csEvtHandler& csCopy = (csEvtHandler&) copy;
csCopy.m_label = m_label;
csEvtHandler& csCopy = (csEvtHandler&) copy;
csCopy.m_label = m_label;
void csEvtHandler::OnLeftClick(double WXUNUSED(x), double WXUNUSED(y), int keys, int WXUNUSED(attachment))
wxClientDC dc(GetShape()->GetCanvas());
void csEvtHandler::OnLeftClick(double WXUNUSED(x), double WXUNUSED(y), int keys, int WXUNUSED(attachment))
wxClientDC dc(GetShape()->GetCanvas());
// Check if we're on an object
int new_attachment;
wxShape *otherShape = canvas->FindFirstSensitiveShape(x, y, &new_attachment, OP_DRAG_RIGHT);
// Check if we're on an object
int new_attachment;
wxShape *otherShape = canvas->FindFirstSensitiveShape(x, y, &new_attachment, OP_DRAG_RIGHT);
if (otherShape && !otherShape->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxLineShape)))
wxLineShape* theShape = new csLineShape;
if (otherShape && !otherShape->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxLineShape)))
wxLineShape* theShape = new csLineShape;
bool csDiagram::OnShapeSave(wxExprDatabase& db, wxShape& shape, wxExpr& expr)
wxDiagram::OnShapeSave(db, shape, expr);
bool csDiagram::OnShapeSave(wxExprDatabase& db, wxShape& shape, wxExpr& expr)
wxDiagram::OnShapeSave(db, shape, expr);
expr.GetAttributeValue(_T("label"), label);
csEvtHandler *handler = new csEvtHandler(&shape, &shape, label);
expr.GetAttributeValue(_T("label"), label);
csEvtHandler *handler = new csEvtHandler(&shape, &shape, label);
double theta = shape->GetRotation();
double theta = shape->GetRotation();
- const double myPi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 ;
+ const double myPi = M_PI;
double ninetyDegrees = myPi/2.0;
wxString opStr;
double ninetyDegrees = myPi/2.0;
wxString opStr;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
// to logical (0 -> 1 if rotated by 90 degrees)
int wxShape::PhysicalToLogicalAttachment(int physicalAttachment) const
// to logical (0 -> 1 if rotated by 90 degrees)
int wxShape::PhysicalToLogicalAttachment(int physicalAttachment) const
- const double pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 ;
+ const double pi = M_PI ;
int i;
if (oglRoughlyEqual(GetRotation(), 0.0))
int i;
if (oglRoughlyEqual(GetRotation(), 0.0))
// to physical (0 is always North)
int wxShape::LogicalToPhysicalAttachment(int logicalAttachment) const
// to physical (0 is always North)
int wxShape::LogicalToPhysicalAttachment(int logicalAttachment) const
- const double pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 ;
+ const double pi = M_PI ;
int i;
if (oglRoughlyEqual(GetRotation(), 0.0))
int i;
if (oglRoughlyEqual(GetRotation(), 0.0))
void wxShape::Rotate(double WXUNUSED(x), double WXUNUSED(y), double theta)
void wxShape::Rotate(double WXUNUSED(x), double WXUNUSED(y), double theta)
- const double pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 ;
+ const double pi = M_PI ;
m_rotation = theta;
if (m_rotation < 0.0)
m_rotation = theta;
if (m_rotation < 0.0)
static void IntToHex(unsigned int dec, wxChar *buf);
