\input sashlayw.tex
\input sashwin.tex
\input screendc.tex
+\input scpdarry.tex
+\input scpdptr.tex
\input scrolbar.tex
\input scrolwin.tex
\input scrolevt.tex
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple scoped smart pointer array implementation that is similar to
+the \urlref{Boost}{http://www.boost.org} smart pointers but rewritten to
+use macros instead.
+Below is an example of using a wxWindows scoped smart pointer and
+pointer array.
+ class MyClass { /* ... */ };
+ // declare a smart pointer to a MyClass called wxMyClassPtr
+ wxDECLARE_SCOPED_PTR(MyClass, wxMyClassPtr)
+ // declare a smart pointer to an array of chars
+ wxDECLARE_SCOPED_ARRAY(char, wxCharArray)
+ ...
+ // define the first pointer class, must be complete
+ wxDEFINE_SCOPED_PTR(MyClass, wxMyClassPtr)
+ // define the second pointer class
+ wxDEFINE_SCOPED_ARRAY(char, wxCharArray)
+ // create an object with a new pointer to MyClass
+ wxMyClassPtr theObj(new MyClass());
+ // reset the pointer (deletes the previous one)
+ theObj.reset(new MyClass());
+ // access the pointer
+ theObj->MyFunc();
+ // create an object with a new array of chars
+ wxCharArray theCharObj(new char[100]);
+ // access the array
+ theCharObj[0] = "!";
+\wxheading{Declaring new smart pointer types}
+ wxDECLAR_SCOPED_ARRAY( TYPE, // type of the values
+ CLASSNAME ); // name of the class
+A smart pointer holds a pointer to an object (which must be complete
+when wxDEFINE_SCOPED_ARRAY() is called). The memory used by the object is
+deleted when the smart pointer goes out of scope. The first argument
+of the macro is the pointer type, the second is the name of the new
+smart pointer class being created. Below we will use wxScopedArray to
+represent the scoped pointer array class, but the user may create the class
+with any legal name.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\wxheading{See also}
+\func{}{wxScopedArray}{\param{type}{ * T = NULL}}
+Creates the smart pointer with the given pointer or none if NULL. On
+compilers that support it, this uses the explicit keyword.
+\func{\void}{reset}{\param{T}{ p * = NULL}}
+Deletes the currently held pointer and sets it to 'p' or to NULL if no
+arguments are specified. This function does check to make sure that the
+pointer you are assigning is not the same pointer that is already stored.
+\membersection{wxScopedArray::operator []}
+\func{const T \&}{operator []}{\param{long int}{i}}
+This operator acts like the standard [] indexing operator for C++ arrays. The
+function does not do bounds checking.
+\func{const T*}{get}{\void}
+This operator gets the pointer stored in the smart pointer or returns NULL if
+there is none.
+\func{\void}{swap}{\param{wxScopedPtr}{ \& ot}}
+Swap the pointer inside the smart pointer with 'ot'. The pointer being swapped
+must be of the same type (hence the same class name).
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple scoped smart pointer implementation that is similar to
+the \urlref{Boost}{http://www.boost.org} smart pointers but rewritten to
+use macros instead.
+Below is an example of using a wxWindows scoped smart pointer and
+pointer array.
+ class MyClass { /* ... */ };
+ // declare a smart pointer to a MyClass called wxMyClassPtr
+ wxDECLARE_SCOPED_PTR(MyClass, wxMyClassPtr)
+ // declare a smart pointer to an array of chars
+ wxDECLARE_SCOPED_ARRAY(char, wxCharArray)
+ ...
+ // define the first pointer class, must be complete
+ wxDEFINE_SCOPED_PTR(MyClass, wxMyClassPtr)
+ // define the second pointer class
+ wxDEFINE_SCOPED_ARRAY(char, wxCharArray)
+ // create an object with a new pointer to MyClass
+ wxMyClassPtr theObj(new MyClass());
+ // reset the pointer (deletes the previous one)
+ theObj.reset(new MyClass());
+ // access the pointer
+ theObj->MyFunc();
+ // create an object with a new array of chars
+ wxCharArray theCharObj(new char[100]);
+ // access the array
+ theCharObj[0] = "!";
+\wxheading{Declaring new smart pointer types}
+ wxDECLAR_SCOPED_PTR( TYPE, // type of the values
+ CLASSNAME ); // name of the class
+A smart pointer holds a pointer to an object (which must be complete
+when wxDEFINE_SCOPED_PTR() is called). The memory used by the object is
+deleted when the smart pointer goes out of scope. The first argument
+of the macro is the pointer type, the second is the name of the new
+smart pointer class being created. Below we will use wxScopedPtr to
+represent the scoped pointer class, but the user may create the class with any
+legal name.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\wxheading{See also}
+\func{}{wxScopedPtr}{\param{type}{ * T = NULL}}
+Creates the smart pointer with the given pointer or none if NULL. On
+compilers that support it, this uses the explicit keyword.
+\func{\void}{reset}{\param{T}{ p * = NULL}}
+Deletes the currently held pointer and sets it to 'p' or to NULL if no
+arguments are specified. This function does check to make sure that the
+pointer you are assigning is not the same pointer that is already stored.
