-// #define TEST_SOCKETS --FIXME! (RN)
#else // #if TEST_ALL
// implementation
// ============================================================================
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// helper functions
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#if defined(TEST_SOCKETS)
-// replace TABs with \t and CRs with \n
-static wxString MakePrintable(const wxChar *s)
- wxString str(s);
- (void)str.Replace(wxT("\t"), wxT("\\t"));
- (void)str.Replace(wxT("\n"), wxT("\\n"));
- (void)str.Replace(wxT("\r"), wxT("\\r"));
- return str;
-#endif // MakePrintable() is used
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxCmdLineParser
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// sockets
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "wx/socket.h"
-#include "wx/protocol/protocol.h"
-#include "wx/protocol/http.h"
-static void TestSocketServer()
- wxPuts(wxT("*** Testing wxSocketServer ***\n"));
- static const int PORT = 3000;
- wxIPV4address addr;
- addr.Service(PORT);
- wxSocketServer *server = new wxSocketServer(addr);
- if ( !server->Ok() )
- {
- wxPuts(wxT("ERROR: failed to bind"));
- return;
- }
- bool quit = false;
- while ( !quit )
- {
- wxPrintf(wxT("Server: waiting for connection on port %d...\n"), PORT);
- wxSocketBase *socket = server->Accept();
- if ( !socket )
- {
- wxPuts(wxT("ERROR: wxSocketServer::Accept() failed."));
- break;
- }
- wxPuts(wxT("Server: got a client."));
- server->SetTimeout(60); // 1 min
- bool close = false;
- while ( !close && socket->IsConnected() )
- {
- wxString s;
- wxChar ch = wxT('\0');
- for ( ;; )
- {
- if ( socket->Read(&ch, sizeof(ch)).Error() )
- {
- // don't log error if the client just close the connection
- if ( socket->IsConnected() )
- {
- wxPuts(wxT("ERROR: in wxSocket::Read."));
- }
- break;
- }
- if ( ch == '\r' )
- continue;
- if ( ch == '\n' )
- break;
- s += ch;
- }
- if ( ch != '\n' )
- {
- break;
- }
- wxPrintf(wxT("Server: got '%s'.\n"), s.c_str());
- if ( s == wxT("close") )
- {
- wxPuts(wxT("Closing connection"));
- close = true;
- }
- else if ( s == wxT("quit") )
- {
- close =
- quit = true;
- wxPuts(wxT("Shutting down the server"));
- }
- else // not a special command
- {
- socket->Write(s.MakeUpper().c_str(), s.length());
- socket->Write("\r\n", 2);
- wxPrintf(wxT("Server: wrote '%s'.\n"), s.c_str());
- }
- }
- if ( !close )
- {
- wxPuts(wxT("Server: lost a client unexpectedly."));
- }
- socket->Destroy();
- }
- // same as "delete server" but is consistent with GUI programs
- server->Destroy();
-static void TestSocketClient()
- wxPuts(wxT("*** Testing wxSocketClient ***\n"));
- static const wxChar *hostname = wxT("www.wxwidgets.org");
- wxIPV4address addr;
- addr.Hostname(hostname);
- addr.Service(80);
- wxPrintf(wxT("--- Attempting to connect to %s:80...\n"), hostname);
- wxSocketClient client;
- if ( !client.Connect(addr) )
- {
- wxPrintf(wxT("ERROR: failed to connect to %s\n"), hostname);
- }
- else
- {
- wxPrintf(wxT("--- Connected to %s:%u...\n"),
- addr.Hostname().c_str(), addr.Service());
- wxChar buf[8192];
- // could use simply "GET" here I suppose
- wxString cmdGet =
- wxString::Format(wxT("GET http://%s/\r\n"), hostname);
- client.Write(cmdGet, cmdGet.length());
- wxPrintf(wxT("--- Sent command '%s' to the server\n"),
- MakePrintable(cmdGet).c_str());
- client.Read(buf, WXSIZEOF(buf));
- wxPrintf(wxT("--- Server replied:\n%s"), buf);
- }
-#endif // TEST_SOCKETS
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FTP
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TestSocketServer();
- TestSocketClient();
-#endif // TEST_SOCKETS