--- /dev/null
+import wx
+import wx.lib.foldpanelbar as fpb
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Extended Demo Implementation
+# This demo shows how to use custom CaptionBar styles and custom icons for
+# the caption bars. here i used the standard Windows XP icons for the
+# collapsed and expanded state.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# different icons for the collapsed/expanded states.
+# Taken from standard Windows XP collapsed/expanded states.
+def GetCollapsedIconData():
+ return \
+def GetCollapsedIconBitmap():
+ return wx.BitmapFromImage(GetCollapsedIconImage())
+def GetCollapsedIconImage():
+ import cStringIO
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(GetCollapsedIconData())
+ return wx.ImageFromStream(stream)
+def GetExpandedIconData():
+ return \
+\xfbn\xb8\x9c\x15 \xe7\xf3\xc7\x0fw\xc9\xbc7\x99\x03\x0e\xfbn0\x99F+\x85R\
+\xd6u\x8d \xf4\xf5\x165\x9b\x8f\x04\xe1\xc5\xcb\xdb$\x05\x90\xa97@\x04lQas\
+def GetExpandedIconBitmap():
+ return wx.BitmapFromImage(GetExpandedIconImage())
+def GetExpandedIconImage():
+ import cStringIO
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(GetExpandedIconData())
+ return wx.ImageFromStream(stream)
+def GetMondrianData():
+ return \
+'\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00 \x00\x00\x00 \x08\x06\x00\
+o\xda\x84pB2\x1f\x81Fa\x8c\x9c\x08\x04Z{\xcf\xa72\xbcv\xfa\xc5\x08 \x80r\x80\
+\x04\x10@\xf9X\xbe\x00\xc9 \x14K\xc1<={\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\xaeB`\x82'
+def GetMondrianBitmap():
+ return wx.BitmapFromImage(GetMondrianImage())
+def GetMondrianImage():
+ import cStringIO
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(GetMondrianData())
+ return wx.ImageFromStream(stream)
+def GetMondrianIcon():
+ icon = wx.EmptyIcon()
+ icon.CopyFromBitmap(GetMondrianBitmap())
+ return icon
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Beginning Of Extended Demo
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Extended(wx.Frame):
+ def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, title="", pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
+ size=(700,650), style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE):
+ wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, pos, size, style)
+ self._flags = 0
+ self.SetIcon(GetMondrianIcon())
+ self.SetMenuBar(self.CreateMenuBar())
+ self.statusbar = self.CreateStatusBar(2, wx.ST_SIZEGRIP)
+ self.statusbar.SetStatusWidths([-4, -3])
+ self.statusbar.SetStatusText("Andrea Gavana @ 23 Mar 2005", 0)
+ self.statusbar.SetStatusText("Welcome to wxPython!", 1)
+ self._leftWindow1 = wx.SashLayoutWindow(self, 101, wx.DefaultPosition,
+ wx.Size(200, 1000), wx.NO_BORDER |
+ wx.SW_3D | wx.CLIP_CHILDREN)
+ self._leftWindow1.SetDefaultSize(wx.Size(220, 1000))
+ self._leftWindow1.SetOrientation(wx.LAYOUT_VERTICAL)
+ self._leftWindow1.SetAlignment(wx.LAYOUT_LEFT)
+ self._leftWindow1.SetSashVisible(wx.SASH_RIGHT, True)
+ self._leftWindow1.SetExtraBorderSize(10)
+ self._pnl = 0
+ # will occupy the space not used by the Layout Algorithm
+ self.remainingSpace = wx.Panel(self, -1, style=wx.SUNKEN_BORDER)
+ wx.StaticText(self.remainingSpace, -1,
+ "Use your imagination for what kinds of things to put in this window...",
+ (15,30))
+ self.ID_WINDOW_TOP = 100
+ self.ID_WINDOW_LEFT1 = 101
+ self.ID_WINDOW_RIGHT1 = 102
+ self.ID_WINDOW_BOTTOM = 103
+ self._leftWindow1.Bind(wx.EVT_SASH_DRAGGED_RANGE, self.OnFoldPanelBarDrag,
+ id=100, id2=103)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLL, self.OnSlideColour)
+ self.ReCreateFoldPanel(0)
+ def OnSize(self, event):
+ wx.LayoutAlgorithm().LayoutWindow(self, self.remainingSpace)
+ event.Skip()
+ def OnQuit(self, event):
+ self.Destroy()
+ def OnAbout(self, event):
+ msg = "This is the about dialog of the FoldPanelBar demo.\n\n" + \
+ "Author: Andrea Gavana @ 23 Mar 2005\n\n" + \
+ "Please report any bug/requests or improvements\n" + \
+ "To me at the following adresses:\n\n" + \
+ "andrea.gavana@agip.it\n" + "andrea_gavana@tin.it\n\n" + \
+ "Based On Julian Smart C++ demo implementation.\n\n" + \
+ "Welcome To wxPython " + wx.VERSION_STRING + "!!"
+ dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, msg, "FoldPanelBar Extended Demo",
+ dlg.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, False, "Verdana"))
+ dlg.ShowModal()
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ def OnToggleWindow(self, event):
+ self._leftWindow1.Show(not self._leftWindow1.IsShown())
+ # Leaves bits of itself behind sometimes
+ wx.LayoutAlgorithm().LayoutWindow(self, self.remainingSpace)
+ self.remainingSpace.Refresh()
+ event.Skip()
+ def OnFoldPanelBarDrag(self, event):
+ if event.GetDragStatus() == wx.SASH_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE:
+ return
+ if event.GetId() == self.ID_WINDOW_LEFT1:
+ self._leftWindow1.SetDefaultSize(wx.Size(event.GetDragRect().width, 1000))
+ # Leaves bits of itself behind sometimes
+ wx.LayoutAlgorithm().LayoutWindow(self, self.remainingSpace)
+ self.remainingSpace.Refresh()
+ event.Skip()
+ def ReCreateFoldPanel(self, fpb_flags):
+ # delete earlier panel
+ self._leftWindow1.DestroyChildren()
+ # recreate the foldpanelbar
+ self._pnl = fpb.FoldPanelBar(self._leftWindow1, -1, wx.DefaultPosition,
+ wx.Size(-1,-1), fpb.FPB_DEFAULT_STYLE, fpb_flags)
+ Images = wx.ImageList(16,16)
+ Images.Add(GetExpandedIconBitmap())
+ Images.Add(GetCollapsedIconBitmap())
+ item = self._pnl.AddFoldPanel("Caption Colours", collapsed=False,
+ foldIcons=Images)
+ self._pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, wx.StaticText(item, -1, "Adjust The First Colour"),
+ fpb.FPB_ALIGN_WIDTH, 5, 20)
+ # RED color spin control
+ self._rslider1 = wx.Slider(item, -1, 0, 0, 255)
+ self._pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, self._rslider1, fpb.FPB_ALIGN_WIDTH, 2, 20)
+ # GREEN color spin control
+ self._gslider1 = wx.Slider(item, -1, 0, 0, 255)
+ self._pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, self._gslider1, fpb.FPB_ALIGN_WIDTH, 0, 20)
+ # BLUE color spin control
+ self._bslider1 = wx.Slider(item, -1, 0, 0, 255)
+ self._pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, self._bslider1, fpb.FPB_ALIGN_WIDTH, 0, 20)
+ self._pnl.AddFoldPanelSeparator(item)
+ self._pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, wx.StaticText(item, -1, "Adjust The Second Colour"),
+ fpb.FPB_ALIGN_WIDTH, 5, 20)
+ # RED color spin control
+ self._rslider2 = wx.Slider(item, -1, 0, 0, 255)
+ self._pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, self._rslider2, fpb.FPB_ALIGN_WIDTH, 2, 20)
+ # GREEN color spin control
+ self._gslider2 = wx.Slider(item, -1, 0, 0, 255)
+ self._pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, self._gslider2, fpb.FPB_ALIGN_WIDTH, 0, 20)
+ # BLUE color spin control
+ self._bslider2 = wx.Slider(item, -1, 0, 0, 255)
+ self._pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, self._bslider2, fpb.FPB_ALIGN_WIDTH, 0, 20)
+ self._pnl.AddFoldPanelSeparator(item)
+ button1 = wx.Button(item, wx.ID_ANY, "Apply To All")
+ button1.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnExpandMe)
+ self._pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, button1)
+ # read back current gradients and set the sliders
+ # for the colour which is now taken as default
+ style = self._pnl.GetCaptionStyle(item)
+ col = style.GetFirstColour()
+ self._rslider1.SetValue(col.Red())
+ self._gslider1.SetValue(col.Green())
+ self._bslider1.SetValue(col.Blue())
+ col = style.GetSecondColour()
+ self._rslider2.SetValue(col.Red())
+ self._gslider2.SetValue(col.Green())
+ self._bslider2.SetValue(col.Blue())
+ # put down some caption styles from which the user can
+ # select to show how the current or all caption bars will look like
+ item = self._pnl.AddFoldPanel("Caption Style", False, foldIcons=Images)
+ self.ID_USE_VGRADIENT = wx.NewId()
+ self.ID_USE_HGRADIENT = wx.NewId()
+ self.ID_USE_SINGLE = wx.NewId()
+ self.ID_USE_RECTANGLE = wx.NewId()
+ currStyle = wx.RadioButton(item, self.ID_USE_VGRADIENT, "&Vertical Gradient")
+ self._pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, currStyle, fpb.FPB_ALIGN_WIDTH,
+ currStyle.SetValue(True)
+ radio1 = wx.RadioButton(item, self.ID_USE_HGRADIENT, "&Horizontal Gradient")
+ radio2 = wx.RadioButton(item, self.ID_USE_SINGLE, "&Single Colour")
+ radio3 = wx.RadioButton(item, self.ID_USE_RECTANGLE, "&Rectangle Box")
+ radio4 = wx.RadioButton(item, self.ID_USE_FILLED_RECTANGLE, "&Filled Rectangle Box")
+ currStyle.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self.OnStyleChange)
+ radio1.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self.OnStyleChange)
+ radio2.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self.OnStyleChange)
+ radio3.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self.OnStyleChange)
+ radio4.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self.OnStyleChange)
+ self._pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, radio1, fpb.FPB_ALIGN_WIDTH, fpb.FPB_DEFAULT_SPACING, 10)
+ self._pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, radio2, fpb.FPB_ALIGN_WIDTH, fpb.FPB_DEFAULT_SPACING, 10)
+ self._pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, radio3, fpb.FPB_ALIGN_WIDTH, fpb.FPB_DEFAULT_SPACING, 10)
+ self._pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, radio4, fpb.FPB_ALIGN_WIDTH, fpb.FPB_DEFAULT_SPACING, 10)
+ self._pnl.AddFoldPanelSeparator(item)
+ self._single = wx.CheckBox(item, -1, "&Only This Caption")
+ self._pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, self._single, fpb.FPB_ALIGN_WIDTH,
+ # one more panel to finish it
+ cs = fpb.CaptionBarStyle()
+ cs.SetCaptionStyle(fpb.CAPTIONBAR_RECTANGLE)
+ item = self._pnl.AddFoldPanel("Misc Stuff", collapsed=True, foldIcons=Images,
+ cbstyle=cs)
+ button2 = wx.Button(item, wx.NewId(), "Collapse All")
+ self._pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, button2)
+ self._pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, wx.StaticText(item, -1, "Enter Some Comments"),
+ fpb.FPB_ALIGN_WIDTH, 5, 20)
+ self._pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, wx.TextCtrl(item, -1, "Comments"),
+ button2.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnCollapseMe)
+ self.radiocontrols = [currStyle, radio1, radio2, radio3, radio4]
+ self._leftWindow1.SizeWindows()
+ def OnCreateBottomStyle(self, event):
+ # recreate with style collapse to bottom, which means
+ # all panels that are collapsed are placed at the bottom,
+ # or normal
+ if event.IsChecked():
+ self._flags = self._flags | fpb.FPB_COLLAPSE_TO_BOTTOM
+ else:
+ self._flags = self._flags & ~fpb.FPB_COLLAPSE_TO_BOTTOM
+ self.ReCreateFoldPanel(self._flags)
+ def OnCreateNormalStyle(self, event):
+ # recreate with style where only one panel at the time is
+ # allowed to be opened
+ # TODO: Not yet implemented even in the C++ class!!!!
