-#if 0
- // do a quick parsing of the <File> nodes; we take advantage of the fact that
- // gccxml puts all of them in a contiguos block at the end of the file it produces.
- child = doc.GetRoot()->GetChildren();
- while (child && child->GetName() != "File")
- child = child->GetNext(); // skip everything until first <File> node
- // here starts the <File> node block
- while (child)
- {
- wxString id = child->GetAttribute("id", "");
- if (!id.StartsWith("f")) {
- LogError("Unexpected file ID: %s", id);
- return false;
- }
- fileIds.Add(id);
- fileNames.Add(child->GetAttribute("name", ""));
- child = child->GetNext();
- }
-#if 0
- wxString allWxClassesIds, allWxMethodsIds, allWxReferencesIds;
- allWxClassesIds.Alloc(240000);
- allWxMethodsIds.Alloc(240000);
- allWxReferencesIds.Alloc(240000);
- child = doc.GetRoot()->GetChildren();
- while (child)
- {
- if (child->GetName() == "Class")
- if (child->GetAttribute("name", wxEmptyString).StartsWith("wx"))
- allWxClassesIds += " " + child->GetAttribute("members", wxEmptyString);
- child = child->GetNext();
- }
- child = doc.GetRoot()->GetChildren();
- while (child)
- {
- wxString n = child->GetName();
- if ((n == "Method" || n == "Constructor" || n == "Destructor" || n == "OperatorMethod") &&
- child->GetAttribute("access", wxEmptyString) == "public")
- {
- if (allWxClassesIds.Contains(child->GetAttribute("id", wxEmptyString)))
- {
- allWxMethodsIds += " " + child->GetAttribute("returns", wxEmptyString);
- wxXmlNode *arg = child->GetChildren();
- while (arg)
- {
- if (arg->GetName() == "Argument")
- allWxMethodsIds += " " + arg->GetAttribute("type", wxEmptyString);
- arg = arg->GetNext();
- }
- }
- }
- child = child->GetNext();
- }
- child = doc.GetRoot()->GetChildren();
- while (child)
- {
- if (allWxMethodsIds.Contains(child->GetAttribute("id", wxEmptyString)))
- {
- const wxString& type = child->GetAttribute("type", wxEmptyString);
- allWxReferencesIds += " " + type;
- }
- child = child->GetNext();
- }
- child = doc.GetRoot()->GetChildren();
- while (child)
- {
- if (allWxReferencesIds.Contains(child->GetAttribute("id", wxEmptyString)))
- {
- const wxString& type = child->GetAttribute("type", wxEmptyString);
- allWxReferencesIds += " " + type;
- }
- child = child->GetNext();
- }
- LogMessage("adfafdasfdas %d-%d-%d", allWxClassesIds.Len(),
- allWxMethodsIds.Len(), allWxReferencesIds.Len());