+-- File: BuildSamplesM5.as
+-- Purpose: Automatic build of samples with CodeWarrior 5
+-- Author: Gilles Depeyrot
+-- Created: 06.10.2001
+-- This AppleScript automatically recurses through the selected folder looking for
+-- and building CodeWarrior projects.
+-- To use this script, simply open it with the 'Script Editor' and run it.
+-- Suffix used to recognize CodeWarrior project files
+property gProjectSuffix : "M5.mcp"
+-- Values used to create the log file
+property gEol : "
+property gSeparator : "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" & gEol
+-- Project and build success count
+set theProjectCount to 0
+set theProjectSuccessCount to 0
+-- Default log file name
+set theDate to (day of (current date)) & "/" & GetMonthIndex(current date) & "/" & (year of (current date))
+set theLogFileName to "wxMac samples " & theDate & ".log"
+-- Ask the user to select the wxWindows samples folder
+set theFolder to choose folder with prompt "Select the wxWindows samples folder"
+-- Ask the user to choose the build log file
+set theLogFile to choose file name with prompt "Create the wxWindows samples build log file" default name theLogFileName
+-- Open the log file to record the build log
+set theLogFileRef to open for access theLogFile with write permission
+-- Write log file header
+write gSeparator starting at 0 to theLogFileRef
+write "wxWindows samples build log" & gEol to theLogFileRef
+write gSeparator to theLogFileRef
+write "start on " & ((current date) as string) & gEol to theLogFileRef
+write gSeparator to theLogFileRef
+write "building projects in '" & (theFolder as string) & "'" & gEol to theLogFileRef
+write gSeparator to theLogFileRef
+-- Build or Rebuild targets?
+set theText to "Build or rebuild projects?"
+set theBuild to button returned of (display dialog theText buttons {"Cancel", "Build", "Rebuild"} default button "Rebuild" with icon note)
+if theBuild is not equal to "Cancel" then
+ --
+ -- Build which targets?
+ --
+ set theText to theBuild & " Classic or Carbon targets?"
+ set theType to button returned of (display dialog theText buttons {"Cancel", "Classic", "Carbon"} default button "Carbon" with icon note)
+ if theType is not equal to "Cancel" then
+ --
+ -- Build Debug or Release targets?
+ --
+ set theText to theBuild & " " & theType & " Debug or " & theType & " Release targets?"
+ set theOption to button returned of (display dialog theText buttons {"Cancel", "Release", "Debug"} default button "Debug" with icon note)
+ if theOption is not equal to "Cancel" then
+ set theTarget to theType & " " & theOption
+ write "building project targets '" & theTarget & "'" & gEol to theLogFileRef
+ write gSeparator to theLogFileRef
+ BuildProjects(theLogFileRef, theFolder, theTarget, theBuild is equal to "Rebuild")
+ end if
+ end if
+end if
+-- Write log file footer
+write "successful build of " & theProjectSuccessCount & " projects out of " & theProjectCount & gEol to theLogFileRef
+write gSeparator to theLogFileRef
+write "end on " & ((current date) as string) & gEol to theLogFileRef
+write gSeparator to theLogFileRef
+-- Close the log file
+close access theLogFileRef
+-- Open the file in BBEdit Lite
+tell application "BBEdit Lite 6.1"
+ activate
+ open theLogFile
+end tell
+-- BuildProjects
+on BuildProjects(inLogFileRef, inFolder, inTarget, inRebuild)
+ global theProjectCount, theProjectSuccessCount
+ tell application "Finder" to set theSubFolders to every folder of inFolder
+ repeat with theFolder in theSubFolders
+ tell application "Finder" to set theProject to (the first file of theFolder whose name ends with gProjectSuffix)
+ if theProject as string is not "" then
+ set theProjectCount to theProjectCount + 1
+ write "building project '" & (theProject as string) & "'" & gEol to inLogFileRef
+ tell application "CodeWarrior IDE 4.0.4"
+ --
+ -- Open the project in CodeWarrior
+ --
+ open theProject as string
+ --
+ -- Change to the requested target
+ --
+ Set Current Target inTarget
+ --
+ -- Remove object code if rebuild requested
+ --
+ if inRebuild then
+ Remove Binaries
+ end if
+ --
+ -- Build/Rebuild the selected target
+ --
+ set theBuildInfo to Make Project with ExternalEditor
+ --
+ -- Close the project
+ --
+ Close Project
+ end tell
+ --
+ -- Report errors to build log file
+ --
+ write gEol to inLogFileRef
+ ReportBuildInfo(inLogFileRef, theBuildInfo)
+ write gSeparator to inLogFileRef
+ else
+ BuildProjects(inLogFileRef, theFolder, inTarget, inRebuild)
+ end if
+ end repeat
+end BuildProjects
+-- ReportBuildInfo
+on ReportBuildInfo(inLogFileRef, inBuildInfo)
+ global theProjectCount, theProjectSuccessCount
+ set theErrorCount to 0
+ set theWarningCount to 0
+ repeat with theInfo in inBuildInfo
+ tell application "CodeWarrior IDE 4.0.4"
+ set theKind to ((messageKind of theInfo) as string)
+ write "*** " & theKind & " *** " & message of theInfo & gEol to inLogFileRef
+ try
+ set theFile to ((file of theInfo) as string)
+ on error
+ set theFile to ""
+ end try
+ if theFile is not "" then
+ write theFile & " line " & lineNumber of theInfo & gEol to inLogFileRef
+ end if
+ write gEol to inLogFileRef
+ end tell
+ if MessageKindIsError(theKind) then
+ set theErrorCount to theErrorCount + 1
+ else
+ set theWarningCount to theWarningCount + 1
+ end if
+ end repeat
+ if theErrorCount is 0 then
+ set theProjectSuccessCount to theProjectSuccessCount + 1
+ write "build succeeded with " & theWarningCount & " warning(s)" & gEol to inLogFileRef
+ else
+ write "build failed with " & theErrorCount & " error(s) and " & theWarningCount & " warning(s)" & gEol to inLogFileRef
+ end if
+end ReportBuildInfo
+-- MessageKindIsError
+on MessageKindIsError(inKind)
+ if inKind is "compiler error" or inKind is "linker error" or inKind is "generic error" then
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end if
+end MessageKindIsError
+-- GetMonthIndex
+on GetMonthIndex(inDate)
+ set theMonth to the month of inDate
+ set theMonthList to {January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December}
+ repeat with i from 1 to the number of items in theMonthList
+ if theMonth is item i of theMonthList then
+ return i
+ end if
+ end repeat
+end GetMonthIndex
\ No newline at end of file