-// Name: mod_tables.cpp
-// Purpose: wxHtml module for tables
-// Author: Vaclav Slavik
-// Copyright: (c) 1999 Vaclav Slavik
-// Licence: wxWindows Licence
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <wx/wxprec.h>
-#if wxUSE_HTML
-#ifdef __BORDLANDC__
-#pragma hdrstop
-#ifndef WXPRECOMP
-#include <wx/wx.h>
- 1. This version of mod_tables doesn't support auto-layout algorithm.
- This means that all columns are of same width unless explicitly specified.
-#include <wx/html/forcelink.h>
-#include <wx/html/mod_templ.h>
-#include <wx/html/htmlcell.h>
-#define TABLE_BORDER_CLR_1 wxColour(0xC5, 0xC2, 0xC5)
-#define TABLE_BORDER_CLR_2 wxColour(0x62, 0x61, 0x62)
-// wxHtmlTableCell
-typedef struct {
- int width, units; // universal
- int leftpos, pixwidth, maxrealwidth; // temporary (depends on width of table)
- } colStruct;
-typedef enum {
- cellSpan,
- cellUsed,
- cellFree
- } cellState;
-typedef struct {
- wxHtmlContainerCell *cont;
- int colspan, rowspan;
- int minheight, valign;
- cellState flag;
- } cellStruct;
-class wxHtmlTableCell : public wxHtmlContainerCell
- protected:
- /* These are real attributes: */
- bool m_HasBorders;
- // should we draw borders or not?
- int m_NumCols, m_NumRows;
- // number of columns; rows
- colStruct *m_ColsInfo;
- // array of column information
- cellStruct **m_CellInfo;
- // 2D array of all cells in the table : m_CellInfo[row][column]
- int m_Spacing;
- // spaces between cells
- int m_Padding;
- // cells internal indentation
- private:
- /* ...and these are valid only during parsing of table: */
- int m_ActualCol, m_ActualRow;
- // number of actual column (ranging from 0..m_NumCols)
- // default values (for table and row):
- int m_tBkg, m_rBkg;
- wxString m_tValign, m_rValign;
- public:
- wxHtmlTableCell(wxHtmlContainerCell *parent, const wxHtmlTag& tag);
- ~wxHtmlTableCell();
- virtual void Layout(int w);
- void AddRow(const wxHtmlTag& tag);
- void AddCell(wxHtmlContainerCell *cell, const wxHtmlTag& tag);
- private:
- void ReallocCols(int cols);
- void ReallocRows(int rows);
- // reallocates memory to given number of cols/rows
- // and changes m_NumCols/m_NumRows value to reflect this change
- // NOTE! You CAN'T change m_NumCols/m_NumRows before calling this!!
-wxHtmlTableCell::wxHtmlTableCell(wxHtmlContainerCell *parent, const wxHtmlTag& tag)
- : wxHtmlContainerCell(parent)
- m_HasBorders = tag.HasParam("BORDER");
- m_ColsInfo = NULL;
- m_NumCols = m_NumRows = 0;
- m_CellInfo = NULL;
- m_ActualCol = m_ActualRow = -1;
- /* scan params: */
- m_tBkg = m_rBkg = -1;
- if (tag.HasParam("BGCOLOR")) tag.ScanParam("BGCOLOR", "#%lX", &m_tBkg);
- if (tag.HasParam("VALIGN")) m_tValign = tag.GetParam("VALIGN"); else m_tValign = wxEmptyString;
- if (tag.HasParam("CELLSPACING") && tag.ScanParam("CELLSPACING", "%i", &m_Spacing) == 1) {} else m_Spacing = 2;
- if (tag.HasParam("CELLPADDING") && tag.ScanParam("CELLPADDING", "%i", &m_Padding) == 1) {} else m_Padding = 3;
- if (m_HasBorders)
- if (m_ColsInfo) free(m_ColsInfo);
- if (m_CellInfo) {
