+++ /dev/null
-// Name: logg.h
-// Purpose: interface of GUI wxLog* classes
-// Author: wxWidgets team
-// RCS-ID: $Id$
-// Licence: wxWindows licence
- @class wxLogWindow
- This class represents a background log window: to be precise, it collects all
- log messages in the log frame which it manages but also passes them on to the
- log target which was active at the moment of its creation. This allows you, for
- example, to show all the log messages in a frame but still continue to process
- them normally by showing the standard log dialog.
- @library{wxcore}
- @category{logging}
- @header{wx/log.h}
- @see wxLogTextCtrl
-class wxLogWindow : public wxLogInterposer
- /**
- Creates the log frame window and starts collecting the messages in it.
- @param pParent
- The parent window for the log frame, may be @NULL
- @param szTitle
- The title for the log frame
- @param show
- @true to show the frame initially (default), otherwise
- Show() must be called later.
- @param passToOld
- @true to process the log messages normally in addition to logging them
- in the log frame (default), @false to only log them in the log frame.
- Note that if no targets were set using wxLog::SetActiveTarget() then
- wxLogWindow simply becomes the active one and messages won't be passed
- to other targets.
- */
- wxLogWindow(wxWindow* pParent, const wxString& szTitle, bool show = true,
- bool passToOld = true);
- /**
- Returns the associated log frame window. This may be used to position or resize
- it but use Show() to show or hide it.
- */
- wxFrame* GetFrame() const;
- /**
- Called if the user closes the window interactively, will not be
- called if it is destroyed for another reason (such as when program
- exits).
- Return @true from here to allow the frame to close, @false to
- prevent this from happening.
- @see OnFrameDelete()
- */
- virtual bool OnFrameClose(wxFrame* frame);
- /**
- Called immediately after the log frame creation allowing for
- any extra initializations.
- */
- virtual void OnFrameCreate(wxFrame* frame);
- /**
- Called right before the log frame is going to be deleted: will
- always be called unlike OnFrameClose().
- */
- virtual void OnFrameDelete(wxFrame* frame);
- /**
- Shows or hides the frame.
- */
- void Show(bool show = true);
- @class wxLogGui
- This is the default log target for the GUI wxWidgets applications.
- Please see @ref overview_log_customize for explanation of how to change the
- default log target.
- An object of this class is used by default to show the log messages created
- by using wxLogMessage(), wxLogError() and other logging functions. It
- doesn't display the messages logged by them immediately however but
- accumulates all messages logged during an event handler execution and then
- shows them all at once when its Flush() method is called during the idle
- time processing. This has the important advantage of showing only a single
- dialog to the user even if several messages were logged because of a single
- error as it often happens (e.g. a low level function could log a message
- because it failed to open a file resulting in its caller logging another
- message due to the failure of higher level operation requiring the use of
- this file). If you need to force the display of all previously logged
- messages immediately you can use wxLog::FlushActive() to force the dialog
- display.
- Also notice that if an error message is logged when several informative
- messages had been already logged before, the informative messages are
- discarded on the assumption that they are not useful -- and may be
- confusing and hence harmful -- any more after the error. The warning
- and error messages are never discarded however and any informational
- messages logged after the first error one are also kept (as they may
- contain information about the error recovery). You may override DoLog()
- method to change this behaviour.
- At any rate, it is possible that that several messages were accumulated
- before this class Flush() method is called. If this is the case, Flush()
- uses a custom dialog which shows the last message directly and allows the
- user to view the previously logged ones by expanding the "Details"
- wxCollapsiblePane inside it. This custom dialog also provides the buttons
- for copying the log messages to the clipboard and saving them to a file.
- However if only a single message is present when Flush() is called, just a
- wxMessageBox() is used to show it. This has the advantage of being closer
- to the native behaviour but it doesn't give the user any possibility to
- copy or save the message (except for the recent Windows versions where @c
- Ctrl-C may be pressed in the message box to copy its contents to the
- clipboard) so you may want to override DoShowSingleLogMessage() to
- customize wxLogGui -- the dialogs sample shows how to do this.
