+// Name: mac/cocoa/mediactrl.cpp
+// Purpose: Built-in Media Backends for Cocoa
+// Author: Ryan Norton <wxprojects@comcast.net>
+// Modified by:
+// Created: 02/03/05
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
+// Copyright: (c) 2004-2005 Ryan Norton, (c) 2005 David Elliot
+// Licence: wxWindows licence
+// Pre-compiled header stuff
+#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(NO_GCC_PRAGMA)
+#pragma implementation "mediactrl.h"
+// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h".
+#include "wx/wxprec.h"
+#ifdef __BORLANDC__
+#pragma hdrstop
+// Includes
+#include "wx/mediactrl.h"
+// Compilation guard
+// wxQTMediaBackend
+// QT Includes
+#include "wx/timer.h"
+#include <QuickTime/QuickTime.h>
+#include "wx/cocoa/autorelease.h"
+#include "wx/cocoa/string.h"
+#import <AppKit/NSMovie.h>
+#import <AppKit/NSMovieView.h>
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_MEDIA wxQTMediaBackend : public wxMediaBackend
+ wxQTMediaBackend();
+ ~wxQTMediaBackend();
+ virtual bool CreateControl(wxControl* ctrl, wxWindow* parent,
+ wxWindowID id,
+ const wxPoint& pos,
+ const wxSize& size,
+ long style,
+ const wxValidator& validator,
+ const wxString& name);
+ virtual bool Play();
+ virtual bool Pause();
+ virtual bool Stop();
+ virtual bool Load(const wxString& fileName);
+ virtual bool Load(const wxURI& location);
+ virtual wxMediaState GetState();
+ virtual bool SetPosition(wxLongLong where);
+ virtual wxLongLong GetPosition();
+ virtual wxLongLong GetDuration();
+ virtual void Move(int x, int y, int w, int h);
+ wxSize GetVideoSize() const;
+ virtual double GetPlaybackRate();
+ virtual bool SetPlaybackRate(double dRate);
+ void Cleanup();
+ void FinishLoad();
+ wxSize m_bestSize; //Original movie size
+ Movie m_movie; //QT Movie handle/instance
+ NSMovieView* m_movieview; //NSMovieView instance
+ wxControl* m_ctrl; //Parent control
+ bool m_bVideo; //Whether or not we have video
+ class _wxQTTimer* m_timer; //Timer for streaming the movie
+// wxQTMediaBackend
+IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxQTMediaBackend, wxMediaBackend);
+//Time between timer calls
+#define MOVIE_DELAY 100
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxQTTimer - Handle Asyncronous Playing
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class _wxQTTimer : public wxTimer
+ _wxQTTimer(Movie movie, wxQTMediaBackend* parent) :
+ m_movie(movie), m_bPaused(false), m_parent(parent)
+ {
+ }
+ ~_wxQTTimer()
+ {
+ }
+ bool GetPaused() {return m_bPaused;}
+ void SetPaused(bool bPaused) {m_bPaused = bPaused;}
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // _wxQTTimer::Notify
+ //
+ // 1) Checks to see if the movie is done, and if not continues
+ // streaming the movie
+ // 2) Sends the wxEVT_MEDIA_STOP event if we have reached the end of
+ // the movie.
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void Notify()
+ {
+ if (!m_bPaused)
+ {
+ if(!IsMovieDone(m_movie))
+ MoviesTask(m_movie, MOVIE_DELAY);
+ else
+ {
+ wxMediaEvent theEvent(wxEVT_MEDIA_STOP,
+ m_parent->m_ctrl->GetId());
+ m_parent->m_ctrl->ProcessEvent(theEvent);
+ if(theEvent.IsAllowed())
+ {
+ Stop();
+ m_parent->Stop();
+ wxASSERT(::GetMoviesError() == noErr);
+ //send the event to our child
+ wxMediaEvent theEvent(wxEVT_MEDIA_FINISHED,
+ m_parent->m_ctrl->GetId());
+ m_parent->m_ctrl->ProcessEvent(theEvent);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Movie m_movie; //Our movie instance
+ bool m_bPaused; //Whether we are paused or not
+ wxQTMediaBackend* m_parent; //Backend pointer
+// wxQTMediaBackend Constructor
+// Sets m_timer to NULL signifying we havn't loaded anything yet
+wxQTMediaBackend::wxQTMediaBackend() : m_timer(NULL)
+// wxQTMediaBackend Destructor
+// 1) Cleans up the QuickTime movie instance
+// 2) Decrements the QuickTime reference counter - if this reaches
+// 0, QuickTime shuts down
+// 3) Decrements the QuickTime Windows Media Layer reference counter -
+// if this reaches 0, QuickTime shuts down the Windows Media Layer
+ if(m_timer)
+ Cleanup();
+ //Note that ExitMovies() is not neccessary...