- for (int i = 0; i < m_NumRows; i++)
- free(m_CellInfo[i]);
- free(m_CellInfo);
- }
-void wxHtmlTableCell::ReallocCols(int cols)
- int i,j;
- for (i = 0; i < m_NumRows; i++) {
- m_CellInfo[i] = (cellStruct*) realloc(m_CellInfo[i], sizeof(cellStruct) * cols);
- for (j = m_NumCols; j < cols; j++)
- m_CellInfo[i][j].flag = cellFree;
- }
- m_ColsInfo = (colStruct*) realloc(m_ColsInfo, sizeof(colStruct) * cols);
- for (j = m_NumCols; j < cols; j++) {
- m_ColsInfo[j].width = 0;
- m_ColsInfo[j].units = HTML_UNITS_PERCENT;
- }
- m_NumCols = cols;
-void wxHtmlTableCell::ReallocRows(int rows)
- m_CellInfo = (cellStruct**) realloc(m_CellInfo, sizeof(cellStruct*) * rows);
- if (m_NumCols != 0) {
- int x = rows - 1;
- m_CellInfo[x] = (cellStruct*) malloc(sizeof(cellStruct) * m_NumCols);
- for (int i = 0; i < m_NumCols; i++)
- m_CellInfo[x][i].flag = cellFree;
- }
- else
- m_CellInfo[rows - 1] = NULL;
- m_NumRows = rows;
-void wxHtmlTableCell::AddRow(const wxHtmlTag& tag)
- if (m_ActualRow + 1 > m_NumRows - 1)
- ReallocRows(m_ActualRow + 2);
- m_ActualRow++;
- m_ActualCol = -1;
- /* scan params: */
- m_rBkg = m_tBkg;
- if (tag.HasParam("BGCOLOR")) tag.ScanParam("BGCOLOR", "#%lX", &m_rBkg);
- if (tag.HasParam("VALIGN")) m_rValign = tag.GetParam("VALIGN"); else m_rValign = m_tValign;
-void wxHtmlTableCell::AddCell(wxHtmlContainerCell *cell, const wxHtmlTag& tag)
- do {
- m_ActualCol++;
- } while ((m_ActualCol < m_NumCols) && (m_CellInfo[m_ActualRow][m_ActualCol].flag != cellFree));
- if (m_ActualCol > m_NumCols - 1)
- ReallocCols(m_ActualCol + 1);
- int r = m_ActualRow, c = m_ActualCol;
- m_CellInfo[r][c].cont = cell;
- m_CellInfo[r][c].colspan = 1;
- m_CellInfo[r][c].rowspan = 1;
- m_CellInfo[r][c].flag = cellUsed;
- m_CellInfo[r][c].minheight = 0;
- m_CellInfo[r][c].valign = HTML_ALIGN_TOP;
- /* scan for parameters: */
- // width:
- {
- if (tag.HasParam("WIDTH")) {
- wxString wd = tag.GetParam("WIDTH");
- if (wd[wd.Length()-1] == '%') {
- sscanf(wd.c_str(), "%i%%", &m_ColsInfo[c].width);
- m_ColsInfo[c].units = HTML_UNITS_PERCENT;
- }
- else {
- sscanf(wd.c_str(), "%i", &m_ColsInfo[c].width);
- m_ColsInfo[c].units = HTML_UNITS_PIXELS;
- }
- }
- }
- // spanning:
- {
- if (tag.HasParam("COLSPAN")) tag.ScanParam("COLSPAN", "%i", &m_CellInfo[r][c].colspan);
- if (tag.HasParam("ROWSPAN")) tag.ScanParam("ROWSPAN", "%i", &m_CellInfo[r][c].rowspan);
- if ((m_CellInfo[r][c].colspan != 1) || (m_CellInfo[r][c].rowspan != 1)) {
- int i, j;
- if (r + m_CellInfo[r][c].rowspan > m_NumRows) ReallocRows(r + m_CellInfo[r][c].rowspan);
- if (c + m_CellInfo[r][c].colspan > m_NumCols) ReallocCols(c + m_CellInfo[r][c].colspan);
- for (i = r; i < r + m_CellInfo[r][c].rowspan; i++)
- for (j = c; j < c + m_CellInfo[r][c].colspan; j++)
- m_CellInfo[i][j].flag = cellSpan;
- m_CellInfo[r][c].flag = cellUsed;
- }
- }
- //background color:
- {
- int bk = m_rBkg;
- if (tag.HasParam("BGCOLOR")) tag.ScanParam("BGCOLOR", "#%lX", &bk);
- if (bk != -1) {
- wxColour clr = wxColour((bk & 0xFF0000) >> 16 , (bk & 0x00FF00) >> 8, (bk & 0x0000FF));