- @library{wxcore}
- @category{logging}
- @header{wx/log.h}
-class wxLogGui : public wxLog
- /**
- Default constructor.
- */
- wxLogGui();
- /**
- Presents the accumulated log messages, if any, to the user.
- This method is called during the idle time and should show any messages
- accumulated in wxLogGui#m_aMessages field to the user.
- */
- virtual void Flush();
- /**
- Returns the appropriate title for the dialog.
- The title is constructed from wxApp::GetAppDisplayName() and the
- severity string (e.g. "error" or "warning") appropriate for the current
- wxLogGui#m_bErrors and wxLogGui#m_bWarnings values.
- */
- wxString GetTitle() const;
- /**
- Returns wxICON_ERROR, wxICON_WARNING or wxICON_INFORMATION depending on
- the current maximal severity.
- This value is suitable to be used in the style parameter of
- wxMessageBox() function.
- */
- int GetSeverityIcon() const;
- /**
- Forgets all the currently stored messages.
- If you override Flush() (and don't call the base class version), you
- must call this method to avoid messages being logged over and over
- again.
- */
- void Clear();
- /**
- All currently accumulated messages.
- This array may be empty if no messages were logged.
- @see m_aSeverity, m_aTimes
- */
- wxArrayString m_aMessages;
- /**
- The severities of each logged message.
- This array is synchronized with wxLogGui#m_aMessages, i.e. the n-th
- element of this array corresponds to the severity of the n-th message.
- The possible severity values are @c wxLOG_XXX constants, e.g.
- wxLOG_Error, wxLOG_Warning, wxLOG_Message etc.
- */
- wxArrayInt m_aSeverity;
- /**
- The time stamps of each logged message.
- The elements of this array are time_t values corresponding to the time
- when the message was logged.
- */
- wxArrayLong m_aTimes;
- /**
- True if there any error messages.
- */
- bool m_bErrors;
- /**
- True if there any warning messages.
- If both wxLogGui#m_bErrors and this member are false, there are only
- informational messages to be shown.
- */
- bool m_bWarnings;
- /**
- True if there any messages to be shown to the user.
- This variable is used instead of simply checking whether
- wxLogGui#m_aMessages array is empty to allow blocking further calls to
- Flush() while a log dialog is already being shown, even if the messages
- array hasn't been emptied yet.
- */
- bool m_bHasMessages;
- /**
- Method called by Flush() to show a single log message.
- This function can be overridden to show the message in a different way.
- By default a simple wxMessageBox() call is used.
- @param message
- The message to show (it can contain multiple lines).
- @param title
- The suggested title for the dialog showing the message, see
- GetTitle().
- @param style
- One of @c wxICON_XXX constants, see GetSeverityIcon().
- */
- virtual void DoShowSingleLogMessage(const wxString& message,
- const wxString& title,
- int style);
- /**
- Method called by Flush() to show multiple log messages.
- This function can be overridden to show the messages in a different way.
- By default a special log dialog showing the most recent message and
- allowing the user to expand it to view the previously logged ones is
- used.
- @param messages
- Array of messages to show; it contains more than one element.
- @param severities
- Array of message severities containing @c wxLOG_XXX values.
- @param times
- Array of time_t values indicating when each message was logged.
- @param title
- The suggested title for the dialog showing the message, see
- GetTitle().
- @param style
- One of @c wxICON_XXX constants, see GetSeverityIcon().
- */
- virtual void DoShowMultipleLogMessages(const wxArrayString& messages,
- const wxArrayInt& severities,
- const wxArrayLong& times,
- const wxString& title,
- int style);
- @class wxLogTextCtrl
- Using these target all the log messages can be redirected to a text control.
- The text control must have been created with @c wxTE_MULTILINE style by the
- caller previously.
