signatures have been restored. In addition a new set of methods have
been added that take wx.Point and/or wx.Size parameters instead of
separate integer parameters. The Draw and etc. methods now available
+in the wx.DC class are::
- FloodFill(x, y, colour, style = wx.FLOOD_SURFACE)
- FoodFillPoint(pt, colour, style = wx.FLOOD_SURFACE)
+ FloodFill(self, x, y, colour, style = wx.FLOOD_SURFACE)
+ FoodFillPoint(self, pt, colour, style = wx.FLOOD_SURFACE)
- GetPixel(x,y)
- GetPixelPoint(pt)
+ GetPixel(self, x,y)
+ GetPixelPoint(self, pt)
- DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- DrawLinePoint(pt1, pt2)
+ DrawLine(self, x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ DrawLinePoint(self, pt1, pt2)
- CrossHair(x, y)
- CrossHairPoint(pt)
+ CrossHair(self, x, y)
+ CrossHairPoint(self, pt)
- DrawArc(x1, y1, x2, y2, xc, yc)
- DrawArcPoint(pt1, pt2, centre)
+ DrawArc(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, xc, yc)
+ DrawArcPoint(self, pt1, pt2, centre)
- DrawCheckMark(x, y, width, height)
- DrawCheckMarkRect(rect)
+ DrawCheckMark(self, x, y, width, height)
+ DrawCheckMarkRect(self, rect)
- DrawEllipticArc(x, y, w, h, sa, ea)
- DrawEllipticArcPointSize(pt, sz, sa, ea)
+ DrawEllipticArc(self, x, y, w, h, sa, ea)
+ DrawEllipticArcPointSize(self, pt, sz, sa, ea)
- DrawPoint(x, y)
- DrawPointPoint(pt)
+ DrawPoint(self, x, y)
+ DrawPointPoint(self, pt)
- DrawRectangle(x, y, width, height)
- DrawRectangleRect(rect)
- DrawRectanglePointSize(pt, sz)
+ DrawRectangle(self, x, y, width, height)
+ DrawRectangleRect(self, rect)
+ DrawRectanglePointSize(self, pt, sz)
- DrawRoundedRectangle(x, y, width, height, radius)
- DrawRoundedRectangleRect(r, radius)
- DrawRoundedRectanglePointSize(pt, sz, radius)
+ DrawRoundedRectangle(self, x, y, width, height, radius)
+ DrawRoundedRectangleRect(self, r, radius)
+ DrawRoundedRectanglePointSize(self, pt, sz, radius)
- DrawCircle(x, y, radius)
- DrawCirclePoint(pt, radius)
+ DrawCircle(self, x, y, radius)
+ DrawCirclePoint(self, pt, radius)
- DrawEllipse(x, y, width, height)
- DrawEllipseRect(rect)
- DrawEllipsePointSize(pt, sz)
+ DrawEllipse(self, x, y, width, height)
+ DrawEllipseRect(self, rect)
+ DrawEllipsePointSize(self, pt, sz)
- DrawIcon(icon, x, y)
- DrawIconPoint(icon, pt)
+ DrawIcon(self, icon, x, y)
+ DrawIconPoint(self, icon, pt)
- DrawBitmap(bmp, x, y, useMask = False)
- DrawBitmapPoint(bmp, pt, useMask = False)
+ DrawBitmap(self, bmp, x, y, useMask = False)
+ DrawBitmapPoint(self, bmp, pt, useMask = False)
- DrawText(text, x, y)
- DrawTextPoint(text, pt)
+ DrawText(self, text, x, y)
+ DrawTextPoint(self, text, pt)
- DrawRotatedText(text, x, y, angle)
- DrawRotatedTextPoint(text, pt, angle)
+ DrawRotatedText(self, text, x, y, angle)
+ DrawRotatedTextPoint(self, text, pt, angle)
- bool Blit(xdest, ydest, width, height, sourceDC, xsrc, ysrc,
+ bool Blit(self, xdest, ydest, width, height, sourceDC, xsrc, ysrc,
rop = wx.COPY, useMask = False, xsrcMask = -1, ysrcMask = -1)
- BlitPointSize(destPt, sz, sourceDC, srcPt, rop = wx.COPY,
+ BlitPointSize(self, destPt, sz, sourceDC, srcPt, rop = wx.COPY,
useMask = False, srcPtMask = wxDefaultPosition)
- SetClippingRegion(x, y, width, height)
- SetClippingRegionPointSize(pt, sz)
- SetClippingRegionAsRegion(region)
- SetClippingRect(rect)
+ SetClippingRegion(self, x, y, width, height)
+ SetClippingRegionPointSize(self, pt, sz)
+ SetClippingRegionAsRegion(self, region)
+ SetClippingRect(self, rect)