+ if event.IsChecked():
+ self._flags = self._flags | fpb.FPB_SINGLE_FOLD
+ else:
+ self._flags = self._flags & ~fpb.FPB_SINGLE_FOLD
+ self.ReCreateFoldPanel(self._flags)
+ def OnCollapseMe(self, event):
+ for i in range(0, self._pnl.GetCount()):
+ item = self._pnl.GetFoldPanel(i)
+ self._pnl.Collapse(item)
+ def OnExpandMe(self, event):
+ col1 = wx.Colour(self._rslider1.GetValue(), self._gslider1.GetValue(),
+ self._bslider1.GetValue())
+ col2 = wx.Colour(self._rslider2.GetValue(), self._gslider2.GetValue(),
+ self._bslider2.GetValue())
+ style = fpb.CaptionBarStyle()
+ style.SetFirstColour(col1)
+ style.SetSecondColour(col2)
+ counter = 0
+ for items in self.radiocontrols:
+ if items.GetValue():
+ break
+ counter = counter + 1
+ if counter == 0:
+ elif counter == 1:
+ elif counter == 2:
+ mystyle = fpb.CAPTIONBAR_SINGLE
+ elif counter == 3:
+ else:
+ style.SetCaptionStyle(mystyle)
+ self._pnl.ApplyCaptionStyleAll(style)
+ def OnSlideColour(self, event):
+ col1 = wx.Colour(self._rslider1.GetValue(), self._gslider1.GetValue(),
+ self._bslider1.GetValue())
+ col2 = wx.Colour(self._rslider2.GetValue(), self._gslider2.GetValue(),
+ self._bslider2.GetValue())
+ style = fpb.CaptionBarStyle()
+ counter = 0
+ for items in self.radiocontrols:
+ if items.GetValue():
+ break
+ counter = counter + 1
+ if counter == 0:
+ elif counter == 1:
+ elif counter == 2:
+ mystyle = fpb.CAPTIONBAR_SINGLE
+ elif counter == 3:
+ else:
+ style.SetFirstColour(col1)
+ style.SetSecondColour(col2)
+ style.SetCaptionStyle(mystyle)
+ item = self._pnl.GetFoldPanel(0)
+ self._pnl.ApplyCaptionStyle(item, style)
+ def OnStyleChange(self, event):
+ style = fpb.CaptionBarStyle()
+ eventid = event.GetId()
+ if eventid == self.ID_USE_HGRADIENT:
+ style.SetCaptionStyle(fpb.CAPTIONBAR_GRADIENT_H)
+ elif eventid == self.ID_USE_VGRADIENT:
+ style.SetCaptionStyle(fpb.CAPTIONBAR_GRADIENT_V)
+ elif eventid == self.ID_USE_SINGLE:
+ style.SetCaptionStyle(fpb.CAPTIONBAR_SINGLE)
+ elif eventid == self.ID_USE_RECTANGLE:
+ style.SetCaptionStyle(fpb.CAPTIONBAR_RECTANGLE)
+ elif eventid == self.ID_USE_FILLED_RECTANGLE:
+ style.SetCaptionStyle(fpb.CAPTIONBAR_FILLED_RECTANGLE)
+ else:
+ raise "ERROR: Undefined Style Selected For CaptionBar: " + repr(eventid)
+ col1 = wx.Colour(self._rslider1.GetValue(), self._gslider1.GetValue(),
+ self._bslider1.GetValue())
+ col2 = wx.Colour(self._rslider2.GetValue(), self._gslider2.GetValue(),
+ self._bslider2.GetValue())
+ style.SetFirstColour(col1)
+ style.SetSecondColour(col2)
+ if self._single.GetValue():
+ item = self._pnl.GetFoldPanel(1)
+ self._pnl.ApplyCaptionStyle(item, style)
+ else:
+ self._pnl.ApplyCaptionStyleAll(style)
+ def CreateMenuBar(self, with_window=False):
+ # Make a menubar
+ file_menu = wx.Menu()
+ FPBTEST_QUIT = wx.NewId()
+ FPB_SINGLE_FOLD = wx.NewId()
+ FPBTEST_ABOUT = wx.NewId()
+ file_menu.Append(FPBTEST_QUIT, "&Exit")
+ option_menu = None
+ if with_window:
+ # Dummy option
+ option_menu = wx.Menu()
+ option_menu.Append(FPBTEST_REFRESH, "&Refresh picture")
+ # make fold panel menu
+ fpb_menu = wx.Menu()
+ fpb_menu.AppendCheckItem(FPB_BOTTOM_STICK, "Create with &fpb.FPB_COLLAPSE_TO_BOTTOM")
+ # Not Yet Implemented In The C++ class!!!
+ # fpb_menu.AppendCheckItem(FPB_SINGLE_FOLD, _T("Create with &FPB_SINGLE_FOLD"))
+ fpb_menu.AppendSeparator()
+ fpb_menu.Append(FPBTEST_TOGGLE_WINDOW, "&Toggle FoldPanelBar")
+ help_menu = wx.Menu()
+ help_menu.Append(FPBTEST_ABOUT, "&About")
+ menu_bar = wx.MenuBar()
+ menu_bar.Append(file_menu, "&File")
+ menu_bar.Append(fpb_menu, "&FoldPanel")
+ if option_menu:
+ menu_bar.Append(option_menu, "&Options")
+ menu_bar.Append(help_menu, "&Help")
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAbout, id=FPBTEST_ABOUT)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnQuit, id=FPBTEST_QUIT)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnToggleWindow, id=FPBTEST_TOGGLE_WINDOW)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnCreateBottomStyle, id=FPB_BOTTOM_STICK)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnCreateNormalStyle, id=FPB_SINGLE_FOLD)
+ return menu_bar
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Collapsed Demo Implementation
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class FoldTestPanel(wx.Panel):
+ def __init__(self, parent, id, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize,
+ style=wx.NO_BORDER | wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL):
+ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style)
+ self.CreateControls()
+ self.GetSizer().Fit(self)
+ self.GetSizer().SetSizeHints(self)
+ self.GetSizer().Layout()
+ self.Bind(fpb.EVT_CAPTIONBAR, self.OnPressCaption)
+ def OnPressCaption(self, event):
+ event.Skip()
+ def CreateControls(self):
+ sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ self.SetSizer(sizer)
+ subpanel = wx.Panel(self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize,
+ sizer.Add(subpanel, 1, wx.GROW | wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 5)
+ subsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ subpanel.SetSizer(subsizer)
+ itemstrings = ["One", "Two", "Three"]
+ item5 = wx.Choice(subpanel, wx.ID_ANY, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize,
+ itemstrings, 0)
+ subsizer.Add(item5, 0, wx.GROW | wx.ALL, 5)
+ item6 = wx.TextCtrl(subpanel, wx.ID_ANY, "", wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize,
+ subsizer.Add(item6, 1, wx.GROW | wx.ALL, 5)
+ item7 = wx.RadioButton(subpanel, wx.ID_ANY, "I Like This", wx.DefaultPosition,
+ wx.DefaultSize, 0)
+ item7.SetValue(True)
+ subsizer.Add(item7, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
+ item8 = wx.RadioButton(subpanel, wx.ID_ANY, "I Hate It", wx.DefaultPosition,
+ wx.DefaultSize, 0)
+ item8.SetValue(False)
+ subsizer.Add(item8, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Collapsed(wx.Frame):
+ def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, title="", pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
+ size=(400,300), style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE):
+ wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, pos, size, style)
+ self.SetIcon(GetMondrianIcon())
+ self.SetMenuBar(self.CreateMenuBar())
+ self.statusbar = self.CreateStatusBar(2, wx.ST_SIZEGRIP)
+ self.statusbar.SetStatusWidths([-4, -3])
+ self.statusbar.SetStatusText("Andrea Gavana @ 23 Mar 2005", 0)
+ self.statusbar.SetStatusText("Welcome to wxPython!", 1)
+ self.CreateFoldBar()
+ def CreateFoldBar(self, vertical=True):
+ if vertical:
+ self.SetSize((500,600))
+ else:
+ self.SetSize((700,300))
+ newstyle = (vertical and [fpb.FPB_VERTICAL] or [fpb.FPB_HORIZONTAL])[0]
+ bar = fpb.FoldPanelBar(self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize,
+ item = bar.AddFoldPanel("Test me", collapsed=False)
+ button1 = wx.Button(item, wx.ID_ANY, "Collapse Me")
+ button1.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnCollapseMe)
+ bar.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, button1, fpb.FPB_ALIGN_LEFT)
+ item = bar.AddFoldPanel("Test me too!", collapsed=True)
+ button2 = wx.Button(item, wx.ID_ANY, "Expand First One")
+ button2.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnExpandMe)
+ bar.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, button2)
+ bar.AddFoldPanelSeparator(item)
+ newfoldpanel = FoldTestPanel(item, wx.ID_ANY)
+ bar.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, newfoldpanel)
+ bar.AddFoldPanelSeparator(item)
+ bar.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, wx.TextCtrl(item, wx.ID_ANY, "Comment"),
+ item = bar.AddFoldPanel("Some Opinions ...", collapsed=False)
+ bar.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, wx.CheckBox(item, wx.ID_ANY, "I Like This"))
+ if vertical:
+ # do not add this for horizontal for better presentation
+ bar.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, wx.CheckBox(item, wx.ID_ANY, "And also this"))
+ bar.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, wx.CheckBox(item, wx.ID_ANY, "And gimme this too"))
+ bar.AddFoldPanelSeparator(item)
+ bar.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, wx.CheckBox(item, wx.ID_ANY, "Check this too if you like"))
+ if vertical:
+ # do not add this for horizontal for better presentation
+ bar.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, wx.CheckBox(item, wx.ID_ANY, "What about this"))
+ item = bar.AddFoldPanel("Choose one ...", collapsed=False)
+ bar.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, wx.StaticText(item, wx.ID_ANY, "Enter your comment"))
+ bar.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, wx.TextCtrl(item, wx.ID_ANY, "Comment"),
+ if hasattr(self, "pnl"):
