+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// sorting
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// we can only sort one array at a time with the quick-sort based
+// implementation
+ #include <wx/thread.h>
+ // need a critical section to protect access to gs_compareFunction and
+ // gs_sortAscending variables
+ static wxCriticalSection gs_critsectStringSort;
+ // call this before the value of the global sort vars is changed/after
+ // you're finished with them
+ #define START_SORT() gs_critsectStringSort.Enter()
+ #define END_SORT() gs_critsectStringSort.Leave()
+#else // !threads
+ #define START_SORT()
+ #define END_SORT()
+#endif // wxUSE_THREADS
+// function to use for string comparaison
+static wxArrayString::CompareFunction gs_compareFunction = NULL;
+// if we don't use the compare function, this flag tells us if we sort the
+// array in ascending or descending order
+static bool gs_sortAscending = TRUE;
+// function which is called by quick sort
+static int wxStringCompareFunction(const void *first, const void *second)
+ wxString *strFirst = (wxString *)first;
+ wxString *strSecond = (wxString *)second;
+ if ( gs_compareFunction )
+ return gs_compareFunction(*strFirst, *strSecond);
+ else {
+ int result = strcmp(strFirst->c_str(), strSecond->c_str());
+ return gs_sortAscending ? result : -result;
+ }