wxBitmap bitmap( smile_xpm );
wxImage image( bitmap );
- m_sm1 = new wxCanvasImage( image, 0,70,16,16 );
+ m_sm1 = new wxCanvasImage( image, 0,70,32,32 );
m_canvas->Append( m_sm1 );
int i;
// m_canvas->Append( new wxCanvasLine( 10,-1500e6,50,300000e6, 0,255,0 ) );
// m_canvas->Append( new wxCanvasLine( 10,-150000,50,300000, 0,255,0 ) );
//make a group of wxCanvasObjects
wxCanvasObjectGroup* group1 = new wxCanvasObjectGroup();
group1->Prepend( new wxCanvasLine( 10,-35,50,190,100,255,0 ) );
group1->Prepend( new wxCanvasImage( image, 4,38,32,32 ) );
group1->Prepend( new wxCanvasRect(20,-20,50,170,0,20,240 ) );
//make another group of wxCanvasObjects
wxCanvasObjectGroup* group2 = new wxCanvasObjectGroup();
group2->Prepend( new wxCanvasImage( image, 60,38,52,32 ) );
group1->Prepend( m_subref );
//now make two refrences to group1 into root group of the canvas
m_ref = new MywxCanvasObjectGroupRef(40,200, group1);
m_canvas->Prepend( m_ref );
m_ref2 = new MywxCanvasObjectGroupRef(80,350, group1);
m_canvas->Prepend( m_ref2 );
m_log = new wxTextCtrl( this, -1, "", wxPoint(0,0), wxSize(100,100), wxTE_MULTILINE );
wxLog *old_log = wxLog::SetActiveTarget( new wxLogTextCtrl( m_log ) );
if (obj->IsHit(x,y,margin))
- return true;
+ return TRUE;
node = node->Previous();
- return false;
+ return FALSE;
wxCanvasObject* wxCanvasObjectGroup::IsHitObject( int x, int y, int margin )
m_x = x;
m_y = y;
- m_validbounds=false;
- m_group=group;
+ m_validbounds = FALSE;
+ m_group = group;
void wxCanvasObjectGroupRef::SetOwner(wxCanvas* canvas)
- m_owner=canvas;
+ m_owner = canvas;
void wxCanvasObjectGroupRef::ExtendArea(int x, int y)
- if (m_validbounds)
- {
- if ( x < m_minx ) m_minx = x;
- if ( y < m_miny ) m_miny = y;
- if ( x > m_maxx ) m_maxx = x;
- if ( y > m_maxy ) m_maxy = y;
- }
- else
- {
- m_validbounds = true;
- m_minx = x;
- m_miny = y;
- m_maxx = x;
- m_maxy = y;
- }
+ if (m_validbounds)
+ {
+ if (x < m_minx) m_minx = x;
+ if (y < m_miny) m_miny = y;
+ if (x > m_maxx) m_maxx = x;
+ if (y > m_maxy) m_maxy = y;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_validbounds = TRUE;
+ m_minx = x;
+ m_miny = y;
+ m_maxx = x;
+ m_maxy = y;
+ }
void wxCanvasObjectGroupRef::Recreate()
- m_validbounds=false;
+ m_validbounds = FALSE;
void wxCanvasRect::Render(int xabs, int yabs, int clip_x, int clip_y, int clip_width, int clip_height )
- wxImage *image = m_owner->GetBuffer();
int buffer_x = m_owner->GetBufferX();
int buffer_y = m_owner->GetBufferY();
+ wxImage *image = m_owner->GetBuffer();
int start_y = clip_y - buffer_y;
int end_y = clip_y+clip_height - buffer_y;
for (int y = start_y; y < end_y; y++)
for (int x = start_x; x < end_x; x++)
image->SetRGB( x, y, m_red, m_green, m_blue );
+ wxMemoryDC *dc = m_owner->GetDC();
+ dc->SetPen( *wxTRANSPARENT_PEN );