+ self.pnl.Destroy()
+ self.pnl = bar
+ size = self.GetClientSize()
+ self.pnl.SetDimensions(0, 0, size.GetWidth(), size.GetHeight())
+ def CreateMenuBar(self):
+ FoldPanelBarTest_Quit = wx.NewId()
+ FoldPanelBarTest_About = wx.NewId()
+ FoldPanelBarTest_Horizontal = wx.NewId()
+ FoldPanelBarTest_Vertical = wx.NewId()
+ menuFile = wx.Menu()
+ menuFile.Append(FoldPanelBarTest_Horizontal, "&Horizontal\tAlt-H")
+ menuFile.Append(FoldPanelBarTest_Vertical, "&Vertical\tAlt-V")
+ menuFile.AppendSeparator()
+ menuFile.Append(FoldPanelBarTest_Quit, "E&xit\tAlt-X", "Quit This Program")
+ helpMenu = wx.Menu()
+ helpMenu.Append(FoldPanelBarTest_About, "&About...\tF1", "Show About Dialog")
+ self.FoldPanelBarTest_Vertical = FoldPanelBarTest_Vertical
+ self.FoldPanelBarTest_Horizontal = FoldPanelBarTest_Horizontal
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnQuit, id=FoldPanelBarTest_Quit)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAbout, id=FoldPanelBarTest_About)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnOrientation, id=FoldPanelBarTest_Horizontal)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnOrientation, id=FoldPanelBarTest_Vertical)
+ value = wx.MenuBar()
+ value.Append(menuFile, "&File")
+ value.Append(helpMenu, "&Help")
+ return value
+ def OnOrientation(self, event):
+ self.CreateFoldBar(event.GetId() == self.FoldPanelBarTest_Vertical)
+ def OnQuit(self, event):
+ # True is to force the frame to close
+ self.Close(True)
+ def OnAbout(self, event):
+ msg = "This is the about dialog of the FoldPanelBarTest application.\n\n" + \
+ "Welcome To wxPython " + wx.VERSION_STRING + "!!"
+ dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, msg, "About FoldPanelBarTest",
+ dlg.ShowModal()
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ def OnCollapseMe(self, event):
+ item = self.pnl.GetFoldPanel(0)
+ self.pnl.Collapse(item)
+ def OnExpandMe(self, event):
+ self.pnl.Expand(self.pnl.GetFoldPanel(0))
+ self.pnl.Collapse(self.pnl.GetFoldPanel(1))
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# NotCollapsed Implementation
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class NotCollapsed(wx.Frame):
+ def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, title="", pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
+ size=(400,300), style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE):
+ wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, pos, size, style)
+ self.SetIcon(GetMondrianIcon())
+ self.SetMenuBar(self.CreateMenuBar())
+ self.statusbar = self.CreateStatusBar(2, wx.ST_SIZEGRIP)
+ self.statusbar.SetStatusWidths([-4, -3])
+ self.statusbar.SetStatusText("Andrea Gavana @ 23 Mar 2005", 0)
+ self.statusbar.SetStatusText("Welcome to wxPython!", 1)
+ pnl = fpb.FoldPanelBar(self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize,
+ item = pnl.AddFoldPanel("Test Me", collapsed=False)
+ button1 = wx.Button(item, wx.ID_ANY, "Collapse Me")
+ pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, button1, fpb.FPB_ALIGN_LEFT)
+ pnl.AddFoldPanelSeparator(item)
+ button1.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnCollapseMe)
+ item = pnl.AddFoldPanel("Test Me Too!", collapsed=True)
+ button2 = wx.Button(item, wx.ID_ANY, "Expand First One")
+ pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, button2, fpb.FPB_ALIGN_LEFT)
+ pnl.AddFoldPanelSeparator(item)
+ button2.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnExpandMe)
+ newfoldpanel = FoldTestPanel(item, wx.ID_ANY)
+ pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, newfoldpanel)
+ pnl.AddFoldPanelSeparator(item)
+ pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, wx.TextCtrl(item, wx.ID_ANY, "Comment"),
+ item = pnl.AddFoldPanel("Some Opinions ...", collapsed=False)
+ pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, wx.CheckBox(item, wx.ID_ANY, "I Like This"))
+ pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, wx.CheckBox(item, wx.ID_ANY, "And Also This"))
+ pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, wx.CheckBox(item, wx.ID_ANY, "And Gimme This Too"))
+ pnl.AddFoldPanelSeparator(item)
+ pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, wx.CheckBox(item, wx.ID_ANY, "Check This Too If You Like"))
+ pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, wx.CheckBox(item, wx.ID_ANY, "What About This"))
+ item = pnl.AddFoldPanel("Choose One ...", collapsed=False)
+ pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, wx.StaticText(item, wx.ID_ANY, "Enter Your Comment"))
+ pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, wx.TextCtrl(item, wx.ID_ANY, "Comment"),
+ self.pnl = pnl
+ def CreateMenuBar(self):
+ FoldPanelBarTest_Quit = wx.NewId()
+ FoldPanelBarTest_About = wx.NewId()
+ menuFile = wx.Menu()
+ menuFile.Append(FoldPanelBarTest_Quit, "E&xit\tAlt-X", "Quit This Program")
+ helpMenu = wx.Menu()
+ helpMenu.Append(FoldPanelBarTest_About, "&About...\tF1", "Show About Dialog")
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnQuit, id=FoldPanelBarTest_Quit)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAbout, id=FoldPanelBarTest_About)
+ value = wx.MenuBar()
+ value.Append(menuFile, "&File")
+ value.Append(helpMenu, "&Help")
+ return value
+ # Event Handlers
+ def OnQuit(self, event):
+ # True is to force the frame to close
+ self.Close(True)
+ def OnAbout(self, event):
+ msg = "This is the about dialog of the FoldPanelBarTest application.\n\n" + \
+ "Welcome To wxPython " + wx.VERSION_STRING + "!!"
+ dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, msg, "About FoldPanelBarTest",
+ dlg.ShowModal()
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ def OnCollapseMe(self, event):
+ item = self.pnl.GetFoldPanel(0)
+ self.pnl.Collapse(item)
+ def OnExpandMe(self, event):
+ self.pnl.Expand(self.pnl.GetFoldPanel(0))
+ self.pnl.Collapse(self.pnl.GetFoldPanel(1))
+class TestPanel(wx.Panel):
+ def __init__(self, parent, log):
+ self.log = log
+ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1)
+ vsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ b = wx.Button(self, -1, "FoldPanelBar Extended Demo")
+ vsizer.Add(b, 0, wx.ALL, 5)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton1, b)
+ b = wx.Button(self, -1, "FoldPanelBar Collapsed Demo")
+ vsizer.Add(b, 0, wx.ALL, 5)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton2, b)
+ b = wx.Button(self, -1, "FoldPanelBar NotCollapsed Demo")
+ vsizer.Add(b, 0, wx.ALL, 5)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton3, b)
+ bdr = wx.BoxSizer()
+ bdr.Add(vsizer, 0, wx.ALL, 50)
+ self.SetSizer(bdr)
+ def OnButton1(self, evt):
+ frame = Extended(self, title="FoldPanelBar Extended Demo")
+ frame.Show()
+ def OnButton2(self, evt):
+ frame = Collapsed(self, title="FoldPanelBar Collapsed Demo")
+ frame.Show()
+ def OnButton3(self, evt):
+ frame = NotCollapsed(self, title="FoldPanelBar NotCollapsed Demo")
+ frame.Show()
+def runTest(frame, nb, log):
+ win = TestPanel(nb, log)
+ return win
+overview = fpb.__doc__
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import sys,os
+ import run
+ run.main(['', os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])] + sys.argv[1:])
--- /dev/null
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Ported From Jorgen Bodde & Julian Smart (Extended Demo) C++ Code By:
+# Andrea Gavana, @ 23 Mar 2005
+# Latest Revision: 28 Mar 2005, 22.30 CET
+# TODO List
+# All The C++ TODOs Are Still Alive. I Am Not Able to Read Jorges's Mind
+# So I Don't Really Know What Will Be The New Features/Additions He Will
+# Make On His Code. At The Moment They Are:
+# 1. OnPaint Function In CaptionBar Class:
+# TODO: Maybe First A Memory Dc Should Draw All, And Then Paint It On The
+# Caption. This Way A Flickering Arrow During Resize Is Not Visible.
+# 2. OnChar Function In CaptionBar Class:
+# TODO: This Is Easy To Do But I Don't Have Any Useful Idea On Which Kind
+# Of Features To Add. Does Anyone Have An Intelligent Idea?
+# 3. AddFoldPanelWindow Function In FoldPanelBar Class:
+# TODO: Take Old And New Heights, And If Difference, Reposition All The
+# Lower Panels. This Is Because The User Can Add New wxWindow Controls
+# Somewhere In Between When Other Panels Are Already Present.
+# Don't Know What It Means. Probably Is My Poor English...
+# 4. OnSizePanel Function In FoldPanelBar Class:
+# TODO: A Smart Way To Check Wether The Old - New Width Of The
+# Panel Changed, If So No Need To Resize The Fold Panel Items
+# 5. Implementing Styles Like FPB_SINGLE_FOLD and FPB_EXCLUSIVE_FOLD
+# TODO: Jorgen Has Left Undone These Jobs. I Don't Really Get What They
+# Should Supposed To Do, So If Someone Could Enlight Me, Please Let Me Know.
