All (GUI):
+- Add support for searching in wxWebView for MSW and GTK (Allonii).
- Respect window max size in wxBoxSizer (Nathan Ridge).
- Add possibility to hide and show again wxRibbonBar pages (wxBen).
- Add wxRibbonBar pages highlighting (wxBen).
virtual void Undo();
virtual void Redo();
+ //Find function
+ virtual long Find(const wxString& text, int flags = wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_DEFAULT);
//Editing functions
virtual void SetEditable(bool enable = true);
virtual bool IsEditable() const;
void SetWebkitZoom(float level);
float GetWebkitZoom() const;
+ //Find helper function
+ void FindClear();
// focus event handler: calls GTKUpdateBitmap()
void GTKOnFocus(wxFocusEvent& event);
wxVector<wxSharedPtr<wxWebViewHandler> > m_handlerList;
+ //variables used for Find()
+ int m_findFlags;
+ wxString m_findText;
+ int m_findPosition;
+ int m_findCount;
/* END OF MSHTMHST.H implementation */
struct IHTMLDocument2;
+struct IHTMLElement;
+struct IMarkupPointer;
class wxFSFile;
class ClassFactory;
class wxIEContainer;
class DocHostUIHandler;
+class wxFindPointers;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_WEBVIEW wxWebViewIE : public wxWebView
virtual void Undo();
virtual void Redo();
+ //Find function
+ virtual long Find(const wxString& text, int flags = wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_DEFAULT);
//Editing functions
virtual void SetEditable(bool enable = true);
virtual bool IsEditable() const;
bool m_historyLoadingFromList;
bool m_historyEnabled;
- //Generic helper functions for IHtmlDocument commands
+ //We store find flag, results and position.
+ wxVector<wxFindPointers> m_findPointers;
+ int m_findFlags;
+ wxString m_findText;
+ int m_findPosition;
+ //Generic helper functions
bool CanExecCommand(wxString command) const;
void ExecCommand(wxString command);
wxCOMPtr<IHTMLDocument2> GetDocument() const;
+ bool IsElementVisible(IHTMLElement* elm);
+ //Find helper functions.
+ void FindInternal(const wxString& text, int flags, int internal_flag);
+ long FindNext(int direction = 1);
+ void FindClear();
//Toggles control features see INTERNETFEATURELIST for values.
bool EnableControlFeature(long flag, bool enable = true);
+class wxFindPointers
+ wxFindPointers(IMarkupPointer *ptrBegin, IMarkupPointer *ptrEnd)
+ {
+ begin = ptrBegin;
+ end = ptrEnd;
+ }
+ //The two markup pointers.
+ IMarkupPointer *begin, *end;
#endif // wxUSE_WEBVIEW && wxUSE_WEBVIEW_IE && defined(__WXMSW__)
#endif // wxWebViewIE_H
virtual void Undo();
virtual void Redo();
+ //Find function
+ virtual long Find(const wxString& text, int flags = wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_DEFAULT) { return wxNOT_FOUND; };
//Clipboard functions
virtual bool CanCut() const { return true; }
virtual bool CanCopy() const { return true; }
+enum wxWebViewFindFlags
+ wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_WRAP = 0x0001,
enum wxWebViewBackend
//Get the pointer to the underlying native engine.
virtual void* GetNativeBackend() const = 0;
+ //Find function
+ virtual long Find(const wxString& text, int flags = wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_DEFAULT) = 0;
virtual void DoSetPage(const wxString& html, const wxString& baseUrl) = 0;
+ Find flags used when searching for text on page.
+enum wxWebViewFindFlags
+ /** Causes the search to restart when end or beginning reached */
+ wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_WRAP = 0x0001,
+ /** Matches an entire word when searching */
+ /** Match case, i.e. case sensitive searching */
+ /** Highlights the search results */
+ /** Searches for phrase in backward direction */
+ /** The default flag, which is simple searching */
* List of available backends for wxWebView
virtual void Undo() = 0;
+ /**
+ @name Finding
+ */
+ /**
+ Finds a phrase on the current page and if found, the control will
+ scroll the phrase into view and select it.
+ @param text The phrase to search for.
+ @param flags The flags for the search.