static unsigned long HexToInt(wxChar *buf);
extern wxChar *oglBuffer;
static void IntToHex(unsigned int dec, wxChar *buf);
static unsigned long HexToInt(wxChar *buf);
extern wxChar *oglBuffer;
int wxDrawnShape::DetermineMetaFile(double rotation)
double tolerance = 0.0001;
int wxDrawnShape::DetermineMetaFile(double rotation)
double tolerance = 0.0001;
- const double pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 ;
+ const double pi = M_PI ;
double angle1 = 0.0;
double angle2 = pi/2.0;
double angle3 = pi;
double angle1 = 0.0;
double angle2 = pi/2.0;
double angle3 = pi;
- const double pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 ;
+ const double pi = M_PI ;
// Convert back to degrees
// Convert back to degrees
-static char hexArray[] = {
- _T('0'), _T('1'), _T('2'), _T('3'), _T('4'), _T('5'), _T('6'), _T('7'),
+static char hexArray[] = {
+ _T('0'), _T('1'), _T('2'), _T('3'), _T('4'), _T('5'), _T('6'), _T('7'),
_T('8'), _T('9'), _T('A'), _T('B'), _T('C'), _T('D'), _T('E'), _T('F') };
// Convert unsigned 16-bit integer to 4-character hex string
_T('8'), _T('9'), _T('A'), _T('B'), _T('C'), _T('D'), _T('E'), _T('F') };
// Convert unsigned 16-bit integer to 4-character hex string
return 14;
case _T('F'):
return 15;
return 14;
case _T('F'):
return 15;
- #if 0
- // handling this default outside switch removes warning under Borland
- default:
- return 0;
- #endif
void wxPseudoMetaFile::DrawEllipticArc(const wxRect& rect, double startAngle, double endAngle)
void wxPseudoMetaFile::DrawEllipticArc(const wxRect& rect, double startAngle, double endAngle)
- const double pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 ;
+ const double pi = M_PI ;
double startAngleRadians = startAngle* (pi*2.0/360.0);
double endAngleRadians = endAngle* (pi*2.0/360.0);
double startAngleRadians = startAngle* (pi*2.0/360.0);
double endAngleRadians = endAngle* (pi*2.0/360.0);
#include <ctype.h>
#include <ctype.h>
* Add yOffset to arrow, if any
* Add yOffset to arrow, if any
- const double myPi = (double) 3.14159265;
+ const double myPi = (double) M_PI;
// The translation that the y offset may give
double deltaX = 0.0;
double deltaY = 0.0;
// The translation that the y offset may give
double deltaX = 0.0;
double deltaY = 0.0;
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include "wx/wx.h"
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include "wx/wx.h"
#include "wx/svg/dcsvg.h"
#include "wx/svg/dcsvg.h"
#include "wx/image.h"
#include "wx/image.h"
-static inline double DegToRad(double deg) { return (deg * 3.14) / 180.0; } ;
+static inline double DegToRad(double deg) { return (deg * M_PI) / 180.0; } ;
wxString wxColStr ( wxColour c )
wxString wxColStr ( wxColour c )
// constructors
wxSVGFileDC::wxSVGFileDC (wxString f)
// constructors
wxSVGFileDC::wxSVGFileDC (wxString f)
// quarter 640x480 screen display at 72 dpi
Init (f,320,240,72.0);
// quarter 640x480 screen display at 72 dpi
Init (f,320,240,72.0);
//now do the text itself
