mode."), _T("Warning"), wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION);
+ if ( m_gbs->SetItemPosition(btn, wxGBPosition(3,6)) )
+ {
+ m_lastPos = curPos;
+ btn->SetLabel(_T("Move it back"));
+ }