+\membersection{wxScopedPtr::operator *}
+\func{const T\&}{operator *}{\void}
+This operator works like the standard C++ pointer operator to return the object
+being pointed to by the pointer. If the pointer is NULL or invalid this will
+\membersection{wxScopedPtr::operator -\>}
+\func{const T*}{operator -\>}{\void}
+This operator works like the standard C++ pointer operator to return the pointer
+in the smart pointer or NULL if it is empty.
+\func{const T*}{get}{\void}
+This operator gets the pointer stored in the smart pointer or returns NULL if
+there is none.
+\func{\void}{swap}{\param{wxScopedPtr}{ \& ot}}
+Swap the pointer inside the smart pointer with 'ot'. The pointer being swapped
+must be of the same type (hence the same class name).
--- /dev/null
+// Name: wx/ptr_scpd.h
+// Purpose: scoped smart pointer class
+// Author: Jesse Lovelace <jllovela@eos.ncsu.edu>
+// Modified by:
+// Created: 06/01/02
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
+// Copyright: (c) Jesse Lovelace and original Boost authors (see below)
+// Licence: wxWindows license
+// This class closely follows the implementation of the boost
+// library scoped_ptr and is an adaption for c++ macro's in
+// the wxWindows project. The original authors of the boost
+// scoped_ptr are given below with their respective copyrights.
+// (C) Copyright Greg Colvin and Beman Dawes 1998, 1999.
+// Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Peter Dimov
+// Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software
+// is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies.
+// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
+// warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
+// See http://www.boost.org/libs/smart_ptr/scoped_ptr.htm for documentation.
+#ifndef __WX_SCOPED_POINTER__
+#define __WX_SCOPED_POINTER__
+#include "wx/defs.h"
+/* checked deleters are used to make sure that the
+ type being deleted is really a complete type.
+ - Jesse Lovelace <jllovela@eos.ncsu.edu>
+#define wxCHECKED_DELETE(ptr) \
+ if (true) { \
+ typedef char complete[sizeof(*ptr)]; \
+ delete ptr; \
+ }
+#define wxCHECKED_DELETE_ARRAY(ptr) \
+ if (true) { \
+ typedef char complete[sizeof(*ptr)]; \
+ delete [] ptr; \
+ }
+/* These scoped pointers are *not* assignable and cannot be used
+ within a container. Look for wxDECLARE_SHARED_PTR for this
+ functionality.
+ In addition, the type being used *must* be complete at the time
+ that wxDEFINE_SCOPED_* is called or a compiler error will result.
+ This is because the class checks for the completeness of the type
+ being used.
+#define wxDECLARE_SCOPED_PTR(T, name) \
+class name \
+{ \
+private: \
+ T * m_ptr; \
+ \
+ name(name const &); \
+ name & operator=(name const &); \
+ \
+public: \
+ wxEXPLICIT name(T * ptr = NULL) \
+ : m_ptr(ptr) { } \
+ \
+ ~name(); \
+ \
+ void reset(T * ptr = NULL) \
+ { \
+ if (m_ptr != ptr) \
+ { \
+ delete m_ptr; \
+ m_ptr = ptr; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ \
+ T & operator*() const \
+ { \
+ wxASSERT(m_ptr != NULL); \
+ return *m_ptr; \
+ } \
+ \
+ T * operator->() const \
+ { \
+ wxASSERT(m_ptr != NULL); \
+ return m_ptr; \
+ } \
+ \
+ T * get() const \
+ { \
+ return m_ptr; \
+ } \
+ \
+ void swap(name & ot) \
+ { \
+ T * tmp = ot.m_ptr; \
+ ot.m_ptr = m_ptr; \
+ m_ptr = tmp; \
+ } \
+#define wxDEFINE_SCOPED_PTR(T, name)\
+name::~name() \
+{ \
+ wxCHECKED_DELETE(m_ptr) \
+#define wxDECLARE_SCOPED_ARRAY(T, name)\
+class name \
+{ \
+private: \
+ T * m_ptr; \
+ name(name const &); \
+ name & operator=(name const &); \
+ \
+public: \
+ wxEXPLICIT name(T * p = NULL) : m_ptr(p) \
+ {} \
+ \
+ ~name(); \
+ void reset(T * p = NULL); \
+ \
+ T & operator[](long int i) const\
+ { \
+ wxASSERT(m_ptr != NULL); \
+ wxASSERT(i >= 0); \
+ return m_ptr[i]; \
+ } \
+ \
+ T * get() const \
+ { \
+ return m_ptr; \
+ } \
+ \
+ void swap(name & ot) \
+ { \
+ T * tmp = ot.m_ptr; \
+ ot.m_ptr = m_ptr; \
+ m_ptr = tmp; \
+ } \
+#define wxDEFINE_SCOPED_ARRAY(T, name) \
+name::~name() \
+{ \
+} \
+void name::reset(T * p){ \
+ if (m_ptr != p) \
+ { \
+ m_ptr = p; \
+ } \