s.Printf (wxT(" <text x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" "),x,y );
//now do the text itself
s.Printf (wxT(" <text x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" "),x,y );
sTmp = m_font.GetFaceName () ;
if (sTmp.Len () > 0) s = s + wxT("style=\"font-family:") + sTmp + wxT("; ");
else s = s + wxT("style=\" ") ;
wxString fontweights [3] = { wxT("normal"), wxT("lighter"), wxT("bold") };
s = s + wxT("font-weight:") + fontweights[m_font.GetWeight() - wxNORMAL] + semicolon + space;
sTmp = m_font.GetFaceName () ;
if (sTmp.Len () > 0) s = s + wxT("style=\"font-family:") + sTmp + wxT("; ");
else s = s + wxT("style=\" ") ;
wxString fontweights [3] = { wxT("normal"), wxT("lighter"), wxT("bold") };
s = s + wxT("font-weight:") + fontweights[m_font.GetWeight() - wxNORMAL] + semicolon + space;
wxString fontstyles [5] = { wxT("normal"), wxT("style error"), wxT("style error"), wxT("italic"), wxT("oblique") };
s = s + wxT("font-style:") + fontstyles[m_font.GetStyle() - wxNORMAL] + semicolon + space;
wxString fontstyles [5] = { wxT("normal"), wxT("style error"), wxT("style error"), wxT("italic"), wxT("oblique") };
s = s + wxT("font-style:") + fontstyles[m_font.GetStyle() - wxNORMAL] + semicolon + space;
sTmp.Printf (wxT("font-size:%dpt; fill:#"), m_font.GetPointSize () );
s = s + sTmp ;
s = s + wxColStr (m_textForegroundColour) + wxT("; stroke:#") + wxColStr (m_textForegroundColour) + wxT("; ") ;
sTmp.Printf (wxT("font-size:%dpt; fill:#"), m_font.GetPointSize () );
s = s + sTmp ;
s = s + wxColStr (m_textForegroundColour) + wxT("; stroke:#") + wxColStr (m_textForegroundColour) + wxT("; ") ;
if (m_graphics_changed) NewGraphics ();
wxString s ;
if (m_graphics_changed) NewGraphics ();
wxString s ;
- s.Printf ( wxT(" <rect x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" rx=\"%.2g\" "),
+ s.Printf ( wxT(" <rect x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" rx=\"%.2g\" "),
x, y, width, height, radius );
s = s + wxT(" /> ") + newline ;
x, y, width, height, radius );
s = s + wxT(" /> ") + newline ;
double theta1 = atan2((double)(yc-y1),(double)(x1-xc));
double theta1 = atan2((double)(yc-y1),(double)(x1-xc));
- if ( theta1 < 0 ) theta1 = theta1 + 3.14 * 2;
+ if ( theta1 < 0 ) theta1 = theta1 + M_PI * 2;
double theta2 = atan2((double)(yc-y2), (double)(x2-xc));
double theta2 = atan2((double)(yc-y2), (double)(x2-xc));
- if ( theta2 < 0 ) theta2 = theta2 + 3.14 * 2;
- if ( theta2 < theta1 ) theta2 = theta2 + 3.14 *2 ;
+ if ( theta2 < 0 ) theta2 = theta2 + M_PI * 2;
+ if ( theta2 < theta1 ) theta2 = theta2 + M_PI *2 ;
int fArc ; // flag for large or small arc 0 means less than 180 degrees
int fArc ; // flag for large or small arc 0 means less than 180 degrees
- if ( fabs(theta2 - theta1) > 3.14 ) fArc = 1; else fArc = 0 ;
+ if ( fabs(theta2 - theta1) > M_PI ) fArc = 1; else fArc = 0 ;
int fSweep = 0 ; // flag for sweep always 0
int fSweep = 0 ; // flag for sweep always 0
if ( (theta2 - theta1) > 0 ) fArc = 1; else fArc = 0 ;
int fSweep ;
if ( (theta2 - theta1) > 0 ) fArc = 1; else fArc = 0 ;