+ wxBrush brush( wxColour( m_red,m_green,m_blue), wxSOLID );
+ dc->SetBrush( brush );
+ dc->DrawRectangle( clip_x-buffer_x, clip_y-buffer_y, clip_width, clip_height );
void wxCanvasRect::WriteSVG( wxTextOutputStream &stream )
void wxCanvasLine::Render(int xabs, int yabs, int clip_x, int clip_y, int clip_width, int clip_height )
- wxImage *image = m_owner->GetBuffer();
int buffer_x = m_owner->GetBufferX();
int buffer_y = m_owner->GetBufferY();
+ int x1 = xabs + m_owner->GetDeviceX( m_x1 );
+ int y1 = yabs + m_owner->GetDeviceY( m_y1 );
+ int x2 = xabs + m_owner->GetDeviceX( m_x2 );
+ int y2 = yabs + m_owner->GetDeviceY( m_y2 );
+ wxImage *image = m_owner->GetBuffer();
if ((m_area.width == 0) && (m_area.height == 0))
image->SetRGB( m_area.x-buffer_x, m_area.y-buffer_y, m_red, m_green, m_blue );
- int x1 = xabs + m_owner->GetDeviceX( m_x1 );
- int y1 = yabs + m_owner->GetDeviceY( m_y1 );
- int x2 = xabs + m_owner->GetDeviceX( m_x2 );
- int y2 = yabs + m_owner->GetDeviceY( m_y2 );
wxInt32 d, ii, jj, di, ai, si, dj, aj, sj;
di = x1 - x2;
ai = abs(di) << 1;
+ wxMemoryDC *dc = m_owner->GetDC();
+ dc->SetClippingRegion( clip_x-buffer_x, clip_y-buffer_y, clip_width, clip_height );
+ wxPen pen( wxColour(m_red,m_green,m_blue), 0, wxSOLID );
+ dc->SetPen( pen );
+ dc->DrawLine( x1-buffer_x, y1-buffer_y, x2-buffer_x, y2-buffer_y );
+ dc->DestroyClippingRegion();
void wxCanvasLine::WriteSVG( wxTextOutputStream &stream )
m_owner->GetDeviceWidth( m_width ),
m_owner->GetDeviceHeight( m_height ) );
if ((m_area.width == m_image.GetWidth()) &&
(m_area.width == m_image.GetWidth()))
+ {
m_tmp = m_image;
+ }
+ {
m_tmp = m_image.Scale( m_area.width, m_area.height );
+ }
+ if ((m_area.width == m_image.GetWidth()) &&
+ (m_area.width == m_image.GetWidth()))
+ {
+ m_tmp = m_image.ConvertToBitmap();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxImage tmp( m_image.Scale( m_area.width, m_area.height ) );
+ m_tmp = tmp.ConvertToBitmap();
+ }
void wxCanvasImage::Render(int xabs, int yabs, int clip_x, int clip_y, int clip_width, int clip_height )
int buffer_x = m_owner->GetBufferX();
int buffer_y = m_owner->GetBufferY();
if ((clip_x == xabs + m_area.x) &&
(clip_y == yabs + m_area.y) &&
(clip_width == m_area.width) &&
wxImage sub_image( m_tmp.GetSubImage( rect ) );
m_owner->GetBuffer()->Paste( sub_image, clip_x-buffer_x, clip_y-buffer_y );
+ wxMemoryDC *dc = m_owner->GetDC();
+ if ((clip_x == xabs + m_area.x) &&
+ (clip_y == yabs + m_area.y) &&
+ (clip_width == m_area.width) &&
+ (clip_height == m_area.height))
+ {
+ dc->DrawBitmap( m_tmp, clip_x-buffer_x, clip_y-buffer_y, TRUE );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // local coordinates
+ int start_x = clip_x - (xabs + m_area.x);
+ int start_y = clip_y - (yabs + m_area.y);
+ // Clipping region faster ?
