+Released under wxWindows license etc.
+This is a fairly rudimentary, but slightly fancier tha
+wxPyOnDemandOutputWindow (on which it's based; thanks Robin), version
+of the same sort of thing: a file-like class called
+InformationalMessagesFrame.. This window also has a status bar with a
+couple of buttons for controlling the echoing of all output to a file
+with a randomly-chosen filename... [[A LITTLE MORE COULD BE SAID
+Typical usage:
+ from wxPython.lib.infoframe import *
+ ... # ... modify your wxApp as follows:
+ class myApp[wxApp):
+ outputWindowClass = wxInformationalMessagesFrame
+ ...
+If you're running on Linux, you'll also have to supply an argument 1 to your
+constructor of myApp to redirect stdout/stderr to this window (it's done
+automatically for you on Windows).
+If you don't want to redirect stdout/stderr, but use the class directly: do
+it this way:
+InformationalMessagesFrame = wxInformationalMessagesFrame\
+ ([options from progname (default ""),
+ txt (default "informational
+ messages"])
+#^^^^ early in the program
+InformationalMessagesFrame([comma-separated list of items to
+ display. Note that these will never
+ be separated by spaces as they may
+ be when used in the Python 'print'
+ command])
+The latter statement, of course, may be repeated arbitrarily often.
+The window will not appear until it is written to, and it may be
+manually closed by the user, after which it will not appear again
+until written to... Also note that all output is echoed to a file with
+a randomly-generated name [see the mktemp module in the standard
+library], in the directory given as the 'dir' keyword argument to the
+InformationalMessagesFrame constructor [which has a default value of
+'.'), or set via the method SetOutputDirectory...
+Please also note the methods EnableOutput and DisableOutput, and the
+possible arguments for the constructor in the code below... (* TO DO:
+explain this here...*) The former, EnableOutput, displays the frame
+with an introductory message, opens a random file to which future
+displayed output also goes, and sets the __debug__ variable of each
+module whose name begins with a capital letter {this happens to be the
+author's personal practice; all my python module start with capital
+letters} to 1. This is so that you can say
+ if __debug__:
+ InformationalMessagesFrame("... with lots of %<Character> constructs"
+ % TUPLE)
+without worrying about a huge about of overhead in the case where
+debugging is not turned on. "Debug mode" can also be turned on by
+selecting the item-"Enable debugging output" from the "Debug" menu of
+a frame which has been either passed appropriately to the constructor
+of the wxInformationalMessagesFrame (see the code), or set via the
+SetOtherMenuBar method thereof. (I have found this to be an extremely
+useful tool, in lieu of a full wxPython debugger...) This menu item
+is also disabled, and an item "Disable debugging output" (which calls
+the method described in the next paragraph) is enabled. Note that
+these things need not be done: e.g., you don't need to have a "Debug"
+menu with appropriate items; in this case simply do not call the
+SetOtherMenuBar method or use the othermenubar keyword argument of the
+class Instance constructor.
+The DisableOutput method does the reverse of this; it closes the
+window (and associated file), and sets the __debug__ variable of each
+module whose name begins with a capital letter {this happens to be the
+author's personal practice; all my python module start with capital
+letters} to 0. It also enables/disabled the appropriate menu items,
+if this was done previously (or SetOtherMenuBar has been called...).
+Finally, note that the file-like method close() destroys the window
+(and any associated file) and there is a file-like method write()
+which displays it's argument [actually, it's very similar to
+DisableOutput). Also, class instances are callable as noted above,
+displaying successive arguments if this is done.
+from wxPython.wx import *
+import string, sys, types, tempfile, os
+class _MyStatusBar(wxStatusBar):
+ def __init__(self, parent,callbacks=None):
+ wxStatusBar.__init__(self, parent, -1, style=wxTAB_TRAVERSAL)
+ self.SetFieldsCount(3)
+ self.SetStatusText("",0)
+ ID = NewId()
+ self.button1 = wxButton(self,ID,"Dismiss",
+ style=wxTAB_TRAVERSAL)
+ EVT_BUTTON(self,ID,callbacks[0])
+ ID = NewId()
+ self.button2 = wxButton(self,ID,"Close File",
+ style=wxTAB_TRAVERSAL)
+ EVT_BUTTON(self,ID,self.OnButton2)
+ self.usealternate = 0
+ self.callbacks = [callbacks[1],callbacks[2]]
+ # figure out how tall to make the status bar
+ dc = wxClientDC(self)
+ dc.SetFont(self.GetFont())
+ (w,h) = dc.GetTextExtent('X')
+ h = int(h * 1.8)
+ self.SetSize(wxSize(100, h))
+ self.OnSize("dummy")
+ EVT_SIZE(self,self.OnSize)
+ # reposition things...