int fSweep ;
- if ( fabs(theta2 - theta1) > 3.14) fSweep = 1; else fSweep = 0 ;
+ if ( fabs(theta2 - theta1) > M_PI) fSweep = 1; else fSweep = 0 ;
s.Printf ( wxT("<path d=\"M%d %d A%d %d 0.0 %d %d %d %d L %d %d z "),
int(xs), int(ys), int(rx), int(ry),
s.Printf ( wxT("<path d=\"M%d %d A%d %d 0.0 %d %d %d %d L %d %d z "),
int(xs), int(ys), int(rx), int(ry),
// width, color, ends, joins : currently implemented
// dashes, stipple : not implemented
m_pen = pen ;
// width, color, ends, joins : currently implemented
// dashes, stipple : not implemented
m_pen = pen ;
m_graphics_changed = TRUE ;
wxASSERT_MSG(!wxSVG_DEBUG, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::SetPen Call executed")) ;
m_graphics_changed = TRUE ;
wxASSERT_MSG(!wxSVG_DEBUG, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::SetPen Call executed")) ;
wxColour c = m_pen.GetColour () ;
wxString s, sBrush, sPenCap, sPenJoin, sPenStyle, sLast, sWarn;
wxColour c = m_pen.GetColour () ;
wxString s, sBrush, sPenCap, sPenJoin, sPenStyle, sLast, sWarn;
- sBrush = wxT("</g>\n<g style=\"") + wxBrushString ( m_brush.GetColour (), m_brush.GetStyle () )
- + wxT(" stroke:#") + wxColStr (c) + wxT("; ") ;
+ sBrush = wxT("</g>\n<g style=\"") + wxBrushString ( m_brush.GetColour (), m_brush.GetStyle () )
+ + wxT(" stroke:#") + wxColStr (c) + wxT("; ") ;
switch ( m_pen.GetCap () )
switch ( m_pen.GetCap () )
sWarn = sWarn + wxT("<!--- wxSVGFileDC::SetPen Call called to set a Style which is not available --> \n") ;
sWarn = sWarn + wxT("<!--- wxSVGFileDC::SetPen Call called to set a Style which is not available --> \n") ;
- sLast.Printf ( wxT("stroke-width:%d\" \n transform=\"translate(%.2g %.2g) scale(%.2g %.2g)\">"),
+ sLast.Printf ( wxT("stroke-width:%d\" \n transform=\"translate(%.2g %.2g) scale(%.2g %.2g)\">"),
w, m_OriginX, m_OriginY, m_scaleX, m_scaleY );
s = sBrush + sPenCap + sPenJoin + sPenStyle + sLast + newline + sWarn;
w, m_OriginX, m_OriginY, m_scaleX, m_scaleY );
s = sBrush + sPenCap + sPenJoin + sPenStyle + sLast + newline + sWarn;
wxASSERT_MSG(!wxSVG_DEBUG, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::SetFont Call executed")) ;
wxASSERT_MSG(!wxSVG_DEBUG, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::SetFont Call executed")) ;
void wxSVGFileDC::SetDeviceOrigin( wxCoord x, wxCoord y )
void wxSVGFileDC::SetDeviceOrigin( wxCoord x, wxCoord y )
- // only wxPostScripDC has m_signX = -1,
+ // only wxPostScripDC has m_signX = -1,
m_deviceOriginX = x;
m_deviceOriginY = y;
m_deviceOriginX = x;
m_deviceOriginY = y;
void wxSVGFileDC::SetAxisOrientation( bool xLeftRight, bool yBottomUp )
void wxSVGFileDC::SetAxisOrientation( bool xLeftRight, bool yBottomUp )
- // only wxPostScripDC has m_signX = -1,
+ // only wxPostScripDC has m_signX = -1,
m_signX = (xLeftRight ? 1 : -1);
m_signY = (yBottomUp ? -1 : 1);
m_signX = (xLeftRight ? 1 : -1);
m_signY = (yBottomUp ? -1 : 1);
// export a bitmap as a raster image in png
bool wxSVGFileDC::DoBlit(wxCoord xdest, wxCoord ydest, wxCoord width, wxCoord height,
