label = wx.StaticText( self, -1, """\
All these controls have been created by passing a single parameter, the autoformat code,
label = wx.StaticText( self, -1, """\
All these controls have been created by passing a single parameter, the autoformat code,
-and use the factory class wxMaskedCtrl with its default controlType.
+and use the factory class MaskedCtrl with its default controlType.
The maskededit module contains an internal dictionary of types and formats (autoformats).
Many of these already do complicated validation; To see some examples, try
29 Feb 2002 vs. 2004 for the date formats, or email address validation.
The maskededit module contains an internal dictionary of types and formats (autoformats).
Many of these already do complicated validation; To see some examples, try
29 Feb 2002 vs. 2004 for the date formats, or email address validation.
for autoformat, desc in med.autoformats:
grid.Add( wx.StaticText( self, -1, desc), 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT )
grid.Add( wx.StaticText( self, -1, autoformat), 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT )
for autoformat, desc in med.autoformats:
grid.Add( wx.StaticText( self, -1, desc), 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT )
grid.Add( wx.StaticText( self, -1, autoformat), 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT )
- grid.Add( mctl.wxMaskedCtrl( self, -1, "",
+ grid.Add( mctl.MaskedCtrl( self, -1, "",
autoformat = autoformat,
demo = True,
name = autoformat),
autoformat = autoformat,
demo = True,
name = autoformat),
with auto-select:""")
# Create this one using factory function:
with auto-select:""")
# Create this one using factory function:
- statename = mctl.wxMaskedCtrl( self, -1, med.state_names[0],
+ statename = mctl.MaskedCtrl( self, -1, med.state_names[0],
controlType = mctl.controlTypes.MASKEDCOMBO,
choices = med.state_names,
controlType = mctl.controlTypes.MASKEDCOMBO,
choices = med.state_names,
Choices for each side of the fraction can
be selected with PageUp/Down:""")
Choices for each side of the fraction can
be selected with PageUp/Down:""")
- fraction = mctl.wxMaskedCtrl( self, -1, "",
+ fraction = mctl.MaskedCtrl( self, -1, "",
controlType = mctl.MASKEDCOMBO,
choices = choices,
choiceRequired = True,
controlType = mctl.MASKEDCOMBO,
choices = choices,
choiceRequired = True,
Programmatically set
choice sets:""")
self.list_selector = wx.ComboBox(self, -1, '', choices = ['list1', 'list2', 'list3'])
Programmatically set
choice sets:""")
self.list_selector = wx.ComboBox(self, -1, '', choices = ['list1', 'list2', 'list3'])
- self.dynamicbox = mctl.wxMaskedCtrl( self, -1, ' ',
+ self.dynamicbox = mctl.MaskedCtrl( self, -1, ' ',
controlType = mctl.controlTypes.MASKEDCOMBO,
mask = 'XXXX',
formatcodes = 'F_',
controlType = mctl.controlTypes.MASKEDCOMBO,
mask = 'XXXX',
formatcodes = 'F_',
label_ipaddr3 = wx.StaticText( self, -1, """\
A control with restricted legal values:
10. (1|2) . (129..255) . (0..255)""")
label_ipaddr3 = wx.StaticText( self, -1, """\
A control with restricted legal values:
10. (1|2) . (129..255) . (0..255)""")
- ipaddr3 = mctl.wxMaskedCtrl( self, -1,
+ ipaddr3 = mctl.MaskedCtrl( self, -1,
controlType = mctl.controlTypes.IPADDR,
mask=" 10. #.###.###")
ipaddr3.SetFieldParameters(0, validRegex="1|2",validRequired=False ) # requires entry to match or not allowed
controlType = mctl.controlTypes.IPADDR,
mask=" 10. #.###.###")
ipaddr3.SetFieldParameters(0, validRegex="1|2",validRequired=False ) # requires entry to match or not allowed
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.ShowMDIDemo, b1)
b2 = wx.Button(self, -1, "MDI with SashWindows demo")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.ShowMDIDemo, b1)
b2 = wx.Button(self, -1, "MDI with SashWindows demo")
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.ShowMDIDemo, b2)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.ShowMDISashDemo, b2)
box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
box.Add((20, 30))
box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
box.Add((20, 30))