// Send a message to Scintilla
long SendMsg(int msg, long wp=0, long lp=0);
+ // Set the vertical scrollbar to use instead of the ont that's built-in.
+ void SetVScrollBar(wxScrollBar* bar) { m_vScrollBar = bar; }
+ // Set the horizontal scrollbar to use instead of the ont that's built-in.
+ void SetHScrollBar(wxScrollBar* bar) { m_hScrollBar = bar; }
// Event handlers
void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& evt);
void OnScrollWin(wxScrollWinEvent& evt);
+ void OnScroll(wxScrollEvent& evt);
void OnSize(wxSizeEvent& evt);
void OnMouseLeftDown(wxMouseEvent& evt);
void OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent& evt);
ScintillaWX* m_swx;
wxStopWatch m_stopWatch;
+ wxScrollBar* m_vScrollBar;
+ wxScrollBar* m_hScrollBar;
bool m_lastKeyDownConsumed;
bool GetControl() const;
bool GetAlt() const;
-// void CopyObject(wxObject& obj) const;
virtual wxEvent* Clone() const { return new wxStyledTextEvent(*this); }
#ifndef SWIG
-const int H_SCROLL_MAX = 2000;
+const int H_SCROLL_MAX = 4000;
const int H_SCROLL_STEP = 20;
const int H_SCROLL_PAGE = 200;
dragText = evt.GetDragText();
if (dragText.Length()) {
- wxDropSource source(wMain.GetID());
+ wxDropSource source(stc);
wxTextDataObject data(dragText);
wxDragResult result;
void ScintillaWX::SetMouseCapture(bool on) {
if (on && !capturedMouse)
- wMain.GetID()->CaptureMouse();
+ stc->CaptureMouse();
else if (!on && capturedMouse)
- wMain.GetID()->ReleaseMouse();
+ stc->ReleaseMouse();
capturedMouse = on;
void ScintillaWX::ScrollText(int linesToMove) {
int dy = vs.lineHeight * (linesToMove);
- wMain.GetID()->ScrollWindow(0, dy);
- wMain.GetID()->Update();
+ stc->ScrollWindow(0, dy);
+ stc->Update();
void ScintillaWX::SetVerticalScrollPos() {
- wMain.GetID()->SetScrollPos(wxVERTICAL, topLine);
+ if (stc->m_vScrollBar == NULL) { // Use built-in scrollbar
+ stc->SetScrollPos(wxVERTICAL, topLine);
+ }
+ else { // otherwise use the one that's been given to us
+ stc->m_vScrollBar->SetThumbPosition(topLine);
+ }
void ScintillaWX::SetHorizontalScrollPos() {
- wMain.GetID()->SetScrollPos(wxHORIZONTAL, xOffset);
+ if (stc->m_hScrollBar == NULL) { // Use built-in scrollbar
+ stc->SetScrollPos(wxHORIZONTAL, xOffset);
+ }
+ else { // otherwise use the one that's been given to us
+ stc->m_hScrollBar->SetThumbPosition(xOffset);
+ }
bool ScintillaWX::ModifyScrollBars(int nMax, int nPage) {
bool modified = false;
- int sbMax = wMain.GetID()->GetScrollRange(wxVERTICAL);
- int sbThumb = wMain.GetID()->GetScrollThumb(wxVERTICAL);
- int sbPos = wMain.GetID()->GetScrollPos(wxVERTICAL);
- if (sbMax != nMax || sbThumb != nPage) {
- wMain.GetID()->SetScrollbar(wxVERTICAL, sbPos, nPage, nMax);
- modified = true;
+ if (stc->m_vScrollBar == NULL) { // Use built-in scrollbar
+ int sbMax = stc->GetScrollRange(wxVERTICAL);
+ int sbThumb = stc->GetScrollThumb(wxVERTICAL);
+ int sbPos = stc->GetScrollPos(wxVERTICAL);
+ if (sbMax != nMax || sbThumb != nPage) {
+ stc->SetScrollbar(wxVERTICAL, sbPos, nPage, nMax);
+ modified = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else { // otherwise use the one that's been given to us
+ int sbMax = stc->m_vScrollBar->GetRange();
+ int sbPage = stc->m_vScrollBar->GetPageSize();
+ int sbPos = stc->m_vScrollBar->GetThumbPosition();
+ if (sbMax != nMax || sbPage != nPage) {
+ stc->m_vScrollBar->SetScrollbar(sbPos, nPage, nMax, nPage);
+ modified = true;
+ }
if (horizontalScrollBarVisible) {
- sbMax = wMain.GetID()->GetScrollRange(wxHORIZONTAL);
- sbThumb = wMain.GetID()->GetScrollThumb(wxHORIZONTAL);
- if ((sbMax != H_SCROLL_MAX) || (sbThumb != H_SCROLL_STEP)) {
- wMain.GetID()->SetScrollbar(wxHORIZONTAL, 0, H_SCROLL_STEP, H_SCROLL_MAX);