// export a bitmap as a raster image in png
bool wxSVGFileDC::DoBlit(wxCoord xdest, wxCoord ydest, wxCoord width, wxCoord height,
- wxDC* source, wxCoord xsrc, wxCoord ysrc,
- int logicalFunc /*= wxCOPY*/, bool useMask /*= FALSE*/,
- wxCoord /*xsrcMask = -1*/, wxCoord /*ysrcMask = -1*/)
+ wxDC* source, wxCoord xsrc, wxCoord ysrc,
+ int logicalFunc /*= wxCOPY*/, bool useMask /*= FALSE*/,
+ wxCoord /*xsrcMask = -1*/, wxCoord /*ysrcMask = -1*/)
if (logicalFunc != wxCOPY)
wxASSERT_MSG(FALSE, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::DoBlit Call requested nonCopy mode; this is not possible")) ;
if (logicalFunc != wxCOPY)
wxASSERT_MSG(FALSE, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::DoBlit Call requested nonCopy mode; this is not possible")) ;
void wxSVGFileDC::DoDrawBitmap(const class wxBitmap & bmp, wxCoord x, wxCoord y , bool WXUNUSED(bTransparent) /*=0*/ )
if (m_graphics_changed) NewGraphics ();
void wxSVGFileDC::DoDrawBitmap(const class wxBitmap & bmp, wxCoord x, wxCoord y , bool WXUNUSED(bTransparent) /*=0*/ )
if (m_graphics_changed) NewGraphics ();
- wxString sTmp, s, sPNG ;
+ wxString sTmp, s, sPNG ;
wxImage::AddHandler(new wxPNGHandler);
wxImage::AddHandler(new wxPNGHandler);
-// create suitable file name
+// create suitable file name
sTmp.Printf ( wxT("_image%d.png"), m_sub_images);
sPNG = m_filename.BeforeLast(wxT('.')) + sTmp;
while (wxFile::Exists(sPNG) )
sTmp.Printf ( wxT("_image%d.png"), m_sub_images);
sPNG = m_filename.BeforeLast(wxT('.')) + sTmp;
while (wxFile::Exists(sPNG) )
sTmp.Printf ( wxT("_image%d.png"), m_sub_images);
sPNG = m_filename.BeforeLast(wxT('.')) + sTmp;
sTmp.Printf ( wxT("_image%d.png"), m_sub_images);
sPNG = m_filename.BeforeLast(wxT('.')) + sTmp;
//create copy of bitmap (wxGTK doesn't like saving a constant bitmap)
wxBitmap myBitmap = bmp ;
//save it
//create copy of bitmap (wxGTK doesn't like saving a constant bitmap)
wxBitmap myBitmap = bmp ;
//save it
s = s + sTmp ;
sTmp.Printf ( wxT(" xlink:href=\"%s\"> \n"), sPNG.c_str() );
s = s + sTmp + wxT("<title>Image from wxSVG</title> </image>") + newline;
s = s + sTmp ;
sTmp.Printf ( wxT(" xlink:href=\"%s\"> \n"), sPNG.c_str() );
s = s + sTmp + wxT("<title>Image from wxSVG</title> </image>") + newline;
if (m_OK && bPNG_OK)
if (m_OK && bPNG_OK)
void wxSVGFileDC::write(const wxString &s)
void wxSVGFileDC::write(const wxString &s)
- const wxWX2MBbuf buf = s.mb_str(wxConvUTF8);
- m_outfile->Write(buf, strlen((const char *)buf));
- m_OK = m_outfile->Ok();
+ const wxWX2MBbuf buf = s.mb_str(wxConvUTF8);
+ m_outfile->Write(buf, strlen((const char *)buf));
+ m_OK = m_outfile->Ok();
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include "wx/wx.h"
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include "wx/wx.h"
#include "wx/svg/dcsvg.h"
#include "wx/svg/dcsvg.h"
#include "wx/image.h"
#include "wx/image.h"
-static inline double DegToRad(double deg) { return (deg * 3.14) / 180.0; } ;
+static inline double DegToRad(double deg) { return (deg * M_PI) / 180.0; } ;