+ @return If search phrase was not found in combination with the flags
+ then @c wxNOT_FOUND is returned. If called for the first time
+ with search phrase then the total number of results will be
+ returned. Then for every time its called with the same search
+ phrase it will return the number of the current match.
+ @note This function will restart the search if the flags
+ are changed, since this will require a new search. To reset the
+ search, for example reseting the highlights call the function
+ with an empty search phrase. This always returns @c wxNOT_FOUND
+ on the OSX WebKit backend.
+ @since 2.9.5
+ */
+ virtual long Find(const wxString& text, wxWebViewFindFlags flags = wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_DEFAULT) = 0;
@name Zoom
void OnDeleteSelection(wxCommandEvent& evt);
void OnSelectAll(wxCommandEvent& evt);
void OnLoadScheme(wxCommandEvent& evt);
+ void OnFind(wxCommandEvent& evt);
+ void OnFindDone(wxCommandEvent& evt);
+ void OnFindText(wxCommandEvent& evt);
+ void OnFindOptions(wxCommandEvent& evt);
wxTextCtrl* m_url;
wxToolBarToolBase* m_toolbar_reload;
wxToolBarToolBase* m_toolbar_tools;
+ wxToolBarToolBase* m_find_toolbar_done;
+ wxToolBarToolBase* m_find_toolbar_next;
+ wxToolBarToolBase* m_find_toolbar_previous;
+ wxToolBarToolBase* m_find_toolbar_options;
+ wxMenuItem* m_find_toolbar_wrap;
+ wxMenuItem* m_find_toolbar_highlight;
+ wxMenuItem* m_find_toolbar_matchcase;
+ wxMenuItem* m_find_toolbar_wholeword;
wxMenu* m_tools_menu;
wxMenu* m_tools_history_menu;
wxMenuItem* m_tools_layout;
wxMenuItem* m_scroll_page_down;
wxMenuItem* m_selection_clear;
wxMenuItem* m_selection_delete;
+ wxMenuItem* m_find;
wxInfoBar *m_info;
wxStaticText* m_info_text;
+ wxTextCtrl* m_find_ctrl;
+ wxToolBar* m_find_toolbar;
wxMenuHistoryMap m_histMenuItems;
+ wxString m_findText;
+ int m_findFlags, m_findCount;
class SourceViewDialog : public wxDialog
+ // Set find values.
+ m_findFlags = wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_DEFAULT;
+ m_findText = wxEmptyString;
+ m_findCount = 0;
+ // Create panel for find toolbar.
+ wxPanel* panel = new wxPanel(this);
+ topsizer->Add(panel, wxSizerFlags().Expand());
+ // Create sizer for panel.
+ wxBoxSizer* panel_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
+ panel->SetSizer(panel_sizer);
+ // Create the find toolbar.
+ m_find_toolbar = new wxToolBar(panel, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTB_HORIZONTAL|wxTB_TEXT|wxTB_HORZ_LAYOUT);
+ m_find_toolbar->Hide();
+ panel_sizer->Add(m_find_toolbar, wxSizerFlags().Expand());
+ // Create find control.
+ m_find_ctrl = new wxTextCtrl(m_find_toolbar, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(140,-1), wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER);
+ //Find options menu
+ wxMenu* findmenu = new wxMenu;
+ m_find_toolbar_wrap = findmenu->AppendCheckItem(wxID_ANY,"Wrap");
+ m_find_toolbar_matchcase = findmenu->AppendCheckItem(wxID_ANY,"Match Case");
+ m_find_toolbar_wholeword = findmenu->AppendCheckItem(wxID_ANY,"Entire Word");
+ m_find_toolbar_highlight = findmenu->AppendCheckItem(wxID_ANY,"Highlight");
+ // Add find toolbar tools.
