# A distutils script to make a standalone .exe of superdoodle for
-# Windows platforms.
+# Windows platforms. You can get py2exe from
+# http://py2exe.sourceforge.net/. Use this command to build the .exe
+# and collect the other needed files:
+# python setup.py py2exe
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
+;; An InnoSetup script to build a self-installer of the superdoodle standalone
+;; executable produced from setup.py. You can get InnoSetup from
+;; http://www.jrsoftware.org/. You may have to edit this file to make it work
+;; for your environment and python installation.
AppName = SuperDoodle
AppVerName = SuperDoodle 1.0
-Source: "c:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\MSVCRT.dll"; DestDir: "{sys}"; CopyMode: alwaysskipifsameorolder; Flags: sharedfile uninsneveruninstall;
-Source: "c:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\MSVCIRT.dll"; DestDir: "{sys}"; CopyMode: alwaysskipifsameorolder; Flags: sharedfile uninsneveruninstall;
+Source: "c:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\MSVCRT.dll"; DestDir: "{sys}"; CopyMode: alwaysskipifsameorolder; Flags: sharedfile uninsneveruninstall restartreplace;
+Source: "c:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\MSVCIRT.dll"; DestDir: "{sys}"; CopyMode: alwaysskipifsameorolder; Flags: sharedfile uninsneveruninstall restartreplace;
Source: "dist\superdoodle\superdoodle.exe"; DestDir: "{app}";
Source: "dist\superdoodle\_sre.pyd"; DestDir: "{app}";
Source: "dist\superdoodle\htmlc.pyd"; DestDir: "{app}";