return str;
-// taken from
bool wxIsPlatform64Bit()
#if defined(_WIN64)
return true; // 64-bit programs run only on Win64
-#elif defined(_WIN32)
- // 32-bit programs run on both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows
- // so must sniff
- BOOL f64 = FALSE;
- return IsWow64Process(GetCurrentProcess(), &f64) && f64;
- return false; // Win64 does not support Win16
+#else // Win32
+ // 32-bit programs run on both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows so check
+ typedef BOOL (WINAPI *IsWow64Process_t)(HANDLE, BOOL *);
+ wxDynamicLibrary dllKernel32(_T("kernel32.dll"));
+ IsWow64Process_t *pfnIsWow64Process =
+ (IsWow64Process_t *)dllKernel32.RawGetSymbol(_T("IsWow64Process"));
+ BOOL wow64 = FALSE;
+ if ( pfnIsWow64Process )
+ {
+ (*pfnIsWow64Process)(::GetCurrentProcess(), &wow64);
+ }
+ //else: running under a system without Win64 support
+ return wow64 != FALSE;
+#endif // Win64/Win32
wxOperatingSystemId wxGetOsVersion(int *verMaj, int *verMin)