#include <wx/toolbar.h>
#include <wx/log.h>
+#include <wx/image.h>
// define this to 1 to use wxToolBarSimple instead of the native one
toolBarBitmaps[0] = wxBITMAP(new);
toolBarBitmaps[1] = wxBITMAP(open);
+ toolBarBitmaps[2] = wxBITMAP(save);
+ toolBarBitmaps[3] = wxBITMAP(copy);
+ toolBarBitmaps[4] = wxBITMAP(cut);
+ toolBarBitmaps[5] = wxBITMAP(paste);
+ toolBarBitmaps[6] = wxBITMAP(print);
+ toolBarBitmaps[7] = wxBITMAP(help);
if ( !m_smallToolbar )
- toolBarBitmaps[2] = wxBITMAP(save);
- toolBarBitmaps[3] = wxBITMAP(copy);
- toolBarBitmaps[4] = wxBITMAP(cut);
- toolBarBitmaps[5] = wxBITMAP(paste);
- toolBarBitmaps[6] = wxBITMAP(print);
- toolBarBitmaps[7] = wxBITMAP(help);
+ int w = 2*toolBarBitmaps[0].GetWidth(),
+ h = 2*toolBarBitmaps[0].GetHeight();
+ for ( size_t n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(toolBarBitmaps); n++ )
+ {
+ toolBarBitmaps[n] =
+ wxImage(toolBarBitmaps[n]).Scale(w, h).ConvertToBitmap();
+ }
+ toolBar->SetToolBitmapSize(wxSize(w, h));
#ifdef __WXMSW__
#endif // toolbars which don't support controls
- if ( !m_smallToolbar )
- {
- currentX += width + 5;
- toolBar->AddTool(wxID_SAVE, toolBarBitmaps[2], wxNullBitmap, TRUE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "Toggle button 1");
- currentX += width + 5;
- toolBar->AddTool(wxID_COPY, toolBarBitmaps[3], wxNullBitmap, TRUE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "Toggle button 2");
- currentX += width + 5;
- toolBar->AddTool(wxID_CUT, toolBarBitmaps[4], wxNullBitmap, FALSE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "Toggle/Untoggle help button");
- currentX += width + 5;
- toolBar->AddTool(wxID_PASTE, toolBarBitmaps[5], wxNullBitmap, FALSE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "Paste");
- currentX += width + 5;
- toolBar->AddTool(wxID_PRINT, toolBarBitmaps[6], wxNullBitmap, FALSE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "Delete this tool");
- currentX += width + 5;
- toolBar->AddSeparator();
- toolBar->AddTool(wxID_HELP, toolBarBitmaps[7], wxNullBitmap, TRUE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "Help button");
- }
+ currentX += width + 5;
+ toolBar->AddTool(wxID_SAVE, toolBarBitmaps[2], wxNullBitmap, TRUE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "Toggle button 1");
+ currentX += width + 5;
+ toolBar->AddTool(wxID_COPY, toolBarBitmaps[3], wxNullBitmap, TRUE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "Toggle button 2");
+ currentX += width + 5;
+ toolBar->AddTool(wxID_CUT, toolBarBitmaps[4], wxNullBitmap, FALSE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "Toggle/Untoggle help button");
+ currentX += width + 5;
+ toolBar->AddTool(wxID_PASTE, toolBarBitmaps[5], wxNullBitmap, FALSE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "Paste");
+ currentX += width + 5;
+ toolBar->AddTool(wxID_PRINT, toolBarBitmaps[6], wxNullBitmap, FALSE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "Delete this tool");
+ currentX += width + 5;
+ toolBar->AddSeparator();
+ toolBar->AddTool(wxID_HELP, toolBarBitmaps[7], wxNullBitmap, TRUE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "Help button");
// after adding the buttons to the toolbar, must call Realize() to reflect
// the changes
m_textWindow = new wxTextCtrl(this, -1, "", wxPoint(0, 0), wxSize(-1, -1), wxTE_MULTILINE);
- m_smallToolbar = FALSE;
+ m_smallToolbar = TRUE;
m_horzToolbar = TRUE;
m_rows = 1;