+ def OnSize(self, event):
+ self.CalculateSizes()
+ rect = self.GetFieldRect(1)
+ self.button1.SetPosition(wxPoint(rect.x+5, rect.y+2))
+ self.button1.SetSize(wxSize(rect.width-10, rect.height-4))
+ rect = self.GetFieldRect(2)
+ self.button2.SetPosition(wxPoint(rect.x+5, rect.y+2))
+ self.button2.SetSize(wxSize(rect.width-10, rect.height-4))
+ # widths........
+ def CalculateSizes(self):
+ dc = wxClientDC(self.button1)
+ dc.SetFont(self.button1.GetFont())
+ (w1,h) = dc.GetTextExtent(self.button1.GetLabel())
+ dc = wxClientDC(self.button2)
+ dc.SetFont(self.button2.GetFont())
+ (w2,h) = dc.GetTextExtent(self.button2.GetLabel())
+ self.SetStatusWidths([-1,w1+15,w2+15])
+ def OnButton2(self,event):
+ if self.usealternate:
+ if self.callbacks[1] ():
+ self.button2.SetLabel ("Close File")
+ self.usealternate = 1 - self.usealternate
+ else:
+ if self.callbacks[0] ():
+ self.button2.SetLabel ("Open New File")
+ self.usealternate = 1 - self.usealternate
+ self.OnSize("")
+ self.button2.Refresh(TRUE)
+ self.Refresh()
+class wxInformationalMessagesFrame:#wxPyOnDemandOutputWindow):
+ parent = None
+ def SetParent(self, parent):
+ self.parent = parent
+ def SetOtherMenuBar(self,othermenu):
+ self.othermenu = othermenu
+ def __init__(self,progname="",text="informational messages",dir=',',
+ othermenubar=None):
+ self.othermenu = othermenubar
+ self.frame = None
+ self.title = "%s %s" % (progname,text)
+ self.softspace = 1 # of rather limited use
+ if dir:
+ self.SetOutputDirectory(dir)
+ if __debug__:
+ self.EnableOutput()
+ #wxPyOnDemandOutputWindow.__init__(self,self.title)
+ for m in sys.modules.values():
+ if m is not None:# and m.__dict__.has_key("__debug__"):
+ m.__dict__["__debug__"] = self.Enabled
+ f = None
+ def write(self,string):
+ if self.Enabled:
+ if self.f:
+ self.f.write (string)
+ self.f.flush ()
+ move = 1
+ if hasattr(self,"text")\
+ and self.text is not None\
+ and self.text.GetInsertionPoint()\
+ <> self.text.GetLastPosition():
+ move = 0
+ if not self.frame:
+ self.frame = wxFrame(self.parent, -1, self.title)
+ self.text = wxTextCtrl(self.frame, -1, "",
+ |wxTE_RICH)# appears to cause problem?
+ self.frame.sb = _MyStatusBar(self.frame,
+ callbacks=[self.DisableOutput,
+ self.CloseFile,
+ self.OpenNewFile])
+ self.frame.SetStatusBar(self.frame.sb)
+ self.frame.SetSize(wxSize(450, 300))
+ self.frame.Show(true)
+ EVT_CLOSE(self.frame, self.OnCloseWindow)
+ self.text.AppendText(string)
+## if __debug__ and type(sys.__stderr__) == types.FileType\
+## and sys.__stderr__.isatty():
+## sys.__stderr__.write(
+## "%s.write(): self.text.GetInsertionPoint() = %s, "\
+## "self.text.GetLastPosition() = %s, "\
+## "move = %d\n" % (self,
+## self.text.GetInsertionPoint(),
+## self.text.GetLastPosition(),
+## move))
+ if move:
+ self.text.ShowPosition(self.text.GetLastPosition())
+ Enabled = __debug__
+ def OnCloseWindow(self,event,exiting=0):
+ if self.f:
+ self.f.close()
+ self.f = None
+ if hasattr(self,"othermenu") and self.othermenu is not None\
+ and self.frame is not None\
+ and not exiting:
+ i = self.othermenu.FindMenuItem('Debug','Disable debugging output')
+ self.othermenu.Enable(i,0)
+ i = self.othermenu.FindMenuItem('Debug','Enable debugging output')
+ self.othermenu.Enable(i,1)
+ for m in sys.modules.values():
+ if m is not None:# and m.__dict__.has_key("__debug__"):
+ m.__dict__["__debug__"] = 0
+ if self.frame is not None: # should be true, but, e.g., allows
+ # DisableOutput method (which calls this
+ # one) to be called when the frame is not
+ # actually open, so that it is always safe
+ # to call this method...