- @library{wxcore}
- @category{logging}
- @header{wx/log.h}
- @see wxTextCtrl, wxStreamToTextRedirector
-class wxLogTextCtrl : public wxLog
- /**
- Constructs a log target which sends all the log messages to the given text
- control. The @a textctrl parameter cannot be @NULL.
- */
- wxLogTextCtrl(wxTextCtrl* pTextCtrl);
wxThreadIdType threadId;
+ @class wxLogWindow
+ This class represents a background log window: to be precise, it collects all
+ log messages in the log frame which it manages but also passes them on to the
+ log target which was active at the moment of its creation. This allows you, for
+ example, to show all the log messages in a frame but still continue to process
+ them normally by showing the standard log dialog.
+ @library{wxcore}
+ @category{logging}
+ @see wxLogTextCtrl
+class wxLogWindow : public wxLogInterposer
+ /**
+ Creates the log frame window and starts collecting the messages in it.
+ @param pParent
+ The parent window for the log frame, may be @NULL
+ @param szTitle
+ The title for the log frame
+ @param show
+ @true to show the frame initially (default), otherwise
+ Show() must be called later.
+ @param passToOld
+ @true to process the log messages normally in addition to logging them
+ in the log frame (default), @false to only log them in the log frame.
+ Note that if no targets were set using wxLog::SetActiveTarget() then
+ wxLogWindow simply becomes the active one and messages won't be passed
+ to other targets.
+ */
+ wxLogWindow(wxWindow* pParent, const wxString& szTitle, bool show = true,
+ bool passToOld = true);
+ /**
+ Returns the associated log frame window. This may be used to position or resize
+ it but use Show() to show or hide it.
+ */
+ wxFrame* GetFrame() const;
+ /**
+ Called if the user closes the window interactively, will not be
+ called if it is destroyed for another reason (such as when program
+ exits).
+ Return @true from here to allow the frame to close, @false to
+ prevent this from happening.
+ @see OnFrameDelete()
+ */
+ virtual bool OnFrameClose(wxFrame* frame);
+ /**
+ Called immediately after the log frame creation allowing for
+ any extra initializations.
+ */
+ virtual void OnFrameCreate(wxFrame* frame);
+ /**
+ Called right before the log frame is going to be deleted: will
+ always be called unlike OnFrameClose().
+ */
+ virtual void OnFrameDelete(wxFrame* frame);
+ /**
+ Shows or hides the frame.
+ */
+ void Show(bool show = true);
+ @class wxLogInterposerTemp
+ A special version of wxLogChain which uses itself as the new log target.
+ It forwards log messages to the previously installed one in addition to
+ processing them itself. Unlike wxLogInterposer, it doesn't delete the old
+ target which means it can be used to temporarily redirect log output.
+ As per wxLogInterposer, this class must be derived from to implement
+ wxLog::DoLog and/or wxLog::DoLogString methods.
+ @library{wxbase}
+ @category{logging}
+class wxLogInterposerTemp : public wxLogChain
+ /**
+ The default constructor installs this object as the current active log target.
+ */
+ wxLogInterposerTemp();
+ @class wxLogChain
+ This simple class allows you to chain log sinks, that is to install a new sink but
+ keep passing log messages to the old one instead of replacing it completely as
+ wxLog::SetActiveTarget does.
+ It is especially useful when you want to divert the logs somewhere (for
+ example to a file or a log window) but also keep showing the error messages
+ using the standard dialogs as wxLogGui does by default.
+ Example of usage:
+ @code
+ wxLogChain *logChain = new wxLogChain(new wxLogStderr);
+ // all the log messages are sent to stderr and also processed as usually
+ ...
+ // don't delete logChain directly as this would leave a dangling
+ // pointer as active log target, use SetActiveTarget() instead
+ delete wxLog::SetActiveTarget(...something else or NULL...);
+ @endcode
+ @library{wxbase}
+ @category{logging}
+class wxLogChain : public wxLog
+ /**
+ Sets the specified @c logger (which may be @NULL) as the default log
+ target but the log messages are also passed to the previous log target if any.
