# o wxTimeCtrl -> TimeCtrl
Masked Edit Overview
- formatcodes = ',', groupChar="'" allows 12'345.34
+ formatcodes = ',', groupChar='\'' allows 12'345.34
formatcodes = ',', groupChar='.', decimalChar=',' allows 12.345,34
(These are control-level parameters.)
If not specified as a keyword argument, the default controlType is
field = self._FindField(pos)
## dbg("key ='%s'" % chr(key))
-## if chr(key) == ' ':
+ if chr(key) == ' ':
## dbg('okSpaces?', field._okSpaces)
-## pass
+ pass
char = chr(key) # (must work if we got this far)
# if entire field is selected or position is at end and field is not full,
- # or if allowed to right-insert at any point in field and field is not full and cursor is not at a fillChar:
+ # or if allowed to right-insert at any point in field and field is not full and cursor is not at a fillChar
+ # or the field is a singleton integer field and is currently 0 and we're at the end:
if( (sel_start, sel_to) == field._extent
- or (pos == end and input_len < field_len)):
+ or (pos == end and ((input_len < field_len)
+ or (field_len == 1
+ and input_len == field_len
+ and field._isInt
+ and value[end-1] == '0'
+ )
+ ) ) ):
pos = end - 1
## dbg('pos = end - 1 = ', pos, 'right_insert? 1')
right_insert = True
## dbg("checking appropriate regex's")
value = self._eraseSelection(self._GetValue())
if right_insert:
+ # move the position to the right side of the insertion:
at = pos+1
at = pos
fstr = text[start:end]
erasable_chars = [field._fillChar, ' ']
- if field._padZero:
+ # if zero padding field, or a single digit, and currently a value of 0, allow erasure of 0:
+ if field._padZero or (field._isInt and (end - start == 1) and fstr[0] == '0'):
erased = ''
#### dbg("fstr[0]:'%s'" % fstr[0])
#### dbg('field_index:', field._index)
#### dbg("fstr[0] in erasable_chars?", fstr[0] in erasable_chars)
-#### dbg("self._signOk and field._index == 0 and fstr[0] in ('-','(')?",
-## self._signOk and field._index == 0 and fstr[0] in ('-','('))
+#### dbg("self._signOk and field._index == 0 and fstr[0] in ('-','(')?", self._signOk and field._index == 0 and fstr[0] in ('-','('))
if fstr[0] in erasable_chars or (self._signOk and field._index == 0 and fstr[0] in ('-','(')):
erased = fstr[0]
#### dbg('value: "%s"' % text)
self.__fmt24hr = False
wxdt = wx.DateTimeFromDMY(1, 0, 1970)
- if wxdt.Format('%p') != 'AM':
+ try:
+ if wxdt.Format('%p') != 'AM':
+ TimeCtrl.valid_ctrl_params['format'] = '24HHMMSS'
+ self.__fmt24hr = True
+ fmt24hr = True # force/change default positional argument
+ # (will countermand explicit set to False too.)
+ except:
TimeCtrl.valid_ctrl_params['format'] = '24HHMMSS'
self.__fmt24hr = True
fmt24hr = True # force/change default positional argument
if key == 'format':
wxdt = wx.DateTimeFromDMY(1, 0, 1970)
- if wxdt.Format('%p') != 'AM':
+ try:
+ if wxdt.Format('%p') != 'AM':
+ require24hr = True
+ else:
+ require24hr = False
+ except:
require24hr = True
- else:
- require24hr = False
# handle both local or generic 'maskededit' autoformat codes:
if param_value == 'HHMMSS' or param_value == 'TIMEHHMMSS':
if not valid:
# deal with bug/deficiency in wx.DateTime:
- if wxdt.Format('%p') not in ('AM', 'PM') and checkTime in (5,8):
- # couldn't parse the AM/PM field
+ try:
+ if wxdt.Format('%p') not in ('AM', 'PM') and checkTime in (5,8):
+ # couldn't parse the AM/PM field
+ raise ValueError('cannot convert string "%s" to valid time for the current locale; please use 24hr time instead' % value)
+ else:
+ ## dbg(indent=0, suspend=0)
+ raise ValueError('cannot convert string "%s" to valid time' % value)
+ except:
raise ValueError('cannot convert string "%s" to valid time for the current locale; please use 24hr time instead' % value)
- else:
-## dbg(indent=0, suspend=0)
- raise ValueError('cannot convert string "%s" to valid time' % value)
if isinstance(value, wx.DateTime):