+wxPGProperty* GetRealRoot(wxPropertyGrid *grid)
+ wxPGProperty *property = grid->GetRoot();
+ return property ? grid->GetFirstChild(property) : NULL;
+void GetColumnWidths(wxClientDC &dc, wxPropertyGrid *grid, wxPGProperty *root, int width[3])
+ wxPropertyGridPageState *state = grid->GetState();
+ width[0] =
+ width[1] =
+ width[2] = 0;
+ int minWidths[3] = { state->GetColumnMinWidth(0),
+ state->GetColumnMinWidth(1),
+ state->GetColumnMinWidth(2) };
+ for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < root->GetChildCount(); ++ii)
+ {
+ wxPGProperty* p = root->Item(ii);
+ width[0] = std::max(width[0], state->GetColumnFullWidth(dc, p, 0));
+ width[1] = std::max(width[1], state->GetColumnFullWidth(dc, p, 1));
+ width[2] = std::max(width[2], state->GetColumnFullWidth(dc, p, 2));
+ }
+ for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < root->GetChildCount(); ++ii)
+ {
+ wxPGProperty* p = root->Item(ii);
+ if (p->IsExpanded())
+ {
+ int w[3];
+ GetColumnWidths(dc, grid, p, w);
+ width[0] = std::max(width[0], w[0]);
+ width[1] = std::max(width[1], w[1]);
+ width[2] = std::max(width[2], w[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ width[0] = std::max(width[0], minWidths[0]);
+ width[1] = std::max(width[1], minWidths[1]);
+ width[2] = std::max(width[2], minWidths[2]);
+void GetColumnWidths(wxPropertyGrid *grid, wxPGProperty *root, int width[3])
+ wxClientDC dc(grid);
+ dc.SetFont(grid->GetFont());
+ GetColumnWidths(dc, grid, root, width);
+void SetMinSize(wxPropertyGrid *grid)
+ wxPGProperty *p = GetRealRoot(grid);
+ wxPGProperty *first = grid->wxPropertyGridInterface::GetFirst(wxPG_ITERATE_ALL);
+ wxPGProperty *last = grid->GetLastItem(wxPG_ITERATE_DEFAULT);
+ wxRect rect = grid->GetPropertyRect(first, last);
+ int height = rect.height + 2 * grid->GetVerticalSpacing();
+ // add some height when the root item is collapsed,
+ // this is needed to prevent the vertical scroll from showing
+ if (!grid->IsPropertyExpanded(p))
+ height += 2 * grid->GetVerticalSpacing();
+ int width[3];
+ GetColumnWidths(grid, grid->GetRoot(), width);
+ rect.width = width[0]+width[1]+width[2];
+ int minWidth = (wxSystemSettings::GetMetric(wxSYS_SCREEN_X, grid->GetParent())*3)/2;
+ int minHeight = (wxSystemSettings::GetMetric(wxSYS_SCREEN_Y, grid->GetParent())*3)/2;
+ wxSize size(std::min(minWidth, rect.width + grid->GetMarginWidth()), std::min(minHeight, height));
+ grid->SetMinSize(size);
+ int proportions[3];
+ proportions[0] = static_cast<int>(floor((double)width[0]/size.x*100.0+0.5));
+ proportions[1] = static_cast<int>(floor((double)width[1]/size.x*100.0+0.5));
+ proportions[2]= std::max(100 - proportions[0] - proportions[1], 0);
+ grid->SetColumnProportion(0, proportions[0]);
+ grid->SetColumnProportion(1, proportions[1]);
+ grid->SetColumnProportion(2, proportions[2]);
+ grid->ResetColumnSizes(true);
+struct PropertyGridPopup : wxPopupWindow
+ wxScrolledWindow *m_panel;
+ wxPropertyGrid *m_grid;
+ wxBoxSizer *m_sizer;
+ PropertyGridPopup(wxWindow *parent) : wxPopupWindow(parent, wxBORDER_NONE|wxWANTS_CHARS)
+ {
+ m_panel = new wxScrolledWindow(this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200, 200));
+ m_grid = new wxPropertyGrid(m_panel, ID_POPUPGRID, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(400,400), wxPG_SPLITTER_AUTO_CENTER);
+ m_grid->SetColumnCount(3);
+ wxPGProperty *prop=m_grid->Append(new wxStringProperty("test_name", wxPG_LABEL, "test_value"));
+ m_grid->SetPropertyAttribute(prop, wxT("Units"), "type");
+ wxPGProperty *prop1 = m_grid->AppendIn(prop, new wxStringProperty("sub_name1", wxPG_LABEL, "sub_value1"));
+ m_grid->AppendIn(prop1, new wxSystemColourProperty(wxT("Cell Colour"),wxPG_LABEL, m_grid->GetGrid()->GetCellBackgroundColour()));
+ wxPGProperty *prop2 = m_grid->AppendIn(prop, new wxStringProperty("sub_name2", wxPG_LABEL, "sub_value2"));
+ m_grid->AppendIn(prop2, new wxStringProperty("sub_name21", wxPG_LABEL, "sub_value21"));
+ wxArrayDouble arrdbl;
+ arrdbl.Add(-1.0); arrdbl.Add(-0.5); arrdbl.Add(0.0); arrdbl.Add(0.5); arrdbl.Add(1.0);
+ m_grid->AppendIn(prop, new wxArrayDoubleProperty(wxT("ArrayDoubleProperty"),wxPG_LABEL,arrdbl) );
+ m_grid->AppendIn(prop, new wxFontProperty(wxT("Font"),wxPG_LABEL));
+ m_grid->AppendIn(prop2, new wxStringProperty("sub_name22", wxPG_LABEL, "sub_value22"));
+ m_grid->AppendIn(prop2, new wxStringProperty("sub_name23", wxPG_LABEL, "sub_value23"));
+ prop2->SetExpanded(false);
+ ::SetMinSize(m_grid);
+ m_sizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
+ m_sizer->Add(m_grid, 0, wxALL | wxEXPAND, 0);
+ m_panel->SetAutoLayout(true);
+ m_panel->SetSizer(m_sizer);
+ m_sizer->Fit(m_panel);
+ m_sizer->Fit(this);
+ }
+ void OnCollapse(wxPropertyGridEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ {
+ wxLogMessage("OnCollapse");
+ Fit();
+ }
+ void OnExpand(wxPropertyGridEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ {
+ wxLogMessage("OnExpand");
+ Fit();
+ }
+ void Fit()
+ {
+ ::SetMinSize(m_grid);
+ m_sizer->Fit(m_panel);
+ wxPoint pos = GetScreenPosition();
+ wxSize size = m_panel->GetScreenRect().GetSize();
+ SetSize(pos.x, pos.y, size.x, size.y);
+ }
+ DECLARE_CLASS(PropertyGridPopup)
+IMPLEMENT_CLASS(PropertyGridPopup, wxPopupWindow)
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(PropertyGridPopup, wxPopupWindow)
+ EVT_PG_ITEM_COLLAPSED(ID_POPUPGRID, PropertyGridPopup::OnCollapse)
+void FormMain::OnShowPopup(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ static PropertyGridPopup *popup = NULL;
+ if ( popup )
+ {
+ delete popup;
+ popup = NULL;
+ return;
+ }
+ popup = new PropertyGridPopup(this);
+ wxPoint pt = wxGetMousePosition();
+ popup->Position(pt, wxSize(0, 0));
+ popup->Show();