+ */
+ wxLogChain(wxLog* logger);
+ /**
+ Destroys the previous log target.
+ */
+ virtual ~wxLogChain();
+ /**
+ Detaches the old log target so it won't be destroyed when the wxLogChain object
+ is destroyed.
+ */
+ void DetachOldLog();
+ /**
+ Returns the pointer to the previously active log target (which may be @NULL).
+ */
+ wxLog* GetOldLog() const;
+ /**
+ Returns @true if the messages are passed to the previously active log
+ target (default) or @false if PassMessages() had been called.
+ */
+ bool IsPassingMessages() const;
+ /**
+ By default, the log messages are passed to the previously active log target.
+ Calling this function with @false parameter disables this behaviour
+ (presumably temporarily, as you shouldn't use wxLogChain at all otherwise) and
+ it can be reenabled by calling it again with @a passMessages set to @true.
+ */
+ void PassMessages(bool passMessages);
+ /**
+ Sets another log target to use (may be @NULL).
+ The log target specified in the wxLogChain(wxLog*) constructor or in a
+ previous call to this function is deleted.
+ This doesn't change the old log target value (the one the messages are
+ forwarded to) which still remains the same as was active when wxLogChain
+ object was created.
+ */
+ void SetLog(wxLog* logger);
+ @class wxLogGui
+ This is the default log target for the GUI wxWidgets applications.
+ Please see @ref overview_log_customize for explanation of how to change the
+ default log target.
+ An object of this class is used by default to show the log messages created
+ by using wxLogMessage(), wxLogError() and other logging functions. It
+ doesn't display the messages logged by them immediately however but
+ accumulates all messages logged during an event handler execution and then
+ shows them all at once when its Flush() method is called during the idle
+ time processing. This has the important advantage of showing only a single
+ dialog to the user even if several messages were logged because of a single
+ error as it often happens (e.g. a low level function could log a message
+ because it failed to open a file resulting in its caller logging another
+ message due to the failure of higher level operation requiring the use of
+ this file). If you need to force the display of all previously logged
+ messages immediately you can use wxLog::FlushActive() to force the dialog
+ display.
+ Also notice that if an error message is logged when several informative
+ messages had been already logged before, the informative messages are
+ discarded on the assumption that they are not useful -- and may be
+ confusing and hence harmful -- any more after the error. The warning
+ and error messages are never discarded however and any informational
+ messages logged after the first error one are also kept (as they may
+ contain information about the error recovery). You may override DoLog()
+ method to change this behaviour.
+ At any rate, it is possible that that several messages were accumulated
+ before this class Flush() method is called. If this is the case, Flush()
+ uses a custom dialog which shows the last message directly and allows the
+ user to view the previously logged ones by expanding the "Details"
+ wxCollapsiblePane inside it. This custom dialog also provides the buttons
+ for copying the log messages to the clipboard and saving them to a file.
+ However if only a single message is present when Flush() is called, just a
+ wxMessageBox() is used to show it. This has the advantage of being closer
+ to the native behaviour but it doesn't give the user any possibility to
+ copy or save the message (except for the recent Windows versions where @c
+ Ctrl-C may be pressed in the message box to copy its contents to the
+ clipboard) so you may want to override DoShowSingleLogMessage() to
+ customize wxLogGui -- the dialogs sample shows how to do this.
+ @library{wxcore}
+ @category{logging}
+class wxLogGui : public wxLog
+ /**
+ Default constructor.
+ */
+ wxLogGui();
+ /**
+ Presents the accumulated log messages, if any, to the user.
+ This method is called during the idle time and should show any messages
+ accumulated in wxLogGui#m_aMessages field to the user.
+ */
+ virtual void Flush();
+ /**
+ Returns the appropriate title for the dialog.
+ The title is constructed from wxApp::GetAppDisplayName() and the
+ severity string (e.g. "error" or "warning") appropriate for the current
+ wxLogGui#m_bErrors and wxLogGui#m_bWarnings values.