wxString wxColStr ( wxColour c )
wxString wxColStr ( wxColour c )
// constructors
wxSVGFileDC::wxSVGFileDC (wxString f)
// constructors
wxSVGFileDC::wxSVGFileDC (wxString f)
// quarter 640x480 screen display at 72 dpi
Init (f,320,240,72.0);
// quarter 640x480 screen display at 72 dpi
Init (f,320,240,72.0);
//now do the text itself
s.Printf (wxT(" <text x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" "),x,y );
//now do the text itself
s.Printf (wxT(" <text x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" "),x,y );
sTmp = m_font.GetFaceName () ;
if (sTmp.Len () > 0) s = s + wxT("style=\"font-family:") + sTmp + wxT("; ");
else s = s + wxT("style=\" ") ;
wxString fontweights [3] = { wxT("normal"), wxT("lighter"), wxT("bold") };
s = s + wxT("font-weight:") + fontweights[m_font.GetWeight() - wxNORMAL] + semicolon + space;
sTmp = m_font.GetFaceName () ;
if (sTmp.Len () > 0) s = s + wxT("style=\"font-family:") + sTmp + wxT("; ");
else s = s + wxT("style=\" ") ;
wxString fontweights [3] = { wxT("normal"), wxT("lighter"), wxT("bold") };
s = s + wxT("font-weight:") + fontweights[m_font.GetWeight() - wxNORMAL] + semicolon + space;
wxString fontstyles [5] = { wxT("normal"), wxT("style error"), wxT("style error"), wxT("italic"), wxT("oblique") };
s = s + wxT("font-style:") + fontstyles[m_font.GetStyle() - wxNORMAL] + semicolon + space;
wxString fontstyles [5] = { wxT("normal"), wxT("style error"), wxT("style error"), wxT("italic"), wxT("oblique") };
s = s + wxT("font-style:") + fontstyles[m_font.GetStyle() - wxNORMAL] + semicolon + space;
sTmp.Printf (wxT("font-size:%dpt; fill:#"), m_font.GetPointSize () );
s = s + sTmp ;
s = s + wxColStr (m_textForegroundColour) + wxT("; stroke:#") + wxColStr (m_textForegroundColour) + wxT("; ") ;
sTmp.Printf (wxT("font-size:%dpt; fill:#"), m_font.GetPointSize () );
s = s + sTmp ;
s = s + wxColStr (m_textForegroundColour) + wxT("; stroke:#") + wxColStr (m_textForegroundColour) + wxT("; ") ;
if (m_graphics_changed) NewGraphics ();
wxString s ;
if (m_graphics_changed) NewGraphics ();
wxString s ;
- s.Printf ( wxT(" <rect x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" rx=\"%.2g\" "),
+ s.Printf ( wxT(" <rect x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" rx=\"%.2g\" "),
x, y, width, height, radius );
s = s + wxT(" /> ") + newline ;
x, y, width, height, radius );
s = s + wxT(" /> ") + newline ;
double theta1 = atan2((double)(yc-y1),(double)(x1-xc));
double theta1 = atan2((double)(yc-y1),(double)(x1-xc));
- if ( theta1 < 0 ) theta1 = theta1 + 3.14 * 2;
+ if ( theta1 < 0 ) theta1 = theta1 + M_PI * 2;
double theta2 = atan2((double)(yc-y2), (double)(x2-xc));
double theta2 = atan2((double)(yc-y2), (double)(x2-xc));
- if ( theta2 < 0 ) theta2 = theta2 + 3.14 * 2;
- if ( theta2 < theta1 ) theta2 = theta2 + 3.14 *2 ;
+ if ( theta2 < 0 ) theta2 = theta2 + M_PI * 2;
+ if ( theta2 < theta1 ) theta2 = theta2 + M_PI *2 ;
int fArc ; // flag for large or small arc 0 means less than 180 degrees