+# For The Original TODO List From Jorgen, Please Refer To:
+# http://www.solidsteel.nl/jorg/components/foldpanel/wxFoldPanelBar.php#todo_list
+# For All Kind Of Problems, Requests Of Enhancements And Bug Reports, Please
+# Write To Me At:
+# andrea.gavana@agip.it
+# andrea_gavan@tin.it
+# Or, Obviously, To The wxPython Mailing List!!!
+# End Of Comments
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+The FoldPanelBar is a control that contains multiple panels (FoldPanel items)
+that can be expanded or collapsed. The captionbar of the FoldPanel can be
+customized by setting it to a horizontal gradient style, vertical gradient style,
+a single color, a rectangle or filled rectangle. The FoldPanel items can be
+collapsed in place or to the bottom of the control. The wxWindow derived controls
+can be added dynamically, and separated by separator lines.
+FoldPanelBar is freeware and distributed under the wxPython license.
+- How does it work:
+The internals of the FoldPanelBar is a list of FoldPanelItem objects. Through
+the reference of FoldPanel these panels can be controlled by adding new controls
+to a FoldPanel or adding new FoldPanels to the FoldPanelBar.
+The CaptionBar fires events to the parent (container of all panel items) when a
+sub-panel needs resizing (either folding or expanding). The fold or expand process
+is simply a resize of the panel so it looks like all controls on it are gone. All
+controls are still child of the FoldPanel they are located on. If they don't
+handle the event (and they won't) then the owner of the FoldPanelBar gets the
+events. This is what you need to handle the controls. There isn't much to it just
+a lot of calculations to see what panel belongs where. There are no sizers
+involved in the panels, everything is purely x-y positioning.
+- What can it do and what not?
+ a) What it can do:
+ Run-time addition of panels (no deletion just yet)
+ Run time addition of controls to the panel (it will be resized accordingly)
+ Creating panels in collapsed mode or expanded mode
+ Various modes of caption behaviour and filling to make it more appealing
+ Panels can be folded and collapsed (or all of them) to allow more space
+ b) What it cannot do:
+ Selection of a panel like in a list ctrl
+ Dragging and dropping the panels
+ Re-ordering the panels (not yet)
+- Supported platforms
+FoldPanelBar is supported on the following platforms:
+Windows (Verified on Windows XP, 2000)
+Linux/Unix (GTK2) (Thanks To Toni Brkic And Robin Dunn)
+Mac OSX (Thanks To Robin Dunn For The CaptionBar Size Patch)
+Latest Revision: Andrea Gavana @ 30 Mar 2005, 22.30 CET
+import wx
+# Collapsed And Expanded Bitmap Images
+# Created With img2py.py
+def GetCollapsedIconData():
+ return \
+def GetCollapsedIconBitmap():
+ return wx.BitmapFromImage(GetCollapsedIconImage())
+def GetCollapsedIconImage():
+ import cStringIO
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(GetCollapsedIconData())
+ return wx.ImageFromStream(stream)
+def GetExpandedIconData():
+ return \
+def GetExpandedIconBitmap():
+ return wx.BitmapFromImage(GetExpandedIconImage())
+def GetExpandedIconImage():
+ import cStringIO
+ stream = cStringIO.StringIO(GetExpandedIconData())
+ return wx.ImageFromStream(stream)
+#- CAPTIONBAR_GRADIENT_V: Draws a vertical gradient from top to bottom
+#- CAPTIONBAR_GRADIENT_H: Draws a horizontal gradient from left to right
+#- CAPTIONBAR_SINGLE: Draws a single filled rectangle to draw the caption
+#- CAPTIONBAR_RECTANGLE: Draws a single colour with a rectangle around the caption
+#- CAPTIONBAR_FILLED_RECTANGLE: Draws a filled rectangle and a border around it
+# pixels of the bmp to be aligned from the right filled with space
+# Not yet supported but added for future reference. Single fold forces
+# other panels to close when they are open, and only opens the current panel.
+# This will allow the open panel to gain the full size left in the client area
+# All panels are stacked to the bottom. When they are expanded again they
+# show up at the top
+# Not yet supported, but added for future reference. Single fold plus panels
+# will be stacked at the bottom
+# Orientation Flag
+# Default Extrastyle of the FoldPanelBar
+# Default style of the FoldPanelBar
+# FoldPanelItem default settings
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+# class CaptionBarStyle
+# This class encapsulates the styles you wish to set for the CaptionBar
+# (this is the part of the FoldPanel where the caption is displayed). It can
+# either be applied at creation time be reapplied when styles need to be
+# changed.
+# At construction time, all styles are set to their default transparency.
+# This means none of the styles will be applied to the CaptionBar in question,
+# meaning it will be created using the default internals. When setting i.e
+# the color, font or panel style, these styles become active to be used.
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+class CaptionBarStyle:
+ def __init__(self):
+ """ Default constructor for this class."""
+ self.ResetDefaults()
+ def ResetDefaults(self):
+ """ Resets Default CaptionBarStyle."""
+ self._firstColourUsed = False
+ self._secondColourUsed = False
+ self._textColourUsed = False
+ self._captionFontUsed = False
+ self._captionStyleUsed = False
+ self._captionStyle = CAPTIONBAR_GRADIENT_V
+ # ------- CaptionBar Font -------
+ def SetCaptionFont(self, font):
+ """
+ Sets font for the caption bar.
+ If this is not set, the font property is undefined and will not
+ be used. Use CaptionFontUsed() to check if this style is used.
+ """
+ self._captionFont = font
+ self._captionFontUsed = True
+ def CaptionFontUsed(self):
+ """ Checks if the caption bar font is set. """
+ return self._captionFontUsed
+ def GetCaptionFont(self):
+ """
+ Returns the font for the caption bar.
+ Please be warned this will result in an assertion failure when
+ this property is not previously set.
+ See also SetCaptionFont(), CaptionFontUsed()
+ """
+ return self._captionFont
+ # ------- First Colour -------
+ def SetFirstColour(self, colour):
+ """
+ Sets first colour for the caption bar.
+ If this is not set, the colour property is undefined and will not
+ be used. Use FirstColourUsed() to check if this style is used.
+ """
+ self._firstColour = colour
+ self._firstColourUsed = True
+ def FirstColourUsed(self):
+ """ Checks if the first colour of the caption bar is set."""
+ return self._firstColourUsed
+ def GetFirstColour(self):
+ """
+ Returns the first colour for the caption bar.
+ Please be warned this will result in an assertion failure
+ when this property is not previously set.
+ See also SetCaptionFirstColour(), CaptionFirstColourUsed()
+ """
+ return self._firstColour
+ # ------- Second Colour -------
+ def SetSecondColour(self, colour):
+ """
+ Sets second colour for the caption bar.
+ If this is not set, the colour property is undefined and will not
+ be used. Use SecondColourUsed() to check if this style is used.
+ """
+ self._secondColour = colour
+ self._secondColourUsed = True
+ def SecondColourUsed(self):
+ """ Checks if the second colour of the caption bar is set."""
+ return self._secondColourUsed
+ def GetSecondColour(self):
+ """
+ Returns the second colour for the caption bar.
+ Please be warned this will result in an assertion failure
+ when this property is not previously set.
+ See also SetCaptionSecondColour(), CaptionSecondColourUsed()
+ """
+ return self._secondColour
+ # ------- Caption Text Colour -------
+ def SetCaptionColour(self, colour):
+ """
+ Sets caption colour for the caption bar.
+ If this is not set, the colour property is undefined and will not
+ be used. Use CaptionColourUsed() to check if this style is used.
+ """
+ self._textColour = colour
+ self._textColourUsed = True
+ def CaptionColourUsed(self):
+ """ Checks if the caption colour of the caption bar is set."""
+ return self._textColourUsed
+ def GetCaptionColour(self):
+ """
+ Returns the caption colour for the caption bar.
+ Please be warned this will result in an assertion failure
+ when this property is not previously set.
+ See also SetCaptionColour(), CaptionColourUsed()
+ """
+ return self._textColour
+ # ------- CaptionStyle -------
+ def SetCaptionStyle(self, style):
+ """
+ Sets caption style for the caption bar.
+ If this is not set, the property is undefined and will not
+ be used. Use CaptionStyleUsed() to check if this style is used.
+ The following styles can be applied:
+ - CAPTIONBAR_GRADIENT_V: Draws a vertical gradient from top to bottom
+ - CAPTIONBAR_GRADIENT_H: Draws a horizontal gradient from left to right
+ - CAPTIONBAR_SINGLE: Draws a single filled rectangle to draw the caption
+ - CAPTIONBAR_RECTANGLE: Draws a single colour with a rectangle around the caption
+ - CAPTIONBAR_FILLED_RECTANGLE: Draws a filled rectangle and a border around it
+ """
+ self._captionStyle = style
+ self._captionStyleUsed = True
+ def CaptionStyleUsed(self):
+ """ Checks if the caption style of the caption bar is set."""
+ return self._captionStyleUsed
+ def GetCaptionStyle(self):
+ """
+ Returns the caption style for the caption bar.
+ Please be warned this will result in an assertion failure
+ when this property is not previously set.
+ See also SetCaptionStyle(), CaptionStyleUsed()
+ """
+ return self._captionStyle
+# CaptionBarEvent
+wxEVT_CAPTIONBAR = wx.NewEventType()
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# class CaptionBarEvent
+# This event will be sent when a EVT_CAPTIONBAR is mapped in the parent.
+# It is to notify the parent that the bar is now in collapsed or expanded
+# state. The parent should re-arrange the associated windows accordingly
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+class CaptionBarEvent(wx.PyCommandEvent):
+ def __init__(self, evtType):
+ """ Default Constructor For This Class."""
+ wx.PyCommandEvent.__init__(self, evtType)
+ def GetFoldStatus(self):
+ """ Returns Wether The Bar Is Expanded Or Collapsed. True Means Expanded."""
+ return not self._bar.IsCollapsed()
+ def GetBar(self):
+ """ Returns The CaptionBar Selected."""
+ return self._bar
+ def SetTag(self, tag):
+ """ Assign A Tag To The Selected CaptionBar."""
+ self._tag = tag
+ def GetTag(self):
+ """ Returns The Tag Assigned To The Selected CaptionBar."""
+ return self._tag
+ def SetBar(self, bar):
+ """
+ Sets The Bar Associated With This Event.