+ */
+ wxString GetTitle() const;
+ /**
+ Returns wxICON_ERROR, wxICON_WARNING or wxICON_INFORMATION depending on
+ the current maximal severity.
+ This value is suitable to be used in the style parameter of
+ wxMessageBox() function.
+ */
+ int GetSeverityIcon() const;
+ /**
+ Forgets all the currently stored messages.
+ If you override Flush() (and don't call the base class version), you
+ must call this method to avoid messages being logged over and over
+ again.
+ */
+ void Clear();
+ /**
+ All currently accumulated messages.
+ This array may be empty if no messages were logged.
+ @see m_aSeverity, m_aTimes
+ */
+ wxArrayString m_aMessages;
+ /**
+ The severities of each logged message.
+ This array is synchronized with wxLogGui#m_aMessages, i.e. the n-th
+ element of this array corresponds to the severity of the n-th message.
+ The possible severity values are @c wxLOG_XXX constants, e.g.
+ wxLOG_Error, wxLOG_Warning, wxLOG_Message etc.
+ */
+ wxArrayInt m_aSeverity;
+ /**
+ The time stamps of each logged message.
+ The elements of this array are time_t values corresponding to the time
+ when the message was logged.
+ */
+ wxArrayLong m_aTimes;
+ /**
+ True if there any error messages.
+ */
+ bool m_bErrors;
+ /**
+ True if there any warning messages.
+ If both wxLogGui#m_bErrors and this member are false, there are only
+ informational messages to be shown.
+ */
+ bool m_bWarnings;
+ /**
+ True if there any messages to be shown to the user.
+ This variable is used instead of simply checking whether
+ wxLogGui#m_aMessages array is empty to allow blocking further calls to
+ Flush() while a log dialog is already being shown, even if the messages
+ array hasn't been emptied yet.
+ */
+ bool m_bHasMessages;
+ /**
+ Method called by Flush() to show a single log message.
+ This function can be overridden to show the message in a different way.
+ By default a simple wxMessageBox() call is used.
+ @param message
+ The message to show (it can contain multiple lines).
+ @param title
+ The suggested title for the dialog showing the message, see
+ GetTitle().
+ @param style
+ One of @c wxICON_XXX constants, see GetSeverityIcon().
+ */
+ virtual void DoShowSingleLogMessage(const wxString& message,
+ const wxString& title,
+ int style);
+ /**
+ Method called by Flush() to show multiple log messages.
+ This function can be overridden to show the messages in a different way.
+ By default a special log dialog showing the most recent message and
+ allowing the user to expand it to view the previously logged ones is
+ used.
+ @param messages
+ Array of messages to show; it contains more than one element.
+ @param severities
+ Array of message severities containing @c wxLOG_XXX values.
+ @param times
+ Array of time_t values indicating when each message was logged.
+ @param title
+ The suggested title for the dialog showing the message, see
+ GetTitle().
+ @param style
+ One of @c wxICON_XXX constants, see GetSeverityIcon().
+ */
+ virtual void DoShowMultipleLogMessages(const wxArrayString& messages,
+ const wxArrayInt& severities,
+ const wxArrayLong& times,
+ const wxString& title,
+ int style);
+ @class wxLogStream
+ This class can be used to redirect the log messages to a C++ stream.
+ Please note that this class is only available if wxWidgets was compiled with
+ the standard iostream library support (@c wxUSE_STD_IOSTREAM must be on).
+ @library{wxbase}
+ @category{logging}
+ @see wxLogStderr, wxStreamToTextRedirector
+class wxLogStream : public wxLog
+ /**
+ Constructs a log target which sends all the log messages to the given
+ output stream. If it is @NULL, the messages are sent to @c cerr.
+ */
+ wxLogStream(std::ostream *ostr = NULL);
+ @class wxLogStderr
+ This class can be used to redirect the log messages to a C file stream (not to
+ be confused with C++ streams).
+ It is the default log target for the non-GUI wxWidgets applications which
+ send all the output to @c stderr.