+ ExitMovies();
+// wxQTMediaBackend::CreateControl
+// 1) Intializes QuickTime
+// 2) Creates the control window
+bool wxQTMediaBackend::CreateControl(wxControl* inctrl, wxWindow* parent,
+ wxWindowID wid,
+ const wxPoint& pos,
+ const wxSize& size,
+ long style,
+ const wxValidator& validator,
+ const wxString& name)
+ EnterMovies();
+ wxMediaCtrl* ctrl = (wxMediaCtrl*) inctrl;
+ //Create the control base
+ wxASSERT(ctrl->CreateBase(parent,wid,pos,size,style, validator, size));
+ //Create the NSMovieView
+ ctrl->SetNSView(NULL);
+ NSView* theView = [[NSMovieView alloc] initWithFrame: ctrl->MakeDefaultNSRect(size)];
+ ctrl->SetNSView(theView);
+ [theView release];
+ if (parent)
+ {
+ parent->AddChild(ctrl);
+ parent->CocoaAddChild(ctrl);
+ ctrl->SetInitialFrameRect(pos,size);
+ }
+ m_movieview = theView;
+ m_ctrl = ctrl;
+ return true;
+// wxQTMediaBackend::Load (file version)
+// Calls the URI version
+bool wxQTMediaBackend::Load(const wxString& fileName)
+ return Load(
+ wxURI(
+ wxString( wxT("file://") ) + fileName
+ )
+ );
+// wxQTMediaBackend::Load (URL Version)
+// 1) Build an escaped URI from location
+// ...
+bool wxQTMediaBackend::Load(const wxURI& location)
+ if(m_timer)
+ Cleanup();
+ wxString theURI = location.BuildURI();
+ [m_movieview setMovie:[[NSMovie alloc] initWithURL: [NSURL URLWithString: wxNSStringWithWxString(theURI)]
+ byReference: YES ] ];
+ m_movie = (Movie) [[m_movieview movie] QTMovie];
+ //preroll movie for streaming
+ //TODO:Async this using threads?
+ TimeValue timeNow;
+ Fixed playRate;
+ timeNow = GetMovieTime(m_movie, NULL);
+ playRate = GetMoviePreferredRate(m_movie);
+ PrePrerollMovie(m_movie, timeNow, playRate, NULL, NULL);
+ PrerollMovie(m_movie, timeNow, playRate);
+ SetMovieRate(m_movie, playRate);
+ FinishLoad();
+ return ::GetMoviesError() == noErr;
+// wxQTMediaBackend::FinishLoad
+// 1) Create the movie timer
+// 2) Get real size of movie for GetBestSize/sizers
+// 3) See if there is video in the movie, and if so then either
+// SetMovieGWorld if < 10.2 or use Native CreateMovieControl
+// 4) Set the movie time scale to something usable so that seeking
+// etc. will work correctly
+// 5) Refresh parent window
+void wxQTMediaBackend::FinishLoad()
+ m_timer = new _wxQTTimer(m_movie, (wxQTMediaBackend*) this);
+ wxASSERT(m_timer);
+ //get the real size of the movie
+ Rect outRect;
+ ::GetMovieNaturalBoundsRect (m_movie, &outRect);
+ wxASSERT(::GetMoviesError() == noErr);
+ m_bestSize.x = outRect.right - outRect.left;
+ m_bestSize.y = outRect.bottom - outRect.top;
+ //we want millisecond precision
+ ::SetMovieTimeScale(m_movie, 1000);
+ wxASSERT(::GetMoviesError() == noErr);
+ //
+ //Here, if the parent of the control has a sizer - we
+ //tell it to recalculate the size of this control since
+ //the user opened a seperate media file
+ //
+ m_ctrl->InvalidateBestSize();
+ m_ctrl->GetParent()->Layout();
+ m_ctrl->GetParent()->Refresh();
+ m_ctrl->GetParent()->Update();
+// wxQTMediaBackend::Play
+// 1) Start the QT movie