+ Should Not Used By Any Other Then The Originator Of The Event.
+ """
+ self._bar = bar
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# class CaptionBar
+# This class is a graphical caption component that consists of a caption and
+# a clickable arrow.
+# The CaptionBar fires an event EVT_CAPTIONBAR which is a CaptionBarEvent.
+# This event can be caught and the parent window can act upon the collapsed
+# or expanded state of the bar (which is actually just the icon which changed).
+# The parent panel can reduce size or expand again.
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+class CaptionBar(wx.Window):
+ # Define Empty CaptionBar Style
+ EmptyCaptionBarStyle = CaptionBarStyle()
+ def __init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, caption="",
+ foldIcons=None, cbstyle=EmptyCaptionBarStyle,
+ iconWidth=16, iconHeight=16, collapsed=False):
+ """ Default Class Constructor."""
+ wx.Window.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
+ size=(20,20), style=wx.NO_BORDER)
+ self._controlCreated = False
+ self._collapsed = collapsed
+ self.ApplyCaptionStyle(cbstyle, True)
+ if foldIcons is None:
+ foldIcons = wx.ImageList(16, 16)
+ bmp = GetExpandedIconBitmap()
+ foldIcons.Add(bmp)
+ bmp = GetCollapsedIconBitmap()
+ foldIcons.Add(bmp)
+ # set initial size
+ if foldIcons:
+ assert foldIcons.GetImageCount() > 1
+ iconWidth, iconHeight = foldIcons.GetSize(0)
+ self._caption = caption
+ self._foldIcons = foldIcons
+ self._style = cbstyle
+ self._rightIndent = rightIndent
+ self._iconWidth = iconWidth
+ self._iconHeight = iconHeight
+ self._oldSize = wx.Size(20,20)
+ self._controlCreated = True
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS, self.OnMouseEvent)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.OnChar)
+ def ApplyCaptionStyle(self, cbstyle=EmptyCaptionBarStyle, applyDefault=True):
+ """ Applies the style defined in cbstyle to the CaptionBar."""
+ newstyle = cbstyle
+ if applyDefault:
+ # get first colour from style or make it default
+ if not newstyle.FirstColourUsed():
+ newstyle.SetFirstColour(wx.WHITE)
+ # get second colour from style or make it default
+ if not newstyle.SecondColourUsed():
+ # make the second colour slightly darker then the background
+ color = self.GetParent().GetBackgroundColour()
+ r, g, b = int(color.Red()), int(color.Green()), int(color.Blue())
+ color = ((r >> 1) + 20, (g >> 1) + 20, (b >> 1) + 20)
+ newstyle.SetSecondColour(wx.Colour(color[0], color[1], color[2]))
+ # get text colour
+ if not newstyle.CaptionColourUsed():
+ newstyle.SetCaptionColour(wx.BLACK)
+ # get font colour
+ if not newstyle.CaptionFontUsed():
+ newstyle.SetCaptionFont(self.GetParent().GetFont())
+ # apply caption style
+ if not newstyle.CaptionStyleUsed():
+ newstyle.SetCaptionStyle(CAPTIONBAR_GRADIENT_V)
+ self._style = newstyle
+ def SetCaptionStyle(self, cbstyle=EmptyCaptionBarStyle, applyDefault=True):
+ """
+ Sets CaptionBar styles with CapionBarStyle class.
+ All styles that are actually set, are applied. If you set applyDefault
+ to True, all other (not defined) styles will be set to default. If it
+ is False, the styles which are not set in the CaptionBarStyle will be
+ ignored.
+ """
+ self.ApplyCaptionStyle(cbstyle, applyDefault)
+ self.Refresh()
+ def GetCaptionStyle(self):
+ """
+ Returns the current style of the captionbar in a CaptionBarStyle class.
+ This can be used to change and set back the changes.
+ """
+ return self._style
+ def IsCollapsed(self):
+ """
+ Returns wether the status of the bar is expanded or collapsed. """
+ return self._collapsed
+ def SetRightIndent(self, pixels):
+ """
+ Sets the amount of pixels on the right from which the bitmap is trailing.
+ If this is 0, it will be drawn all the way to the right, default is
+ equal to FPB_BMP_RIGHTSPACE. Assign this before assigning an image
+ list to prevent a redraw.
+ """
+ assert pixels >= 0
+ self._rightIndent = pixels
+ if self._foldIcons:
+ self.Refresh()
+ def Collapse(self):
+ """
+ This sets the internal state / representation to collapsed.
+ This does not trigger a CaptionBarEvent to be sent to the parent.
+ """
+ self._collapsed = True
+ self.RedrawIconBitmap()
+ def Expand(self):
+ """
+ This sets the internal state / representation to expanded.
+ This does not trigger a CaptionBarEvent to be sent to the parent.
+ """
+ self._collapsed = False
+ self.RedrawIconBitmap()
+ def SetBoldFont(self):
+ """ Sets the CaptionBarFont weight to BOLD."""
+ self.GetFont().SetWeight(wx.BOLD)
+ def SetNormalFont(self):
+ """ Sets the CaptionBarFont weight to NORMAL."""
+ self.GetFont().SetWeight(wx.NORMAL)
+ def IsVertical(self):
+ """
+ Returns wether the CaptionBar Has Default Orientation Or Not.
+ Default is vertical.
+ """
+ fld = self.GetParent().GetGrandParent()
+ if isinstance(fld, FoldPanelBar):
+ return self.GetParent().GetGrandParent().IsVertical()
+ else:
+ raise "ERROR: Wrong Parent " + repr(fld)
+ def OnPaint(self, event):
+ """ The paint event for flat or gradient fill. """
+ if not self._controlCreated:
+ event.Skip()
+ return
+ dc = wx.PaintDC(self)
+ wndRect = self.GetRect()
+ vertical = self.IsVertical()
+ # TODO: Maybe first a memory DC should draw all, and then paint it on
+ # the caption. This way a flickering arrow during resize is not visible
+ self.FillCaptionBackground(dc)
+ dc.SetFont(self._style.GetCaptionFont())
+ if vertical:
+ dc.DrawText(self._caption, 4, FPB_EXTRA_Y/2)
+ else:
+ dc.DrawRotatedText(self._caption, FPB_EXTRA_Y/2,
+ wndRect.GetBottom() - 4, 90)
+ # draw small icon, either collapsed or expanded
+ # based on the state of the bar. If we have any bmp's
+ if self._foldIcons:
+ index = self._collapsed
+ if vertical:
+ drw = wndRect.GetRight() - self._iconWidth - self._rightIndent
+ self._foldIcons.Draw(index, dc, drw,
+ (wndRect.GetHeight() - self._iconHeight)/2,
+ else:
+ self._foldIcons.Draw(index, dc,
+ (wndRect.GetWidth() - self._iconWidth)/2,
+ self._rightIndent, wx.IMAGELIST_DRAW_TRANSPARENT)
+## event.Skip()
+ def FillCaptionBackground(self, dc):
+ """ Fills the background of the caption with either a gradient or a solid color. """
+ style = self._style.GetCaptionStyle()
+ if self.IsVertical():
+ self.DrawVerticalGradient(dc, self.GetRect())
+ else:
+ self.DrawHorizontalGradient(dc, self.GetRect())
+ elif style == CAPTIONBAR_GRADIENT_H:
+ if self.IsVertical():
+ self.DrawHorizontalGradient(dc, self.GetRect())
+ else:
+ self.DrawVerticalGradient(dc, self.GetRect())
+ elif style == CAPTIONBAR_SINGLE:
+ self.DrawSingleColour(dc, self.GetRect())
+ self.DrawSingleRectangle(dc, self.GetRect())
+ else:
+ raise "STYLE Error: Undefined Style Selected: " + repr(style)
+ def OnMouseEvent(self, event):
+ """
+ Catches the mouse click-double click.
+ If clicked on the arrow (single) or double on the caption we change state
+ and an event must be fired to let this panel collapse or expand.
+ """
+ send_event = False
+ if event.LeftDown() and self._foldIcons:
+ pt = event.GetPosition()
+ rect = self.GetRect()
+ vertical = self.IsVertical()
+ drw = (rect.GetWidth() - self._iconWidth - self._rightIndent)
+ if vertical and pt.x > drw or not vertical and \
+ pt.y < (self._iconHeight + self._rightIndent):
+ send_event = True
+ elif event.LeftDClick():
+ send_event = True
+ # send the collapse, expand event to the parent
+ if send_event:
+ event = CaptionBarEvent(wxEVT_CAPTIONBAR)
+ event.SetBar(self)
+ self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event)
+ event.Skip()
+ def OnChar(self, event):
+ """ Unused Methods. Any Ideas?!?"""
+ # TODO: Anything here?