- cell -> SetBackgroundColour(clr);
- }
- }
- if (m_HasBorders)
- cell -> SetBorder(TABLE_BORDER_CLR_2, TABLE_BORDER_CLR_1);
- // vertical alignment:
- {
- wxString valign;
- if (tag.HasParam("VALIGN")) valign = tag.GetParam("VALIGN"); else valign = m_tValign;
- valign.MakeUpper();
- if (valign == "TOP") m_CellInfo[r][c].valign = HTML_ALIGN_TOP;
- else if (valign == "BOTTOM") m_CellInfo[r][c].valign = HTML_ALIGN_BOTTOM;
- else m_CellInfo[r][c].valign = HTML_ALIGN_CENTER;
- }
- cell -> SetIndent(m_Padding, HTML_INDENT_ALL, HTML_UNITS_PIXELS);
-void wxHtmlTableCell::Layout(int w)
- /*
- */
- if (m_WidthFloatUnits == HTML_UNITS_PERCENT) {
- if (m_WidthFloat < 0) m_Width = (100 + m_WidthFloat) * w / 100;
- else m_Width = m_WidthFloat * w / 100;
- }
- else {
- if (m_WidthFloat < 0) m_Width = w + m_WidthFloat;
- else m_Width = m_WidthFloat;
- }
- /*
- */
- /* 1. setup columns widths: */
- {
- int wpix = m_Width - (m_NumCols + 1) * m_Spacing;
- int i, j;
- int wtemp = 0;
- // 1a. setup fixed-width columns:
- for (i = 0; i < m_NumCols; i++)
- if (m_ColsInfo[i].units == HTML_UNITS_PIXELS)
- wpix -= (m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth = m_ColsInfo[i].width);
- // 1b. setup floating-width columns:
- for (i = 0; i < m_NumCols; i++)
- if ((m_ColsInfo[i].units == HTML_UNITS_PERCENT) && (m_ColsInfo[i].width != 0))
- wtemp += (m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth = m_ColsInfo[i].width * wpix / 100);
- wpix -= wtemp;
- // 1c. setup defalut columns (no width specification supplied):
- // NOTE! This algorithm doesn't conform to HTML standard : it assigns equal widths
- // instead of optimal
- for (i = j = 0; i < m_NumCols; i++)
- if (m_ColsInfo[i].width == 0) j++;
- for (i = 0; i < m_NumCols; i++)
- if (m_ColsInfo[i].width == 0)
- m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth = wpix / j;
- }
- /* 2. compute positions of columns: */
- {
- int wpos = m_Spacing;
- for (int i = 0; i < m_NumCols; i++) {
- m_ColsInfo[i].leftpos = wpos;
- wpos += m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth + m_Spacing;
- }
- }
- /* 3. sub-layout all cells: */
- {
- int *ypos = new int[m_NumRows + 1];
- int actcol, actrow;
- int fullwid;
- wxHtmlContainerCell *actcell;
- for (actrow = 0; actrow <= m_NumRows; actrow++) ypos[actrow] = m_Spacing;
- for (actrow = 0; actrow < m_NumRows; actrow++) {
- // 3a. sub-layout and detect max height:
- for (actcol = 0; actcol < m_NumCols; actcol++) {
- if (m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].flag != cellUsed) continue;
- actcell = m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].cont;
- fullwid = 0;
- for (int i = actcol; i < m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].colspan + actcol; i++)
- fullwid += m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth;
- actcell -> SetMinHeight(m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].minheight, m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].valign);
- actcell -> Layout(fullwid);