- modified = true;
+ if (stc->m_hScrollBar == NULL) { // Use built-in scrollbar
+ int sbMax = stc->GetScrollRange(wxHORIZONTAL);
+ int sbThumb = stc->GetScrollThumb(wxHORIZONTAL);
+ if ((sbMax != H_SCROLL_MAX) || (sbThumb != H_SCROLL_STEP)) {
+ stc->SetScrollbar(wxHORIZONTAL, 0, H_SCROLL_STEP, H_SCROLL_MAX);
+ modified = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else { // otherwise use the one that's been given to us
+ int sbMax = stc->m_hScrollBar->GetRange();
+ int sbPage = stc->m_hScrollBar->GetPageSize();
+ if ((sbMax != H_SCROLL_MAX) || (sbPage != H_SCROLL_STEP)) {
+ stc->m_hScrollBar->SetScrollbar(0, H_SCROLL_STEP, H_SCROLL_MAX, H_SCROLL_STEP);
+ modified = true;
+ }
return modified;
void ScintillaWX::CreateCallTipWindow(PRectangle) {
- ct.wCallTip = new wxSTCCallTip(wMain.GetID(), -1, &ct);
+ ct.wCallTip = new wxSTCCallTip(stc, -1, &ct);
ct.wDraw = ct.wCallTip;
void ScintillaWX::DoHScroll(int type, int pos) {
int xPos = xOffset;
- if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP)
+ if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP || type == wxEVT_SCROLL_LINEUP)
- else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN)
+ else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN || type == wxEVT_SCROLL_LINEDOWN)
- else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEUP)
+ else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEUP || type == wxEVT_SCROLL_PAGEUP)
- else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEDOWN)
+ else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEDOWN || type == wxEVT_SCROLL_PAGEDOWN)
- else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_TOP)
+ else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_TOP || type == wxEVT_SCROLL_TOP)
xPos = 0;
- else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_BOTTOM)
+ else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_BOTTOM || type == wxEVT_SCROLL_BOTTOM)
- else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBTRACK)
xPos = pos;
void ScintillaWX::DoVScroll(int type, int pos) {
int topLineNew = topLine;
- if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP)
+ if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP || type == wxEVT_SCROLL_LINEUP)
topLineNew -= 1;
- else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN)
+ else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN || type == wxEVT_SCROLL_LINEDOWN)
topLineNew += 1;
- else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEUP)
+ else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEUP || type == wxEVT_SCROLL_PAGEUP)
topLineNew -= LinesToScroll();
- else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEDOWN)
+ else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEDOWN || type == wxEVT_SCROLL_PAGEDOWN)
topLineNew += LinesToScroll();
- else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_TOP)
+ else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_TOP || type == wxEVT_SCROLL_TOP)
topLineNew = 0;
- else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_BOTTOM)
+ else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_BOTTOM || type == wxEVT_SCROLL_BOTTOM)
topLineNew = MaxScrollPos();
- else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBTRACK)
topLineNew = pos;
paintState = painting;
rcPaint = GetTextRectangle();
paintingAllText = true;
- wxClientDC dc(wMain.GetID());
+ wxClientDC dc(stc);
Surface surfaceWindow;
Paint(&surfaceWindow, rcPaint);
-// wMain.GetID()->Refresh(FALSE);
+// stc->Refresh(FALSE);
paintState = notPainting;
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxStyledTextCtrl, wxControl)
EVT_PAINT (wxStyledTextCtrl::OnPaint)