int fArc ; // flag for large or small arc 0 means less than 180 degrees
- if ( fabs(theta2 - theta1) > 3.14 ) fArc = 1; else fArc = 0 ;
+ if ( fabs(theta2 - theta1) > M_PI ) fArc = 1; else fArc = 0 ;
int fSweep = 0 ; // flag for sweep always 0
int fSweep = 0 ; // flag for sweep always 0
if ( (theta2 - theta1) > 0 ) fArc = 1; else fArc = 0 ;
int fSweep ;
if ( (theta2 - theta1) > 0 ) fArc = 1; else fArc = 0 ;
int fSweep ;
- if ( fabs(theta2 - theta1) > 3.14) fSweep = 1; else fSweep = 0 ;
+ if ( fabs(theta2 - theta1) > M_PI) fSweep = 1; else fSweep = 0 ;
s.Printf ( wxT("<path d=\"M%d %d A%d %d 0.0 %d %d %d %d L %d %d z "),
int(xs), int(ys), int(rx), int(ry),
s.Printf ( wxT("<path d=\"M%d %d A%d %d 0.0 %d %d %d %d L %d %d z "),
int(xs), int(ys), int(rx), int(ry),
// width, color, ends, joins : currently implemented
// dashes, stipple : not implemented
m_pen = pen ;
// width, color, ends, joins : currently implemented
// dashes, stipple : not implemented
m_pen = pen ;
m_graphics_changed = TRUE ;
wxASSERT_MSG(!wxSVG_DEBUG, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::SetPen Call executed")) ;
m_graphics_changed = TRUE ;
wxASSERT_MSG(!wxSVG_DEBUG, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::SetPen Call executed")) ;
wxColour c = m_pen.GetColour () ;
wxString s, sBrush, sPenCap, sPenJoin, sPenStyle, sLast, sWarn;
wxColour c = m_pen.GetColour () ;
wxString s, sBrush, sPenCap, sPenJoin, sPenStyle, sLast, sWarn;
- sBrush = wxT("</g>\n<g style=\"") + wxBrushString ( m_brush.GetColour (), m_brush.GetStyle () )
- + wxT(" stroke:#") + wxColStr (c) + wxT("; ") ;
+ sBrush = wxT("</g>\n<g style=\"") + wxBrushString ( m_brush.GetColour (), m_brush.GetStyle () )
+ + wxT(" stroke:#") + wxColStr (c) + wxT("; ") ;
switch ( m_pen.GetCap () )
switch ( m_pen.GetCap () )
sWarn = sWarn + wxT("<!--- wxSVGFileDC::SetPen Call called to set a Style which is not available --> \n") ;
sWarn = sWarn + wxT("<!--- wxSVGFileDC::SetPen Call called to set a Style which is not available --> \n") ;
- sLast.Printf ( wxT("stroke-width:%d\" \n transform=\"translate(%.2g %.2g) scale(%.2g %.2g)\">"),
+ sLast.Printf ( wxT("stroke-width:%d\" \n transform=\"translate(%.2g %.2g) scale(%.2g %.2g)\">"),
w, m_OriginX, m_OriginY, m_scaleX, m_scaleY );
s = sBrush + sPenCap + sPenJoin + sPenStyle + sLast + newline + sWarn;
w, m_OriginX, m_OriginY, m_scaleX, m_scaleY );
s = sBrush + sPenCap + sPenJoin + sPenStyle + sLast + newline + sWarn;
wxASSERT_MSG(!wxSVG_DEBUG, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::SetFont Call executed")) ;
wxASSERT_MSG(!wxSVG_DEBUG, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::SetFont Call executed")) ;
void wxSVGFileDC::SetDeviceOrigin( wxCoord x, wxCoord y )
void wxSVGFileDC::SetDeviceOrigin( wxCoord x, wxCoord y )
- // only wxPostScripDC has m_signX = -1,
+ // only wxPostScripDC has m_signX = -1,
m_deviceOriginX = x;
m_deviceOriginY = y;
m_deviceOriginX = x;
m_deviceOriginY = y;
void wxSVGFileDC::SetAxisOrientation( bool xLeftRight, bool yBottomUp )