+ m_find_toolbar->SetToolSeparation(7);
+ m_find_toolbar_done = m_find_toolbar->AddTool(wxID_ANY, "Close", wxArtProvider::GetBitmap(wxART_CROSS_MARK));
+ m_find_toolbar->AddSeparator();
+ m_find_toolbar->AddControl(m_find_ctrl, "Find");
+ m_find_toolbar->AddSeparator();
+ m_find_toolbar_next = m_find_toolbar->AddTool(wxID_ANY, "Next", wxArtProvider::GetBitmap(wxART_GO_DOWN, wxART_TOOLBAR, wxSize(16,16)));
+ m_find_toolbar_previous = m_find_toolbar->AddTool(wxID_ANY, "Previous", wxArtProvider::GetBitmap(wxART_GO_UP, wxART_TOOLBAR, wxSize(16,16)));
+ m_find_toolbar->AddSeparator();
+ m_find_toolbar_options = m_find_toolbar->AddTool(wxID_ANY, "Options", wxArtProvider::GetBitmap(wxART_PLUS, wxART_TOOLBAR, wxSize(16,16)), "", wxITEM_DROPDOWN);
+ m_find_toolbar_options->SetDropdownMenu(findmenu);
+ m_find_toolbar->Realize();
// Create the info panel
m_info = new wxInfoBar(this);
topsizer->Add(m_info, wxSizerFlags().Expand());
m_tools_handle_new_window = m_tools_menu->AppendCheckItem(wxID_ANY, _("Handle New Windows"));
+ //Find
+ m_find = m_tools_menu->Append(wxID_ANY, _("Find"));
+ m_tools_menu->AppendSeparator();
//History menu
m_tools_history_menu = new wxMenu();
wxMenuItem* clearhist = m_tools_history_menu->Append(wxID_ANY, _("Clear History"));
Connect(m_url->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_ENTER,
wxCommandEventHandler(WebFrame::OnUrl), NULL, this );
+ // Connect find toolbar events.
+ Connect(m_find_toolbar_done->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED,
+ wxCommandEventHandler(WebFrame::OnFindDone), NULL, this );
+ Connect(m_find_toolbar_next->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED,
+ wxCommandEventHandler(WebFrame::OnFindText), NULL, this );
+ Connect(m_find_toolbar_previous->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED,
+ wxCommandEventHandler(WebFrame::OnFindText), NULL, this );
+ // Connect find control events.
+ Connect(m_find_ctrl->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED,
+ wxCommandEventHandler(WebFrame::OnFindText), NULL, this );
+ Connect(m_find_ctrl->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_ENTER,
+ wxCommandEventHandler(WebFrame::OnFindText), NULL, this );
// Connect the webview events
Connect(m_browser->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_WEB_VIEW_NAVIGATING,
wxWebViewEventHandler(WebFrame::OnNavigationRequest), NULL, this);
wxCommandEventHandler(WebFrame::OnSelectAll), NULL, this );
Connect(loadscheme->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,
wxCommandEventHandler(WebFrame::OnLoadScheme), NULL, this );
+ Connect(m_find->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,
+ wxCommandEventHandler(WebFrame::OnFind), NULL, this );
//Connect the idle events
Connect(wxID_ANY, wxEVT_IDLE, wxIdleEventHandler(WebFrame::OnIdle), NULL, this);
+void WebFrame::OnFind(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(evt))
+ wxString value = m_browser->GetSelectedText();
+ if(value.Len() > 150)
+ {
+ value.Truncate(150);
+ }
+ m_find_ctrl->SetValue(value);
+ if(!m_find_toolbar->IsShown()){
+ m_find_toolbar->Show(true);
+ SendSizeEvent();
+ }
+ m_find_ctrl->SelectAll();
+void WebFrame::OnFindDone(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(evt))
+ m_browser->Find("");
+ m_find_toolbar->Show(false);
+ SendSizeEvent();
+void WebFrame::OnFindText(wxCommandEvent& evt)
+ int flags = 0;
+ if(m_find_toolbar_wrap->IsChecked())
+ flags |= wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_WRAP;
+ if(m_find_toolbar_wholeword->IsChecked())
+ if(m_find_toolbar_matchcase->IsChecked())
+ if(m_find_toolbar_highlight->IsChecked())
+ if(m_find_toolbar_previous->GetId() == evt.GetId())
+ wxString find_text = m_find_ctrl->GetValue();
+ long count = m_browser->Find(find_text, flags);
+ if(m_findText != find_text)
+ {
+ m_findCount = count;
+ m_findText = find_text;
+ }
+ if(count != wxNOT_FOUND || find_text.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ m_find_ctrl->SetBackgroundColour(*wxWHITE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_find_ctrl->SetBackgroundColour(wxColour(255, 101, 101));
+ }
+ m_find_ctrl->Refresh();
+ //Log the result, note that count is zero indexed.
