return rt;
+#if !wxUSE_NANOX
// X11 predicate function for exposure compression
return TRUE;
+ // wxUSE_NANOX
// Processes an X event.
// data
+#if !wxUSE_NANOX
Atom g_clipboardAtom = 0;
Atom g_targetsAtom = 0;
// the trace mask we use with wxLogTrace() - call
// wxLog::AddTraceMask(TRACE_CLIPBOARD) to enable the trace messages from here
/* we use m_targetsWidget to query what formats are available */
/* we use m_clipboardWidget to get and to offer data */
+#if !wxUSE_NANOX
if (!g_clipboardAtom) g_clipboardAtom = XInternAtom( (Display*) wxGetDisplay(), "CLIPBOARD", False );
if (!g_targetsAtom) g_targetsAtom = XInternAtom( (Display*) wxGetDisplay(), "TARGETS", False );
m_formatSupported = FALSE;
m_targetRequested = 0;
bool wxClipboard::AddData( wxDataObject *data )
+#if wxUSE_NANOX
+ return FALSE;
wxCHECK_MSG( m_open, FALSE, wxT("clipboard not open") );
wxCHECK_MSG( data, FALSE, wxT("data is invalid") );
return res;
void wxClipboard::Close()
wxString wxDataFormat::GetId() const
+#if wxUSE_NANOX
+ return wxEmptyString;
char *t = XGetAtomName ((Display*) wxGetDisplay(), m_format);
wxString ret( t ); // this will convert from ascii to Unicode
if (t)
XFree( t );
return ret;
void wxDataFormat::SetId( NativeFormat format )
void wxDataFormat::SetId( const wxChar *id )
+#if !wxUSE_NANOX
m_type = wxDF_PRIVATE;
wxString tmp( id );
m_format = XInternAtom( (Display*) wxGetDisplay(), wxMBSTRINGCAST tmp.mbc_str(), FALSE ); // what is the string cast for?
void wxDataFormat::PrepareFormats()
+#if !wxUSE_NANOX
if (!g_textAtom)
g_textAtom = XInternAtom( (Display*) wxGetDisplay(), "STRING", FALSE );
if (!g_pngAtom)
g_pngAtom = XInternAtom( (Display*) wxGetDisplay(), "image/png", FALSE );
if (!g_fileAtom)
g_fileAtom = XInternAtom( (Display*) wxGetDisplay(), "text/uri-list", FALSE );
XSetTransientForHint( xdisplay, xwindow, xparent );
-#if !wxUSE_NANOX
+#if wxUSE_NANOX
+ // Switch off WM
+ wxSetWMDecorations(xwindow, 0);
XWMHints wm_hints;
wm_hints.flags = InputHint | StateHint /* | WindowGroupHint */;
wm_hints.input = True;
+#if wxUSE_NANOX
XSelectInput( xdisplay, xwindow,
- extraFlags | ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask |
- ButtonMotionMask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | PointerMotionMask |
- KeymapStateMask | FocusChangeMask | ColormapChangeMask | StructureNotifyMask |
- PropertyChangeMask );
+ extraFlags |
+ ExposureMask |
+ KeyPressMask |
+ KeyReleaseMask |
+ ButtonPressMask |
+ ButtonReleaseMask |
+ ButtonMotionMask |
+ EnterWindowMask |
+ LeaveWindowMask |
+ PointerMotionMask |
+ KeymapStateMask |
+ FocusChangeMask |
+ ColormapChangeMask |
+ StructureNotifyMask |
+ PropertyChangeMask
+ );
+ XSelectInput( xdisplay, xwindow,
+ extraFlags |
+ ExposureMask |
+ KeyPressMask |
+ KeyReleaseMask |
+ ButtonPressMask |
+ ButtonReleaseMask |
+ ButtonMotionMask |
+ EnterWindowMask |
+ LeaveWindowMask |
+ PointerMotionMask |
+ KeymapStateMask |
+ FocusChangeMask |
+ ColormapChangeMask |
+ StructureNotifyMask |
+ PropertyChangeMask
+ );
wxAddWindowToTable( xwindow, (wxWindow*) this );
// Set background to None which will prevent X11 from clearing the
XSetWMProtocols( xdisplay, xwindow, wm_protocols, 2);
+#if 0 // wxUSE_NANOX
+ props.flags = GR_WM_FLAGS_TITLE;
+ props.title = (GR_CHAR*) "Hello";
+ GrSetWMProperties(xwindow, &props);
wxSetWMDecorations( xwindow, style);