EVT_SCROLLWIN (wxStyledTextCtrl::OnScrollWin)
+ EVT_SCROLL (wxStyledTextCtrl::OnScroll)
EVT_SIZE (wxStyledTextCtrl::OnSize)
EVT_LEFT_DOWN (wxStyledTextCtrl::OnMouseLeftDown)
#ifdef __WXMSW__
m_swx = new ScintillaWX(this);
m_lastKeyDownConsumed = FALSE;
+ m_vScrollBar = NULL;
+ m_hScrollBar = NULL;
m_swx->DoVScroll(evt.GetEventType(), evt.GetPosition());
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::OnScroll(wxScrollEvent& evt) {
+ wxScrollBar* sb = wxDynamicCast(evt.GetEventObject(), wxScrollBar);
+ if (sb) {
+ if (sb->IsVertical())
+ m_swx->DoVScroll(evt.GetEventType(), evt.GetPosition());
+ else
+ m_swx->DoHScroll(evt.GetEventType(), evt.GetPosition());
+ }
void wxStyledTextCtrl::OnSize(wxSizeEvent& evt) {
wxSize sz = GetClientSize();
m_swx->DoSize(sz.x, sz.y);
bool wxStyledTextEvent::GetControl() const { return (m_modifiers & SCI_CTRL) != 0; }
bool wxStyledTextEvent::GetAlt() const { return (m_modifiers & SCI_ALT) != 0; }
wxStyledTextEvent::wxStyledTextEvent(const wxStyledTextEvent& event):
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxStyledTextCtrl, wxControl)
EVT_PAINT (wxStyledTextCtrl::OnPaint)
EVT_SCROLLWIN (wxStyledTextCtrl::OnScrollWin)
+ EVT_SCROLL (wxStyledTextCtrl::OnScroll)
EVT_SIZE (wxStyledTextCtrl::OnSize)
EVT_LEFT_DOWN (wxStyledTextCtrl::OnMouseLeftDown)
#ifdef __WXMSW__
m_swx = new ScintillaWX(this);
m_lastKeyDownConsumed = FALSE;
+ m_vScrollBar = NULL;
+ m_hScrollBar = NULL;
m_swx->DoVScroll(evt.GetEventType(), evt.GetPosition());
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::OnScroll(wxScrollEvent& evt) {
+ wxScrollBar* sb = wxDynamicCast(evt.GetEventObject(), wxScrollBar);
+ if (sb) {
+ if (sb->IsVertical())
+ m_swx->DoVScroll(evt.GetEventType(), evt.GetPosition());
+ else
+ m_swx->DoHScroll(evt.GetEventType(), evt.GetPosition());
+ }
void wxStyledTextCtrl::OnSize(wxSizeEvent& evt) {
wxSize sz = GetClientSize();
m_swx->DoSize(sz.x, sz.y);
bool wxStyledTextEvent::GetControl() const { return (m_modifiers & SCI_CTRL) != 0; }
bool wxStyledTextEvent::GetAlt() const { return (m_modifiers & SCI_ALT) != 0; }
-void wxStyledTextEvent::CopyObject(wxObject& obj) const {
- wxCommandEvent::CopyObject(obj);
- wxStyledTextEvent* o = (wxStyledTextEvent*)&obj;
- o->m_position = m_position;
- o->m_key = m_key;
- o->m_modifiers = m_modifiers;
- o->m_modificationType = m_modificationType;
- o->m_text = m_text;
- o->m_length = m_length;
- o->m_linesAdded = m_linesAdded;
- o->m_line = m_line;
- o->m_foldLevelNow = m_foldLevelNow;
- o->m_foldLevelPrev = m_foldLevelPrev;
- o->m_margin = m_margin;
- o->m_message = m_message;
- o->m_wParam = m_wParam;
- o->m_lParam = m_lParam;
- o->m_listType = m_listType;
- o->m_x = m_x;
- o->m_y = m_y;
+wxStyledTextEvent::wxStyledTextEvent(const wxStyledTextEvent& event):
+ wxCommandEvent(event)
+ m_position = event.m_position;
+ m_key = event.m_key;
+ m_modifiers = event.m_modifiers;
+ m_modificationType = event.m_modificationType;
+ m_text = event.m_text;
+ m_length = event.m_length;
+ m_linesAdded = event.m_linesAdded;
+ m_line = event.m_line;
+ m_foldLevelNow = event.m_foldLevelNow;
+ m_foldLevelPrev = event.m_foldLevelPrev;
+ m_margin = event.m_margin;
+ m_message = event.m_message;
+ m_wParam = event.m_wParam;
+ m_lParam = event.m_lParam;
+ m_listType = event.m_listType;
+ m_x = event.m_x;
+ m_y = event.m_y;
- o->m_dragText = m_dragText;
- o->m_dragAllowMove =m_dragAllowMove;
- o->m_dragResult = m_dragResult;
+ m_dragText = event.m_dragText;
+ m_dragAllowMove =event.m_dragAllowMove;
+ m_dragResult = event.m_dragResult;
// Send a message to Scintilla
long SendMsg(int msg, long wp=0, long lp=0);
+ // Set the vertical scrollbar to use instead of the ont that's built-in.