+ frame = self.frame
+ self.frame = self.text = None
+ frame.Destroy()
+ self.Enabled = 0
+ def EnableOutput(self,othermenubar=None):
+ if othermenubar is not None:
+ self.othermenu = othermenubar
+ self.Enabled = 1
+ for m in sys.modules.values():
+ if m is not None:# and m.__dict__.has_key("__debug__"):
+ m.__dict__["__debug__"] = 1
+ if hasattr(self,"othermenu") and self.othermenu is not None:
+ i = self.othermenu.FindMenuItem('Debug','Disable debugging output')
+ self.othermenu.Enable(i,1)
+ i = self.othermenu.FindMenuItem('Debug','Enable debugging output')
+ self.othermenu.Enable(i,0)
+ if not self.f:
+ try:
+ filename = tempfile.mktemp ()
+ self.write("Please close this window (or select the "
+ "'Dismiss' button below) when desired. By "
+ "default all messages written to this window "
+ "will also be written to the file '%s'--you "
+ "may close this file by selecting 'Close "
+ "File' below, whereupon this button will be "
+ "replaced with one allowing you to select a "
+ "new file...\n\n" % os.path.abspath(filename))
+ self.f = open (filename,'w')
+ self.frame.sb.SetStatusText("File '%s' opened..."
+ % os.path.abspath(self.f.name),
+ 0)
+ except EnvironmentError:
+ self.frame.sb.SetStatusText("File creation failed (filename "
+ "'%s')..."
+ % os.path.abspath(filename),
+ 0)
+ def CloseFile(self):
+ if self.f:
+ if self.frame:
+ self.frame.sb.SetStatusText("File '%s' closed..."
+ % os.path.abspath(self.f.name),
+ 0)
+ self.f.close ()
+ self.f = None
+ else:
+ if self.frame:
+ self.frame.sb.SetStatusText("")
+ if self.frame:
+ self.frame.sb.Refresh()
+ return 1
+ def OpenNewFile(self):
+ self.CloseFile()
+ dlg = wxFileDialog(self.frame,
+ "Choose a new log file", self.dir,"","*",
+ if dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL:
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ return 0
+ else:
+ try:
+ self.f = open(os.path.abspath(dlg.GetPath()),'w')
+ except EnvironmentError:
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ return 0
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ if self.frame:
+ self.frame.sb.SetStatusText("File '%s' opened..."
+ % os.path.abspath(self.f.name),
+ 0)
+ return 1
+ def DisableOutput(self,exiting=0):
+ self.write("<InformationalMessagesFrame>.DisableOutput()\n")
+ self.CloseFile()
+ self.Enabled = 0
+ if hasattr(self,"othermenu") and self.othermenu is not None:
+ i = self.othermenu.FindMenuItem('Debug','Disable debugging output')
+ self.othermenu.Enable(i,0)
+ i = self.othermenu.FindMenuItem('Debug','Enable debugging output')
+ self.othermenu.Enable(i,1)
+ if hasattr(self,"frame") \
+ and self.frame is not None:
+ self.OnCloseWindow("Dummy",exiting=exiting)
+ def close(self):
+ self.DisableOutput()
+ def flush(self):
+ if self.text:
+ self.text.SetInsertionPointEnd()
+ wxYield()
+ def __call__(self,* args):
+ for s in args:
+ self.write (str (s))
+ def SetOutputDirectory(self,dir):
+ self.dir = tempfile.tempdir = dir
+class DummyFile:
+ def __init__(self,progname=""):
+ self.softspace = 1
+ def __call__(self,*args):
+ pass
+ def write(self,s):
+ pass
+ def flush(self):
+ pass
+ def close(self):
+ pass
+ def EnableOutput(self):
+ pass
+ def __call__(self,* args):
+ pass
+ def DisableOutput(self,exiting=0):
+ pass
+ def SetParent(self,wX):
+ pass
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ __debug__ = 1
+ ImportErrors = 0
+ try:
+ import Errors
+ importErrors = 1
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
+ class MyFrame(wxFrame):
+ def __init__(self):
+ wxFrame.__init__(self,None,-1,"Close me...",size=(300,10))
+ EVT_CLOSE(self,self.OnClose)
+ def OnClose(self,event):
+ if isinstance(sys.stdout,wxInformationalMessagesFrame):
+ sys.stdout.close()# shouldn't be necessary?
+ self.Destroy()
+ class MyApp(wxApp):
+ outputWindowClass = wxInformationalMessagesFrame
+ def OnInit(self):
+ if ImportErrors:
+ sys.stderr = Errors.NonWindowingErrorWindow(
+ file=self.stdioWin)
+ print "Starting.\n",
+ frame = MyFrame()
+ frame.Show(TRUE)
+ self.SetTopWindow(frame)
+ if isinstance(sys.stdout,wxInformationalMessagesFrame):
+ sys.stdout.SetParent(frame)# Shouldn't this mean the
+ #wxInternationalMessagesFrame is Destroy()'d when MFrame is?
+ return true
+ app = MyApp()
+ app.MainLoop()