#include "wx/fontdlg.h"
+IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxFontDialog, wxDialog)
+#include "wx/mac/private.h"
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxFontDialog
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static const EventTypeSpec eventList[] =
+ { kEventClassFont, kEventFontSelection } ,
+} ;
+pascal OSStatus wxMacCarbonFontPanelHandler(EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef event, void *userData)
+ OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr ;
+ wxFontDialog *fontdialog = (wxFontDialog*) userData ;
+ wxFontData& fontdata= fontdialog->GetFontData() ;
+ wxMacCarbonEvent cEvent( event );
+ switch(cEvent.GetKind())
+ {
+ case kEventFontSelection :
+ {
+ FMFont fontId = 0 ;
+ if ( cEvent.GetParameter<ATSUFontID>(kEventParamATSUFontID, &fontId) == noErr )
+ {
+ FMFontStyle fontStyle = cEvent.GetParameter<FMFontStyle>(kEventParamFMFontStyle);
+ FMFontSize fontSize = cEvent.GetParameter<FMFontSize>(kEventParamFMFontSize);
+ ByteCount actualLength = 0;
+ CFStringRef cfName = NULL;
+ char *c = NULL;
+ OSStatus err = ATSUFindFontName(fontId , kFontFamilyName, kFontUnicodePlatform, kFontNoScriptCode,
+ kFontNoLanguageCode , 0 , NULL , &actualLength , NULL );
+ if ( err == noErr)
+ {
+ actualLength += 1 ;
+ char *c = (char*)malloc( actualLength );
+ err = ATSUFindFontName(fontId, kFontFamilyName, kFontUnicodePlatform, kFontNoScriptCode,
+ kFontNoLanguageCode, actualLength, c , NULL, NULL);
+ cfName = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(NULL, (UniChar*) c, (actualLength-1) >> 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ err = ATSUFindFontName(fontId , kFontFamilyName, kFontNoPlatformCode, kFontNoScriptCode,
+ kFontNoLanguageCode , 0 , NULL , &actualLength , NULL );
+ if ( err == noErr )
+ {
+ actualLength += 1 ;
+ c = (char*)malloc(actualLength);
+ err = ATSUFindFontName(fontId, kFontFamilyName, kFontNoPlatformCode, kFontNoScriptCode,
+ kFontNoLanguageCode, actualLength, c , NULL, NULL);
+ c[actualLength-1] = 0;
+ cfName = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, c, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( c!=NULL )
+ free(c);
+ if ( cfName!=NULL )
+ {
+ fontdata.m_chosenFont.SetFaceName(wxMacCFStringHolder(cfName).AsString(wxLocale::GetSystemEncoding()));
+ fontdata.m_chosenFont.SetPointSize(fontSize);
+ fontdata.m_chosenFont.SetStyle(fontStyle & italic ? wxFONTSTYLE_ITALIC : 0);
+ fontdata.m_chosenFont.SetUnderlined(fontStyle & underline ? wxFONTSTYLE_ITALIC : 0);
+ fontdata.m_chosenFont.SetWeight(fontStyle & bold ? wxBOLD : wxNORMAL);
+ }
+ }
+ RGBColor fontColor ;
+ if ( cEvent.GetParameter<RGBColor>(kEventParamFontColor, &fontColor) == noErr )
+ fontdata.m_fontColour.Set((WXCOLORREF*) &fontColor);
+ else
+ {
+ CFDictionaryRef dict ;
+ if ( cEvent.GetParameter<CFDictionaryRef>(kEventParamDictionary, &dict) == noErr )
+ {
+ CFDictionaryRef attributesDict ;
+ if ( CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(dict, kFontPanelAttributesKey, (const void **)&attributesDict) )
+ {
+ CFDataRef tagsData;
+ CFDataRef sizesData;
+ CFDataRef valuesData;
+ if ( CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(attributesDict, kFontPanelAttributeTagsKey, (const void **)&tagsData) &&
+ CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(attributesDict, kFontPanelAttributeSizesKey, (const void **)&sizesData) &&
+ CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(attributesDict, kFontPanelAttributeValuesKey, (const void **)&valuesData) )
+ {
+ ItemCount count = CFDataGetLength(tagsData)/sizeof(ATSUAttributeTag);
+ ATSUAttributeTag *tagPtr = (ATSUAttributeTag *)CFDataGetBytePtr(tagsData);
+ ByteCount *sizePtr = (ByteCount *)CFDataGetBytePtr(sizesData);
+ UInt32 *bytePtr = (UInt32*)CFDataGetBytePtr(valuesData);
+ ATSUAttributeValuePtr valuesPtr = bytePtr ;
+ for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i)
+ {
+ if ( tagPtr[i] == kATSUColorTag && sizePtr[i] == sizeof(RGBColor))
+ {
+ fontdata.m_fontColour.Set((WXCOLORREF*) valuesPtr);
+ break ;
+ }
+ bytePtr = (UInt32*)( (UInt8*)bytePtr + sizePtr[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break ;
+ } ;
+ return result ;
+DEFINE_ONE_SHOT_HANDLER_GETTER( wxMacCarbonFontPanelHandler )
+wxFontDialog::wxFontDialog(wxWindow *parent, const wxFontData& data)
+ Create(parent, data);
+bool wxFontDialog::Create(wxWindow *parent, const wxFontData& data)
+ m_fontData = data;
+ return true ;
+int wxFontDialog::ShowModal()
+ OSStatus err ;
+ wxFont font = *wxNORMAL_FONT ;