+ event.Skip()
+ def DoGetBestSize(self):
+ """ Returns the best size for this panel, based upon the font assigned
+ to this window, and the caption string"""
+ if self.IsVertical():
+ x, y = self.GetTextExtent(self._caption)
+ else:
+ y, x = self.GetTextExtent(self._caption)
+ if x < self._iconWidth:
+ x = self._iconWidth
+ if y < self._iconHeight:
+ y = self._iconHeight
+ # TODO: The extra FPB_EXTRA_X constants should be adjustable as well
+ return wx.Size(x + FPB_EXTRA_X, y + FPB_EXTRA_Y)
+ def DrawVerticalGradient(self, dc, rect):
+ """ Gradient fill from colour 1 to colour 2 with top to bottom. """
+ if rect.height < 1 or rect.width < 1:
+ return
+ # calculate gradient coefficients
+ col2 = self._style.GetSecondColour()
+ col1 = self._style.GetFirstColour()
+ r1, g1, b1 = int(col1.Red()), int(col1.Green()), int(col1.Blue())
+ r2, g2, b2 = int(col2.Red()), int(col2.Green()), int(col2.Blue())
+ flrect = float(rect.height)
+ rstep = float((r2 - r1)) / flrect
+ gstep = float((g2 - g1)) / flrect
+ bstep = float((b2 - b1)) / flrect
+ rf, gf, bf = 0, 0, 0
+ for y in range(rect.y, rect.y + rect.height):
+ currCol = (r1 + rf, g1 + gf, b1 + bf)
+ dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(currCol, wx.SOLID))
+ dc.DrawRectangle(rect.x, rect.y + (y - rect.y), rect.width, rect.height)
+ rf = rf + rstep
+ gf = gf + gstep
+ bf = bf + bstep
+ def DrawHorizontalGradient(self, dc, rect):
+ """ Gradient fill from colour 1 to colour 2 with left to right. """
+ if rect.height < 1 or rect.width < 1:
+ return
+ # calculate gradient coefficients
+ col2 = self._style.GetSecondColour()
+ col1 = self._style.GetFirstColour()
+ r1, g1, b1 = int(col1.Red()), int(col1.Green()), int(col1.Blue())
+ r2, g2, b2 = int(col2.Red()), int(col2.Green()), int(col2.Blue())
+ flrect = float(rect.width)
+ rstep = float((r2 - r1)) / flrect
+ gstep = float((g2 - g1)) / flrect
+ bstep = float((b2 - b1)) / flrect
+ rf, gf, bf = 0, 0, 0
+ for x in range(rect.x, rect.x + rect.width):
+ currCol = (r1 + rf, g1 + gf, b1 + bf)
+ dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(currCol, wx.SOLID))
+ dc.DrawRectangle(rect.x + (x - rect.x), rect.y, 1, rect.height)
+ rf = rf + rstep
+ gf = gf + gstep
+ bf = bf + bstep
+ def DrawSingleColour(self, dc, rect):
+ """ Single colour fill. This is the most easy one to find. """
+ if rect.height < 1 or rect.width < 1:
+ return
+ # draw simple rectangle
+ dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(self._style.GetFirstColour(), wx.SOLID))
+ dc.DrawRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height)
+ def DrawSingleRectangle(self, dc, rect):
+ """ Single rectangle. This is the most easy one to find. """
+ if rect.height < 2 or rect.width < 1:
+ return
+ # single frame, set up internal fill colour
+ if self._style.GetCaptionStyle() == CAPTIONBAR_RECTANGLE:
+ color = self.GetParent().GetBackgroundColour()
+ br = wx.Brush(color, wx.SOLID)
+ else:
+ color = self._style.GetFirstColour()
+ br = wx.Brush(color, wx.SOLID)
+ # setup the pen frame
+ pen = wx.Pen(self._style.GetSecondColour())
+ dc.SetPen(pen)
+ dc.SetBrush(br)
+ dc.DrawRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height - 1)
+ bgpen = wx.Pen(self.GetParent().GetBackgroundColour())
+ dc.SetPen(bgpen)
+ dc.DrawLine(rect.x, rect.y + rect.height - 1, rect.x + rect.width,
+ rect.y + rect.height - 1)
+ def OnSize(self, event):
+ """ Handles the size events for the CaptionBar."""
+ if not self._controlCreated:
+ event.Skip()
+ return
+ size = event.GetSize()
+ if self._foldIcons:
+ # What I am doing here is simply invalidating the part of the window
+ # exposed. So when I make a rect with as width the newly exposed part,
+ # and the x,y of the old window size origin, I don't need a bitmap
+ # calculation in it, or do I ? The bitmap needs redrawing anyway.
+ # Leave it like this until I figured it out.
+ # set rect to redraw as old bitmap area which is entitled to redraw
+ rect = wx.Rect(size.GetWidth() - self._iconWidth - self._rightIndent, 0,
+ self._iconWidth + self._rightIndent,
+ self._iconWidth + self._rightIndent)
+ # adjust rectangle when more is slided so we need to redraw all
+ # the old stuff but not all (ugly flickering)
+ diffX = size.GetWidth() - self._oldSize.GetWidth()
+ if diffX > 1:
+ # adjust the rect with all the crap to redraw
+ rect.SetWidth(rect.GetWidth() + diffX + 10)
+ rect.SetX(rect.GetX() - diffX - 10)
+ self.RefreshRect(rect)
+ else:
+ rect = self.GetRect()
+ self.RefreshRect(rect)
+ self._oldSize = size
+ def RedrawIconBitmap(self):
+ """ Redraws the icons (if they exists). """
+ if self._foldIcons:
+ # invalidate the bitmap area and force a redraw
+ rect = self.GetRect()
+ rect.SetX(rect.GetWidth() - self._iconWidth - self._rightIndent)
+ rect.SetWidth(self._iconWidth + self._rightIndent)
+ self.RefreshRect(rect)
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# class FoldPanelBar
+# The FoldPanelBar is a class which can maintain a list of collapsable panels.
+# Once a panel is collapsed, only it's panel bar is visible to the user. This
+# will provide more space for the other panels, or allow the user to close
+# panels which are not used often to get the most out of the work area.
+# This control is easy to use. Simply create it as a child for a panel or
+# sash window, and populate panels with FoldPanelBar.AddFoldPanel(). Then use
+# the FoldPanelBar.AddFoldPanelWindow() to add wxWindow derived controls to the
+# current fold panel. Use FoldPanelBar.AddFoldPanelSeparator() to put separators
+# between the groups of controls that need a visual separator to group them
+# together. After all is constructed, the user can fold the panels by
+# doubleclicking on the bar or single click on the arrow, which will indicate
+# the collapsed or expanded state.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+class FoldPanelBar(wx.Panel):
+ # Define Empty CaptionBar Style
+ EmptyCaptionBarStyle = CaptionBarStyle()
+ def __init__(self, parent, id=-1, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize,
+ """ Default Class Constructor. """
+ self._controlCreated = False
+ self._extraStyle = extraStyle
+ # make sure there is any orientation
+ style = style | FPB_VERTICAL
+ if style & FPB_HORIZONTAL == 4:
+ self._isVertical = False
+ else:
+ self._isVertical = True
+ # create the panel (duh!). This causes a size event, which we are going
+ # to skip when we are not initialised
+ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style)
+ # the fold panel area
+ self._foldPanel = wx.Panel(self, wx.ID_ANY, pos, size,
+ self._controlCreated = True
+ self._panels = []
+ self.Bind(EVT_CAPTIONBAR, self.OnPressCaption)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSizePanel)
+ def AddFoldPanel(self, caption="", collapsed=False, foldIcons=None,
+ cbstyle=EmptyCaptionBarStyle):
+ """
+ Adds a fold panel to the list of panels.
+ If the flag collapsed is set to True, the panel is collapsed initially.
+ The FoldPanel item which is returned, can be used as a reference to
+ perform actions upon the fold panel like collapsing it, expanding it,
+ or deleting it from the list.
+ Use this foldpanel to add windows to it. Please consult
+ FoldPanelBar.AddFoldPanelWindow() and
+ FoldPanelBar.AddFoldPanelSeparator() to know how to add wxWindow items
+ to the panels.
+ """
+ # create a fold panel item, which is first only the caption.
+ # the user can now add a panel area which will be folded in
+ # when pressed.
+ if foldIcons is None:
+ foldIcons = wx.ImageList(16, 16)
+ bmp = GetExpandedIconBitmap()
+ foldIcons.Add(bmp)
+ bmp = GetCollapsedIconBitmap()
+ foldIcons.Add(bmp)
+ item = FoldPanelItem(self._foldPanel, -1, caption=caption,
+ foldIcons=foldIcons,
+ collapsed=collapsed, cbstyle=cbstyle)
+ pos = 0
+ if len(self._panels) > 0:
+ pos = self._panels[-1].GetItemPos() + self._panels[-1].GetPanelLength()
+ item.Reposition(pos)
+ self._panels.append(item)
+ return item
+ def AddFoldPanelWindow(self, panel, window, flags=FPB_ALIGN_WIDTH,
+ """
+ Adds a wxWindow derived class to the referenced FoldPanel.
+ IMPORTANT: Make the to be created window, child of the FoldPanel. See
+ example that follows. The flags to be used are:
+ - FPB_ALIGN_WIDTH: Which means the wxWindow to be added will be
+ aligned to fit the width of the FoldPanel when it is resized.
+ Very handy for sizer items, buttons and text boxes.
+ - FPB_ALIGN_LEFT: Alligns left instead of fitting the width of
+ the child window to be added. Use either this one or
+ The wxWindow to be added can be slightly indented from left and right
+ so it is more visibly placed in the FoldPanel. Use Spacing > 0 to give
+ the control an y offset from the previous wxWindow added, use leftSpacing
+ to give it a slight indent from the left, and rightSpacing also reserves
+ a little space on the right so the wxWindow can be properly placed in
+ the FoldPanel.
+ The following example adds a FoldPanel to the FoldPanelBar and adds two
+ wxWindow derived controls to the FoldPanel:
+ # CODE
+ # create the FoldPanelBar
+ >>> m_pnl = FoldPanelBar(self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.DefaultPosition,
+ wx.DefaultSize, FPB_DEFAULT_STYLE,
+ # add a foldpanel to the control. "Test me" is the caption and it is
+ # initially not collapsed.
+ >>> item = m_pnl.AddFoldPanel("Test me", False)
+ # now add a button to the fold panel. Mind that the button should be
+ # made child of the FoldPanel and not of the main form.
+ >>> m_pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, wx.Button(item, ID_COLLAPSEME,
+ "Collapse Me"))
+ # add a separator between the two controls. This is purely a visual
+ # line that can have a certain color and also the indents and width
+ # aligning like a control.
+ >>> m_pnl.AddFoldPanelSeparator(item)
+ # now add a text ctrl. Also very easy. Align this on width so that
+ # when the control gets wider the text control also sizes along.
+ >>> m_pnl.AddFoldPanelWindow(item, wx.TextCtrl(item, wx.ID_ANY, "Comment"),
+ """
+ try:
+ item = self._panels.index(panel)
+ except:
+ raise "ERROR: Invalid Panel Passed To AddFoldPanelWindow: " + repr(panel)
+ panel.AddWindow(window, flags, Spacing, leftSpacing, rightSpacing)
+ # TODO: Take old and new height, and if difference, reposition all the lower
+ # panels this is because the user can add new wxWindow controls somewhere in
+ # between when other panels are already present.
+ return 0
+ def AddFoldPanelSeparator(self, panel, colour=wx.BLACK,
+ """
+ Adds a separator line to the current FoldPanel.
+ The seperator is a simple line which is drawn and is no real component.
+ It can be used to separate groups of controls which belong to each other.
+ The colour is adjustable, and it takes the same Spacing, leftSpacing and
+ rightSpacing as AddFoldPanelWindow().