+ void SetVScrollBar(wxScrollBar* bar) { m_vScrollBar = bar; }
+ // Set the horizontal scrollbar to use instead of the ont that's built-in.
+ void SetHScrollBar(wxScrollBar* bar) { m_hScrollBar = bar; }
// Event handlers
void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& evt);
void OnScrollWin(wxScrollWinEvent& evt);
+ void OnScroll(wxScrollEvent& evt);
void OnSize(wxSizeEvent& evt);
void OnMouseLeftDown(wxMouseEvent& evt);
void OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent& evt);
ScintillaWX* m_swx;
wxStopWatch m_stopWatch;
+ wxScrollBar* m_vScrollBar;
+ wxScrollBar* m_hScrollBar;
bool m_lastKeyDownConsumed;
class wxStyledTextEvent : public wxCommandEvent {
+ wxStyledTextEvent(const wxStyledTextEvent& event);
wxStyledTextEvent(wxEventType commandType=0, int id=0);
~wxStyledTextEvent() {}
bool GetControl() const;
bool GetAlt() const;
- void CopyObject(wxObject& obj) const;
+ virtual wxEvent* Clone() const { return new wxStyledTextEvent(*this); }
#ifndef SWIG
// Send a message to Scintilla
long SendMsg(int msg, long wp=0, long lp=0);
+ // Set the vertical scrollbar to use instead of the ont that's built-in.
+ void SetVScrollBar(wxScrollBar* bar) { m_vScrollBar = bar; }
+ // Set the horizontal scrollbar to use instead of the ont that's built-in.
+ void SetHScrollBar(wxScrollBar* bar) { m_hScrollBar = bar; }
// Event handlers
void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& evt);
void OnScrollWin(wxScrollWinEvent& evt);
+ void OnScroll(wxScrollEvent& evt);
void OnSize(wxSizeEvent& evt);
void OnMouseLeftDown(wxMouseEvent& evt);
void OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent& evt);
ScintillaWX* m_swx;
wxStopWatch m_stopWatch;
+ wxScrollBar* m_vScrollBar;
+ wxScrollBar* m_hScrollBar;
bool m_lastKeyDownConsumed;
bool GetControl() const;
bool GetAlt() const;
-// void CopyObject(wxObject& obj) const;
virtual wxEvent* Clone() const { return new wxStyledTextEvent(*this); }
#ifndef SWIG
-const int H_SCROLL_MAX = 2000;
+const int H_SCROLL_MAX = 4000;
const int H_SCROLL_STEP = 20;
const int H_SCROLL_PAGE = 200;
dragText = evt.GetDragText();
if (dragText.Length()) {
- wxDropSource source(wMain.GetID());
+ wxDropSource source(stc);
wxTextDataObject data(dragText);
wxDragResult result;
void ScintillaWX::SetMouseCapture(bool on) {
if (on && !capturedMouse)
- wMain.GetID()->CaptureMouse();
+ stc->CaptureMouse();
else if (!on && capturedMouse)
- wMain.GetID()->ReleaseMouse();
+ stc->ReleaseMouse();
capturedMouse = on;
void ScintillaWX::ScrollText(int linesToMove) {
int dy = vs.lineHeight * (linesToMove);
- wMain.GetID()->ScrollWindow(0, dy);
- wMain.GetID()->Update();
+ stc->ScrollWindow(0, dy);
+ stc->Update();
void ScintillaWX::SetVerticalScrollPos() {
- wMain.GetID()->SetScrollPos(wxVERTICAL, topLine);
+ if (stc->m_vScrollBar == NULL) { // Use built-in scrollbar
+ stc->SetScrollPos(wxVERTICAL, topLine);
+ }
+ else { // otherwise use the one that's been given to us
+ stc->m_vScrollBar->SetThumbPosition(topLine);
+ }
void ScintillaWX::SetHorizontalScrollPos() {
- wMain.GetID()->SetScrollPos(wxHORIZONTAL, xOffset);
+ if (stc->m_hScrollBar == NULL) { // Use built-in scrollbar
+ stc->SetScrollPos(wxHORIZONTAL, xOffset);
+ }
+ else { // otherwise use the one that's been given to us