+ @library{wxbase}
+ @category{logging}
+ @see wxLogStream
+class wxLogStderr : public wxLog
+ /**
+ Constructs a log target which sends all the log messages to the given
+ @c FILE. If it is @NULL, the messages are sent to @c stderr.
+ */
+ wxLogStderr(FILE* fp = NULL);
+ @class wxLogBuffer
+ wxLogBuffer is a very simple implementation of log sink which simply collects
+ all the logged messages in a string (except the debug messages which are output
+ in the usual way immediately as we're presumably not interested in collecting
+ them for later). The messages from different log function calls are separated
+ by the new lines.
+ All the messages collected so far can be shown to the user (and the current
+ buffer cleared) by calling the overloaded wxLogBuffer::Flush method.
+ @library{wxbase}
+ @category{logging}
+class wxLogBuffer : public wxLog
+ /**
+ The default ctor does nothing.
+ */
+ wxLogBuffer();
+ /**
+ Shows all the messages collected so far to the user (using a message box in the
+ GUI applications or by printing them out to the console in text mode) and
+ clears the internal buffer.
+ */
+ virtual void Flush();
+ /**
+ Returns the current buffer contains. Messages from different log function calls
+ are separated with the new lines in the buffer.
+ The buffer can be cleared by Flush() which will also show the current
+ contents to the user.
+ */
+ const wxString& GetBuffer() const;
+ @class wxLogInterposer
+ A special version of wxLogChain which uses itself as the new log target.
+ It forwards log messages to the previously installed one in addition to
+ processing them itself.
+ Unlike wxLogChain which is usually used directly as is, this class must be
+ derived from to implement wxLog::DoLog and/or wxLog::DoLogString methods.
+ wxLogInterposer destroys the previous log target in its destructor.
+ If you don't want this to happen, use wxLogInterposerTemp instead.
+ @library{wxbase}
+ @category{logging}
+class wxLogInterposer : public wxLogChain
+ /**
+ The default constructor installs this object as the current active log target.
+ */
+ wxLogInterposer();
+ @class wxLogTextCtrl
+ Using these target all the log messages can be redirected to a text control.
+ The text control must have been created with @c wxTE_MULTILINE style by the
+ caller previously.
+ @library{wxcore}
+ @category{logging}
+ @see wxTextCtrl, wxStreamToTextRedirector
+class wxLogTextCtrl : public wxLog
+ /**
+ Constructs a log target which sends all the log messages to the given text
+ control. The @a textctrl parameter cannot be @NULL.
+ */
+ wxLogTextCtrl(wxTextCtrl* pTextCtrl);
- @class wxLogChain
- This simple class allows you to chain log sinks, that is to install a new sink but
- keep passing log messages to the old one instead of replacing it completely as
- wxLog::SetActiveTarget does.
- It is especially useful when you want to divert the logs somewhere (for
- example to a file or a log window) but also keep showing the error messages
- using the standard dialogs as wxLogGui does by default.
- Example of usage:
- @code
- wxLogChain *logChain = new wxLogChain(new wxLogStderr);
- // all the log messages are sent to stderr and also processed as usually
- ...
- // don't delete logChain directly as this would leave a dangling
- // pointer as active log target, use SetActiveTarget() instead
- delete wxLog::SetActiveTarget(...something else or NULL...);
- @endcode
- @library{wxbase}
- @category{logging}
-class wxLogChain : public wxLog
- /**
- Sets the specified @c logger (which may be @NULL) as the default log
- target but the log messages are also passed to the previous log target if any.
- */
- wxLogChain(wxLog* logger);
- /**
- Destroys the previous log target.
- */
- virtual ~wxLogChain();
- /**
- Detaches the old log target so it won't be destroyed when the wxLogChain object
- is destroyed.
- */
- void DetachOldLog();
- /**
- Returns the pointer to the previously active log target (which may be @NULL).
- */
- wxLog* GetOldLog() const;
- /**
- Returns @true if the messages are passed to the previously active log
- target (default) or @false if PassMessages() had been called.