+ if(count != m_findCount)
+ {
+ count++;
+ }
+ wxLogMessage("Searching for:%s current match:%i/%i", m_findText.c_str(), count, m_findCount);
* Callback invoked when there is a request to load a new page (for instance
* when the user clicks a link)
m_busy = false;
m_guard = false;
+ FindClear();
// We currently unconditionally impose scrolling in both directions as it's
// necessary to show arbitrary pages.
+long wxWebViewWebKit::Find(const wxString& text, int flags)
+ bool newSearch = false;
+ if(text != m_findText ||
+ (flags & wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_MATCH_CASE) != (m_findFlags & wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_MATCH_CASE))
+ {
+ newSearch = true;
+ //If it is a new search we need to clear existing highlights
+ webkit_web_view_unmark_text_matches(m_web_view);
+ webkit_web_view_set_highlight_text_matches(m_web_view, false);
+ }
+ m_findFlags = flags;
+ m_findText = text;
+ //If the search string is empty then we clear any selection and highlight
+ if(text == "")
+ {
+ webkit_web_view_unmark_text_matches(m_web_view);
+ webkit_web_view_set_highlight_text_matches(m_web_view, false);
+ ClearSelection();
+ return wxNOT_FOUND;
+ }
+ bool wrap = false, matchCase = false, forward = true;
+ if(flags & wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_WRAP)
+ wrap = true;
+ if(flags & wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_MATCH_CASE)
+ matchCase = true;
+ forward = false;
+ if(newSearch)
+ {
+ //Initially we mark the matches to know how many we have
+ m_findCount = webkit_web_view_mark_text_matches(m_web_view, wxGTK_CONV(text), matchCase, 0);
+ //In this case we return early to match IE behaviour
+ m_findPosition = -1;
+ return m_findCount;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(forward)
+ m_findPosition++;
+ else
+ m_findPosition--;
+ if(m_findPosition < 0)
+ m_findPosition += m_findCount;
+ if(m_findPosition > m_findCount)
+ m_findPosition -= m_findCount;
+ }
+ //Highlight them if needed
+ bool highlight = flags & wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_HIGHLIGHT_RESULT ? true : false;
+ webkit_web_view_set_highlight_text_matches(m_web_view, highlight);
+ if(!webkit_web_view_search_text(m_web_view, wxGTK_CONV(text), matchCase, forward, wrap))
+ {
+ m_findPosition = -1;
+ ClearSelection();
+ return wxNOT_FOUND;
+ }
+ wxLogMessage(wxString::Format("Returning %d", m_findPosition));
+ return newSearch ? m_findCount : m_findPosition;
+void wxWebViewWebKit::FindClear()
+ m_findCount = 0;
+ m_findFlags = 0;
+ m_findText = "";
+ m_findPosition = -1;
// static
wxWebViewWebKit::GetClassDefaultAttributes(wxWindowVariant WXUNUSED(variant))
DEFINE_GUID(wxIID_IDocHostUIHandler, 0xbd3f23c0, 0xd43e, 0x11cf, 0x89, 0x3b, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xbd, 0xce, 0x1a);
+enum //Internal find flags
m_historyEnabled = true;
m_historyPosition = -1;
+ FindClear();
if (::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WebBrowser, NULL,
+ FindClear();
void wxWebViewIE::LoadURL(const wxString& url)
+long wxWebViewIE::Find(const wxString& text, int flags)
+ //If the text is empty then we clear.
+ if(text.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ ClearSelection();
+ {
+ FindInternal(m_findText, (m_findFlags &~ wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_HIGHLIGHT_RESULT), wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_REMOVE_HIGHLIGHT);
+ }
+ FindClear();
+ return wxNOT_FOUND;
+ }
+ //Have we done this search before?
+ if(m_findText == text)
+ {
+ //Just do a highlight?
+ {
+ m_findFlags = flags;
+ if(!m_findPointers.empty())
+ {
+ FindInternal(m_findText, m_findFlags, ((flags & wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_HIGHLIGHT_RESULT) == 0 ? wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_REMOVE_HIGHLIGHT : 0));
+ }
+ return m_findPosition;
+ }
+ else if(((m_findFlags & wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_ENTIRE_WORD) == (flags & wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_ENTIRE_WORD)) && ((m_findFlags & wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_MATCH_CASE) == (flags&wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_MATCH_CASE)))
+ {
+ m_findFlags = flags;
+ return FindNext(((flags & wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_BACKWARDS) ? -1 : 1));
+ }
+ }
+ //Remove old highlight if any.