+ stc->m_hScrollBar->SetThumbPosition(xOffset);
+ }
bool ScintillaWX::ModifyScrollBars(int nMax, int nPage) {
bool modified = false;
- int sbMax = wMain.GetID()->GetScrollRange(wxVERTICAL);
- int sbThumb = wMain.GetID()->GetScrollThumb(wxVERTICAL);
- int sbPos = wMain.GetID()->GetScrollPos(wxVERTICAL);
- if (sbMax != nMax || sbThumb != nPage) {
- wMain.GetID()->SetScrollbar(wxVERTICAL, sbPos, nPage, nMax);
- modified = true;
+ if (stc->m_vScrollBar == NULL) { // Use built-in scrollbar
+ int sbMax = stc->GetScrollRange(wxVERTICAL);
+ int sbThumb = stc->GetScrollThumb(wxVERTICAL);
+ int sbPos = stc->GetScrollPos(wxVERTICAL);
+ if (sbMax != nMax || sbThumb != nPage) {
+ stc->SetScrollbar(wxVERTICAL, sbPos, nPage, nMax);
+ modified = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else { // otherwise use the one that's been given to us
+ int sbMax = stc->m_vScrollBar->GetRange();
+ int sbPage = stc->m_vScrollBar->GetPageSize();
+ int sbPos = stc->m_vScrollBar->GetThumbPosition();
+ if (sbMax != nMax || sbPage != nPage) {
+ stc->m_vScrollBar->SetScrollbar(sbPos, nPage, nMax, nPage);
+ modified = true;
+ }
if (horizontalScrollBarVisible) {
- sbMax = wMain.GetID()->GetScrollRange(wxHORIZONTAL);
- sbThumb = wMain.GetID()->GetScrollThumb(wxHORIZONTAL);
- if ((sbMax != H_SCROLL_MAX) || (sbThumb != H_SCROLL_STEP)) {
- wMain.GetID()->SetScrollbar(wxHORIZONTAL, 0, H_SCROLL_STEP, H_SCROLL_MAX);
- modified = true;
+ if (stc->m_hScrollBar == NULL) { // Use built-in scrollbar
+ int sbMax = stc->GetScrollRange(wxHORIZONTAL);
+ int sbThumb = stc->GetScrollThumb(wxHORIZONTAL);
+ if ((sbMax != H_SCROLL_MAX) || (sbThumb != H_SCROLL_STEP)) {
+ stc->SetScrollbar(wxHORIZONTAL, 0, H_SCROLL_STEP, H_SCROLL_MAX);
+ modified = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else { // otherwise use the one that's been given to us
+ int sbMax = stc->m_hScrollBar->GetRange();
+ int sbPage = stc->m_hScrollBar->GetPageSize();
+ if ((sbMax != H_SCROLL_MAX) || (sbPage != H_SCROLL_STEP)) {
+ stc->m_hScrollBar->SetScrollbar(0, H_SCROLL_STEP, H_SCROLL_MAX, H_SCROLL_STEP);
+ modified = true;
+ }
return modified;
void ScintillaWX::CreateCallTipWindow(PRectangle) {
- ct.wCallTip = new wxSTCCallTip(wMain.GetID(), -1, &ct);
+ ct.wCallTip = new wxSTCCallTip(stc, -1, &ct);
ct.wDraw = ct.wCallTip;
void ScintillaWX::DoHScroll(int type, int pos) {
int xPos = xOffset;
- if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP)
+ if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP || type == wxEVT_SCROLL_LINEUP)
- else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN)
+ else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN || type == wxEVT_SCROLL_LINEDOWN)
- else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEUP)
+ else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEUP || type == wxEVT_SCROLL_PAGEUP)
- else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEDOWN)
+ else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEDOWN || type == wxEVT_SCROLL_PAGEDOWN)
- else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_TOP)
+ else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_TOP || type == wxEVT_SCROLL_TOP)
xPos = 0;
- else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_BOTTOM)