+// 2) Start the movie loading timer
+bool wxQTMediaBackend::Play()
+ ::StartMovie(m_movie);
+ m_timer->SetPaused(false);
+ return ::GetMoviesError() == noErr;
+// wxQTMediaBackend::Pause
+// 1) Stop the movie
+// 2) Stop the movie timer
+bool wxQTMediaBackend::Pause()
+ ::StopMovie(m_movie);
+ m_timer->SetPaused(true);
+ m_timer->Stop();
+ return ::GetMoviesError() == noErr;
+// wxQTMediaBackend::Stop
+// 1) Stop the movie
+// 2) Stop the movie timer
+// 3) Seek to the beginning of the movie
+bool wxQTMediaBackend::Stop()
+ m_timer->SetPaused(false);
+ m_timer->Stop();
+ ::StopMovie(m_movie);
+ if(::GetMoviesError() != noErr)
+ return false;
+ ::GoToBeginningOfMovie(m_movie);
+ return ::GetMoviesError() == noErr;
+// wxQTMediaBackend::GetPlaybackRate
+// 1) Get the movie playback rate from ::GetMovieRate
+double wxQTMediaBackend::GetPlaybackRate()
+ return ( ((double)::GetMovieRate(m_movie)) / 0x10000);
+// wxQTMediaBackend::SetPlaybackRate
+// 1) Convert dRate to Fixed and Set the movie rate through SetMovieRate
+bool wxQTMediaBackend::SetPlaybackRate(double dRate)
+ ::SetMovieRate(m_movie, (Fixed) (dRate * 0x10000));
+ return ::GetMoviesError() == noErr;
+// wxQTMediaBackend::SetPosition
+// 1) Create a time record struct (TimeRecord) with appropriate values
+// 2) Pass struct to SetMovieTime
+bool wxQTMediaBackend::SetPosition(wxLongLong where)
+ TimeRecord theTimeRecord;
+ memset(&theTimeRecord, 0, sizeof(TimeRecord));
+ theTimeRecord.value.lo = where.GetValue();
+ theTimeRecord.scale = ::GetMovieTimeScale(m_movie);
+ theTimeRecord.base = ::GetMovieTimeBase(m_movie);
+ ::SetMovieTime(m_movie, &theTimeRecord);
+ if (::GetMoviesError() != noErr)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+// wxQTMediaBackend::GetPosition
+// Calls GetMovieTime
+wxLongLong wxQTMediaBackend::GetPosition()
+ return ::GetMovieTime(m_movie, NULL);
+// wxQTMediaBackend::GetDuration
+// Calls GetMovieDuration
+wxLongLong wxQTMediaBackend::GetDuration()
+ return ::GetMovieDuration(m_movie);
+// wxQTMediaBackend::GetState
+// Determines the current state - the timer keeps track of whether or not
+// we are paused or stopped (if the timer is running we are playing)
+wxMediaState wxQTMediaBackend::GetState()
+ if ( !m_timer || (m_timer->IsRunning() == false &&
+ m_timer->GetPaused() == false) )
+ if( m_timer->IsRunning() == true )
+ else
+// wxQTMediaBackend::Cleanup
+// Diposes of the movie timer, Control if native, and stops and disposes
+// of the QT movie
+void wxQTMediaBackend::Cleanup()
+ delete m_timer;
+ m_timer = NULL;
+ [[m_movieview movie] release];
+ [m_movieview setMovie:NULL];
+// wxQTMediaBackend::GetVideoSize
+// Returns the actual size of the QT movie
+wxSize wxQTMediaBackend::GetVideoSize() const
+ return m_bestSize;
+// wxQTMediaBackend::Move
+// Nothin... cocoa takes care of this for us
+void wxQTMediaBackend::Move(int x, int y, int w, int h)
+//in source file that contains stuff you don't directly use
+#include <wx/html/forcelnk.h>
+#endif //wxUSE_MEDIACTRL