+ {
+ FindInternal(m_findText, (m_findFlags &~ wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_HIGHLIGHT_RESULT), wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_REMOVE_HIGHLIGHT);
+ }
+ //Reset find variables.
+ FindClear();
+ ClearSelection();
+ m_findText = text;
+ m_findFlags = flags;
+ //find the text and return count.
+ FindInternal(text, flags, wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_ADD_POINTERS);
+ return m_findPointers.empty() ? wxNOT_FOUND : m_findPointers.size();
void wxWebViewIE::SetEditable(bool enable)
wxCOMPtr<IHTMLDocument2> document(GetDocument());
return document;
+bool wxWebViewIE::IsElementVisible(IHTMLElement* elm)
+ IHTMLCurrentStyle* style;
+ IHTMLElement *elm1 = elm;
+ IHTMLElement2 *elm2;
+ BSTR tmp_bstr;
+ bool is_visible = true;
+ //This method is not perfect but it does discover most of the hidden elements.
+ //so if a better solution is found, then please do improve.
+ while(elm1)
+ {
+ if(SUCCEEDED(elm1->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLElement2, (void**) &elm2)))
+ {
+ if(SUCCEEDED(elm2->get_currentStyle(&style)))
+ {
+ //Check if the object has the style display:none.
+ if((style->get_display(&tmp_bstr) != S_OK) ||
+ (tmp_bstr != NULL && (_wcsicmp(tmp_bstr, L"none") == 0)))
+ {
+ is_visible = false;
+ }
+ //Check if the object has the style visibility:hidden.
+ if(is_visible && (style->get_visibility(&tmp_bstr) != S_OK) ||
+ (tmp_bstr != NULL && _wcsicmp(tmp_bstr, L"hidden") == 0))
+ {
+ is_visible = false;
+ }
+ style->Release();
+ }
+ elm2->Release();
+ }
+ //Lets check the object's parent element.
+ IHTMLElement* parent;
+ if(is_visible && SUCCEEDED(elm1->get_parentElement(&parent)))
+ {
+ elm1->Release();
+ elm1 = parent;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ elm1->Release();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return is_visible;
+void wxWebViewIE::FindInternal(const wxString& text, int flags, int internal_flag)
+ IMarkupServices *pIMS;
+ IMarkupContainer *pIMC;
+ IMarkupPointer *ptrBegin, *ptrEnd;
+ IHTMLElement* elm;
+ long find_flag = 0;
+ IHTMLDocument2 *document = GetDocument();
+ //This function does the acutal work.
+ if(SUCCEEDED(document->QueryInterface(IID_IMarkupServices, (void **)&pIMS)))
+ {
+ if(SUCCEEDED(document->QueryInterface(IID_IMarkupContainer, (void **)&pIMC)))
+ {
+ BSTR attr_bstr = SysAllocString(L"style=\"background-color:#ffff00\"");
+ BSTR text_bstr = SysAllocString(text.wc_str());
+ pIMS->CreateMarkupPointer(&ptrBegin);
+ pIMS->CreateMarkupPointer(&ptrEnd);
+ ptrBegin->SetGravity(POINTER_GRAVITY_Right);
+ ptrBegin->MoveToContainer(pIMC, TRUE);
+ //Create the find flag from the wx one.
+ {
+ find_flag |= FINDTEXT_WHOLEWORD;
+ }
+ if(flags & wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_MATCH_CASE)
+ {
+ find_flag |= FINDTEXT_MATCHCASE;
+ }
+ //A little speed-up to avoid to re-alloc in the positions vector.
+ if(text.Len() < 3 && m_findPointers.capacity() < 500)
+ {
+ m_findPointers.reserve(text.Len() == 1 ? 1000 : 500);
+ }
+ while(ptrBegin->FindText(text_bstr, find_flag, ptrEnd, NULL) == S_OK)
+ {
+ if(ptrBegin->CurrentScope(&elm) == S_OK)
+ {
+ if(IsElementVisible(elm))
+ {
+ //Highlight the word if the flag was set.