+ else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_BOTTOM || type == wxEVT_SCROLL_BOTTOM)
- else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBTRACK)
xPos = pos;
void ScintillaWX::DoVScroll(int type, int pos) {
int topLineNew = topLine;
- if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP)
+ if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP || type == wxEVT_SCROLL_LINEUP)
topLineNew -= 1;
- else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN)
+ else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN || type == wxEVT_SCROLL_LINEDOWN)
topLineNew += 1;
- else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEUP)
+ else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEUP || type == wxEVT_SCROLL_PAGEUP)
topLineNew -= LinesToScroll();
- else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEDOWN)
+ else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEDOWN || type == wxEVT_SCROLL_PAGEDOWN)
topLineNew += LinesToScroll();
- else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_TOP)
+ else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_TOP || type == wxEVT_SCROLL_TOP)
topLineNew = 0;
- else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_BOTTOM)
+ else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_BOTTOM || type == wxEVT_SCROLL_BOTTOM)
topLineNew = MaxScrollPos();
- else if (type == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBTRACK)
topLineNew = pos;
paintState = painting;
rcPaint = GetTextRectangle();
paintingAllText = true;
- wxClientDC dc(wMain.GetID());
+ wxClientDC dc(stc);
Surface surfaceWindow;
Paint(&surfaceWindow, rcPaint);
-// wMain.GetID()->Refresh(FALSE);
+// stc->Refresh(FALSE);
paintState = notPainting;
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxStyledTextCtrl, wxControl)
EVT_PAINT (wxStyledTextCtrl::OnPaint)
EVT_SCROLLWIN (wxStyledTextCtrl::OnScrollWin)
+ EVT_SCROLL (wxStyledTextCtrl::OnScroll)
EVT_SIZE (wxStyledTextCtrl::OnSize)
EVT_LEFT_DOWN (wxStyledTextCtrl::OnMouseLeftDown)
#ifdef __WXMSW__
m_swx = new ScintillaWX(this);
m_lastKeyDownConsumed = FALSE;
+ m_vScrollBar = NULL;
+ m_hScrollBar = NULL;
m_swx->DoVScroll(evt.GetEventType(), evt.GetPosition());
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::OnScroll(wxScrollEvent& evt) {
+ wxScrollBar* sb = wxDynamicCast(evt.GetEventObject(), wxScrollBar);
+ if (sb) {
+ if (sb->IsVertical())
+ m_swx->DoVScroll(evt.GetEventType(), evt.GetPosition());
+ else
+ m_swx->DoHScroll(evt.GetEventType(), evt.GetPosition());
+ }
void wxStyledTextCtrl::OnSize(wxSizeEvent& evt) {
wxSize sz = GetClientSize();
m_swx->DoSize(sz.x, sz.y);
bool wxStyledTextEvent::GetControl() const { return (m_modifiers & SCI_CTRL) != 0; }
bool wxStyledTextEvent::GetAlt() const { return (m_modifiers & SCI_ALT) != 0; }
wxStyledTextEvent::wxStyledTextEvent(const wxStyledTextEvent& event):
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxStyledTextCtrl, wxControl)
EVT_PAINT (wxStyledTextCtrl::OnPaint)
EVT_SCROLLWIN (wxStyledTextCtrl::OnScrollWin)
+ EVT_SCROLL (wxStyledTextCtrl::OnScroll)
EVT_SIZE (wxStyledTextCtrl::OnSize)
EVT_LEFT_DOWN (wxStyledTextCtrl::OnMouseLeftDown)
#ifdef __WXMSW__
m_swx = new ScintillaWX(this);
m_lastKeyDownConsumed = FALSE;
+ m_vScrollBar = NULL;
+ m_hScrollBar = NULL;