+ """
+ try:
+ item = self._panels.index(panel)
+ except:
+ raise "ERROR: Invalid Panel Passed To AddFoldPanelSeparator: " + repr(panel)
+ panel.AddSeparator(colour, Spacing, leftSpacing, rightSpacing)
+ return 0
+ def OnSizePanel(self, event):
+ """ Handles the EVT_SIZE method for the FoldPanelBar. """
+ # skip all stuff when we are not initialised yet
+ if not self._controlCreated:
+ event.Skip()
+ return
+ foldrect = self.GetRect()
+ # fold panel itself. If too little space,
+ # don't show it
+ foldrect.SetX(0)
+ foldrect.SetY(0)
+ self._foldPanel.SetSize(foldrect[2:])
+ if self._extraStyle & FPB_COLLAPSE_TO_BOTTOM:
+ rect = self.RepositionCollapsedToBottom()
+ vertical = self.IsVertical()
+ if vertical and rect.GetHeight() > 0 or not vertical and rect.GetWidth() > 0:
+ self.RefreshRect(rect)
+ # TODO: A smart way to check wether the old - new width of the
+ # panel changed, if so no need to resize the fold panel items
+ self.RedisplayFoldPanelItems()
+ def OnPressCaption(self, event):
+ """ Handles the EVT_CAPTIONBAR event in the FoldPanelBar. """
+ # act upon the folding or expanding status of the bar
+ # to expand or collapse the panel(s)
+ if event.GetFoldStatus():
+ self.Collapse(event.GetTag())
+ else:
+ self.Expand(event.GetTag())
+ event.Skip()
+ def RefreshPanelsFrom(self, item):
+ """ Refreshes all the panels from given index down to last one. """
+ try:
+ i = self._panels.index(item)
+ except:
+ raise "ERROR: Invalid Panel Passed To RefreshPanelsFrom: " + repr(item)
+ self.Freeze()
+ # if collapse to bottom is on, the panels that are not expanded
+ # should be drawn at the bottom. All panels that are expanded
+ # are drawn on top. The last expanded panel gets all the extra space
+ if self._extraStyle & FPB_COLLAPSE_TO_BOTTOM:
+ offset = 0
+ for panels in self._panels:
+ if panels.IsExpanded():
+ offset = offset + panels.Reposition(offset)
+ # put all non collapsed panels at the bottom where there is space,
+ # else put them right behind the expanded ones
+ self.RepositionCollapsedToBottom()
+ else:
+ pos = self._panels[i].GetItemPos() + self._panels[i].GetPanelLength()
+ for j in range(i+1, len(self._panels)):
+ pos = pos + self._panels[j].Reposition(pos)
+ self.Thaw()
+## self.Refresh()
+ def RedisplayFoldPanelItems(self):
+ """ Resizes the fold panels so they match the width. """
+ # resize them all. No need to reposition
+ for panels in self._panels:
+ panels.ResizePanel()
+ panels.Refresh()
+ def RepositionCollapsedToBottom(self):
+ """
+ Repositions all the collapsed panels to the bottom.
+ When it is not possible to align them to the bottom, stick them behind the
+ visible panels. The Rect holds the slack area left between last repositioned
+ panel and the bottom panels. This needs to get a refresh.
+ """
+ value = wx.Rect(0,0,0,0)
+ vertical = self.IsVertical()
+ # determine wether the number of panels left
+ # times the size of their captions is enough
+ # to be placed in the left over space
+ expanded = 0
+ collapsed = 0
+ collapsed, expanded, values = self.GetPanelsLength(collapsed, expanded)
+ # if no room stick them behind the normal ones, else
+ # at the bottom
+ if (vertical and [self.GetSize().GetHeight()] or \
+ [self.GetSize().GetWidth()])[0] - expanded - collapsed < 0:
+ offset = expanded
+ else:
+ # value is the region which is left unpainted
+ # I will send it back as 'slack' so it does not need to
+ # be recalculated.
+ value.SetHeight(self.GetSize().GetHeight())
+ value.SetWidth(self.GetSize().GetWidth())
+ if vertical:
+ value.SetY(expanded)
+ value.SetHeight(value.GetHeight() - expanded)
+ else:
+ value.SetX(expanded)
+ value.SetWidth(value.GetWidth() - expanded)
+ offset = (vertical and [self.GetSize().GetHeight()] or \
+ [self.GetSize().GetWidth()])[0] - collapsed
+ # go reposition
+ for panels in self._panels:
+ if not panels.IsExpanded():
+ offset = offset + panels.Reposition(offset)
+ return value
+ def GetPanelsLength(self, collapsed, expanded):
+ """
+ Returns the length of the panels that are expanded and collapsed.
+ This is useful to determine quickly what size is used to display,
+ and what is left at the bottom (right) to align the collapsed panels.
+ """
+ value = 0
+ # assumed here that all the panels that are expanded
+ # are positioned after each other from 0,0 to end.
+ for j in range(0, len(self._panels)):
+ offset = self._panels[j].GetPanelLength()
+ value = value + offset
+ if self._panels[j].IsExpanded():
+ expanded = expanded + offset
+ else:
+ collapsed = collapsed + offset
+ return collapsed, expanded, value
+ def Collapse(self, foldpanel):
+ """
+ Collapses the given FoldPanel reference, and updates the foldpanel bar.
+ In the FPB_COLLAPSE_TO_BOTTOM style, all collapsed captions are put at
+ the bottom of the control. In the normal mode, they stay where they are.
+ """
+ try:
+ item = self._panels.index(foldpanel)
+ except:
+ raise "ERROR: Invalid Panel Passed To Collapse: " + repr(foldpanel)
+ foldpanel.Collapse()
+ self.RefreshPanelsFrom(foldpanel)
+ def Expand(self, foldpanel):
+ """
+ Expands the given FoldPanel reference, and updates the foldpanel bar.
+ In the FPB_COLLAPSE_TO_BOTTOM style, they will be removed from the bottom
+ and the order where the panel originally was placed is restored.
+ """
+ foldpanel.Expand()
+ self.RefreshPanelsFrom(foldpanel)
+ def ApplyCaptionStyle(self, foldpanel, cbstyle):
+ """
+ Sets the style of the caption bar (called CaptionBar) of the FoldPanel.
+ The changes are applied immediately. All styles not set in the CaptionBarStyle
+ class are not applied. Use the CaptionBar reference to indicate what captionbar
+ you want to apply the style to. To apply one style to all CaptionBar items, use
+ ApplyCaptionStyleAll()
+ """
+ foldpanel.ApplyCaptionStyle(cbstyle)
+ def ApplyCaptionStyleAll(self, cbstyle):
+ """ Sets the style of all the caption bars of the FoldPanel.
+ The changes are applied immediately. """
+ for panels in self._panels:
+ self.ApplyCaptionStyle(panels, cbstyle)
+ def GetCaptionStyle(self, foldpanel):
+ """
+ Returns the currently used caption style for the FoldPanel.
+ It is returned as a CaptionBarStyle class. After modifying it, it can be
+ set again.
+ """
+ return foldpanel.GetCaptionStyle()
+ def IsVertical(self):
+ """
+ Returns wether the CaptionBar Has Default Orientation Or Not.
+ Default is vertical.
+ """
+ return self._isVertical
+ def GetFoldPanel(self, item):
+ """
+ Returns the panel associated with the index "item".
+ See the example at the bottom of the module, especially the events
+ for the "Collapse Me" and "Expand Me" buttons.
+ """
+ try:
+ ind = self._panels[item]
+ return self._panels[item]
+ except:
+ raise "ERROR: List Index Out Of Range Or Bad Item Passed: " + repr(item) + \
+ ". Item Should Be An Integer Between " + repr(0) + " And " + \
+ repr(len(self._panels))
+ def GetCount(self):
+ """ Returns the number of panels in the FoldPanelBar. """
+ try:
+ return len(self._panels)
+ except:
+ raise "ERROR: No Panels Have Been Added To FoldPanelBar"
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# class FoldPanelItem
+# This class is a child sibling of the FoldPanelBar class. It will contain a
+# CaptionBar class for receiving of events, and a the rest of the area can be
+# populated by a wxPanel derived class.
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+class FoldPanelItem(wx.Panel):
+ # Define Empty CaptionBar Style
+ EmptyCaptionBarStyle = CaptionBarStyle()
+ def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, caption="", foldIcons=None,
+ collapsed=False, cbstyle=EmptyCaptionBarStyle):
+ """ Default Class Constructor. """
+ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id, style=wx.CLIP_CHILDREN)
+ self._controlCreated = False
+ self._UserSize = 0
+ self._PanelSize = 0
+ self._LastInsertPos = 0
+ self._itemPos = 0
+ self._userSized = False
+ if foldIcons is None:
+ foldIcons = wx.ImageList(16, 16)
+ bmp = GetExpandedIconBitmap()
+ foldIcons.Add(bmp)
+ bmp = GetCollapsedIconBitmap()
+ foldIcons.Add(bmp)
+ self._foldIcons = foldIcons
+ # create the caption bar, in collapsed or expanded state
+ self._captionBar = CaptionBar(self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.Point(0,0),
+ size=wx.DefaultSize, caption=caption,
+ foldIcons=foldIcons, cbstyle=cbstyle)
+ if collapsed:
+ self._captionBar.Collapse()
+ self._controlCreated = True
+ # make initial size for component, if collapsed, the
+ # size is determined on the panel height and won't change
+ size = self._captionBar.GetSize()
+ self._PanelSize = (self.IsVertical() and [size.GetHeight()] or \
+ [size.GetWidth()])[0]
+ self._LastInsertPos = self._PanelSize
+ self._items = []
+ self.Bind(EVT_CAPTIONBAR, self.OnPressCaption)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
+ def AddWindow(self, window, flags=FPB_ALIGN_WIDTH, Spacing=FPB_DEFAULT_SPACING,
+ """
+ Adds a window item to the list of items on this panel.
+ The flags are FPB_ALIGN_LEFT for a non sizing window element, and
+ FPB_ALIGN_WIDTH for a width aligned item. The Spacing parameter reserves
+ a number of pixels before the window element, and leftSpacing is an indent.
+ rightSpacing is only relevant when the style FPB_ALIGN_WIDTH is chosen.