+ if ( m_fontData.m_initialFont.Ok() )
+ {
+ font = m_fontData.m_initialFont ;
+ }
+ ATSUStyle style = (ATSUStyle)font.MacGetATSUStyle();
+ err = SetFontInfoForSelection (kFontSelectionATSUIType,1, &style , NULL);
+ // just clicking on ENTER will not send us any font setting event, therefore we have to make sure
+ // that field is already correct
+ m_fontData.m_chosenFont = font ;
+ EventHandlerRef handler ;
+ err = InstallApplicationEventHandler( GetwxMacCarbonFontPanelHandlerUPP(), GetEventTypeCount(eventList), eventList, this , &handler );
+ if ( !FPIsFontPanelVisible() )
+ FPShowHideFontPanel();
+ int retval = RunMixedFontDialog(this);
+ ::RemoveEventHandler(handler);
+ return retval ;
// implementation
// ============================================================================
-//Mac OSX 10.2+ only
+#include "wx/cocoa/autorelease.h"
+#include "wx/cocoa/string.h"
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
+#include "wx/mac/uma.h"
+@interface wxMacFontPanelAccView : NSView
+ BOOL m_okPressed ;
+ BOOL m_shouldClose ;
+ NSButton* m_cancelButton ;
+ NSButton* m_okButton ;
+- (IBAction)cancelPressed:(id)sender;
+- (IBAction)okPressed:(id)sender;
+- (void)resetFlags;
+- (BOOL)closedWithOk;
+- (BOOL)shouldCloseCarbon;
+- (NSButton*)okButton;
+@implementation wxMacFontPanelAccView : NSView
+- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)rectBox
+ [super initWithFrame:rectBox];
+ wxMacCFStringHolder cfOkString( wxT("OK"), wxLocale::GetSystemEncoding() );
+ wxMacCFStringHolder cfCancelString( wxT("Cancel"), wxLocale::GetSystemEncoding() );
+ NSRect rectCancel = NSMakeRect( 10.0 , 10.0 , 82 , 24 );
+ NSRect rectOK = NSMakeRect( 100.0 , 10.0 , 82 , 24 );
+ NSView* panel = [[NSView alloc] initWithFrame:rectBox];
+ NSButton* cancelButton = [[NSButton alloc] initWithFrame:rectCancel];
+ [cancelButton setTitle:(NSString*)cfCancelString.Detach()];
+ [cancelButton setBezelStyle:NSRoundedBezelStyle];
+ [cancelButton setButtonType:NSMomentaryPushInButton];
+ [cancelButton setAction:@selector(cancelPressed:)];
+ [cancelButton setTarget:self];
+ m_cancelButton = cancelButton ;
+ NSButton* okButton = [[NSButton alloc] initWithFrame:rectOK];
+ [okButton setTitle:(NSString*)cfOkString.Detach()];
+ [okButton setBezelStyle:NSRoundedBezelStyle];
+ [okButton setButtonType:NSMomentaryPushInButton];
+ [okButton setAction:@selector(okPressed:)];
+ [okButton setTarget:self];
+ // doesn't help either, the button is not highlighted after a color dialog has been used
+ // [okButton setKeyEquivalent:@"\r"];
+ m_okButton = okButton ;
+ [self addSubview:cancelButton];
+ [self addSubview:okButton];
+ [self resetFlags];
+ return self;
+- (void)resetFlags
+ m_okPressed = NO ;
+ m_shouldClose = NO ;
+- (IBAction)cancelPressed:(id)sender
+ m_shouldClose = YES ;
+ [NSApp stopModal];
+- (IBAction)okPressed:(id)sender
+ m_okPressed = YES ;
+ m_shouldClose = YES ;
+ [NSApp stopModal];
+ return m_okPressed ;
+ return m_shouldClose ;
+ return m_okButton ;
+extern "C" int RunMixedFontDialog(wxFontDialog* dialog) ;
+int RunMixedFontDialog(wxFontDialog* dialog)
+ int retval = wxID_CANCEL ;
+ bool cocoaLoaded = NSApplicationLoad();
+ wxASSERT_MSG(cocoaLoaded,wxT("Couldn't load Cocoa in Carbon Environment")) ;
+ wxAutoNSAutoreleasePool pool;
+ // setting up the ok/cancel buttons
+ NSFontPanel* fontPanel = [NSFontPanel sharedFontPanel] ;
+ // adjust modality for carbon environment
+ WindowRef carbonWindowRef = (WindowRef)[fontPanel windowRef] ;
+ SetWindowModality(carbonWindowRef, kWindowModalityAppModal , 0) ;
+ SetWindowGroup(carbonWindowRef , GetWindowGroupOfClass(kMovableModalWindowClass));
+ [fontPanel setFloatingPanel:NO] ;
+ wxMacFontPanelAccView* accessoryView = (wxMacFontPanelAccView*) [fontPanel accessoryView] ;
+ if ( accessoryView == nil)
+ {
+ NSRect rectBox = NSMakeRect( 0 , 0 , 192 , 40 );
+ accessoryView = [[wxMacFontPanelAccView alloc] initWithFrame:rectBox];
+ [fontPanel setAccessoryView:accessoryView];
+ [fontPanel setDefaultButtonCell:[[accessoryView okButton] cell]] ;
+ }
+ [accessoryView resetFlags];
+ NSModalSession session = [NSApp beginModalSessionForWindow:fontPanel];
+ [NSApp runModalSession:session];
+ [NSApp endModalSession:session];
+ if( FPIsFontPanelVisible())
+ FPShowHideFontPanel() ;
+ if ( [accessoryView closedWithOk])
+ {
+ retval = wxID_OK ;
+ }
+ return retval ;
// Cocoa headers
-#include "wx/cocoa/autorelease.h"
-#include "wx/cocoa/string.h"
#import <AppKit/NSFont.h>
#import <AppKit/NSFontManager.h>
#endif // 10.2+