+ {
+ IHTMLElement* pFontEl;
+ pIMS->CreateElement(TAGID_FONT, attr_bstr, &pFontEl);
+ pIMS->InsertElement(pFontEl, ptrBegin, ptrEnd);
+ }
+ if(internal_flag & wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_REMOVE_HIGHLIGHT)
+ {
+ IHTMLElement* pFontEl;
+ ptrBegin->CurrentScope(&pFontEl);
+ pIMS->RemoveElement(pFontEl);
+ pFontEl->Release();
+ }
+ if(internal_flag & wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_ADD_POINTERS)
+ {
+ IMarkupPointer *cptrBegin, *cptrEnd;
+ pIMS->CreateMarkupPointer(&cptrBegin);
+ pIMS->CreateMarkupPointer(&cptrEnd);
+ cptrBegin->MoveToPointer(ptrBegin);
+ cptrEnd->MoveToPointer(ptrEnd);
+ m_findPointers.push_back(wxFindPointers(cptrBegin,cptrEnd));
+ }
+ }
+ elm->Release();
+ }
+ ptrBegin->MoveToPointer(ptrEnd);
+ }
+ //Clean up.
+ SysFreeString(text_bstr);
+ SysFreeString(attr_bstr);
+ pIMC->Release();
+ ptrBegin->Release();
+ ptrEnd->Release();
+ }
+ pIMS->Release();
+ }
+ document->Release();
+long wxWebViewIE::FindNext(int direction)
+ //Don't bother if we have no pointers set.
+ if(m_findPointers.empty())
+ {
+ return wxNOT_FOUND;
+ }
+ //Manage the find position and do some checks.
+ if(direction > 0)
+ {
+ m_findPosition++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_findPosition--;
+ }
+ if(m_findPosition >= (signed)m_findPointers.size())
+ {
+ if(m_findFlags & wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_WRAP)
+ {
+ m_findPosition = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_findPosition--;
+ return wxNOT_FOUND;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(m_findPosition < 0)
+ {
+ if(m_findFlags & wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_WRAP)
+ {
+ m_findPosition = m_findPointers.size()-1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_findPosition++;
+ return wxNOT_FOUND;
+ }
+ }
+ //some variables to use later on.
+ IHTMLElement *body_element;
+ IHTMLBodyElement *body;
+ IHTMLTxtRange *range = NULL;
+ IMarkupServices *pIMS;
+ IHTMLDocument2 *document = GetDocument();
+ long ret = -1;
+ //Now try to create a range from the body.
+ if(SUCCEEDED(document->get_body(&body_element)))
+ {
+ if(SUCCEEDED(body_element->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLBodyElement,(void**)&body)))
+ {
+ if(SUCCEEDED(body->createTextRange(&range)))
+ {
+ //So far so good, now we try to position our find pointers.
+ if(SUCCEEDED(document->QueryInterface(IID_IMarkupServices,(void **)&pIMS)))
+ {
+ IMarkupPointer *begin = m_findPointers[m_findPosition].begin, *end = m_findPointers[m_findPosition].end;
+ if(pIMS->MoveRangeToPointers(begin,end,range) == S_OK && range->select() == S_OK)
+ {
+ ret = m_findPosition;
+ }
+ pIMS->Release();
+ }
+ range->Release();
+ }
+ body->Release();
+ }
+ body_element->Release();
+ }
+ document->Release();
+ return ret;
+void wxWebViewIE::FindClear()
+ //Reset find variables.
+ m_findText.Empty();
+ m_findFlags = wxWEB_VIEW_FIND_DEFAULT;
+ m_findPosition = -1;
+ //The m_findPointers contains pointers for the found text.
+ //Since it uses ref counting we call release on the pointers first
+ //before we remove them from the vector. In other words do not just
+ //remove elements from m_findPointers without calling release first
+ //or you will get a memory leak.
+ size_t count = m_findPointers.size();
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ m_findPointers[i].begin->Release();
+ m_findPointers[i].end->Release();
+ }
+ m_findPointers.clear();
bool wxWebViewIE::EnableControlFeature(long flag, bool enable)
//Reset as we are done now
m_historyLoadingFromList = false;
+ //Reset the find values.
+ FindClear();
// TODO: set target parameter if possible
wxString target = wxEmptyString;
wxWebViewEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_WEB_VIEW_LOADED, GetId(),