- if (ypos[actrow] + actcell -> GetHeight() + m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].rowspan * m_Spacing > ypos[actrow + m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].rowspan])
- ypos[actrow + m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].rowspan] =
- ypos[actrow] + actcell -> GetHeight() + m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].rowspan * m_Spacing;
- }
- }
- for (actrow = 0; actrow < m_NumRows; actrow++) {
- // 3b. place cells in row & let'em all have same height:
- for (actcol = 0; actcol < m_NumCols; actcol++) {
- if (m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].flag != cellUsed) continue;
- actcell = m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].cont;
- actcell -> SetMinHeight(
- ypos[actrow + m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].rowspan] - ypos[actrow] - m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].rowspan * m_Spacing,
- m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].valign);
- fullwid = 0;
- for (int i = actcol; i < m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].colspan + actcol; i++)
- fullwid += m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth;
- actcell -> Layout(fullwid);
- actcell -> SetPos(m_ColsInfo[actcol].leftpos, ypos[actrow]);
- }
- }
- m_Height = ypos[m_NumRows];
- delete[] ypos;
- }
-// The tables handler:
- wxHtmlTableCell* m_Table;
- wxString m_tAlign, m_rAlign;
- int m_OldAlign;
- {
- m_Table = NULL;
- m_tAlign = m_rAlign = wxEmptyString;
- m_OldAlign = HTML_ALIGN_LEFT;
- }
- {
- wxHtmlContainerCell *c;
- // new table started, backup upper-level table (if any) and create new:
- if (tag.GetName() == "TABLE") {
- wxHtmlTableCell *oldt = m_Table;
- wxHtmlContainerCell *oldcont;
- int m_OldAlign;
- oldcont = c = m_WParser -> OpenContainer();
- c -> SetWidthFloat(tag);
- m_Table = new wxHtmlTableCell(c, tag);
- m_OldAlign = m_WParser -> GetAlign();
- m_tAlign = wxEmptyString;
- if (tag.HasParam("ALIGN")) m_tAlign = tag.GetParam("ALIGN");
- ParseInner(tag);
- m_WParser -> SetAlign(m_OldAlign);
- m_WParser -> SetContainer(oldcont);
- m_WParser -> CloseContainer();
- m_Table = oldt;
- return TRUE;
- }
- else if (m_Table && !tag.IsEnding()) {
- // new row in table
- if (tag.GetName() == "TR") {
- m_Table -> AddRow(tag);
- m_rAlign = m_tAlign;
- if (tag.HasParam("ALIGN")) m_rAlign = tag.GetParam("ALIGN");
- }
- // new cell
- else {
- m_WParser -> SetAlign(m_OldAlign);
- c = m_WParser -> SetContainer(new wxHtmlContainerCell(m_Table));
- m_Table -> AddCell(c, tag);
- m_WParser -> OpenContainer();
- if (tag.GetName() == "TH") /*header style*/ {
- m_WParser -> SetAlign(HTML_ALIGN_CENTER);
- }
- {
- wxString als;
- als = m_rAlign;
- if (tag.HasParam("ALIGN")) als = tag.GetParam("ALIGN");
- als.MakeUpper();
- if (als == "RIGHT") m_WParser -> SetAlign(HTML_ALIGN_RIGHT);
- else if (als == "CENTER") m_WParser -> SetAlign(HTML_ALIGN_CENTER);
- }
- m_WParser -> OpenContainer();
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- }