- */
- bool IsPassingMessages() const;
- /**
- By default, the log messages are passed to the previously active log target.
- Calling this function with @false parameter disables this behaviour
- (presumably temporarily, as you shouldn't use wxLogChain at all otherwise) and
- it can be reenabled by calling it again with @a passMessages set to @true.
- */
- void PassMessages(bool passMessages);
- /**
- Sets another log target to use (may be @NULL).
- The log target specified in the wxLogChain(wxLog*) constructor or in a
- previous call to this function is deleted.
- This doesn't change the old log target value (the one the messages are
- forwarded to) which still remains the same as was active when wxLogChain
- object was created.
- */
- void SetLog(wxLog* logger);
- @class wxLogInterposerTemp
- A special version of wxLogChain which uses itself as the new log target.
- It forwards log messages to the previously installed one in addition to
- processing them itself. Unlike wxLogInterposer, it doesn't delete the old
- target which means it can be used to temporarily redirect log output.
- As per wxLogInterposer, this class must be derived from to implement
- wxLog::DoLog and/or wxLog::DoLogString methods.
- @library{wxbase}
- @category{logging}
-class wxLogInterposerTemp : public wxLogChain
- /**
- The default constructor installs this object as the current active log target.
- */
- wxLogInterposerTemp();
- @class wxLogStream
- This class can be used to redirect the log messages to a C++ stream.
- Please note that this class is only available if wxWidgets was compiled with
- the standard iostream library support (@c wxUSE_STD_IOSTREAM must be on).
- @library{wxbase}
- @category{logging}
- @see wxLogStderr, wxStreamToTextRedirector
-class wxLogStream : public wxLog
- /**
- Constructs a log target which sends all the log messages to the given
- output stream. If it is @NULL, the messages are sent to @c cerr.
- */
- wxLogStream(std::ostream *ostr = NULL);
- @class wxLogStderr
- This class can be used to redirect the log messages to a C file stream (not to
- be confused with C++ streams).
- It is the default log target for the non-GUI wxWidgets applications which
- send all the output to @c stderr.
- @library{wxbase}
- @category{logging}
- @see wxLogStream
-class wxLogStderr : public wxLog
- /**
- Constructs a log target which sends all the log messages to the given
- @c FILE. If it is @NULL, the messages are sent to @c stderr.
- */
- wxLogStderr(FILE* fp = NULL);
- @class wxLogBuffer
- wxLogBuffer is a very simple implementation of log sink which simply collects
- all the logged messages in a string (except the debug messages which are output
- in the usual way immediately as we're presumably not interested in collecting
- them for later). The messages from different log function calls are separated
- by the new lines.
- All the messages collected so far can be shown to the user (and the current
- buffer cleared) by calling the overloaded wxLogBuffer::Flush method.
- @library{wxbase}
- @category{logging}
-class wxLogBuffer : public wxLog
- /**
- The default ctor does nothing.
- */
- wxLogBuffer();
- /**
- Shows all the messages collected so far to the user (using a message box in the
- GUI applications or by printing them out to the console in text mode) and
- clears the internal buffer.
- */
- virtual void Flush();
- /**
- Returns the current buffer contains. Messages from different log function calls
- are separated with the new lines in the buffer.
- The buffer can be cleared by Flush() which will also show the current
- contents to the user.
- */
- const wxString& GetBuffer() const;
- @class wxLogInterposer
- A special version of wxLogChain which uses itself as the new log target.
- It forwards log messages to the previously installed one in addition to
- processing them itself.
- Unlike wxLogChain which is usually used directly as is, this class must be
- derived from to implement wxLog::DoLog and/or wxLog::DoLogString methods.
- wxLogInterposer destroys the previous log target in its destructor.
- If you don't want this to happen, use wxLogInterposerTemp instead.
- @library{wxbase}
- @category{logging}
-class wxLogInterposer : public wxLogChain
- /**
- The default constructor installs this object as the current active log target.
- */
- wxLogInterposer();
@class wxLogNull