--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+ Name: ravnsgaard.xml
+ RCS-ID: $Id$
+ Licence: wxWidgets licence
+ There is one xml file such as this per build slave containing a <build>
+ element for each build the slave runs. Each <build> corresponds to a
+ column in the waterfall display.
+ For full documentation see:
+ http://www.wxwidgets.org/wiki/index.php/Development:_Buildbot
+<bot xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
+ Common declarations.
+<xi:include href="include/defs.xml"/>
+ Notes:
+ The elements marked 'Unique' below must be unique across all builds on
+ all slaves.
+ If a build is currently failing because of something other than a bug in
+ wxWidgets, e.g. out of space or missing libs, then comment it out, or
+ add '** Ignore **' to the beginning of the <name>, so that wxWidgets
+ developers know not to waste time investigating.
+ <!--
+ Unique. Appears as the title in the waterfall display.
+ -->
+ <name>Linux i386 wxGTK trunk STL debug</name>
+ <!--
+ Unique. The name of a directory for the bulid.
+ -->
+ <builddir>ravnsgaard_wxgtk_debug</builddir>
+ <!--
+ The name of a scheduler that will trigger this build. common.xml
+ currently defines:
+ * 'trunk_quick' and 'stable_quick'. These trigger a build after
+ every source change on the trunk and stable branches respectively.
+ * Weekly schedulers that fire once a week. There is one of these
+ for every half hour of the week, e.g. you have monday_0600,
+ monday_0630, etc..
+ * Daily schedulers that fire once a day. There is also one of these
+ for every half hour, e.g. daily_0600, daily_0630, etc..
+ An empty <scheduler/> element takes its value from the previous build
+ incremented in the following way:
+ * Weekly schedulers are incremented by a day, monday_0600 becomes
+ tuesday_0600, and at the end of the week the time is also bumped by
+ an hour, saturday_0600 becomes sunday_0700.
+ * Daily scheduler are incremented by an hour.
+ The <scheduler> element can be omitted, in which case the build
+ never runs automatically, but can still be triggered manually.
+ Or you can use several, e.g. you could use two weekly schedulers
+ that fire on different days to have a build run twice a week.
+ -->
+ <scheduler>daily_0600</scheduler>
+ <!--
+ The meaning of <sandbox> is specific to the build slave. There
+ should be a comment in the slave's configuration file saying if they
+ are allowed or required. On the testdrive it specifies the remote
+ machine that will run the bulid.
+ -->
+ <sandbox>debug</sandbox>
+ <!--
+ You can override the make command the compile steps will use using
+ this <make> element, if omitted defaults to 'make'. For Windows
+ builds this becomes the place to put build options as there is no
+ configure step.
+ -->
+ <!-- <make>nmake -f makefile.vc SHARED=1 CPPUNIT_CFLAGS=-I\cppunit\include CPPUNIT_LIBS=cppunit.lib</make> -->
+ <!--
+ The build steps.
+ -->
+ <steps>
+ <!--
+ Check out the sources, by default the trunk branch. Or for a
+ particular branch or tag, e.g.:
+ <checkout branch="{$STABLE_BRANCH}"/>
+ <checkout branch="branches/WX_2_6_BRANCH"/>
+ -->
+ <checkout/>
+ <!--
+ A <shellcommand> build step can be used anywhere you need to run
+ arbitrary commands not covered by the standard build steps.
+ <haltOnFailure/> specifies that the whole build fails if this
+ step fails, without it it continues with the next step anyway.
+ -->
+ <shellcommand>
+ <description>setting up</description>
+ <descriptionDone>set up</descriptionDone>
+ <haltOnFailure/>
+ <command>setup-script</command>
+ </shellcommand>
+ <!--
+ Configure. Options and environment variables can be added with
+ the 'options' attribute:
+ <configure options="-with-foobar CC=cc CXX=CC"/>
+ Omitted for Windows builds.
+ -->
+ <configure options="--with-gtk --enable-debug --enable-stl --enable-std_iostreams --enable-std_string --disable-compat28">
+ <!--
+ Compile the wxWidgets library, subdirectories and tests.
+ Takes the following attributes which can all be either 'true' or
+ 'false':
+ wx - build the library
+ samples - build the samples
+ utils - build the utils
+ demos - build the demos
+ contrib - build the contrib
+ tests - build the tests
+ msw - the library makefile is under build\msw
+ gui - if 'false' builds only a subset of the above
+ The attributes usually default to the right values.
+ -->
+ <compile-all/>
+ <!--
+ Run the test suites.
+ -->
+ <run-tests/>
+ </steps>
+ <name>Linux i386 wxGTK trunk stl std::string std::iostream release</name>
+ <builddir>ravnsgaard_wxgtk_release</builddir>
+ <scheduler>daily_1800</scheduler>
+ <sandbox>release</sandbox>
+ <steps>
+ <checkout/>
+ <shellcommand>
+ <description>setting up</description>
+ <descriptionDone>set up</descriptionDone>
+ <haltOnFailure/>
+ <command>setup-script</command>
+ </shellcommand>
+ <configure options="--with-gtk --disable-debug --enable-stl --enable-std_iostreams --enable-std_string --disable-compat28">
+ <compile-all/>
+ <run-tests/>
+ </steps>