void wxSVGFileDC::SetAxisOrientation( bool xLeftRight, bool yBottomUp )
- // only wxPostScripDC has m_signX = -1,
+ // only wxPostScripDC has m_signX = -1,
m_signX = (xLeftRight ? 1 : -1);
m_signY = (yBottomUp ? -1 : 1);
m_signX = (xLeftRight ? 1 : -1);
m_signY = (yBottomUp ? -1 : 1);
// export a bitmap as a raster image in png
bool wxSVGFileDC::DoBlit(wxCoord xdest, wxCoord ydest, wxCoord width, wxCoord height,
// export a bitmap as a raster image in png
bool wxSVGFileDC::DoBlit(wxCoord xdest, wxCoord ydest, wxCoord width, wxCoord height,
- wxDC* source, wxCoord xsrc, wxCoord ysrc,
- int logicalFunc /*= wxCOPY*/, bool useMask /*= FALSE*/,
- wxCoord /*xsrcMask = -1*/, wxCoord /*ysrcMask = -1*/)
+ wxDC* source, wxCoord xsrc, wxCoord ysrc,
+ int logicalFunc /*= wxCOPY*/, bool useMask /*= FALSE*/,
+ wxCoord /*xsrcMask = -1*/, wxCoord /*ysrcMask = -1*/)
if (logicalFunc != wxCOPY)
wxASSERT_MSG(FALSE, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::DoBlit Call requested nonCopy mode; this is not possible")) ;
if (logicalFunc != wxCOPY)
wxASSERT_MSG(FALSE, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::DoBlit Call requested nonCopy mode; this is not possible")) ;
void wxSVGFileDC::DoDrawBitmap(const class wxBitmap & bmp, wxCoord x, wxCoord y , bool WXUNUSED(bTransparent) /*=0*/ )
if (m_graphics_changed) NewGraphics ();
void wxSVGFileDC::DoDrawBitmap(const class wxBitmap & bmp, wxCoord x, wxCoord y , bool WXUNUSED(bTransparent) /*=0*/ )
if (m_graphics_changed) NewGraphics ();
- wxString sTmp, s, sPNG ;
+ wxString sTmp, s, sPNG ;
wxImage::AddHandler(new wxPNGHandler);
wxImage::AddHandler(new wxPNGHandler);
-// create suitable file name
+// create suitable file name
sTmp.Printf ( wxT("_image%d.png"), m_sub_images);
sPNG = m_filename.BeforeLast(wxT('.')) + sTmp;
while (wxFile::Exists(sPNG) )
sTmp.Printf ( wxT("_image%d.png"), m_sub_images);
sPNG = m_filename.BeforeLast(wxT('.')) + sTmp;
while (wxFile::Exists(sPNG) )
sTmp.Printf ( wxT("_image%d.png"), m_sub_images);
sPNG = m_filename.BeforeLast(wxT('.')) + sTmp;
sTmp.Printf ( wxT("_image%d.png"), m_sub_images);
sPNG = m_filename.BeforeLast(wxT('.')) + sTmp;
//create copy of bitmap (wxGTK doesn't like saving a constant bitmap)
wxBitmap myBitmap = bmp ;
//save it
//create copy of bitmap (wxGTK doesn't like saving a constant bitmap)
wxBitmap myBitmap = bmp ;
//save it
s = s + sTmp ;
sTmp.Printf ( wxT(" xlink:href=\"%s\"> \n"), sPNG.c_str() );
s = s + sTmp + wxT("<title>Image from wxSVG</title> </image>") + newline;
s = s + sTmp ;
sTmp.Printf ( wxT(" xlink:href=\"%s\"> \n"), sPNG.c_str() );
s = s + sTmp + wxT("<title>Image from wxSVG</title> </image>") + newline;
if (m_OK && bPNG_OK)
if (m_OK && bPNG_OK)
void wxSVGFileDC::write(const wxString &s)
void wxSVGFileDC::write(const wxString &s)
- const wxWX2MBbuf buf = s.mb_str(wxConvUTF8);
- m_outfile->Write(buf, strlen((const char *)buf));
- m_OK = m_outfile->Ok();
+ const wxWX2MBbuf buf = s.mb_str(wxConvUTF8);
+ m_outfile->Write(buf, strlen((const char *)buf));
+ m_OK = m_outfile->Ok();