+ wxRect rect( start_x, start_y, clip_width, clip_height );
+ wxBitmap sub_bitmap( m_tmp.GetSubBitmap( rect ) );
+ dc->DrawBitmap( sub_bitmap, clip_x-buffer_x, clip_y-buffer_y, TRUE );
+ }
void wxCanvasImage::WriteSVG( wxTextOutputStream &stream )
if (!m_alpha) return;
wxImage *image = m_owner->GetBuffer();
int buffer_x = m_owner->GetBufferX();
int buffer_y = m_owner->GetBufferY();
image->SetRGB( image_x, image_y, red1+red2, green1+green2, blue1+blue2 );
void wxCanvasText::WriteSVG( wxTextOutputStream &stream )
m_lastMouse = (wxCanvasObject*)NULL;
m_captureMouse = (wxCanvasObject*)NULL;
m_frozen = TRUE;
- m_requestNewBuffer = TRUE;
//root group always at 0,0
m_root = new wxCanvasObjectGroup();
if (m_frozen) return;
unsigned char *data = m_buffer.GetData();
for (int y = 0; y < m_buffer.GetHeight(); y++)
data[0] = blue;
+ wxMemoryDC dc;
+ dc.SelectObject( m_buffer );
+ dc.SetPen( *wxTRANSPARENT_PEN );
+ wxBrush brush( wxColour( red,green,blue), wxSOLID );
+ dc.SetBrush( brush );
+ dc.DrawRectangle( 0, 0, m_buffer.GetWidth(), m_buffer.GetHeight() );
+ dc.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap );
void wxCanvas::SetCaptureMouse( wxCanvasObject *obj )
width -= m_bufferX-x;
x = m_bufferX;
- if (width < 0) return;
+ if (width <= 0) return;
if (y < m_bufferY)
height -= m_bufferY-y;
y = m_bufferY;
- if (height < 0) return;
+ if (height <= 0) return;
if (x+width > m_bufferX+m_buffer.GetWidth())
width = m_bufferX+m_buffer.GetWidth() - x;
- if (width < 0) return;
+ if (width <= 0) return;
if (y+height > m_bufferY+m_buffer.GetHeight())
height = m_bufferY+m_buffer.GetHeight() - y;
- if (height < 0) return;
+ if (height <= 0) return;
// update is within the buffer
m_needUpdate = TRUE;
(wxObject*) new wxRect( x,y,width,height ) );
// speed up with direct access, maybe add wxImage::Clear(x,y,w,h,r,g,b)
int start_y = y - m_bufferY;
int end_y = y+height - m_bufferY;
for (int yy = start_y; yy < end_y; yy++)
for (int xx = start_x; xx < end_x; xx++)
m_buffer.SetRGB( xx, yy, m_red, m_green, m_blue );
m_root->Render(0,0, x, y, width, height );
+ wxMemoryDC dc;
+ dc.SelectObject( m_buffer );
+ dc.SetPen( *wxTRANSPARENT_PEN );
+ wxBrush brush( wxColour( m_red,m_green,m_blue), wxSOLID );
+ dc.SetBrush( brush );
+ dc.DrawRectangle( x-m_bufferX, y-m_bufferY, width, height );
+ m_renderDC = &dc;
+ m_root->Render(0,0, x, y, width, height );
+ dc.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap );
void wxCanvas::BlitBuffer( wxDC &dc )
sub_rect.x -= m_bufferX;
sub_rect.y -= m_bufferY;
- wxImage sub_image( m_buffer.GetSubImage( sub_rect ) );
+ wxImage sub_image( m_buffer.GetSubImage( sub_rect ) );
#ifdef __WXGTK__
int bpp = wxDisplayDepth();
if (bpp > 8)
wxBitmap bitmap( sub_image.ConvertToBitmap() );
dc.DrawBitmap( bitmap, rect->x, rect->y );
-#ifndef __WXGTK__
wxBitmap bitmap( sub_image.ConvertToBitmap() );
dc.DrawBitmap( bitmap, rect->x, rect->y );
+#else // IMAGE_CANVAS
+ // Maybe clipping use SetClipping() is faster than
+ // getting the subrect first and drawing it then?
+ wxBitmap sub_bitmap( m_buffer.GetSubBitmap( sub_rect ) );
+ dc.DrawBitmap( sub_bitmap, rect->x, rect->y );
delete rect;
m_updateRects.DeleteNode( node );
node = m_updateRects.First();
// client area. Indeed, it is the client area.
CalcUnscrolledPosition( 0, 0, &m_bufferX, &m_bufferY );
unsigned char* data = m_buffer.GetData();
if (dy != 0)
Update( m_bufferX+m_buffer.GetWidth()+dx, m_bufferY, -dx, m_buffer.GetHeight(), FALSE );
+ // Update everything, TODO: scrolling
+ Update( m_bufferX, m_bufferY, m_buffer.GetWidth(), m_buffer.GetHeight(), FALSE );
wxWindow::ScrollWindow( dx, dy, rect );
int w,h;
GetClientSize( &w, &h );
m_buffer = wxImage( w, h );
+ m_buffer = wxBitmap( w, h );
CalcUnscrolledPosition( 0, 0, &m_bufferX, &m_bufferY );