+ """
+ wi = FoldWindowItem(self, window, Type="WINDOW", flags=flags, Spacing=Spacing,
+ leftSpacing=leftSpacing, rightSpacing=rightSpacing)
+ self._items.append(wi)
+ vertical = self.IsVertical()
+ self._Spacing = Spacing
+ self._leftSpacing = leftSpacing
+ self._rightSpacing = rightSpacing
+ xpos = (vertical and [leftSpacing] or [self._LastInsertPos + Spacing])[0]
+ ypos = (vertical and [self._LastInsertPos + Spacing] or [leftSpacing])[0]
+ window.SetDimensions(xpos, ypos, -1, -1, wx.SIZE_USE_EXISTING)
+ self._LastInsertPos = self._LastInsertPos + wi.GetWindowLength(vertical)
+ self.ResizePanel()
+ def AddSeparator(self, colour=wx.BLACK, Spacing=FPB_DEFAULT_SPACING,
+ """
+ Adds a separator item to the list of items on this panel. """
+ wi = FoldWindowItem(self, window=None, Type="SEPARATOR",
+ flags=FPB_ALIGN_WIDTH, y=self._LastInsertPos,
+ colour=colour, Spacing=Spacing, leftSpacing=leftSpacing,
+ rightSpacing=rightSpacing)
+ self._items.append(wi)
+ self._LastInsertPos = self._LastInsertPos + \
+ wi.GetWindowLength(self.IsVertical())
+ self.ResizePanel()
+ def Reposition(self, pos):
+ """ Repositions this FoldPanelBar and reports the length occupied for the
+ next FoldPanelBar in the list. """
+ # NOTE: Call Resize before Reposition when an item is added, because the new
+ # size needed will be calculated by Resize. Of course the relative position
+ # of the controls have to be correct in respect to the caption bar
+ self.Freeze()
+ vertical = self.IsVertical()
+ xpos = (vertical and [-1] or [pos])[0]
+ ypos = (vertical and [pos] or [-1])[0]
+ self.SetDimensions(xpos, ypos, -1, -1, wx.SIZE_USE_EXISTING)
+ self._itemPos = pos
+ self.Thaw()
+## self.Refresh()
+ return self.GetPanelLength()
+ def OnPressCaption(self, event):
+ """ Handles the EVT_CAPTIONBAR event in the FoldPanelItem. """
+ # tell the upper container we are responsible
+ # for this event, so it can fold the panel item
+ # and do a refresh
+ event.SetTag(self)
+ event.Skip()
+ def ResizePanel(self):
+ """ Resizes the panel. """
+ # prevent unnecessary updates by blocking repaints for a sec
+ self.Freeze()
+ vertical = self.IsVertical()
+ # force this panel to take the width of the parent panel and the y of the
+ # user or calculated width (which will be recalculated by the contents here)
+ if self._captionBar.IsCollapsed():
+ size = self._captionBar.GetSize()
+ self._PanelSize = (vertical and [size.GetHeight()] or [size.GetWidth()])[0]
+ else:
+ size = self.GetBestSize()
+ self._PanelSize = (vertical and [size.GetHeight()] or [size.GetWidth()])[0]
+ if self._UserSize:
+ if vertical:
+ size.SetHeight(self._UserSize)
+ else:
+ size.SetWidth(self._UserSize)
+ pnlsize = self.GetParent().GetSize()
+ if vertical:
+ size.SetWidth(pnlsize.GetWidth())
+ else:
+ size.SetHeight(pnlsize.GetHeight())
+ # resize caption bar
+ xsize = (vertical and [size.GetWidth()] or [-1])[0]
+ ysize = (vertical and [-1] or [size.GetHeight()])[0]
+ self._captionBar.SetSize((xsize, ysize))
+ # resize the panel
+ self.SetSize(size)
+ # go by all the controls and call Layout
+ for items in self._items:
+ items.ResizeItem((vertical and [size.GetWidth()] or \
+ [size.GetHeight()])[0], vertical)
+ self.Thaw()
+## self.Refresh()
+ def OnPaint(self, event):
+ """ Handles the EVT_PAINT event in the FoldPanelItem. """
+ # draw all the items that are lines
+ dc = wx.PaintDC(self)
+ vertical = self.IsVertical()
+ for item in self._items:
+ if item.GetType() == "SEPARATOR":
+ pen = wx.Pen(item.GetLineColour(), 1, wx.SOLID)
+ dc.SetPen(pen)
+ a = item.GetLeftSpacing()
+ b = item.GetLineY() + item.GetSpacing()
+ c = item.GetLineLength()
+ d = a + c
+ if vertical:
+ dc.DrawLine(a, b, d, b)
+ else:
+ dc.DrawLine(b, a, b, d)
+ event.Skip()
+ def IsVertical(self):
+ """
+ Returns wether the CaptionBar Has Default Orientation Or Not.
+ Default is vertical.
+ """
+ # grandparent of FoldPanelItem is FoldPanelBar
+ # default is vertical
+ if isinstance(self.GetGrandParent(), FoldPanelBar):
+ return self.GetGrandParent().IsVertical()
+ else:
+ raise "ERROR: Wrong Parent " + repr(self.GetGrandParent())
+ def IsExpanded(self):
+ """ Returns expanded or collapsed status.
+ If the panel is expanded, True is returned. """
+ return not self._captionBar.IsCollapsed()
+ def GetItemPos(self):
+ """ Returns item's position. """
+ return self._itemPos
+ def Collapse(self):
+ # this should not be called by the user, because it doesn't trigger the
+ # parent to tell it that we are collapsed or expanded, it only changes
+ # visual state
+ self._captionBar.Collapse()
+ self.ResizePanel()
+ def Expand(self):
+ # this should not be called by the user, because it doesn't trigger the
+ # parent to tell it that we are collapsed or expanded, it only changes
+ # visual state
+ self._captionBar.Expand()
+ self.ResizePanel()
+ def GetPanelLength(self):
+ """ Returns size of panel. """
+ if self._captionBar.IsCollapsed():
+ return self.GetCaptionLength()
+ elif self._userSized:
+ return self._UserSize
+ return self._PanelSize
+ def GetCaptionLength(self):
+ """ Returns height of caption only. This is for folding calculation purposes. """
+ size = self._captionBar.GetSize()
+ return (self.IsVertical() and [size.GetHeight()] or [size.GetWidth()])[0]
+ def ApplyCaptionStyle(self, cbstyle):
+ """ Applies the style defined in cbstyle to the CaptionBar."""
+ self._captionBar.SetCaptionStyle(cbstyle)
+ def GetCaptionStyle(self):
+ """
+ Returns the current style of the captionbar in a CaptionBarStyle class.
+ This can be used to change and set back the changes.
+ """
+ return self._captionBar.GetCaptionStyle()
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# class FoldWindowItem
+# This class is a child sibling of the FoldPanelItem class. It will contain
+# wxWindow that can be either a separator (a colored line simulated by a wxWindow)
+# or a wxPython controls (such as a wxButton, a wxListCtrl etc...).
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+class FoldWindowItem:
+ def __init__(self, parent, window=None, **kw):
+ """
+ Default Class Constructor
+ Initialize with:
+ Type = "WINDOW", flags = FPB_ALIGN_WIDTH,
+ or:
+ Type = "SEPARATOR"
+ y, lineColor = wx.BLACK,
+ flags = FPB_ALIGN_WIDTH,
+ """
+ if not kw.has_key("Type"):
+ raise 'ERROR: Missing Window Type Information. This Should Be "WINDOW" Or "SEPARATOR"'
+ if kw.get("Type") == "WINDOW":
+ # Window constructor. This initialises the class as a wx.Window Type
+ if kw.has_key("flags"):
+ self._flags = kw.get("flags")
+ else:
+ self._flags = FPB_ALIGN_WIDTH
+ if kw.has_key("Spacing"):
+ self._Spacing = kw.get("Spacing")
+ else:
+ self._Spacing = FPB_DEFAULT_SPACING
+ if kw.has_key("leftSpacing"):
+ self._leftSpacing = kw.get("leftSpacing")
+ else:
+ self._leftSpacing = FPB_DEFAULT_LEFTSPACING
+ if kw.has_key("rightSpacing"):
+ self._rightSpacing = kw.get("rightSpacing")
+ else:
+ self._rightSpacing = FPB_DEFAULT_RIGHTSPACING
+ self._lineY = 0
+ self._sepLineColour = None
+ self._wnd = window
+ elif kw.get("Type") == "SEPARATOR":
+ # separator constructor. This initialises the class as a separator type
+ if kw.has_key("y"):
+ self._lineY = kw.get("y")
+ else:
+ raise "ERROR: Undefined Y Position For The Separator"
+ if kw.has_key("lineColour"):
+ self._sepLineColour = kw.get("lineColour")
+ else:
+ self._sepLineColour = wx.BLACK
+ if kw.has_key("flags"):
+ self._flags = kw.get("flags")
+ else:
+ self._flags = FPB_ALIGN_WIDTH
+ if kw.has_key("Spacing"):
+ self._Spacing = kw.get("Spacing")
+ else:
+ self._Spacing = FPB_DEFAULT_SPACING
+ if kw.has_key("leftSpacing"):
+ self._leftSpacing = kw.get("leftSpacing")
+ else:
+ self._leftSpacing = FPB_DEFAULT_LEFTSPACING
+ if kw.has_key("rightSpacing"):
+ self._rightSpacing = kw.get("rightSpacing")
+ else:
+ self._rightSpacing = FPB_DEFAULT_RIGHTSPACING
+ self._wnd = window
+ else:
+ raise "ERROR: Undefined Window Type Selected: " + repr(kw.get("Type"))
+ self._type = kw.get("Type")
+ self._lineLength = 0
+ def GetType(self):
+ return self._type
+ def GetLineY(self):
+ return self._lineY
+ def GetLineLength(self):
+ return self._lineLength
+ def GetLineColour(self):
+ return self._sepLineColour
+ def GetLeftSpacing(self):
+ return self._leftSpacing
+ def GetRightSpacing(self):
+ return self._rightSpacing
+ def GetSpacing(self):
+ return self._Spacing
+ def GetWindowLength(self, vertical=True):
+ """ Returns space needed by the window if type is FoldWindowItem "WINDOW"
+ and returns the total size plus the extra spacing."""
+ value = 0
+ if self._type == "WINDOW":
+ size = self._wnd.GetSize()
+ value = (vertical and [size.GetHeight()] or [size.GetWidth()])[0] + \
+ self._Spacing
+ elif self._type == "SEPARATOR":
+ value = 1 + self._Spacing
+ return value
+ def ResizeItem(self, size, vertical=True):
+ """
+ Resizes the element, whatever it is.
+ A separator or line will be always aligned by width or height
+ depending on orientation of the whole panel.
+ """
+ if self._flags & FPB_ALIGN_WIDTH:
+ # align by taking full width
+ mySize = size - self._leftSpacing - self._rightSpacing
+ if mySize < 0:
+ mySize = 10 # can't have negative width
+ if self._type == "SEPARATOR":
+ self._lineLength = mySize
+ else:
+ xsize = (vertical and [mySize] or [-1])[0]
+ ysize = (vertical and [-1] or [mySize])[0]
+ self._wnd.SetSize((xsize, ysize))