m_swx->DoVScroll(evt.GetEventType(), evt.GetPosition());
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::OnScroll(wxScrollEvent& evt) {
+ wxScrollBar* sb = wxDynamicCast(evt.GetEventObject(), wxScrollBar);
+ if (sb) {
+ if (sb->IsVertical())
+ m_swx->DoVScroll(evt.GetEventType(), evt.GetPosition());
+ else
+ m_swx->DoHScroll(evt.GetEventType(), evt.GetPosition());
+ }
void wxStyledTextCtrl::OnSize(wxSizeEvent& evt) {
wxSize sz = GetClientSize();
m_swx->DoSize(sz.x, sz.y);
bool wxStyledTextEvent::GetControl() const { return (m_modifiers & SCI_CTRL) != 0; }
bool wxStyledTextEvent::GetAlt() const { return (m_modifiers & SCI_ALT) != 0; }
-void wxStyledTextEvent::CopyObject(wxObject& obj) const {
- wxCommandEvent::CopyObject(obj);
- wxStyledTextEvent* o = (wxStyledTextEvent*)&obj;
- o->m_position = m_position;
- o->m_key = m_key;
- o->m_modifiers = m_modifiers;
- o->m_modificationType = m_modificationType;
- o->m_text = m_text;
- o->m_length = m_length;
- o->m_linesAdded = m_linesAdded;
- o->m_line = m_line;
- o->m_foldLevelNow = m_foldLevelNow;
- o->m_foldLevelPrev = m_foldLevelPrev;
- o->m_margin = m_margin;
- o->m_message = m_message;
- o->m_wParam = m_wParam;
- o->m_lParam = m_lParam;
- o->m_listType = m_listType;
- o->m_x = m_x;
- o->m_y = m_y;
+wxStyledTextEvent::wxStyledTextEvent(const wxStyledTextEvent& event):
+ wxCommandEvent(event)
+ m_position = event.m_position;
+ m_key = event.m_key;
+ m_modifiers = event.m_modifiers;
+ m_modificationType = event.m_modificationType;
+ m_text = event.m_text;
+ m_length = event.m_length;
+ m_linesAdded = event.m_linesAdded;
+ m_line = event.m_line;
+ m_foldLevelNow = event.m_foldLevelNow;
+ m_foldLevelPrev = event.m_foldLevelPrev;
+ m_margin = event.m_margin;
+ m_message = event.m_message;
+ m_wParam = event.m_wParam;
+ m_lParam = event.m_lParam;
+ m_listType = event.m_listType;
+ m_x = event.m_x;
+ m_y = event.m_y;
- o->m_dragText = m_dragText;
- o->m_dragAllowMove =m_dragAllowMove;
- o->m_dragResult = m_dragResult;
+ m_dragText = event.m_dragText;
+ m_dragAllowMove =event.m_dragAllowMove;
+ m_dragResult = event.m_dragResult;
// Send a message to Scintilla
long SendMsg(int msg, long wp=0, long lp=0);
+ // Set the vertical scrollbar to use instead of the ont that's built-in.
+ void SetVScrollBar(wxScrollBar* bar) { m_vScrollBar = bar; }
+ // Set the horizontal scrollbar to use instead of the ont that's built-in.
+ void SetHScrollBar(wxScrollBar* bar) { m_hScrollBar = bar; }
// Event handlers
void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& evt);
void OnScrollWin(wxScrollWinEvent& evt);
+ void OnScroll(wxScrollEvent& evt);
void OnSize(wxSizeEvent& evt);
void OnMouseLeftDown(wxMouseEvent& evt);
void OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent& evt);
ScintillaWX* m_swx;
wxStopWatch m_stopWatch;
+ wxScrollBar* m_vScrollBar;
+ wxScrollBar* m_hScrollBar;
bool m_lastKeyDownConsumed;
class wxStyledTextEvent : public wxCommandEvent {
+ wxStyledTextEvent(const wxStyledTextEvent& event);
wxStyledTextEvent(wxEventType commandType=0, int id=0);
~wxStyledTextEvent() {}
bool GetControl() const;
bool GetAlt() const;
- void CopyObject(wxObject& obj) const;
+ virtual wxEvent* Clone() const { return new wxStyledTextEvent(*this); }
#ifndef SWIG